Stop calling Obama a Liberal. There's nothing Liberal about this dude.

compared to Obama and Bush he was a great President....he at least had something neither one of those two have.....some leadership ability...

Bush was a great president, albeit with some flaws.
Clinton was all about Clinton. All the policies he is a remembered for, NAFTA, welfare reform, etc--were GOP ideas that he signed on to after the Dems got trashed in the midterm election.
Clinton is the only president to be impeached in the 20th century. By rights he should have resigned in disgrace. Lewinsky was only the tip of the iceberg. There were payoffs from the Chinese and plenty of other unsavory stuff.
It is that Obama is so freaking awful that a serial rapist like Clinton looks good by comparison.

Please tell me your not serious? The President who turned a surplus into one of the biggest defects in American History? Started an unnecessary war that killed millions of Americans and created more debt for the American economy? But it wasn't Bush who was really in power anyways, it was Cheney. But keep drinking that GOP Kool Aid.

You forgot to say Bush was owned by the Saudis and was never elected president to begin with.
Please review the talking points of your DU masters. Your job performance is slipping.
Is that a support or a refutation that plutocrats have won? Because Warren is as much in the pocket of big banks as anyone.

Well no, she's not.

However, you have a very binary thought process, so an explanation isn't necessary.

It's not a black and white thing.
An explanation isn't necessary. because you don't have one that would pass the laugh test.
Warren helped turn banks into gov't regulated and guaranteed utilities, designated too big to fail and designed to produce steady profits for owners and managers.

You're spoiling his fantasy. He thinks she did it for the little working man.
Well, he does have something to do with Liberalism but he's more Centrist. Like Bill Clinton. A president should be more moderate and I believe America agrees. Thus the rejection of wingnutty Republicans.

Sarah? Barack Obama is SO not Bill Clinton! When Clinton got a rebuke from the voters in HIS first mid-term elections after becoming President, he did the smart thing and moved to the center...when the same thing happened to Barry he didn't move an inch!

I'm sorry to be blunt with you but Bill Clinton was a great politician and Barack Obama is not.

Clinton is pragmatic. Obama is ideologue.
Clinton moved closer to the center because he's pragmatic.
Obama also moved, further to the left. Since he's ideologue that was only option. All or nothing.

Last edited:
compared to Obama and Bush he was a great President....he at least had something neither one of those two have.....some leadership ability...

Bush was a great president, albeit with some flaws.
Clinton was all about Clinton. All the policies he is a remembered for, NAFTA, welfare reform, etc--were GOP ideas that he signed on to after the Dems got trashed in the midterm election.
Clinton is the only president to be impeached in the 20th century. By rights he should have resigned in disgrace. Lewinsky was only the tip of the iceberg. There were payoffs from the Chinese and plenty of other unsavory stuff.
It is that Obama is so freaking awful that a serial rapist like Clinton looks good by comparison.

Please tell me your not serious? The President who turned a surplus into one of the biggest defects in American History? Started an unnecessary war that killed millions of Americans and created more debt for the American economy? But it wasn't Bush who was really in power anyways, it was Cheney. But keep drinking that GOP Kool Aid.
Killed millions of Americans? How many millions were killed? Give us a link.
No's not that.

Clinton and Obama had the same problem. They had folks that absolutely hated them on the opposite side. The difference was with Clinton, the opposite side wanted stuff. So they were able to bargain. And the Republicans still tried to destroy him. He was impeached.

With Obama? The marching orders are that everything is closed down, throw scandal after scandal at him and impeach.

So far? They stuck with the plan. Hopefully, 2014 will see that plan backfire is a huge way.

And with Congress at 9% approval? So far so good.

Do you REALLY believe the horseshit that you shovel here, Sallow? That it's Republicans that are responsible for the utter incompetence of this Administration? That somehow the GOP gave us Fast & Furious...the IRS scandal...the NSA wiretap scandal...and the Benghazi scandal? Do you think conservatives are the ones to blame for ObamaCare being such a cluster fuck when not a single one of them voted for it and didn't have a hand in how the law was drawn up?

Just how stupid are you? Barack Obama is failing because Barack Obama doesn't have a clue what he's doing. He was elected with nothing more than vague promises by a fawning main stream media who never did their job and properly vetted someone who was going to hold the most powerful job on the planet. We are where we are right now because idiots like you bought into the "myth" of Obama rather than seeing him for what he really is.

And the alternative wasn't much better in Mr "47 percent":eusa_hand:

The "alternative" was a moderate with a long track record of successfully turning around troubled organizations and making them successful...a man with a proven record of working across the aisle to take care of the business of operating a government.

