Stop calling Obama a Liberal. There's nothing Liberal about this dude.

is that what i said? me where i said ALL the Conservatives on this board refuse to criticize Bush or the GOP....ill wait for the proof.....

i wonder whats keeping the good Rabbi?....:eusa_eh:

Rabbi is just like his buddy Dean.....says something he cant back up and when asked to back it up....disappears....why am i not surprised....

Its not about you, Harry.
You posted that conservatives don't criticize Bush. Tht is patently untrue, not just on this board but in politics as well.
You are a simp liar Harry. Sorry, but that's about the size of it.
i wonder whats keeping the good Rabbi?....:eusa_eh:

Rabbi is just like his buddy Dean.....says something he cant back up and when asked to back it up....disappears....why am i not surprised....

Its not about you, Harry.
You posted that conservatives don't criticize Bush. Tht is patently untrue, not just on this board but in politics as well.
You are a simp liar Harry. Sorry, but that's about the size of it.

and yet you cant come up with where i said that.....just like your buddy will make a statement about someone and when asked to show where that was do a fucking dance.....either show me where i said Conservatives/Republicans dont criticize Bush or shut your fucking mouth....if anyone is a liar here its you....
He hasn't came through on one of his "progressive" policies he promised when he got voted in office, kept the Bush Tax Cuts, Still is making Middle Eastern invasions. And is actually more of a moderate on the Colin Powell side of things than the Bill Clinton type moderate. There's nothing Socialist or anything liberal about Obama. Don't let Fox News and the radio lie to you about him.

The Bush tax cuts expired. And what country did he invade?
He hasn't came through on one of his "progressive" policies he promised when he got voted in office, kept the Bush Tax Cuts, Still is making Middle Eastern invasions. And is actually more of a moderate on the Colin Powell side of things than the Bill Clinton type moderate. There's nothing Socialist or anything liberal about Obama. Don't let Fox News and the radio lie to you about him.

The Bush tax cuts expired. And what country did he invade?

the Bush tax cuts are still in place, Obama extended them.

He hasn't came through on one of his "progressive" policies he promised when he got voted in office, kept the Bush Tax Cuts, Still is making Middle Eastern invasions. And is actually more of a moderate on the Colin Powell side of things than the Bill Clinton type moderate. There's nothing Socialist or anything liberal about Obama. Don't let Fox News and the radio lie to you about him.

The Bush tax cuts expired. And what country did he invade?

Actually no the Bush tax cuts did not expire, some did, but others were kept in place.

Obama "illegal" wars:

These include Kenya, Uganda, the Central African Republic, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Mauritania, Burkina Faso and the Seychelles islands in the Indian Ocean off East Africa. Western military sources say the Americans are seeking to establish a base in newly independent South Sudan as well.

Do you need more?
Rabbi is just like his buddy Dean.....says something he cant back up and when asked to back it up....disappears....why am i not surprised....

Its not about you, Harry.
You posted that conservatives don't criticize Bush. Tht is patently untrue, not just on this board but in politics as well.
You are a simp liar Harry. Sorry, but that's about the size of it.

and yet you cant come up with where i said that.....just like your buddy will make a statement about someone and when asked to show where that was do a fucking dance.....either show me where i said Conservatives/Republicans dont criticize Bush or shut your fucking mouth....if anyone is a liar here its you....

RIght here:
ll you are Fish is one of them "Party" people who will back their guy no matter what.....that is "noted" and laughed at by me.....people like you who refuse to acknowledge when their "guy" fucks up... is what has been bringing this Country to its knees over the last 13 aint no better than the Obama apologist....and there sure as shit is a lot you fuckers out there.....
And please dont try to wiggle out on a technicality like you didnt use one word or another. That's so 3rd grade.
Well, he does have something to do with Liberalism but he's more Centrist. Like Bill Clinton. A president should be more moderate and I believe America agrees. Thus the rejection of wingnutty Republicans.

Centrist my ass. I'm a centrist, he's a neo-liberal.

When I think of O, it isn't in connection with any ideology. It IS in connection to years of heavy-handed, fraudulent behavior, at the highest level of government.
He's not a hard right conservative so he must be a liberal.

In the black-and-white world of the right, that's the only conclusion one can make.
Its not about you, Harry.
You posted that conservatives don't criticize Bush. Tht is patently untrue, not just on this board but in politics as well.
You are a simp liar Harry. Sorry, but that's about the size of it.

and yet you cant come up with where i said that.....just like your buddy will make a statement about someone and when asked to show where that was do a fucking dance.....either show me where i said Conservatives/Republicans dont criticize Bush or shut your fucking mouth....if anyone is a liar here its you....

