Stop ridiculing Single Payer HC insurance...and think on your own

It's not Medicare For All. Medicare has significant gaps in coverage that allow for dynamic free market competition and innovation. So he's clearly misrepresenting the plan, which is pure Single Payer, right out of the gate, as are his flock.
"Get the flock out of here!" (from the movie Porky's. A Canadian comedy classic from the 1980's :)
What I don't know is whether people like the OP know that "Medicare For All" is a dishonest misrepresentation and don't care, or if they're just ignorant of Medicare and being obedient sheep.

Some from Column A, some from Column B, I'd guess. Such is what happens when something becomes politicized.
OH, and BTW.........If an employer no longer had to subsidize private HC insurance costs, would THAT make that employer more or less likely to hire additional employees???
The first thing that needs to go is employer sponsored health insurance.
People I've met from other countries shake their heads and say "only in America" when our health care system is brought up. This includes Canadians. One reason our health
care is so high here is because of corporate profits of the private insurance companies.

What if there were a mandate that private HC insurers could ONLY raise their rates based on the SAME percentile as wage increases for ALL Americans, except for those making over $1 million per year?
People I've met from other countries shake their heads and say "only in America" when our health care system is brought up. This includes Canadians. One reason our health
care is so high here is because of corporate profits of the private insurance companies.

What if there were a mandate that private HC insurers could ONLY raise their rates based on the SAME percentile as wage increases for ALL Americans, except for those making over $1 million per year?

Oh, yeah, price controls, that's the ticket!

Liberals want us living in tiny boxes stacked on top of each other, eating government-issue seaweed.
People I've met from other countries shake their heads and say "only in America" when our health care system is brought up. This includes Canadians. One reason our health
care is so high here is because of corporate profits of the private insurance companies.

What if there were a mandate that private HC insurers could ONLY raise their rates based on the SAME percentile as wage increases for ALL Americans, except for those making over $1 million per year?

Oh, yeah, price controls, that's the ticket!

Price controls have worked so well in the past. :lol:
The first thing that needs to go is employer sponsored health insurance.

Sure......and START with government (and elected) employees???
No. Start with picking up the goddam telephone and buying your own insurance from whatever company you wish.

Stop asking the government to take care of shit you can do for yourself! Christ!
Hmmm....Single payer...

Obama said he was for single-payer.

He lied his ass off to TRY to get the public to accept the ACA, could not, and the Democrats ended up ramming the minority-supported, socialist agenda-driven agenda into law against the majority will of the people.

Obama basically destroyed the existing health care system and replaced it with the ACA, pretty much ensuring there was 'no going back'. As it almost immediately began to fail D-Harry Reid declared to the media that the ACA was 'designed to fail from the start' as it was designed to be a 'stepping stone' to Single Payer.
-- In essence Americans were forcibly HERDED onto this path.

Single Payer does Liberal bidding - seizing more control of their own choices / lives from Americans and places it into the hands of the ever-growing 'Big Gub'ment'.

But how do you like / what do you think of 'Single payer'? No one can accurately / intelligently answer the question - No one can say, no matter how they try to claim they can, what Single payer will look like or consist of because our F*ed-Up dysfunctional government has not created / passed it...and like with other legislation, you can bet it will be packed with pork and other special-interest funded/supported crap.
Life expectancy has 2 important factors: Lifestyle & genetics.

Ahhhh, moron...but NOT health care delivery??? Ask a woman who needs a Cesarean delivery if "lifestyle" and "genetics" are the only factors in life expectancy.
No. Start with picking up the goddam telephone and buying your own insurance from whatever company you wish.

Sure, and find out that the cost is virtually the SAME for every one of these insurance companies.....Try it......
No. Start with picking up the goddam telephone and buying your own insurance from whatever company you wish.

Sure, and find out that the cost is virtually the SAME for every one of these insurance companies.....Try it......
Yes, the same low price.

Actually, my auto insurance is much lower than most other companies. USAA rocks.

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