Stop calling transgender issues gay issues.

I've always held that trannys have a deeper commitment to the cause. Anyone that gets his schmekel severed gets my props....yo....
It's gone beyond that, now if you think you're a girl, you're a girl. That's insanity and should be treated not embraced.

Right...the mental health community has just been ignoring transgendered individuals this whole time. Goooooolllly, you've solved it! They just need treatment. Why didn't anyone else think of that! Geez you're so brilliant. (Trump supporter, right?)
The "mental health community"? Oh, you mean the APA that got hijacked by progressives long ago. I don't believe a damn thing they say. Has nothing to do with your deflection. Or lack of demonstrating any irony on my part.

HOWEVER, what matters more to me is the people that deal with the reality like Johns Hopkins and has decided after experience that it's a gender identity disorder and longer operate on them.

That is SO shocking that a Trump supporter such as yourself would "pooh pooh" the scientific community. I mean, who could have guessed that? :lol:

Exactly right.

What's more probable: that experts in the field of mental health (like in all fields of study) have changed the paradigm because of an ever growing body of knowledge.

Or people who are ignorant and intolerant - who have existed in human societies since we lived as tribes in caves- of others who are different would rather not accept change and instead came up with a rationalization to remain ignorant and intolerant by believing that a conspiracy of "leftists" took over the APA as part of concerted effort to make LGBTQ people more "acceptable" to society at large? And by doing so reveal just how ignorant and intolerant they are because they express, as a result if this thinking, that it is okay to descriminate against people they believe are suffering from a mental illness.
It's gone beyond that, now if you think you're a girl, you're a girl. That's insanity and should be treated not embraced.

Right...the mental health community has just been ignoring transgendered individuals this whole time. Goooooolllly, you've solved it! They just need treatment. Why didn't anyone else think of that! Geez you're so brilliant. (Trump supporter, right?)
The "mental health community"? Oh, you mean the APA that got hijacked by progressives long ago. I don't believe a damn thing they say. Has nothing to do with your deflection. Or lack of demonstrating any irony on my part.

HOWEVER, what matters more to me is the people that deal with the reality like Johns Hopkins and has decided after experience that it's a gender identity disorder and longer operate on them.

That is SO shocking that a Trump supporter such as yourself would "pooh pooh" the scientific community. I mean, who could have guessed that? :lol:
Johns Hopkins doesn't practice science? And your repeated attempts to make the thread about Trump won't work. You havn't demonstrated my suppossed irony yet either. What's the problem?

Not when it comes to Transgendered individuals they don't.

The Scary Science at Johns Hopkins op-ed from The Advocate?

I keep seeing this talk about the "anti-gay" bill that requires people to use bathrooms based on the gender on their BC. I'm sick and tired of it. It's not an anti-gay bill. It has nothing to do with gay rights or gay people.

I have been a lifelong advocate for same sex marriage rights. I first became aware of this issue as a child, nearly 30 years ago. I have always been in favor of same sex marriage rights. Even as my father tried to "explain" to his grade school aged son why it was "wrong." I never, at any time in my life, for even a moment bought the bullshit notion that gay people should be inhibited to live their lives peaceably in marriage.

In all the long years that have followed, during which I have passionately defended this position to anyone who has ever tried to speak against it, sometimes losing friends along the way, and in one case losing a job when I spoke out against homophobic talk from the boss, I have heard every single argument trying to justify prohibitions against same sex marriage; every single argument is bullshit and has always been bullshit. And perhaps the most prevalent, and the most faulty, has been the slippery slope argument. "If we normalize gay marriage, next thing you know we're going to have human-goat marriage" I have repudiated that argument a million times. I have explained the folly of slippery slope reasoning nearly as many.

But now we see the other side, after years of pushing back against slippery slope reasoning, actively employing in an attempt to ride the momentum of the recent legal battles in favor of same sex marriage into an entirely separate and distinct issue. Those of you who are doing it, I say this: STOP! You are doing immeasurable harm to both issues. Your mindlessness is doing more harm across wide reaching issues.

Do you squat to piss ?
Of course it does. You said you didn't think gays had been fighting to be married that long. You were often are. I'm sorry, I should say you are often mistaken. Or is it better to say you often misinterpret things due to English not being your first language?
Followed by another attack? Why not just stick to the issue? Is your position that weak. Homosexual advocates are bullies, you have to ask yourself, why?
What's more probable: that experts in the field of mental health (like in all fields of study) have changed the paradigm because of an ever growing body of knowledge.