Mitt Romney was the real deal, Hipaware...Barack Obama is a "facade"...he has no background of problem solving or of working in a bi-partisan fashion. I have no idea what people were thinking of when they stood in those voting booths last year. After four years of incompetence did they think they were going to get anything different with a 2nd Obama term?
thats because Clinton knew how to work with those who dont agree with his party...something Obama hasnt a clue as to how to do it....

No's not that.

Clinton and Obama had the same problem. They had folks that absolutely hated them on the opposite side. The difference was with Clinton, the opposite side wanted stuff. So they were able to bargain. And the Republicans still tried to destroy him. He was impeached.

With Obama? The marching orders are that everything is closed down, throw scandal after scandal at him and impeach.

So far? They stuck with the plan. Hopefully, 2014 will see that plan backfire is a huge way.

And with Congress at 9% approval? So far so good.

Do you REALLY believe the horseshit that you shovel here, Sallow? That it's Republicans that are responsible for the utter incompetence of this Administration? That somehow the GOP gave us Fast & Furious...the IRS scandal...the NSA wiretap scandal...and the Benghazi scandal? Do you think conservatives are the ones to blame for ObamaCare being such a cluster fuck when not a single one of them voted for it and didn't have a hand in how the law was drawn up?

Just how stupid are you? Barack Obama is failing because Barack Obama doesn't have a clue what he's doing. He was elected with nothing more than vague promises by a fawning main stream media who never did their job and properly vetted someone who was going to hold the most powerful job on the planet. We are where we are right now because idiots like you bought into the "myth" of Obama rather than seeing him for what he really is.
You keep bring up these fake..and I mean really fucking absolutely bullshit scandals and you talk about horse shit?


These scandals have nothing to them. Absolutely nothing.

In fact..most of them are BAU.

Conservatives are shooting themselves in the foot with this.


Congressional approval is at 9%.

People aren't pissed at the government.

They are pissed at the Tea Party.
No's not that.

Clinton and Obama had the same problem. They had folks that absolutely hated them on the opposite side. The difference was with Clinton, the opposite side wanted stuff. So they were able to bargain. And the Republicans still tried to destroy him. He was impeached.

With Obama? The marching orders are that everything is closed down, throw scandal after scandal at him and impeach.

So far? They stuck with the plan. Hopefully, 2014 will see that plan backfire is a huge way.

And with Congress at 9% approval? So far so good.

Do you REALLY believe the horseshit that you shovel here, Sallow? That it's Republicans that are responsible for the utter incompetence of this Administration? That somehow the GOP gave us Fast & Furious...the IRS scandal...the NSA wiretap scandal...and the Benghazi scandal? Do you think conservatives are the ones to blame for ObamaCare being such a cluster fuck when not a single one of them voted for it and didn't have a hand in how the law was drawn up?

Just how stupid are you? Barack Obama is failing because Barack Obama doesn't have a clue what he's doing. He was elected with nothing more than vague promises by a fawning main stream media who never did their job and properly vetted someone who was going to hold the most powerful job on the planet. We are where we are right now because idiots like you bought into the "myth" of Obama rather than seeing him for what he really is.
You keep bring up these fake..and I mean really fucking absolutely bullshit scandals and you talk about horse shit?


These scandals have nothing to them. Absolutely nothing.

In fact..most of them are BAU.

Conservatives are shooting themselves in the foot with this.


Congressional approval is at 9%.

People aren't pissed at the government.

They are pissed at the Tea Party.

So Fast & Furious, the Tea Party targeting by the IRS, the deaths of 4 Americans in Benghazi and the phone tapping of journalists never happened? Is that your contention? That they are all fake scandals?

You're amusing, Sallow...

People ARE pissed at the Obama Administration because Barack and his minions have shown themselves to be willing to get their agenda passed. The only reason that we aren't talking about the OTHER scandals is that the ObamaCare rollout has been such a debacle that the other scandals have been put on a back burner.
Do you REALLY believe the horseshit that you shovel here, Sallow? That it's Republicans that are responsible for the utter incompetence of this Administration? That somehow the GOP gave us Fast & Furious...the IRS scandal...the NSA wiretap scandal...and the Benghazi scandal? Do you think conservatives are the ones to blame for ObamaCare being such a cluster fuck when not a single one of them voted for it and didn't have a hand in how the law was drawn up?

Just how stupid are you? Barack Obama is failing because Barack Obama doesn't have a clue what he's doing. He was elected with nothing more than vague promises by a fawning main stream media who never did their job and properly vetted someone who was going to hold the most powerful job on the planet. We are where we are right now because idiots like you bought into the "myth" of Obama rather than seeing him for what he really is.
You keep bring up these fake..and I mean really fucking absolutely bullshit scandals and you talk about horse shit?