RIght here:
ll you are Fish is one of them "Party" people who will back their guy no matter what.....that is "noted" and laughed at by me.....people like you who refuse to acknowledge when their "guy" fucks up... is what has been bringing this Country to its knees over the last 13 aint no better than the Obama apologist....and there sure as shit is a lot you fuckers out there.....
And please dont try to wiggle out on a technicality like you didnt use one word or another. That's so 3rd grade.
geezus you are just as bad as said that i said.... All the conservatives on this board refuse to criticize Bush or the GOP.....thats what YOU said, post no. 86....not looks like here i was saying FISH will not criticize the party or looks to me that i said he is part of those PARTY people who will not criticize the Party or that ALL...or just SOME?..... whether you like it or not....WORDS have Rabbi show me where i said ALL CONSERVATIVES on this board will not criticize the Republicans or back it up or be like Dean....let me at least start the music before you start to dance.....
and yet you cant come up with where i said that.....just like your buddy will make a statement about someone and when asked to show where that was do a fucking dance.....either show me where i said Conservatives/Republicans dont criticize Bush or shut your fucking mouth....if anyone is a liar here its you....

RIght here:
ll you are Fish is one of them "Party" people who will back their guy no matter what.....that is "noted" and laughed at by me.....people like you who refuse to acknowledge when their "guy" fucks up... is what has been bringing this Country to its knees over the last 13 aint no better than the Obama apologist....and there sure as shit is a lot you fuckers out there.....
And please dont try to wiggle out on a technicality like you didnt use one word or another. That's so 3rd grade.
geezus you are just as bad as said that i said.... All the conservatives on this board refuse to criticize Bush or the GOP.....thats what YOU said, post no. 86....not looks like here i was saying FISH will not criticize the party or looks to me that i said he is part of those PARTY people who will not criticize the Party or that ALL...or just SOME?..... whether you like it or not....WORDS have Rabbi show me where i said ALL CONSERVATIVES on this board will not criticize the Republicans or back it up or be like Dean....let me at least start the music before you start to dance.....

Yeah, Harry. You've crapped up enough of this thread with your 3rd grade distinctions. Anyone paying attention knows what was said.
On to the topic.
He's not a hard right conservative so he must be a liberal.

In the black-and-white world of the right, that's the only conclusion one can make.

He's not on a right, he's not in the middle neither, his policies are far from either, and his ideology is far far left... no, he's not even liberal, he's full blown commie that keep popping out of closet. Just matter of time when he's gonna come out.
RIght here:

And please dont try to wiggle out on a technicality like you didnt use one word or another. That's so 3rd grade.
geezus you are just as bad as said that i said.... All the conservatives on this board refuse to criticize Bush or the GOP.....thats what YOU said, post no. 86....not looks like here i was saying FISH will not criticize the party or looks to me that i said he is part of those PARTY people who will not criticize the Party or that ALL...or just SOME?..... whether you like it or not....WORDS have Rabbi show me where i said ALL CONSERVATIVES on this board will not criticize the Republicans or back it up or be like Dean....let me at least start the music before you start to dance.....

Yeah, Harry. You've crapped up enough of this thread with your 3rd grade distinctions. Anyone paying attention knows what was said.
On to the topic.

just like fucking fucking 2 guys should go on one of those dance shows.....together you guys would be unbeatable.....Dean can lead when you go left and you can lead when you go right.....Rabbi Dean...the rights version of the man himself......oh and by the way....

Anyone paying attention knows what was said.

then i will expect ANYONE to show me where i said what you claimed i said.....
Ame®icano;8166049 said:
He's not a hard right conservative so he must be a liberal.

In the black-and-white world of the right, that's the only conclusion one can make.

He's not on a right, he's not in the middle neither, his policies are far from either, and his ideology is far far left... no, he's not even liberal, he's full blown commie that keep popping out of closet. Just matter of time when he's gonna come out.

Get real.
He's not a hard right conservative so he must be a liberal.

In the black-and-white world of the right, that's the only conclusion one can make.

Barack Obama was judged to be the most liberal member of the US Senate based on his voting record in the very short time that he WAS a Senator.

He's a liberal because he voted that way as a Senator and he's had a liberal agenda while in the Oval Office as President. That isn't something that was "invented" by the's simply who Barack Obama is.
He's not a hard right conservative so he must be a liberal.

