Stop calling Obama a Liberal. There's nothing Liberal about this dude.

Sarah? Barack Obama is SO not Bill Clinton! When Clinton got a rebuke from the voters in HIS first mid-term elections after becoming President, he did the smart thing and moved to the center...when the same thing happened to Barry he didn't move an inch!

I'm sorry to be blunt with you but Bill Clinton was a great politician and Barack Obama is not.
Remind me what made Clinton great.

Bill Clinton had some serious issues with morals and telling the truth, Rabbi...something which made me hold him in contempt during much of his eight years in office. I will however give him credit for both intelligence and the political savvy to realize that his Presidency was at a crossroads at that first mid-term election when the Democrats were soundly defeated. Bill Clinton made the deals with Newt Gingrich that saved his that Barack Obama chose NOT to make. I have a feeling that in private, Bill Clinton regards Barack Obama as a bit of an idiot.

There's also a difference in that Slick knew what it was like to be a guy (or gal) raising a family with economic uncertainty. He got the angst of the middle class. And for all his moral failings, the supermajority concluded he cared and wanted to help. The Phil Hartman joke worked because it was partially real. Imitating Slick, "People say Ah don't appreciate Hillary, but I do. I know that if not for that cold icewater running through her veins, I'd be pumping gas into farm equipment back in Hope Arkansas." Obama isn't pumping gas; he's an elitist.

And, as you say, Slick knew the art of compromise. As did both Bushs and Reagan for that matter. W's problem was he just never had a hard job before his iraq debacle. Reagan knew econ hardship. JFK and Bushi were privileged, but learned sacrafice and leadership by nearly being killed, and seeing their comrades die. Nixon was as over achieving middle class as you could be.
Remind me what made Clinton great.

compared to Obama and Bush he was a great President....he at least had something neither one of those two have.....some leadership ability...

Bush was a great president, albeit with some flaws.
Clinton was all about Clinton. All the policies he is a remembered for, NAFTA, welfare reform, etc--were GOP ideas that he signed on to after the Dems got trashed in the midterm election.
Clinton is the only president to be impeached in the 20th century. By rights he should have resigned in disgrace. Lewinsky was only the tip of the iceberg. There were payoffs from the Chinese and plenty of other unsavory stuff.
It is that Obama is so freaking awful that a serial rapist like Clinton looks good by comparison.

Bush was a great president, albeit with some flaws.

thats your of his big flaws was he was a shitty leader....who listened to the wrong people....the guy at one time had not only 90% of the Country behind him but most of the many "great" leaders would blow something like that as bad as he did?....even half way through his down spin he could not figure out what was going on and do something about it....Bush and Obama are two of the worst "leaders" we have ever had....
Well, he does have something to do with Liberalism but he's more Centrist. Like Bill Clinton. A president should be more moderate and I believe America agrees. Thus the rejection of wingnutty Republicans.

O is nothing like clinton. Clinton actually worked with congress. O has/does not work with them.

thats because Clinton knew how to work with those who dont agree with his party...something Obama hasnt a clue as to how to do it....
Sarah? Barack Obama is SO not Bill Clinton! When Clinton got a rebuke from the voters in HIS first mid-term elections after becoming President, he did the smart thing and moved to the center...when the same thing happened to Barry he didn't move an inch!

I'm sorry to be blunt with you but Bill Clinton was a great politician and Barack Obama is not.
Remind me what made Clinton great.

Bill Clinton had some serious issues with morals and telling the truth, Rabbi...something which made me hold him in contempt during much of his eight years in office. I will however give him credit for both intelligence and the political savvy to realize that his Presidency was at a crossroads at that first mid-term election when the Democrats were soundly defeated. Bill Clinton made the deals with Newt Gingrich that saved his that Barack Obama chose NOT to make. I have a feeling that in private, Bill Clinton regards Barack Obama as a bit of an idiot.

or he feels the guy is in over his head and after 4 years nothing has changed....
Remind me what made Clinton great.

Bill Clinton had some serious issues with morals and telling the truth, Rabbi...something which made me hold him in contempt during much of his eight years in office. I will however give him credit for both intelligence and the political savvy to realize that his Presidency was at a crossroads at that first mid-term election when the Democrats were soundly defeated. Bill Clinton made the deals with Newt Gingrich that saved his that Barack Obama chose NOT to make. I have a feeling that in private, Bill Clinton regards Barack Obama as a bit of an idiot.

or he feels the guy is in over his head and after 4 years nothing has changed....

Might be he saw his wife work both sides of the senate aisle in getting votes while Obama was referred to as OBambi.
Bush was a great president, albeit with some flaws.


Clinton was all about Clinton. All the policies he is a remembered for, NAFTA, welfare reform, etc--were GOP ideas that he signed on to after the Dems got trashed in the midterm election.

