Stop calling Obama a Liberal. There's nothing Liberal about this dude.

TC is a fucking moron and so is everyone who thanked him or agreed with him. In fact the tc is so fucking dumb he is going on ignore.

Obama has been one of the most divisive radical presidents we've ever had. If he can't get his way through the legislative process he decrees it by way of executive order or regulations or by bribing congressmen or by bold faced lying or by claiming he's out of the loop and not accountable or by using tax dollars to line the pockets of his campaign donors or by letting Pelosi and others write HIS laws then hanging them out to dry when it passes and goes bad or by how he bitched about Republican policies then continued them....etc

He's either a typical liberal or a wanna be tyrant. You choose but they're both losers in my book.
No one outside of your FOX and Friends collective are buying this crap any longer.

Come'll see just how seriously screwed Republicans are..

As if 2012 wasn't enough of a message.

Are you not paying attention to what's happening right now, Sallow? Seriously, need to pull your head out of your ass and look around! Democrats are proposing legislation to force Obama to keep his promises about people being able to keep their health care. They are doing so because they are TERRIFIED that the voters are going to send them packing in the mid-term elections next year.

That isn't a FOX talking point! That's real. I know you're not the brightest poster on this board so I'm going to give you a piece of advice that you can either heed or ignore. ObamaCare has always been a ticking time bomb for liberals. I say that because the numbers NEVER worked. It's going to be extremely expensive and that cost can only be paid for in one of two ways...either with massive tax increases...or by borrowing massive amounts and tacking that onto our national debt. Defend this debacle at your own peril because it's going to get ugly.

Let's watch it shake it, then, shall we? And stop concentrating on my ass..I ain't into men.

As with most of the right wing scandals, they start out full of steam, backed by the "Liberal Media" and quickly peter out.


Because most of them had nothing there to begin with..

And the issues they did find? Conservatives have no interest in touching.

LOL...none of the scandals have "petered out", Sallow. They've simply been replaced by NEW scandals. We still haven't gotten to the bottom of Fast & Furious from five years ago. Now the big scandal is the complete debacle that the ObamaCare website has proven to be. That's so ugly that it's sucked the air out of the OTHER scandals.
How many leaders ever have 90% backing at all?
Bush exhibited leadership in ways Clinton and Obama never have. The entire country was calling for withdrawal from Iraq when the war wasn't going well. Bush didnt listen to the surrender monkeys and opted for the surge, which won the insurgency.
Bush instituted the tax cuts and other policies in his first term which saved us from another Great Depression.
He made definite errors, chiefly in trying to work with Democrats in Congress, who stabbed him in the back at every turn. Also backing the GOP's bad decisions in his first term in spending bills. But he inherited a tough situation and was called on to make some hard calls. He wasn't going to get it 100% right. No one could.
How many leaders ever have 90% backing at all?

does that matter?.....he had that and what did he do with it?.....instead of going after the Terrorist he went into Iraq....instead of going after OBL he let the guy slip into Pakistan and basically said ..."oh well"....he was a half-ass leader Rabbi........but he did show that he actually cared about people.....he just listened to the wrong people around him....and thats on him....

your rewrite of history is noted, and laughed at :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Bush was/is an honest basically good person who made the kind of mistakes that honest good people make.

unlike obama who is on a mission to bring the USA to its knees in order to get even for slavery and other perceived crimes.

all you are Fish is one of them "Party" people who will back their guy no matter what.....that is "noted" and laughed at by me.....people like you who refuse to acknowledge when their "guy" fucks up... is what has been bringing this Country to its knees over the last 13 aint no better than the Obama apologist....and there sure as shit is a lot you fuckers out there.....
How many leaders ever have 90% backing at all?

does that matter?.....he had that and what did he do with it?.....instead of going after the Terrorist he went into Iraq....instead of going after OBL he let the guy slip into Pakistan and basically said ..."oh well"....he was a half-ass leader Rabbi........but he did show that he actually cared about people.....he just listened to the wrong people around him....and thats on him....

your rewrite of history is noted, and laughed at :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Bush was/is an honest basically good person who made the kind of mistakes that honest good people make.

unlike obama who is on a mission to bring the USA to its knees in order to get even for slavery and other perceived crimes.

all you are Fish is one of them "Party" people who will back their guy no matter what.....that is "noted" and laughed at by me.....people like you who refuse to acknowledge when their "guy" fucks up... is what has been bringing this Country to its knees over the last 13 aint no better than the Obama apologist....and there sure as shit is a lot you fuckers out there.....

Harry, I seriously think you need to check your meds.
your rewrite of history is noted, and laughed at :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Bush was/is an honest basically good person who made the kind of mistakes that honest good people make.

unlike obama who is on a mission to bring the USA to its knees in order to get even for slavery and other perceived crimes.

all you are Fish is one of them "Party" people who will back their guy no matter what.....that is "noted" and laughed at by me.....people like you who refuse to acknowledge when their "guy" fucks up... is what has been bringing this Country to its knees over the last 13 aint no better than the Obama apologist....and there sure as shit is a lot you fuckers out there.....

Harry, I seriously think you need to check your meds.

why?....because i have the "gall" and "audacity" to criticize your party and Bush?.....well dont feel bad i do the same for the other side too....
He hasn't came through on one of his "progressive" policies he promised when he got voted in office, kept the Bush Tax Cuts, Still is making Middle Eastern invasions. And is actually more of a moderate on the Colin Powell side of things than the Bill Clinton type moderate. There's nothing Socialist or anything liberal about Obama. Don't let Fox News and the radio lie to you about him.
You're absolutely right.

