Stop Panicking over the Flu. Corona Virus is the F-ing Flu Dumbasses

People over 80 have a 15% chance of dying, but it isnt 0% for everyone else, lol.
No they don't, you can't prove that over the US population.
I cant find any demographic breakdown for Covid19 cases in the USA, only globally.

But the USA has had 149 cases, with 11 deaths, which is 7.4%, about double the global average.

Coronavirus Update (Live): 95,508 Cases and 3,286 Deaths from COVID-19 Wuhan China Virus Outbreak - Worldometer
9 deaths were in Washington State in ‘Evergreen’ care home. You are using skewed statistical data. See my former post.

Funny how fast the Democrats were able to whip out 8 billion dollars to fight a virus that so far has only killed a few people here, yet it was like pulling hen's teeth to get a dime out of them to build a border wall to stop illegals that have killed tens of thousands!

That must be because they can lock those illegals out of their neighborhoods with closed gates, but they might actually get the virus!
California Gov. Newsom declares state of emergency after first coronavirus-related death
My great-grandmother died in the 1918 outbreak. My grandma was 7. Heartbreaking. But this happened. Death is part of life. I was sick at Christmas and recovery after simple medical attention. I was also sick with the Hong Kong version that spread...I believe in 1969. But I was a small child. Very sick. If God wants you to Heaven your time is up. Have not been sick since December although I work in public and some people are falling I'll twice this season. I feel like there is some kind of second wave of this virus or something?

Flu doesn't have 3% death rate though.

If this thing hits the homeless population it is a disaster.
California Gov. Newsom declares state of emergency after first coronavirus-related death
My great-grandmother died in the 1918 outbreak. My grandma was 7. Heartbreaking. But this happened. Death is part of life. I was sick at Christmas and recovery after simple medical attention. I was also sick with the Hong Kong version that spread...I believe in 1969. But I was a small child. Very sick. If God wants you to Heaven your time is up. Have not been sick since December although I work in public and some people are falling I'll twice this season. I feel like there is some kind of second wave of this virus or something?
Thank you! I had the stupid thing went away after four days! Get a life left wing media
People over 80 have a 15% chance of dying, but it isnt 0% for everyone else, lol.
No they don't, you can't prove that over the US population.
I cant find any demographic breakdown for Covid19 cases in the USA, only globally.

But the USA has had 149 cases, with 11 deaths, which is 7.4%, about double the global average.

Coronavirus Update (Live): 95,508 Cases and 3,286 Deaths from COVID-19 Wuhan China Virus Outbreak - Worldometer
9 deaths were in Washington State in ‘Evergreen’ care home. You are using skewed statistical data. See my former post.

Funny how fast the Democrats were able to whip out 8 billion dollars to fight a virus that so far has only killed a few people here, yet it was like pulling hen's teeth to get a dime out of them to build a border wall to stop illegals that have killed tens of thousands!

That must be because they can lock those illegals out of their neighborhoods with closed gates, but they might actually get the virus!

One actually combats a virus & the other just masturbates the feeble minded Trumpettes.
California Gov. Newsom declares state of emergency after first coronavirus-related death
My great-grandmother died in the 1918 outbreak. My grandma was 7. Heartbreaking. But this happened. Death is part of life. I was sick at Christmas and recovery after simple medical attention. I was also sick with the Hong Kong version that spread...I believe in 1969. But I was a small child. Very sick. If God wants you to Heaven your time is up. Have not been sick since December although I work in public and some people are falling I'll twice this season. I feel like there is some kind of second wave of this virus or something?
Thank you! I had the stupid thing went away after four days! Get a life left wing media
Listening to this uneducated moron will increase your chances of being hospitalized or dying from either influenza or Coronavirus. When what you believe is a common cold or flu-like symptoms last 5 days, seek medical attention. A common cold can last as long as four days. Anything beyond that indicates a pulmonary or lung bacterial infection which will cause pneumonia.
Really...then why is it micro virologist.
If you cared, you wouldn't be getting your info from AM radio and from begging strangers on message boards. Go look it up yourself.
It's a fucking flu virus shitforbrains and not a very virulent strain at that.
If it were something serious some gubberment assholes who decided to run quarantine centers near high density population centers should be taken out and shot for stupidity.
Just something else for liberal worldwide to blame on the our President.