In the black-and-white world of the right, that's the only conclusion one can make.

Barack Obama was judged to be the most liberal member of the US Senate based on his voting record in the very short time that he WAS a Senator.

He's a liberal because he voted that way as a Senator and he's had a liberal agenda while in the Oval Office as President. That isn't something that was "invented" by the's simply who Barack Obama is.

Obama is probably the most liberal president we've ever had. You are correct, the right didnt invent that. Those are his actual views.
He's not a hard right conservative so he must be a liberal.

In the black-and-white world of the right, that's the only conclusion one can make.

Barack Obama was judged to be the most liberal member of the US Senate based on his voting record in the very short time that he WAS a Senator.

He's a liberal because he voted that way as a Senator and he's had a liberal agenda while in the Oval Office as President. That isn't something that was "invented" by the's simply who Barack Obama is.

Obama is probably the most liberal president we've ever had. You are correct, the right didnt invent that. Those are his actual views.
He's a communist.
Obama is a liberal who had the bad fortune, from his perspective, of arriving in office in the middle of an economic meltdown and three wars (Iraq, Afghanistan, Terror).

He has handled the War on Terror exactly the same way as his predecessor, and if one narrowed one's view to just this aspect of his Presidency, a case could be made that he is as right wing totalitarian as Bush. Actually, a lighter version since he believes, correctly, that waterboarding is torture.

However, that narrow scope of examination would ignore his creation of a massive new entitlement program which has as its central support a vast wealth redistribution scheme, as well as a government takeover of a large part of our economy.

Obama has not been able to be as liberal as he would like to be precisely because our country was crippled by his predecessor. If he took over an economy that was in good shape, you'd be seeing wealth redistribution on a much larger scale. That is why our economy is not growing. Obama does not know how to create wealth, just redistribute it. A dead giveaway he is a liberal.

He also has a strong desire to enact stricter gun controls, loosen up abortion restrictions, and implement a whole raft of other left wing causes.
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Obama is a liberal who had the bad fortune, from his perspective, of arriving in office in the middle of an economic meltdown and three wars (Iraq, Afghanistan, Terror).

He has handled the War on Terror exactly the same way as his predecessor, and if one narrowed one's view to just this aspect of his Presidency, a case could be made that he is as right wing totalitarian as Bush. Actually, a lighter version since he believes, correctly, that waterboarding is torture.

However, that narrow scope of examination would ignore his creation of a massive new entitlement program which has as its central support a vast wealth redistribution scheme, as well as a government takeover of a large part of our economy.

Obama has not been able to be as liberal as he would like to be precisely because our country was crippled by his predecessor. If he took over an economy that was in good shape, you'd be seeing wealth redistribution on a much larger scale.

He also has a strong desire to enact stricter gun controls, loosen up abortion restrictions, and implement a whole raft of other left wing causes.
N0 that is not true. Not any of it.
For starters, it was not his misfortune to take over a country in recession. McCain had been gaining on him in the polls until the financial crisis hit. McCain was weakest on the economy and Obama promised Hope and Change. He got elected because of the crisis.

Obama took over much of the apparatus of the Bush's War On Terror but changed it significantly. Bush never pushed for criminal trials for defendents. Obama has. Bush targeted state sponsors of terrorism. Obama is back to the Clinton model of law enforcement.

Obama has not been able to be as liberal mainly because the country doesn't want it. It certainly isn't for lack of trying.
He hasn't came through on one of his "progressive" policies he promised when he got voted in office, kept the Bush Tax Cuts, Still is making Middle Eastern invasions. And is actually more of a moderate on the Colin Powell side of things than the Bill Clinton type moderate. There's nothing Socialist or anything liberal about Obama. Don't let Fox News and the radio lie to you about him.

There's nothing Socialist about Obama?


Than WTF do you think the Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare that he so proudly supports and promotes is?

It's socialized medicine, DUH!

Oh for the love ... You all used to call Bill Clinton a socialist too. You have no idea about the politics of Democrats so stop trying.

You have no idea about the politics of Democrats so stop trying.
And neither do you so stop pretending.
Well, he does have something to do with Liberalism but he's more Centrist. Like Bill Clinton. A president should be more moderate and I believe America agrees. Thus the rejection of wingnutty Republicans.

How can one be moderate on the governance of this Nation when their words are that they want to "fundamentally change" it??? Fundamentally changing something is not a moderate position; Right or Left

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