Stop ridiculing Single Payer HC insurance...and think on your own

I'll give some facts about why single payer is cheaper at least in my country.
-Lets first state the obvious. If the profit motive doesn't exist there is no need to make profit. Every penny you give shareholders of hospital, health insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies is a penny less to spend on the function of providing healthcare. Here we need to of course pay the pharmaceutical companies to. But price negotiations are at the country level. This gives us more leverage to get a good deal. Most hospitals and all Health insurance companies are state controlled.
-This means the administration is much simpler. Most of us have a general care practitioner, so our ER deal with actual emergencies. These doctors in general don't have secretaries because price setting is regulated, the same applies to our pharmacists, who don't need to find out what is covered because that is state controlled to. The same applies to our health insurance companies, my town population around 40000 people is served by about 20 people who have administrative functions dealing with health care. No pharmacy techs, almost no medical secretaries.
-No need for advertising health insurance, it's mandatory.
-Becoming a doctor costs you 550 euro a year, not a thousand, 5 hundred, this means no college debt, it also means doctors are cheaper because they don't have to work of this debt.
Single payer is more streamlined and cheaper because a lot less money gets spent on non medical related things.

so in your country doctors, hospitals, drug companies, etc only exist to break even? Are you that stupid?
I'll give some facts about why single payer is cheaper at least in my country.
-Lets first state the obvious. If the profit motive doesn't exist there is no need to make profit. Every penny you give shareholders of hospital, health insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies is a penny less to spend on the function of providing healthcare. Here we need to of course pay the pharmaceutical companies to. But price negotiations are at the country level. This gives us more leverage to get a good deal. Most hospitals and all Health insurance companies are state controlled.
-This means the administration is much simpler. Most of us have a general care practitioner, so our ER deal with actual emergencies. These doctors in general don't have secretaries because price setting is regulated, the same applies to our pharmacists, who don't need to find out what is covered because that is state controlled to. The same applies to our health insurance companies, my town population around 40000 people is served by about 20 people who have administrative functions dealing with health care. No pharmacy techs, almost no medical secretaries.
-No need for advertising health insurance, it's mandatory.
-Becoming a doctor costs you 550 euro a year, not a thousand, 5 hundred, this means no college debt, it also means doctors are cheaper because they don't have to work of this debt.
Single payer is more streamlined and cheaper because a lot less money gets spent on non medical related things.

so in your country doctors, hospitals, drug companies, etc only exist to break even? Are you that stupid?
Did I say that?
pay the pharmaceutical companies to

it also means doctors are cheaper

yes, because in the USA we have more medical facilities and treatments available than in other countries. We also have big pharma raping us daily as they bribe congressmen to look the other way.

I don't know who did those foolish studies you cited, but I wonder how they explain the fact that people come to the USA from all over the world when they have serious medical conditions. you are buying into a fantasy. you probably think the man is changing the climate of planet earth too. Its amazing how ignorant you liberals are.
Anyone who thinks the ramming of the ACA into law, the collapsing of the ACA, and the selling of Single Payer as 'the only option now' is only all about COST, and nothing to do with 'control' / 'power', I have a bridge to sell you...
I'll give some facts about why single payer is cheaper at least in my country.
-Lets first state the obvious. If the profit motive doesn't exist there is no need to make profit. Every penny you give shareholders of hospital, health insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies is a penny less to spend on the function of providing healthcare. Here we need to of course pay the pharmaceutical companies to. But price negotiations are at the country level. This gives us more leverage to get a good deal. Most hospitals and all Health insurance companies are state controlled.
-This means the administration is much simpler. Most of us have a general care practitioner, so our ER deal with actual emergencies. These doctors in general don't have secretaries because price setting is regulated, the same applies to our pharmacists, who don't need to find out what is covered because that is state controlled to. The same applies to our health insurance companies, my town population around 40000 people is served by about 20 people who have administrative functions dealing with health care. No pharmacy techs, almost no medical secretaries.
-No need for advertising health insurance, it's mandatory.
-Becoming a doctor costs you 550 euro a year, not a thousand, 5 hundred, this means no college debt, it also means doctors are cheaper because they don't have to work of this debt.
Single payer is more streamlined and cheaper because a lot less money gets spent on non medical related things.

so in your country doctors, hospitals, drug companies, etc only exist to break even? Are you that stupid?
Did I say that?
pay the pharmaceutical companies to

it also means doctors are cheaper

yes, you did "-Lets first state the obvious. If the profit motive doesn't exist there is no need to make profit. Every penny you give shareholders of hospital, health insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies is a penny less to spend on the function of providing healthcare"

feel free to retract that lie if you choose.
OH, and BTW.........If an employer no longer had to subsidize private HC insurance costs, would THAT make that employer more or less likely to hire additional employees???

One more reason to repeal ACA

Non sequitur, moron.....LOL

How is it non sequitur?

ACA forces employers to subsidize health care. You're arguing we should make it so employers don't have to do so. Eliminating ACA would accomplish what you claim to want.
Health care is fine, matter of fact, the finest in the world.

Look at where the U.S. ranks, nitwit.......

Life Expectancy for Countries

Hey, ever heard the term lifestyle nitwit? People are not dying early because of health care. I guarantee if you compare the lifestyle of the average America to say that of a Scandinavian, there are pretty glaring differences.

Nat seems to think congress passing laws determines the health of people rather than people making choices to take care of their bodies
Health care is fine, matter of fact, the finest in the world.