These scandals have nothing to them. Absolutely nothing.

In fact..most of them are BAU.

Conservatives are shooting themselves in the foot with this.


Congressional approval is at 9%.

People aren't pissed at the government.

They are pissed at the Tea Party.

So Fast & Furious, the Tea Party targeting by the IRS, the deaths of 4 Americans in Benghazi and the phone tapping of journalists never happened? Is that your contention? That they are all fake scandals?

You're amusing, Sallow...

People ARE pissed at the Obama Administration because Barack and his minions have shown themselves to be willing to get their agenda passed. The only reason that we aren't talking about the OTHER scandals is that the ObamaCare rollout has been such a debacle that the other scandals have been put on a back burner.

No one outside of your FOX and Friends collective are buying this crap any longer.

Come'll see just how seriously screwed Republicans are..

As if 2012 wasn't enough of a message.
O is nothing like clinton. Clinton actually worked with congress. O has/does not work with them.

thats because Clinton knew how to work with those who dont agree with his party...something Obama hasnt a clue as to how to do it....

No's not that.

Clinton and Obama had the same problem. They had folks that absolutely hated them on the opposite side. The difference was with Clinton, the opposite side wanted stuff. So they were able to bargain. And the Republicans still tried to destroy him. He was impeached.

With Obama? The marching orders are that everything is closed down, throw scandal after scandal at him and impeach.

So far? They stuck with the plan. Hopefully, 2014 will see that plan backfire is a huge way.

And with Congress at 9% approval? So far so good.

The House passes bills, including budgets, they die in the Senate. That is why the approval is so low.
You keep bring up these fake..and I mean really fucking absolutely bullshit scandals and you talk about horse shit?


These scandals have nothing to them. Absolutely nothing.

In fact..most of them are BAU.

Conservatives are shooting themselves in the foot with this.


Congressional approval is at 9%.

People aren't pissed at the government.

They are pissed at the Tea Party.

So Fast & Furious, the Tea Party targeting by the IRS, the deaths of 4 Americans in Benghazi and the phone tapping of journalists never happened? Is that your contention? That they are all fake scandals?

You're amusing, Sallow...

People ARE pissed at the Obama Administration because Barack and his minions have shown themselves to be willing to get their agenda passed. The only reason that we aren't talking about the OTHER scandals is that the ObamaCare rollout has been such a debacle that the other scandals have been put on a back burner.

No one outside of your FOX and Friends collective are buying this crap any longer.

Come'll see just how seriously screwed Republicans are..

As if 2012 wasn't enough of a message.

keep believing that, shallow. then cry in your oatmeal as the GOP takes the senate and keeps the house, then watch as your hero, the kenyan messiah, becomes the most lame duck in history. Maybe he will just quit and go back to hustling on the streets of shitcago.
Bush was a great president, albeit with some flaws.
Clinton was all about Clinton. All the policies he is a remembered for, NAFTA, welfare reform, etc--were GOP ideas that he signed on to after the Dems got trashed in the midterm election.
Clinton is the only president to be impeached in the 20th century. By rights he should have resigned in disgrace. Lewinsky was only the tip of the iceberg. There were payoffs from the Chinese and plenty of other unsavory stuff.
It is that Obama is so freaking awful that a serial rapist like Clinton looks good by comparison.

Bush was a great president, albeit with some flaws.

thats your of his big flaws was he was a shitty leader....who listened to the wrong people....the guy at one time had not only 90% of the Country behind him but most of the many "great" leaders would blow something like that as bad as he did?....even half way through his down spin he could not figure out what was going on and do something about it....Bush and Obama are two of the worst "leaders" we have ever had....
How many leaders ever have 90% backing at all?
Bush exhibited leadership in ways Clinton and Obama never have. The entire country was calling for withdrawal from Iraq when the war wasn't going well. Bush didnt listen to the surrender monkeys and opted for the surge, which won the insurgency.
Bush instituted the tax cuts and other policies in his first term which saved us from another Great Depression.
He made definite errors, chiefly in trying to work with Democrats in Congress, who stabbed him in the back at every turn. Also backing the GOP's bad decisions in his first term in spending bills. But he inherited a tough situation and was called on to make some hard calls. He wasn't going to get it 100% right. No one could.
How many leaders ever have 90% backing at all?

does that matter?.....he had that and what did he do with it?.....instead of going after the Terrorist he went into Iraq....instead of going after OBL he let the guy slip into Pakistan and basically said ..."oh well"....he was a half-ass leader Rabbi........but he did show that he actually cared about people.....he just listened to the wrong people around him....and thats on him....

