Stop calling Obama a Liberal. There's nothing Liberal about this dude.

Well, he does have something to do with Liberalism but he's more Centrist. Like Bill Clinton. A president should be more moderate and I believe America agrees. Thus the rejection of wingnutty Republicans.

O is nothing like clinton. Clinton actually worked with congress. O has/does not work with them.
He likes to dictate, then call people "racists" when he draws out a negative response to his creation of a dictatorial reign by fiat. Someone should have written on the top of his resume "Does not play well with others."
Well, he does have something to do with Liberalism but he's more Centrist. Like Bill Clinton. A president should be more moderate and I believe America agrees. Thus the rejection of wingnutty Republicans.

O is nothing like clinton. Clinton actually worked with congress. O has/does not work with them.
He likes to dictate, then call people "racists" when he draws out a negative response to his creation of a dictatorial reign by fiat. Someone should have written on the top of his resume "Does not play well with others."

Okay, that is a complete fabrication.
Sarah? Barack Obama is SO not Bill Clinton! When Clinton got a rebuke from the voters in HIS first mid-term elections after becoming President, he did the smart thing and moved to the center...when the same thing happened to Barry he didn't move an inch!

I'm sorry to be blunt with you but Bill Clinton was a great politician and Barack Obama is not.

I don't think it's you being blunt, I simply disagree with you. Both wives, Bill and Barack have Liberal wives but both men are Centrist. Now Hillary moved to the center when she was running last time but she is Liberal at heart.

How can you make that claim about Barack Obama? When he was in the US Senate he was named as the "most liberal Senator" because of his voting record. That's hardly a "Centrist". You mistake his inability to pass liberal legislation with trying to be a moderate. He WANTED to pass single payer healthcare...he WANTED to pass Card Check...he WANTED to pass Cap & Trade. He didn't because he lost control of the House in 2010. That hardly makes him a Centrist!


He gets credit for failing to do what he wanted and Democrats tell Republicans they should embrace Obama as if Republicans don't know that at any moment Obama could take the lull in opposition as an excuse to veer hard left and do what he promised to progressives.

It's so funny how much credit Obama gets for being incompetent -- what would Dems be saying about Obama's pullout from Iraq if the Obama administration had been skillful enough to keep the military presence Obama was pushing for over there?

Obama is not true to any ideology. No one wants to claim him as a leader of their ideological front. Not even the chameleons want him.
He hasn't came through on one of his "progressive" policies he promised when he got voted in office, kept the Bush Tax Cuts, Still is making Middle Eastern invasions. And is actually more of a moderate on the Colin Powell side of things than the Bill Clinton type moderate. There's nothing Socialist or anything liberal about Obama. Don't let Fox News and the radio lie to you about him.

I agree. He's definitely not a liberal. He's a wannabe totalitarian dictator.
Obama's policies are blowing up in his face. No wonder LIBERALS are running from them claiming they aren't liberal.

A perfect description of the looney left
How can you make that claim about Barack Obama? When he was in the US Senate he was named as the "most liberal Senator" because of his voting record. That's hardly a "Centrist". You mistake his inability to pass liberal legislation with trying to be a moderate. He WANTED to pass single payer healthcare...he WANTED to pass Card Check...he WANTED to pass Cap & Trade. He didn't because he lost control of the House in 2010. That hardly makes him a Centrist!

So you think because he doesn't do everything Republicans want him to do he isn't a Centrist? This is a problem for you all, if you want your agenda, you're gonna have to win. I disagree with you, deal with it.

I and a lot of others wanted him to pass single payer too.

So let me ask a simple question, Sarah? Since you wanted single payer but got ObamaCare instead? Does that make you any less of a liberal?

Obviously it doesn't. Yet you make a giant leap of logic by stating that because Barack Obama didn't get what he wanted...single payer healthcare, Card Check, Cap & Trade, $6.00 a gallon gasoline and strict new EPA enforcement of greenhouse gas emissions...that he's a moderate? The reasons we didn't end up with all of those things is that Barry lost the House and couldn't ram through whatever he felt like. That WAS the GOP "winning" in 2010 which was what prevented Obama from pursuing the rest of his far left agenda.

Oldstyle is on top of this!
Obama's policies are blowing up in his face. No wonder LIBERALS are running from them claiming they aren't liberal.