So, he was willing to compromise with the other party to get things done? How dare he!

Clinton is the only president to be impeached in the 20th century. By rights he should have resigned in disgrace.

The fact that he could turn that personal situation around and still be considered by many as a great leader shows his real leadership abilities. As Harry said, Bush had 90% of the country and world behind him, and still managed to fuck it up.
compared to Obama and Bush he was a great President....he at least had something neither one of those two have.....some leadership ability...

Bush was a great president, albeit with some flaws.
Clinton was all about Clinton. All the policies he is a remembered for, NAFTA, welfare reform, etc--were GOP ideas that he signed on to after the Dems got trashed in the midterm election.
Clinton is the only president to be impeached in the 20th century. By rights he should have resigned in disgrace. Lewinsky was only the tip of the iceberg. There were payoffs from the Chinese and plenty of other unsavory stuff.
It is that Obama is so freaking awful that a serial rapist like Clinton looks good by comparison.

Bush was a great president, albeit with some flaws.

thats your of his big flaws was he was a shitty leader....who listened to the wrong people....the guy at one time had not only 90% of the Country behind him but most of the many "great" leaders would blow something like that as bad as he did?....even half way through his down spin he could not figure out what was going on and do something about it....Bush and Obama are two of the worst "leaders" we have ever had....
How many leaders ever have 90% backing at all?
Bush exhibited leadership in ways Clinton and Obama never have. The entire country was calling for withdrawal from Iraq when the war wasn't going well. Bush didnt listen to the surrender monkeys and opted for the surge, which won the insurgency.
Bush instituted the tax cuts and other policies in his first term which saved us from another Great Depression.
He made definite errors, chiefly in trying to work with Democrats in Congress, who stabbed him in the back at every turn. Also backing the GOP's bad decisions in his first term in spending bills. But he inherited a tough situation and was called on to make some hard calls. He wasn't going to get it 100% right. No one could.
Bush was a great president, albeit with some flaws.


Clinton was all about Clinton. All the policies he is a remembered for, NAFTA, welfare reform, etc--were GOP ideas that he signed on to after the Dems got trashed in the midterm election.

So, he was willing to compromise with the other party to get things done? How dare he!

Clinton is the only president to be impeached in the 20th century. By rights he should have resigned in disgrace.

The fact that he could turn that personal situation around and still be considered by many as a great leader shows his real leadership abilities. As Harry said, Bush had 90% of the country and world behind him, and still managed to fuck it up.

No, he was willing to compromise to salvage his image and insure his legacy. Remember, it's all about Bill.
He is considered great by people who don't pay attention, the same people who swore Obama was going to bring hope and change to Washington.
Well, he does have something to do with Liberalism but he's more Centrist. Like Bill Clinton. A president should be more moderate and I believe America agrees. Thus the rejection of wingnutty Republicans.

O is nothing like clinton. Clinton actually worked with congress. O has/does not work with them.

thats because Clinton knew how to work with those who dont agree with his party...something Obama hasnt a clue as to how to do it....

No's not that.

Clinton and Obama had the same problem. They had folks that absolutely hated them on the opposite side. The difference was with Clinton, the opposite side wanted stuff. So they were able to bargain. And the Republicans still tried to destroy him. He was impeached.

With Obama? The marching orders are that everything is closed down, throw scandal after scandal at him and impeach.

So far? They stuck with the plan. Hopefully, 2014 will see that plan backfire is a huge way.

And with Congress at 9% approval? So far so good.
He hasn't came through on one of his "progressive" policies he promised when he got voted in office, kept the Bush Tax Cuts, Still is making Middle Eastern invasions. And is actually more of a moderate on the Colin Powell side of things than the Bill Clinton type moderate. There's nothing Socialist or anything liberal about Obama. Don't let Fox News and the radio lie to you about him.

Fox News relies on people who need to feel anger and rage -- hating Obama is part of their narrative.
Well, he does have something to do with Liberalism but he's more Centrist. Like Bill Clinton. A president should be more moderate and I believe America agrees. Thus the rejection of wingnutty Republicans.

O is nothing like clinton. Clinton actually worked with congress. O has/does not work with them.

You mean like the time Gingrich closed down government?

Or when he was impeached?

Everything old is new again! :lol:
O is nothing like clinton. Clinton actually worked with congress. O has/does not work with them.

thats because Clinton knew how to work with those who dont agree with his party...something Obama hasnt a clue as to how to do it....

No's not that.

Clinton and Obama had the same problem. They had folks that absolutely hated them on the opposite side. The difference was with Clinton, the opposite side wanted stuff. So they were able to bargain. And the Republicans still tried to destroy him. He was impeached.

With Obama? The marching orders are that everything is closed down, throw scandal after scandal at him and impeach.

So far? They stuck with the plan. Hopefully, 2014 will see that plan backfire is a huge way.