Bush was a great president, albeit with some flaws.

thats your of his big flaws was he was a shitty leader....who listened to the wrong people....the guy at one time had not only 90% of the Country behind him but most of the many "great" leaders would blow something like that as bad as he did?....even half way through his down spin he could not figure out what was going on and do something about it....Bush and Obama are two of the worst "leaders" we have ever had....
How many leaders ever have 90% backing at all?
Bush exhibited leadership in ways Clinton and Obama never have. The entire country was calling for withdrawal from Iraq when the war wasn't going well. Bush didnt listen to the surrender monkeys and opted for the surge, which won the insurgency.
Bush instituted the tax cuts and other policies in his first term which saved us from another Great Depression.
He made definite errors, chiefly in trying to work with Democrats in Congress, who stabbed him in the back at every turn. Also backing the GOP's bad decisions in his first term in spending bills. But he inherited a tough situation and was called on to make some hard calls. He wasn't going to get it 100% right. No one could.
How many leaders ever have 90% backing at all?

does that matter?.....he had that and what did he do with it?.....instead of going after the Terrorist he went into Iraq....instead of going after OBL he let the guy slip into Pakistan and basically said ..."oh well"....he was a half-ass leader Rabbi........but he did show that he actually cared about people.....he just listened to the wrong people around him....and thats on him....

your rewrite of history is noted, and laughed at :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Bush was/is an honest basically good person who made the kind of mistakes that honest good people make.

unlike obama who is on a mission to bring the USA to its knees in order to get even for slavery and other perceived crimes.
O is nothing like clinton. Clinton actually worked with congress. O has/does not work with them.

thats because Clinton knew how to work with those who dont agree with his party...something Obama hasnt a clue as to how to do it....

No's not that.

Clinton and Obama had the same problem. They had folks that absolutely hated them on the opposite side. The difference was with Clinton, the opposite side wanted stuff. So they were able to bargain. And the Republicans still tried to destroy him. He was impeached.

With Obama? The marching orders are that everything is closed down, throw scandal after scandal at him and impeach.

So far? They stuck with the plan. Hopefully, 2014 will see that plan backfire is a huge way.

And with Congress at 9% approval? So far so good.

No's not that.

Sallow i knew lots of Moderate Republicans who were willing to give Clinton the benefit of the doubt with his policies.....with Obama it was the same until about halfway through his first term,now i cant find any....i worked with lots of Democrats who were starting to say Obama aint what i thought he was going to be....and this includes a couple of Black gals who were pretty giddy about Obama being elected.....they were not so giddy after his first sure they all still voted for him.....but then thats the way those Party people are....
You keep bring up these fake..and I mean really fucking absolutely bullshit scandals and you talk about horse shit?


These scandals have nothing to them. Absolutely nothing.

In fact..most of them are BAU.

Conservatives are shooting themselves in the foot with this.


Congressional approval is at 9%.

People aren't pissed at the government.

They are pissed at the Tea Party.

So Fast & Furious, the Tea Party targeting by the IRS, the deaths of 4 Americans in Benghazi and the phone tapping of journalists never happened? Is that your contention? That they are all fake scandals?

You're amusing, Sallow...

People ARE pissed at the Obama Administration because Barack and his minions have shown themselves to be willing to get their agenda passed. The only reason that we aren't talking about the OTHER scandals is that the ObamaCare rollout has been such a debacle that the other scandals have been put on a back burner.

No one outside of your FOX and Friends collective are buying this crap any longer.

Come'll see just how seriously screwed Republicans are..

As if 2012 wasn't enough of a message.

Are you not paying attention to what's happening right now, Sallow? Seriously, need to pull your head out of your ass and look around! Democrats are proposing legislation to force Obama to keep his promises about people being able to keep their health care. They are doing so because they are TERRIFIED that the voters are going to send them packing in the mid-term elections next year.

That isn't a FOX talking point! That's real. I know you're not the brightest poster on this board so I'm going to give you a piece of advice that you can either heed or ignore. ObamaCare has always been a ticking time bomb for liberals. I say that because the numbers NEVER worked. It's going to be extremely expensive and that cost can only be paid for in one of two ways...either with massive tax increases...or by borrowing massive amounts and tacking that onto our national debt. Defend this debacle at your own peril because it's going to get ugly.
So Fast & Furious, the Tea Party targeting by the IRS, the deaths of 4 Americans in Benghazi and the phone tapping of journalists never happened? Is that your contention? That they are all fake scandals?

You're amusing, Sallow...