Obama's a moderate Republican if anything.
If he was liberal
1. Support legalizion of pot
2. Open our borders and stop all deportions
3. Legalize half a million Filipino's and children
4. Ask for gay marriage to be legalized federally.
5. Make abortions free
6. Fight to double food stamps for all
Well, he does have something to do with Liberalism but he's more Centrist. Like Bill Clinton. A president should be more moderate and I believe America agrees. Thus the rejection of wingnutty Republicans.


Honestly... this chick cracks me up.
He hasn't came through on one of his "progressive" policies he promised when he got voted in office, kept the Bush Tax Cuts, Still is making Middle Eastern invasions. And is actually more of a moderate on the Colin Powell side of things than the Bill Clinton type moderate. There's nothing Socialist or anything liberal about Obama. Don't let Fox News and the radio lie to you about him.

He is not anything. He has betrayed every ideology anyone would care to pin on him and has insulted the rest.

He has always been an empty screen onto which others' wishes and expectations were projected.
all you are Fish is one of them "Party" people who will back their guy no matter what.....that is "noted" and laughed at by me.....people like you who refuse to acknowledge when their "guy" fucks up... is what has been bringing this Country to its knees over the last 13 aint no better than the Obama apologist....and there sure as shit is a lot you fuckers out there.....

Harry, I seriously think you need to check your meds.

why?....because i have the "gall" and "audacity" to criticize your party and Bush?.....well dont feel bad i do the same for the other side too....
No. Lots of us criticize the GOP and BUsh, even though we're Republicans.
You need to check your meds because a) your spelling and grammar have gone to shit, b) you sound like you're ranting incoherently, c) you post stuff that is demonstrably false, d) you see conspiracies everywhere.
Get help, dude.
Harry, I seriously think you need to check your meds.

why?....because i have the "gall" and "audacity" to criticize your party and Bush?.....well dont feel bad i do the same for the other side too....
No. Lots of us criticize the GOP and BUsh, even though we're Republicans.
You need to check your meds because a) your spelling and grammar have gone to shit, b) you sound like you're ranting incoherently, c) you post stuff that is demonstrably false, d) you see conspiracies everywhere.
Get help, dude.

Can't get help. Website is not working yet.
He hasn't came through on one of his "progressive" policies he promised when he got voted in office, kept the Bush Tax Cuts, Still is making Middle Eastern invasions. And is actually more of a moderate on the Colin Powell side of things than the Bill Clinton type moderate. There's nothing Socialist or anything liberal about Obama. Don't let Fox News and the radio lie to you about him.

There's nothing Socialist about Obama?


Than WTF do you think the Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare that he so proudly supports and promotes is?

It's socialized medicine, DUH!
Centrist my ass. I'm a centrist, he's a neo-liberal.

TK, I'm guessing you mean "New Left", which (I think) represents the sixties shift from traditional working class issues to race, gender and "life-style" . . . along with secularism, multiculturalism, and anti-war. This is the shift that allowed the Republicans to enact the "Southern Strategy", which exploited white backlash over the Civil Rights Act. Of course there was a northern component that appealed to Nixon's "Silent White Majority" by manipulating the fears of rural and suburban whites who felt alienated by the progressive values of the New Left.

A Neoliberal is actually from the other side of the political spectrum. This term refers to the radical laissez-faire capitalism of Friedman, Hayek and the Chicago School ... the policies of which were famously launched by Reagan and Thatcher. It called for 1) free trade (which allowed our corporations to fuck the American worker by shifting production to ultra cheap labor markets in freedom-hating places like Communist China), 2) deregulation (so our financial innovators could destroy the global economy with an unregulated derivative market), and 3) Privatization (so that all State functions, public property and domestic markets could be purchased and monopolized by unelected individuals and corporations, who are insulated from the will of the people and the democratic process) and 4) Austerity (so everything that was done to fuel consumer demand and create a solvent middle class is repealed to make room for the tax cuts of those who own government and media).

Here is an explanation of neoliberalism, focusing mainly on Pinochet's Chile. Pinochet, a brutal dictator, was advised by Milton Friedman, who worked for Reagan and wrote the admittedly brilliant "Capitalism and Freedom".
[ame=]Naomi Klein on Global Neoliberalism - YouTube[/ame]
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O'Bama is a moderate. Otherwise he would have crucified teh banksters & insisted on single-payer HC

At best he is immoderately moderate. He doesn't fit in any pigeonhole. All the pigeons reject him when told he belongs with them.

He's the worst of all worlds. Betraying and insulting people he should be courting. On all sides.
Well, he does have something to do with Liberalism but he's more Centrist. Like Bill Clinton. A president should be more moderate and I believe America agrees. Thus the rejection of wingnutty Republicans.

Sarah? Barack Obama is SO not Bill Clinton! When Clinton got a rebuke from the voters in HIS first mid-term elections after becoming President, he did the smart thing and moved to the center...when the same thing happened to Barry he didn't move an inch!

I'm sorry to be blunt with you but Bill Clinton was a great politician and Barack Obama is not.

I don't think it's you being blunt, I simply disagree with you. Both wives, Bill and Barack have Liberal wives but both men are Centrist. Now Hillary moved to the center when she was running last time but she is Liberal at heart.
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He hasn't came through on one of his "progressive" policies he promised when he got voted in office, kept the Bush Tax Cuts, Still is making Middle Eastern invasions. And is actually more of a moderate on the Colin Powell side of things than the Bill Clinton type moderate. There's nothing Socialist or anything liberal about Obama. Don't let Fox News and the radio lie to you about him.

There's nothing Socialist about Obama?


Than WTF do you think the Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare that he so proudly supports and promotes is?

It's socialized medicine, DUH!

Oh for the love ... You all used to call Bill Clinton a socialist too. You have no idea about the politics of Democrats so stop trying.

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