And with Congress at 9% approval? So far so good.

Do you REALLY believe the horseshit that you shovel here, Sallow? That it's Republicans that are responsible for the utter incompetence of this Administration? That somehow the GOP gave us Fast & Furious...the IRS scandal...the NSA wiretap scandal...and the Benghazi scandal? Do you think conservatives are the ones to blame for ObamaCare being such a cluster fuck when not a single one of them voted for it and didn't have a hand in how the law was drawn up?

Just how stupid are you? Barack Obama is failing because Barack Obama doesn't have a clue what he's doing. He was elected with nothing more than vague promises by a fawning main stream media who never did their job and properly vetted someone who was going to hold the most powerful job on the planet. We are where we are right now because idiots like you bought into the "myth" of Obama rather than seeing him for what he really is.
He hasn't came through on one of his "progressive" policies he promised when he got voted in office, kept the Bush Tax Cuts, Still is making Middle Eastern invasions. And is actually more of a moderate on the Colin Powell side of things than the Bill Clinton type moderate. There's nothing Socialist or anything liberal about Obama. Don't let Fox News and the radio lie to you about him.

Fox News relies on people who need to feel anger and rage -- hating Obama is part of their narrative.

Gee, you think people might hate Obama because he's left so many of them twisting in the wind as he oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression? This President has no economic plan that will put people back to work and hasn't had one for YEARS now.

Someone who's been out of work and burning up their life's savings doesn't need FOX NEWS or anyone else to feel anger. They are rightfully pissed because Barack Obama is clueless when it comes to economics and has surrounded himself with others who are equally clueless.
Remind me what made Clinton great.

compared to Obama and Bush he was a great President....he at least had something neither one of those two have.....some leadership ability...

Bush was a great president, albeit with some flaws.
Clinton was all about Clinton. All the policies he is a remembered for, NAFTA, welfare reform, etc--were GOP ideas that he signed on to after the Dems got trashed in the midterm election.
Clinton is the only president to be impeached in the 20th century. By rights he should have resigned in disgrace. Lewinsky was only the tip of the iceberg. There were payoffs from the Chinese and plenty of other unsavory stuff.
It is that Obama is so freaking awful that a serial rapist like Clinton looks good by comparison.

Please tell me your not serious? The President who turned a surplus into one of the biggest defects in American History? Started an unnecessary war that killed millions of Americans and created more debt for the American economy? But it wasn't Bush who was really in power anyways, it was Cheney. But keep drinking that GOP Kool Aid.
thats because Clinton knew how to work with those who dont agree with his party...something Obama hasnt a clue as to how to do it....

No's not that.

Clinton and Obama had the same problem. They had folks that absolutely hated them on the opposite side. The difference was with Clinton, the opposite side wanted stuff. So they were able to bargain. And the Republicans still tried to destroy him. He was impeached.

With Obama? The marching orders are that everything is closed down, throw scandal after scandal at him and impeach.

So far? They stuck with the plan. Hopefully, 2014 will see that plan backfire is a huge way.

And with Congress at 9% approval? So far so good.

Do you REALLY believe the horseshit that you shovel here, Sallow? That it's Republicans that are responsible for the utter incompetence of this Administration? That somehow the GOP gave us Fast & Furious...the IRS scandal...the NSA wiretap scandal...and the Benghazi scandal? Do you think conservatives are the ones to blame for ObamaCare being such a cluster fuck when not a single one of them voted for it and didn't have a hand in how the law was drawn up?

Just how stupid are you? Barack Obama is failing because Barack Obama doesn't have a clue what he's doing. He was elected with nothing more than vague promises by a fawning main stream media who never did their job and properly vetted someone who was going to hold the most powerful job on the planet. We are where we are right now because idiots like you bought into the "myth" of Obama rather than seeing him for what he really is.

And the alternative wasn't much better in Mr "47 percent":eusa_hand:
Well, he does have something to do with Liberalism but he's more Centrist. Like Bill Clinton. A president should be more moderate and I believe America agrees. Thus the rejection of wingnutty Republicans.

O is nothing like clinton. Clinton actually worked with congress. O has/does not work with them.

You mean like the time Gingrich closed down government?

Or when he was impeached?

Everything old is new again! :lol:

Look at the balanced budgets that came from that maneuvering.

Clinton lied to a grand jury, under oath. So far O has just lied to the people.
Yes and no.

Elizabeth Warren is in the Senate.

Is that a support or a refutation that plutocrats have won? Because Warren is as much in the pocket of big banks as anyone.

Well no, she's not.

However, you have a very binary thought process, so an explanation isn't necessary.

It's not a black and white thing.
An explanation isn't necessary. because you don't have one that would pass the laugh test.
Warren helped turn banks into gov't regulated and guaranteed utilities, designated too big to fail and designed to produce steady profits for owners and managers.

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