Or people who are ignorant and intolerant - who have existed in human societies since we lived as tribes in caves- of others who are different would rather not accept change and instead came up with a rationalization to remain ignorant and intolerant by believing that a conspiracy of "leftists" took over the APA as part of concerted effort to make LGBTQ people more "acceptable" to society at large? And by doing so reveal just how ignorant and intolerant they are because they express, as a result if this thinking, that it is okay to descriminate against people they believe are suffering from a mental illness.
You missed the point, Rocky Mountain High. People should be, and are under the constitution, free to decide for themselves how far they are willing to embrace alternative lifestyles. Not you. Not a thuggish government. The science hasn't evolved, men are men, there are no men with female brains. Progressives have pushed the boundaries on what is acceptable and not everyone wants to go there.
Of course it does. You said you didn't think gays had been fighting to be married that long. You were often are. I'm sorry, I should say you are often mistaken. Or is it better to say you often misinterpret things due to English not being your first language?
Followed by another attack? Why not just stick to the issue? Is your position that weak. Homosexual advocates are bullies, you have to ask yourself, why?

It's what gheys do, they attack when anyone doesn't agree with them. It's sort of funny watching them trying to be vicious
I keep seeing this talk about the "anti-gay" bill that requires people to use bathrooms based on the gender on their BC. I'm sick and tired of it. It's not an anti-gay bill. It has nothing to do with gay rights or gay people.

I have been a lifelong advocate for same sex marriage rights. I first became aware of this issue as a child, nearly 30 years ago. I have always been in favor of same sex marriage rights. Even as my father tried to "explain" to his grade school aged son why it was "wrong." I never, at any time in my life, for even a moment bought the bullshit notion that gay people should be inhibited to live their lives peaceably in marriage.

In all the long years that have followed, during which I have passionately defended this position to anyone who has ever tried to speak against it, sometimes losing friends along the way, and in one case losing a job when I spoke out against homophobic talk from the boss, I have heard every single argument trying to justify prohibitions against same sex marriage; every single argument is bullshit and has always been bullshit. And perhaps the most prevalent, and the most faulty, has been the slippery slope argument. "If we normalize gay marriage, next thing you know we're going to have human-goat marriage" I have repudiated that argument a million times. I have explained the folly of slippery slope reasoning nearly as many.

But now we see the other side, after years of pushing back against slippery slope reasoning, actively employing in an attempt to ride the momentum of the recent legal battles in favor of same sex marriage into an entirely separate and distinct issue. Those of you who are doing it, I say this: STOP! You are doing immeasurable harm to both issues. Your mindlessness is doing more harm across wide reaching issues.
It’s true God wants us to right the world as best we can. But not by promoting “if it feels good do it” at all costs.

Endorsing gay marriage is an affront to natural moral law and is an endorsement that being gay is just as good and normal as whatever else one may fancy. It is not. It makes man God. Whatever we decide is good is the rule of the land. There is no honor or sacrifice or virtue in that kind of a world.

Gays can have it pretty good in this nation without having to have to call themselves married. They can have a legal contract with all the govt benefits. If that is so horrifying to you and such a burden, then take a look around and start concentrating on the truly great sufferings most of the world endures instead. God will favor you far more for that.

Gay marriage is wrong just as legalized abortion is wrong. So is adultery.

Sorry, but gays won't be relegated to 2nd class citizens just so you don't have to feel oogie.
Of course it does. You said you didn't think gays had been fighting to be married that long. You were often are. I'm sorry, I should say you are often mistaken. Or is it better to say you often misinterpret things due to English not being your first language?
Followed by another attack? Why not just stick to the issue? Is your position that weak. Homosexual advocates are bullies, you have to ask yourself, why?

That's not what the OP was. Can't you stick to the issue or do you not understand what the OP was about?

Poor picked on bigots...don't like that they can't be bigots anymore. Boo hoo.
What's more probable: that experts in the field of mental health (like in all fields of study) have changed the paradigm because of an ever growing body of knowledge.

