Stop calling transgender issues gay issues.

They passed a law making it illegal for localities to pass LGBT protections.

Did they really? I'm not trying to be flippant. I honestly don't know if that's actually the case or not. Pretty much all the talk I've heard about the bill labels it an "anti-gay" bill, then talks about the bathroom business.
Exactly right.

What's more probable: that experts in the field of mental health (like in all fields of study) have changed the paradigm because of an ever growing body of knowledge.

Or people who are ignorant and intolerant - who have existed in human societies since we lived as tribes in caves- of others who are different would rather not accept change and instead came up with a rationalization to remain ignorant and intolerant by believing that a conspiracy of "leftists" took over the APA as part of concerted effort to make LGBTQ people more "acceptable" to society at large? And by doing so reveal just how ignorant and intolerant they are because they express, as a result if this thinking, that it is okay to descriminate against people they believe are suffering from a mental illness.

Ignorance is thinking Homosexuals are normal. Intolerant is claiming they are normal and not accepting the fact that they are not.
Gender identity and one's physical sex are two different things. Those who have done at least some small amount of reading on this issue understand that.

It's really not, though. The idea that there is a difference between "mental gender" and physical gender is a product of sexist and anti-homosexual thinking.
I keep seeing this talk about the "anti-gay" bill that requires people to use bathrooms based on the gender on their BC. I'm sick and tired of it. It's not an anti-gay bill. It has nothing to do with gay rights or gay people.

I have been a lifelong advocate for same sex marriage rights. I first became aware of this issue as a child, nearly 30 years ago. I have always been in favor of same sex marriage rights. Even as my father tried to "explain" to his grade school aged son why it was "wrong." I never, at any time in my life, for even a moment bought the bullshit notion that gay people should be inhibited to live their lives peaceably in marriage.

In all the long years that have followed, during which I have passionately defended this position to anyone who has ever tried to speak against it, sometimes losing friends along the way, and in one case losing a job when I spoke out against homophobic talk from the boss, I have heard every single argument trying to justify prohibitions against same sex marriage; every single argument is bullshit and has always been bullshit. And perhaps the most prevalent, and the most faulty, has been the slippery slope argument. "If we normalize gay marriage, next thing you know we're going to have human-goat marriage" I have repudiated that argument a million times. I have explained the folly of slippery slope reasoning nearly as many.

But now we see the other side, after years of pushing back against slippery slope reasoning, actively employing in an attempt to ride the momentum of the recent legal battles in favor of same sex marriage into an entirely separate and distinct issue. Those of you who are doing it, I say this: STOP! You are doing immeasurable harm to both issues. Your mindlessness is doing more harm across wide reaching issues.
Stop calling transgender issues gay issues.
How about we call transgender issues anti normal?

Just lump all LBGTXYZQMUTDREH and any other letter they want to include mental whack jobs.
It's more than that. The transgendered issues crowd are being thugs. Oh life is hard, accommodate us! All you without issues subjugate to us!

Being thugs how?
Here's one example. Instead of simply going about their business like everybody else, and basically being ignored, like everybody else, transgendered issueists demand that they be able to use the girls bathroom even though they have boy's genitals. Trans issue thugs are very good at the -how dare you question how I feeel? style thuggary. How all those girls feel when a boy uses their bathroom just doesn't matter. Those girls don't have that transgender issue, so they matter less.
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It’s true God wants us to right the world as best we can.


These "alerts" I am getting where I have a response to consider are turning out to be duds.
Maybe some of you are familiar this top poster? I am not.

But I did notice he prepared his speech with great care and emotion like he was going to completely decimate the opposition to gay marriage with it because of some superior wisdom and charity that only he and an elite few must be capable of expressing or understanding.

So when we heartless Christians dare offer a rebuttal to his teachings we are merely laughed at or our words only deserve “lame” as a response.

That kind of ruined my image I had of this person as a great orator and defender of justice.
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I keep seeing this talk about the "anti-gay" bill that requires people to use bathrooms based on the gender on their BC. I'm sick and tired of it. It's not an anti-gay bill. It has nothing to do with gay rights or gay people.

I have been a lifelong advocate for same sex marriage rights. I first became aware of this issue as a child, nearly 30 years ago. I have always been in favor of same sex marriage rights. Even as my father tried to "explain" to his grade school aged son why it was "wrong." I never, at any time in my life, for even a moment bought the bullshit notion that gay people should be inhibited to live their lives peaceably in marriage.