People ARE pissed at the Obama Administration because Barack and his minions have shown themselves to be willing to get their agenda passed. The only reason that we aren't talking about the OTHER scandals is that the ObamaCare rollout has been such a debacle that the other scandals have been put on a back burner.

No one outside of your FOX and Friends collective are buying this crap any longer.

Come'll see just how seriously screwed Republicans are..

As if 2012 wasn't enough of a message.

keep believing that, shallow. then cry in your oatmeal as the GOP takes the senate and keeps the house, then watch as your hero, the kenyan messiah, becomes the most lame duck in history. Maybe he will just quit and go back to hustling on the streets of shitcago.


Wanna bet?
So Fast & Furious, the Tea Party targeting by the IRS, the deaths of 4 Americans in Benghazi and the phone tapping of journalists never happened? Is that your contention? That they are all fake scandals?

You're amusing, Sallow...

People ARE pissed at the Obama Administration because Barack and his minions have shown themselves to be willing to get their agenda passed. The only reason that we aren't talking about the OTHER scandals is that the ObamaCare rollout has been such a debacle that the other scandals have been put on a back burner.

No one outside of your FOX and Friends collective are buying this crap any longer.

Come'll see just how seriously screwed Republicans are..

As if 2012 wasn't enough of a message.

Are you not paying attention to what's happening right now, Sallow? Seriously, need to pull your head out of your ass and look around! Democrats are proposing legislation to force Obama to keep his promises about people being able to keep their health care. They are doing so because they are TERRIFIED that the voters are going to send them packing in the mid-term elections next year.

That isn't a FOX talking point! That's real. I know you're not the brightest poster on this board so I'm going to give you a piece of advice that you can either heed or ignore. ObamaCare has always been a ticking time bomb for liberals. I say that because the numbers NEVER worked. It's going to be extremely expensive and that cost can only be paid for in one of two ways...either with massive tax increases...or by borrowing massive amounts and tacking that onto our national debt. Defend this debacle at your own peril because it's going to get ugly.

Let's watch it shake it, then, shall we? And stop concentrating on my ass..I ain't into men.

As with most of the right wing scandals, they start out full of steam, backed by the "Liberal Media" and quickly peter out.


Because most of them had nothing there to begin with..

And the issues they did find? Conservatives have no interest in touching.
No one outside of your FOX and Friends collective are buying this crap any longer.

Come'll see just how seriously screwed Republicans are..

As if 2012 wasn't enough of a message.

keep believing that, shallow. then cry in your oatmeal as the GOP takes the senate and keeps the house, then watch as your hero, the kenyan messiah, becomes the most lame duck in history. Maybe he will just quit and go back to hustling on the streets of shitcago.


Wanna bet?

sure, how much are you wiling to lose?
keep believing that, shallow. then cry in your oatmeal as the GOP takes the senate and keeps the house, then watch as your hero, the kenyan messiah, becomes the most lame duck in history. Maybe he will just quit and go back to hustling on the streets of shitcago.


Wanna bet?

sure, how much are you wiling to lose?

No money. Mostly because you wouldn't be able to pay up.


Nothing obscene.
No one outside of your FOX and Friends collective are buying this crap any longer.

Come'll see just how seriously screwed Republicans are..

As if 2012 wasn't enough of a message.

Are you not paying attention to what's happening right now, Sallow? Seriously, need to pull your head out of your ass and look around! Democrats are proposing legislation to force Obama to keep his promises about people being able to keep their health care. They are doing so because they are TERRIFIED that the voters are going to send them packing in the mid-term elections next year.

That isn't a FOX talking point! That's real. I know you're not the brightest poster on this board so I'm going to give you a piece of advice that you can either heed or ignore. ObamaCare has always been a ticking time bomb for liberals. I say that because the numbers NEVER worked. It's going to be extremely expensive and that cost can only be paid for in one of two ways...either with massive tax increases...or by borrowing massive amounts and tacking that onto our national debt. Defend this debacle at your own peril because it's going to get ugly.

Let's watch it shake it, then, shall we? And stop concentrating on my ass..I ain't into men.

As with most of the right wing scandals, they start out full of steam, backed by the "Liberal Media" and quickly peter out.


Because most of them had nothing there to begin with..

And the issues they did find? Conservatives have no interest in touching.

wrong, the obama scandals are REAL, even the left wing media are reporting on them, finally. your messiah will go down as the worst, most corrupt, most incompetent, most divisive president in history.

why not face up to that truth?, many of your liberals buddies have seen the light.

why not be part of the solution rather than remain as part of the problem?

I don't think you are dumb, just too hard headed to admit that you were wrong about the guy.

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