A perfect description of the looney left

Anything just a little more substantive than this tripe, grandpa?
So you think because he doesn't do everything Republicans want him to do he isn't a Centrist? This is a problem for you all, if you want your agenda, you're gonna have to win. I disagree with you, deal with it.

I and a lot of others wanted him to pass single payer too.

So let me ask a simple question, Sarah? Since you wanted single payer but got ObamaCare instead? Does that make you any less of a liberal?

Obviously it doesn't. Yet you make a giant leap of logic by stating that because Barack Obama didn't get what he wanted...single payer healthcare, Card Check, Cap & Trade, $6.00 a gallon gasoline and strict new EPA enforcement of greenhouse gas emissions...that he's a moderate? The reasons we didn't end up with all of those things is that Barry lost the House and couldn't ram through whatever he felt like. That WAS the GOP "winning" in 2010 which was what prevented Obama from pursuing the rest of his far left agenda.

How come barry didn't ram these things through the house when he had the house? He never even tried for minimum wage back then. I say not a liberal by any stretch.

He had to spend too much time putting out the fires as the nation rose up and said "slow the hell down" with O-care. He ignored that but at great cost, because it lost the Democrats the Kennedy seat and the filibuster-proof majority. So he had to back off from the rest of his agenda and just claim O-care as his big victory even though he knew it didn't resemble what he campaigned on and even though he knew it was so bad that he had to lie to people about what was really in it. And we know he knew he was lying because he is on record acknowledging that millions of people would lose their insurance because of it.
So you think because he doesn't do everything Republicans want him to do he isn't a Centrist? This is a problem for you all, if you want your agenda, you're gonna have to win. I disagree with you, deal with it.

I and a lot of others wanted him to pass single payer too.

So let me ask a simple question, Sarah? Since you wanted single payer but got ObamaCare instead? Does that make you any less of a liberal?

Obviously it doesn't. Yet you make a giant leap of logic by stating that because Barack Obama didn't get what he wanted...single payer healthcare, Card Check, Cap & Trade, $6.00 a gallon gasoline and strict new EPA enforcement of greenhouse gas emissions...that he's a moderate? The reasons we didn't end up with all of those things is that Barry lost the House and couldn't ram through whatever he felt like. That WAS the GOP "winning" in 2010 which was what prevented Obama from pursuing the rest of his far left agenda.

Oldstyle is on top of this!

Rah, rah, yayyyy team!!
So you think because he doesn't do everything Republicans want him to do he isn't a Centrist? This is a problem for you all, if you want your agenda, you're gonna have to win. I disagree with you, deal with it.

I and a lot of others wanted him to pass single payer too.

So let me ask a simple question, Sarah? Since you wanted single payer but got ObamaCare instead? Does that make you any less of a liberal?

Obviously it doesn't. Yet you make a giant leap of logic by stating that because Barack Obama didn't get what he wanted...single payer healthcare, Card Check, Cap & Trade, $6.00 a gallon gasoline and strict new EPA enforcement of greenhouse gas emissions...that he's a moderate? The reasons we didn't end up with all of those things is that Barry lost the House and couldn't ram through whatever he felt like. That WAS the GOP "winning" in 2010 which was what prevented Obama from pursuing the rest of his far left agenda.

I don't consider myself a Liberal but I don't find the label offensive. I'm just not that. I consider myself a pro business Democrat. I voted for Hillary in the primary in 2008 but I knew I would vote for either who made it to the general.

Obamacare is good for businesses, Walmart for example is doing commercials on it now. I've seen several where they quote $40 premiums and also a policy called Humana Walmart.

You're not thinking clearly on this. Too much rhetorical water gone under the bridge. You're going to have to wait to see how it plays out. I take your predictions with a grain of salt and I don't intend to give up on the Democrats.

They're just smarter than you guys.

The Democrats are smarter than "us guys"? Really? Then kindly explain how it is that those "smart" folks couldn't get a web site up and running with three years and hundreds of millions of dollars to throw at it?

When you're done with that, take a stab at explaining why the stimulus those "smart" folks did back in 2009 had unemployment going up instead of down while spending almost a trillion dollars?