Or people who are ignorant and intolerant - who have existed in human societies since we lived as tribes in caves- of others who are different would rather not accept change and instead came up with a rationalization to remain ignorant and intolerant by believing that a conspiracy of "leftists" took over the APA as part of concerted effort to make LGBTQ people more "acceptable" to society at large? And by doing so reveal just how ignorant and intolerant they are because they express, as a result if this thinking, that it is okay to descriminate against people they believe are suffering from a mental illness.
You missed the point, Rocky Mountain High. People should be, and are under the constitution, free to decide for themselves how far they are willing to embrace alternative lifestyles. Not you. Not a thuggish government. The science hasn't evolved, men are men, there are no men with female brains. Progressives have pushed the boundaries on what is acceptable and not everyone wants to go there.

Gosh, still upset about that 1964 Civil Rights Act? Geez, get over it.
What's more probable: that experts in the field of mental health (like in all fields of study) have changed the paradigm because of an ever growing body of knowledge.

Or people who are ignorant and intolerant - who have existed in human societies since we lived as tribes in caves- of others who are different would rather not accept change and instead came up with a rationalization to remain ignorant and intolerant by believing that a conspiracy of "leftists" took over the APA as part of concerted effort to make LGBTQ people more "acceptable" to society at large? And by doing so reveal just how ignorant and intolerant they are because they express, as a result if this thinking, that it is okay to descriminate against people they believe are suffering from a mental illness.
You missed the point, Rocky Mountain High. People should be, and are under the constitution, free to decide for themselves how far they are willing to embrace alternative lifestyles. Not you. Not a thuggish government. The science hasn't evolved, men are men, there are no men with female brains. Progressives have pushed the boundaries on what is acceptable and not everyone wants to go there.

Gender identity and one's physical sex are two different things. Those who have done at least some small amount of reading on this issue understand that.

No one is forcing you to personally accept homosexuals or transgendered people. You don't have to befriend them, invite them into your home, go out to eat with them, or marry them. What you can't do to them are exactly the same things you can't do to women, and minorities of different race, ethnicity, religion, or creed. Except you can fire them, not hire them, not rent to them, not sell property to them because of they're sexual orientation or gender identity and all because ignorance and intolerance of those who are different, who aren't "normal" - whatever that means - is still legal in most states.

How are you harmed by LGBTQ people? It's obvious how you and others like you harm them.
That's not what the OP was. Can't you stick to the issue or do you not understand what the OP was about?
Poor picked on bigots...don't like that they can't be bigots anymore. Boo hoo.

You really are in a ranting flaming mood today, sorry, I just offered to the thread my thoughts, I find it telling that you must attack, and attack, and attack. This is the third time you attacked me in this thread? What have I said to you in this thread? Nothing, right?

I guess Homosexual issues are something that can not be discussed, the Homosexual advocates are simply here to dictate what we are to believe and if anyone offers a bit of logic, we will not be allowed in the discussion, we will be called names, have our character denigrated, and they will try to run us out of the discussion.

Scary are the people who resort to this type of behavior in a simple discussion.
What's more probable: that experts in the field of mental health (like in all fields of study) have changed the paradigm because of an ever growing body of knowledge.

Or people who are ignorant and intolerant - who have existed in human societies since we lived as tribes in caves- of others who are different would rather not accept change and instead came up with a rationalization to remain ignorant and intolerant by believing that a conspiracy of "leftists" took over the APA as part of concerted effort to make LGBTQ people more "acceptable" to society at large? And by doing so reveal just how ignorant and intolerant they are because they express, as a result if this thinking, that it is okay to descriminate against people they believe are suffering from a mental illness.
You missed the point, Rocky Mountain High. People should be, and are under the constitution, free to decide for themselves how far they are willing to embrace alternative lifestyles. Not you. Not a thuggish government. The science hasn't evolved, men are men, there are no men with female brains. Progressives have pushed the boundaries on what is acceptable and not everyone wants to go there.

Gosh, still upset about that 1964 Civil Rights Act? Geez, get over it.
I never said anything like that. You are insane.
Sorry, but gays won't be relegated to 2nd class citizens just so you don't have to feel oogie.

So you don't believe in God, I get it.
I can't solve everyone's problems.

Your god has nothing to do with civil marriage. Conflating the two is your problem.
Did you just answer my question in a roundabout way?

Then you just confirmed my reason why you think like you do about gay marriage
in a roundabout way.

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