Look at where the U.S. ranks, nitwit.......

Life Expectancy for Countries

Hey, ever heard the term lifestyle nitwit? People are not dying early because of health care. I guarantee if you compare the lifestyle of the average America to say that of a Scandinavian, there are pretty glaring differences.

Nat seems to think congress passing laws determines the health of people rather than people making choices to take care of their bodies
That taking care of their own bodies will be hard to do considering all the shit that FDA and EPA has approved of under the color of commerce. If Republicans do not wise up and they try to push this force Pharma shit without cleaning up FDA and EPA turning their heads the other way for toxins that are profitable to a few they will also be out on their asses.
Health care is fine, matter of fact, the finest in the world.

Look at where the U.S. ranks, nitwit.......

Life Expectancy for Countries

Hey, ever heard the term lifestyle nitwit? People are not dying early because of health care. I guarantee if you compare the lifestyle of the average America to say that of a Scandinavian, there are pretty glaring differences.

Nat seems to think congress passing laws determines the health of people rather than people making choices to take care of their bodies
That taking care of their own bodies will be hard to do considering all the shit that FDA and EPA has approved of under the color of commerce. If Republicans do not wise up and they try to push this force Pharma shit without cleaning up FDA and EPA turning their heads the other way for toxins that are profitable to a few they will also be out on their asses.

Not seeing how the fda or EPA forces people to drink gallons of coke or eat Doritos or whatever.

Not saying occasional treats are bad but we have far more control over our health than we give ourselves credit
Oh, I see. You think government taking over your health care is not government controlling your life.

This is fascinating!

Well, I am NOW on Medicare....Ask me if I think that "government is controlling my life".....Go on?
How is it non sequitur?

ACA forces employers to subsidize health care. You're arguing we should make it so employers don't have to do so. Eliminating ACA would accomplish what you claim to want.

So, fuckhead....BEFORE ACA employers did NOT subsidize HC insurance for their employees???

Who turns on your "puter for you...certainly you're not smart enough to do it yourself.
I'll give some facts about why single payer is cheaper at least in my country.
-Lets first state the obvious. If the profit motive doesn't exist there is no need to make profit. Every penny you give shareholders of hospital, health insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies is a penny less to spend on the function of providing healthcare. Here we need to of course pay the pharmaceutical companies to. But price negotiations are at the country level. This gives us more leverage to get a good deal. Most hospitals and all Health insurance companies are state controlled.
-This means the administration is much simpler. Most of us have a general care practitioner, so our ER deal with actual emergencies. These doctors in general don't have secretaries because price setting is regulated, the same applies to our pharmacists, who don't need to find out what is covered because that is state controlled to. The same applies to our health insurance companies, my town population around 40000 people is served by about 20 people who have administrative functions dealing with health care. No pharmacy techs, almost no medical secretaries.
-No need for advertising health insurance, it's mandatory.
-Becoming a doctor costs you 550 euro a year, not a thousand, 5 hundred, this means no college debt, it also means doctors are cheaper because they don't have to work of this debt.
Single payer is more streamlined and cheaper because a lot less money gets spent on non medical related things.

In other words you advocate Gov control of every industry , cost controls, wage controls, control of everything upstream from the provider. Don't be stupid.
Ask the Swedes about their 65% tax rate for all the "free" stuff

I have. fuckhead........and they've long concluded that their tax rate may be high, but they DO NOT have to pay privateers and colleges their astronomical rates for coverage and tuition..

In other words, you and your fellow morons demand LOWER taxes but don't mind paying through your fucking nose for those services to some CEO who needs a new Lear jet...
People I've met from other countries shake their heads and say "only in America" when our health care system is brought up. This includes Canadians. One reason our health
care is so high here is because of corporate profits of the private insurance companies.

What if there were a mandate that private HC insurers could ONLY raise their rates based on the SAME percentile as wage increases for ALL Americans, except for those making over $1 million per year?

There you go again advocating for Gov control of EVERYTHING.
So now you want the government to pay for our healthcare unless you work for the government...

God damn, you're an idiot with fucked up "conclusions"......Go hump a lamppost, moron.

My "conclusions" are repeating back the stupid things you say.

True or false:

1) you started the thread advocating for government run health care.

2) I just quoted you requesting we stop providing healthcare for government employees.

Which is wrong, oh great pig wrestler?
Health care is fine, matter of fact, the finest in the world.

Look at where the U.S. ranks, nitwit.......

Life Expectancy for Countries

Hey, ever heard the term lifestyle nitwit? People are not dying early because of health care. I guarantee if you compare the lifestyle of the average America to say that of a Scandinavian, there are pretty glaring differences.

Nat seems to think congress passing laws determines the health of people rather than people making choices to take care of their bodies
That taking care of their own bodies will be hard to do considering all the shit that FDA and EPA has approved of under the color of commerce. If Republicans do not wise up and they try to push this force Pharma shit without cleaning up FDA and EPA turning their heads the other way for toxins that are profitable to a few they will also be out on their asses.

Not seeing how the fda or EPA forces people to drink gallons of coke or eat Doritos or whatever.

Not saying occasional treats are bad but we have far more control over our health than we give ourselves credit
Avatar, you are either clueless or turning a blind eye to what has been going down with the toxins being put into our everyday environment with government approval and in some cases force legislation. I do not know which and do not desire to speculate either way.

I have posted some of the information on this forum over the years to what has been happening perhaps you have missed those postings. I will retrieve them for you if you care to be informed?

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