Kindly explain what those "smart" folks in the Obama Administration have for an economic plan to get millions of Americans off unemployment and back to work! Do you even know who the economic advisers to the President ARE at this point? It's obvious that Barry and the rest of the Chicago crowd surrounding him didn't include economics in any of their college course load. It's also obvious that the Keynesians like Larry Summers and Christina Romer tucked tail and ran back to Harvard and Berkeley because their economic theories turned out to work better AS theories than they did in real life! So who's calling the shots now and what is their "smart" plan to fix the economy?
O is nothing like clinton. Clinton actually worked with congress. O has/does not work with them.
He likes to dictate, then call people "racists" when he draws out a negative response to his creation of a dictatorial reign by fiat. Someone should have written on the top of his resume "Does not play well with others."

Okay, that is a complete fabrication.
Actually, madam, it is history in every newspaper in this land on on innumerable videos of Obama accusing Republicans (who brought the anti-slavery movement into an effective vehicle for eliminating racism against black people into being in the United States of America against tooth-and-nail Democrat resistance to the point of a bloody civil war!!!)

And Republicans aren't going to take any more of this bullshitter's bullshit, and you can take that all the way back to George Soros who's financing this Johnny-come-lately community organizer in the White House, who gets his rocks off by calling Republicans "racists" because he can lie his butt off and the press cheers the calumny you and others support to the hilt. How dare you.
if i see conspiracies everywhere it should not be hard for you to name a few? dont be like your brother Dean and run off to another thread....

I just did. All the conservatives on this board refuse to criticize Bush or the GOP.
SImply a lie.
Get help, dude.

is that what i said? me where i said ALL the Conservatives on this board refuse to criticize Bush or the GOP....ill wait for the proof.....

i wonder whats keeping the good Rabbi?....:eusa_eh:
How can you make that claim about Barack Obama? When he was in the US Senate he was named as the "most liberal Senator" because of his voting record. That's hardly a "Centrist". You mistake his inability to pass liberal legislation with trying to be a moderate. He WANTED to pass single payer healthcare...he WANTED to pass Card Check...he WANTED to pass Cap & Trade. He didn't because he lost control of the House in 2010. That hardly makes him a Centrist!

So you think because he doesn't do everything Republicans want him to do he isn't a Centrist? This is a problem for you all, if you want your agenda, you're gonna have to win. I disagree with you, deal with it.

I and a lot of others wanted him to pass single payer too.

So let me ask a simple question, Sarah? Since you wanted single payer but got ObamaCare instead? Does that make you any less of a liberal?

Obviously it doesn't. Yet you make a giant leap of logic by stating that because Barack Obama didn't get what he wanted...single payer healthcare, Card Check, Cap & Trade, $6.00 a gallon gasoline and strict new EPA enforcement of greenhouse gas emissions...that he's a moderate? The reasons we didn't end up with all of those things is that Barry lost the House and couldn't ram through whatever he felt like. That WAS the GOP "winning" in 2010 which was what prevented Obama from pursuing the rest of his far left agenda.
Yes. We oppose single payer AND Obamacare and will do what is necessary to end the later and prevent the former. It is for the betterment of the nation. And to use Sarah's own words. Deal with it.
Ame®icano;8146750 said:
He's crucifying bankers? Hallelujah, this is the day I've been waiting for! Which bankers are being crucified?

So he doesn't calling them "fat cats", and there are no lawsuits against banks, right?

Seriously..aside from Maddoff?

Which "fat cat" is cooling his heels in the clink?

It's really JUST NOW, anything is being done. And what's being done is extremely mild.

Jamie Dimon, lost what? 9 billion?

Did his bonus even get affected?


And whose money Jamie Dimon lost?
I just did. All the conservatives on this board refuse to criticize Bush or the GOP.
SImply a lie.
Get help, dude.

is that what i said? me where i said ALL the Conservatives on this board refuse to criticize Bush or the GOP....ill wait for the proof.....

i wonder whats keeping the good Rabbi?....:eusa_eh:

Rabbi is just like his buddy Dean.....says something he cant back up and when asked to back it up....disappears....why am i not surprised....
Obama is far left masquerading as a liberal. Although there are no true liberals out there, no matter how much they claim they are.

The far left makes bible thumpers look like the most open minded people on the planet.

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