I blame the Democrats. Actually it's Pelosi's doing and Schiff helped the bitch.
California Gov. Newsom declares state of emergency after first coronavirus-related death
My great-grandmother died in the 1918 outbreak. My grandma was 7. Heartbreaking. But this happened. Death is part of life. I was sick at Christmas and recovery after simple medical attention. I was also sick with the Hong Kong version that spread...I believe in 1969. But I was a small child. Very sick. If God wants you to Heaven your time is up. Have not been sick since December although I work in public and some people are falling I'll twice this season. I feel like there is some kind of second wave of this virus or something?
Poor trash baby, your stock must be suffering....THERE IS A GOD!!
California Gov. Newsom declares state of emergency after first coronavirus-related death
My great-grandmother died in the 1918 outbreak. My grandma was 7. Heartbreaking. But this happened. Death is part of life. I was sick at Christmas and recovery after simple medical attention. I was also sick with the Hong Kong version that spread...I believe in 1969. But I was a small child. Very sick. If God wants you to Heaven your time is up. Have not been sick since December although I work in public and some people are falling I'll twice this season. I feel like there is some kind of second wave of this virus or something?
Thank you! I had the stupid thing went away after four days! Get a life left wing media
Listening to this uneducated moron will increase your chances of being hospitalized or dying from either influenza or Coronavirus. When what you believe is a common cold or flu-like symptoms last 5 days, seek medical attention. A common cold can last as long as four days. Anything beyond that indicates a pulmonary or lung bacterial infection which will cause pneumonia.

There was some crap going around the area that I recovered from finally. It started as a common head cold then went to the chest and worked it's way from bottom to top getting less severe as it ascended in your chest. I think it was a month or more clearing up. I got my haircut the other day and the barber said he'd had it for two weeks. I told him he would likely have it for another two weeks at least. A friend of mine who's a couple of hundred miles away and my age had it too. It was aggravating more than anything else.
California Gov. Newsom declares state of emergency after first coronavirus-related death
My great-grandmother died in the 1918 outbreak. My grandma was 7. Heartbreaking. But this happened. Death is part of life. I was sick at Christmas and recovery after simple medical attention. I was also sick with the Hong Kong version that spread...I believe in 1969. But I was a small child. Very sick. If God wants you to Heaven your time is up. Have not been sick since December although I work in public and some people are falling I'll twice this season. I feel like there is some kind of second wave of this virus or something?
Actually, dumbass, it isn't the flu.
The nation and the world wouldn't be in PANIC mode if they had truthful mf in the white house who was more worried about PEOPLE THAN THE GOTDAMN STOCK MARKET.
There was some crap going around the area that I recovered from finally. It started as a common head cold then went to the chest and worked it's way from bottom to top getting less severe as it ascended in your chest. I think it was a month or more clearing up. I got my haircut the other day and the barber said he'd had it for two weeks. I told him he would likely have it for another two weeks at least. A friend of mine who's a couple of hundred miles away and my age had it too. It was aggravating more than anything else.
Yeah, I am still getting over a 'cold' I have had for two weeks now, same symptoms you described, along with a whole bunch of sleepiness..
California Gov. Newsom declares state of emergency after first coronavirus-related death
My great-grandmother died in the 1918 outbreak. My grandma was 7. Heartbreaking. But this happened. Death is part of life. I was sick at Christmas and recovery after simple medical attention. I was also sick with the Hong Kong version that spread...I believe in 1969. But I was a small child. Very sick. If God wants you to Heaven your time is up. Have not been sick since December although I work in public and some people are falling I'll twice this season. I feel like there is some kind of second wave of this virus or something?
Thank you! I had the stupid thing went away after four days! Get a life left wing media
Listening to this uneducated moron will increase your chances of being hospitalized or dying from either influenza or Coronavirus. When what you believe is a common cold or flu-like symptoms last 5 days, seek medical attention. A common cold can last as long as four days. Anything beyond that indicates a pulmonary or lung bacterial infection which will cause pneumonia.

There was some crap going around the area that I recovered from finally. It started as a common head cold then went to the chest and worked it's way from bottom to top getting less severe as it ascended in your chest. I think it was a month or more clearing up. I got my haircut the other day and the barber said he'd had it for two weeks. I told him he would likely have it for another two weeks at least. A friend of mine who's a couple of hundred miles away and my age had it too. It was aggravating more than anything else.
OK, so you and your barber and friend just tough it out like real men and pass on the virus just not caring who you pass your illness onto. Are you all scum bags or just plain stupid?
Stores are running out of hand sanitizers. Duh. Make it yourself if you are concerned. (General you, not a specific *you*).

Hand sanitizers are made of two ingredients: aloe vera gel and alcohol. So...if you have an aloe vera plant, take some leaves off, open it up, scrape the gooey stuff into a jar. Discard the skin of the leaves. Add some rubbing alcohol to the gel. Stir. Voila'! Sanitizer. Or, buy the gel at a store, add the alcohol to it. Or, get a bottle of rubbing alcohol, buy a pump container, pour alcohol in container. Spray. Done.