In all the long years that have followed, during which I have passionately defended this position to anyone who has ever tried to speak against it, sometimes losing friends along the way, and in one case losing a job when I spoke out against homophobic talk from the boss, I have heard every single argument trying to justify prohibitions against same sex marriage; every single argument is bullshit and has always been bullshit. And perhaps the most prevalent, and the most faulty, has been the slippery slope argument. "If we normalize gay marriage, next thing you know we're going to have human-goat marriage" I have repudiated that argument a million times. I have explained the folly of slippery slope reasoning nearly as many.

But now we see the other side, after years of pushing back against slippery slope reasoning, actively employing in an attempt to ride the momentum of the recent legal battles in favor of same sex marriage into an entirely separate and distinct issue. Those of you who are doing it, I say this: STOP! You are doing immeasurable harm to both issues. Your mindlessness is doing more harm across wide reaching issues.
What's the difference? As far as the federal government's concern let people marry whatever they want, whomever they want, as many as they want…
A goat, fence post or 20 other Mormons it makes no difference... Lol
Political correctness has made marriage a meaningless institution.
It’s true God wants us to right the world as best we can.


These "alerts" I am getting where I have a response to consider are turning out to be duds.
Maybe some of you are familiar this top poster? I am not.

But I did notice he prepared his speech like with great care and emotion like he was going to completely decimate the opposition to gay marriage with it because of some superior wisdom and charity that only he and an elite few must be capable of expressing or understanding.

So when we heartless Christians dare offer a rebuttal to his teachings we are merely laughed at or our words only deserve “lame” as a response.

That kind of ruined my image I had of this person as a great orator and defender of justice.

Get what you pay for. You're coming to a millionaire's club with pennies.
I keep seeing this talk about the "anti-gay" bill that requires people to use bathrooms based on the gender on their BC. I'm sick and tired of it. It's not an anti-gay bill. It has nothing to do with gay rights or gay people.

I have been a lifelong advocate for same sex marriage rights. I first became aware of this issue as a child, nearly 30 years ago. I have always been in favor of same sex marriage rights. Even as my father tried to "explain" to his grade school aged son why it was "wrong." I never, at any time in my life, for even a moment bought the bullshit notion that gay people should be inhibited to live their lives peaceably in marriage.

In all the long years that have followed, during which I have passionately defended this position to anyone who has ever tried to speak against it, sometimes losing friends along the way, and in one case losing a job when I spoke out against homophobic talk from the boss, I have heard every single argument trying to justify prohibitions against same sex marriage; every single argument is bullshit and has always been bullshit. And perhaps the most prevalent, and the most faulty, has been the slippery slope argument. "If we normalize gay marriage, next thing you know we're going to have human-goat marriage" I have repudiated that argument a million times. I have explained the folly of slippery slope reasoning nearly as many.

But now we see the other side, after years of pushing back against slippery slope reasoning, actively employing in an attempt to ride the momentum of the recent legal battles in favor of same sex marriage into an entirely separate and distinct issue. Those of you who are doing it, I say this: STOP! You are doing immeasurable harm to both issues. Your mindlessness is doing more harm across wide reaching issues.
What's the difference? As far as the federal government's concern let people marry whatever they want, whomever they want, as many as they want…
A goat, fence post or 20 other Mormons it makes no difference... Lol
Political correctness has made marriage a meaningless institution.

is that really the kind of society you want to live in? man/goat, woman/dog, parent/child, man/fence post, 6men/9 women, Really?
Get what you pay for. You're coming to a millionaire's club with pennies.

You are acting very strange. Be wise, not proud.

Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few pennies. Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others...”
Well, to normal people a guy in a skirt is pretty fucking gay. Come on. Most people still understand the importance gender plays in life, you can't bully them out of it.
I know, right? Why has the LGBT cult identified itself as a cultural unit for decades now? All of a sudden the most indefensible part of LGBT insanity needs to be cut away? Afraid that LG&B might be next under the microscope like what happened in N. Carolina?

Too late. That cult is tied together by the letters LGBT. Are they going to ask the public to suspend reason and their neural memory cells in favor of yet another cult spin to protect its softer inner organs? Gonna cut off the wobbly parts are they to keep the other wobbly parts from inspection by association?...
Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few pennies. Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others...”


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