I think it is a little more pleasant to just wash your hands than spray straight alcohol on your hands, and it's easy to wash your hands.
People over 80 have a 15% chance of dying, but it isnt 0% for everyone else, lol.
No they don't, you can't prove that over the US population.
I cant find any demographic breakdown for Covid19 cases in the USA, only globally.

But the USA has had 149 cases, with 11 deaths, which is 7.4%, about double the global average.

Coronavirus Update (Live): 95,508 Cases and 3,286 Deaths from COVID-19 Wuhan China Virus Outbreak - Worldometer
Coronavirus | Human Coronavirus Types | CDC

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Coronavirus Disease 2019 vs. the Flu

Similarities: COVID-19 and the Flu
  • Both cause fever, cough, body aches, fatigue; sometimes vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Can be mild or severe, even fatal in rare cases.
  • Can result in pneumonia.
  • Both can be spread from person to person through droplets in the air from an infected person coughing, sneezing or talking.
  • A possible difference: COVID-19 might be spread through the airborne route (see details below under Differences).
  • Flu can be spread by an infected person for several days before their symptoms appear, and COVID-19 is believed to be spread in the same manner, but we don’t yet know for sure.
  • Neither virus is treatable with antibiotics, which only work on bacterial infections.
  • Both may be treated by addressing symptoms, such as reducing fever. Severe cases may require hospitalization and support such as mechanical ventilation.
Differences: COVID-19 and the Flu
COVID-19: Caused by one virus, the novel 2019 coronavirus, now called severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, or SARS-CoV-2.

Flu: Caused by any of several different types and strains of influenza viruses.

One is ONE VIRUS.......while the Flu are many...........but in a nut shell it is just a bad ass Flu virus that isn't grouped into a long range of viruses in history.
California Gov. Newsom declares state of emergency after first coronavirus-related death
My great-grandmother died in the 1918 outbreak. My grandma was 7. Heartbreaking. But this happened. Death is part of life. I was sick at Christmas and recovery after simple medical attention. I was also sick with the Hong Kong version that spread...I believe in 1969. But I was a small child. Very sick. If God wants you to Heaven your time is up. Have not been sick since December although I work in public and some people are falling I'll twice this season. I feel like there is some kind of second wave of this virus or something?
WRONG “The flu” and COVID-19, the illness caused by the new coronavirus, are both infectious respiratory illnesses. Although the symptoms of COVID-19 and the flu can look similar, the two illnesses are caused by very different viruses.

In other words, coronavirus is definitely not the "flu", unless you consider all disease with similar symptoms the same as people did prior to acceptance of the Germ Theory as the cause of diseases.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 vs. the Flu
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OK, so you and your barber and friend just tough it out like real men and pass on the virus just not caring who you pass your illness onto. Are you all scum bags or just plain stupid?
They're saving up their truck videos for one massive post when the weather is clear.
California Gov. Newsom declares state of emergency after first coronavirus-related death
My great-grandmother died in the 1918 outbreak. My grandma was 7. Heartbreaking. But this happened. Death is part of life. I was sick at Christmas and recovery after simple medical attention. I was also sick with the Hong Kong version that spread...I believe in 1969. But I was a small child. Very sick. If God wants you to Heaven your time is up. Have not been sick since December although I work in public and some people are falling I'll twice this season. I feel like there is some kind of second wave of this virus or something?
WRONG “The flu” and COVID-19, the illness caused by the new coronavirus, are both infectious respiratory illnesses. Although the symptoms of COVID-19 and the flu can look similar, the two illnesses are caused by very different viruses.

In other words, coronavirus is definitely not the "flu", unless you consider all disease with similar symptoms the same as people did prior to acceptance of the Germ Theory as the cause of diseases.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 vs. the Flu
The tricky politics of naming the new coronavirus

Health officials have faced a similar political tightrope recently, as the coronavirus first identified in the city of Wuhan, China, continues to be a source of growing concern. Mere weeks after it was first discovered and started spreading, it had already amassed an impressive array of sobriquets, such as “Wuhan flu”, Wuhan coronavirus”, ”coronavirus”, “2019-nCoV”, and the rather long-winded “Wuhan seafood market pneumonia virus”. (Read more about the global efforts to fight the new coronavirus.)

On 11 February, the World Health Organisation (WHO) called a press conference to announce the official name for the disease caused by the new coronavirus – Covid-19 (a contraction of coronavirus disease-2019).

But before it was even over, the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses released a paper proposing a name for the virus itself: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Two, or Sars-CoV-2 for short. This reflects research that suggests it is a close relative of the Sars virus.

And yet people and news papers were even calling it the Flu...........People are splitting hairs over this.....It is a virus UNKNOWN YET........and classified into single virus types....with all the symtoms of the Flu............ is just a bad ass NEW FLU in my opinion........In comparison to the Flu in death tolls and's not even bad assed.

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