Stop Trying To Fix The Police....Fix The Ghetto

You're right ;) The ghetto needs more education funding, jobs and a better chance to lift its self upwards.

What a typical democrat loser answer, always more government money will solve anything. They already get more per child than most, already have received 100s of billions in welfare and housing, if something was going to happen it would have by now.

Exactly. If I'm going to invest in something, I want to know that previous investments in the same thing have produced a result. $22 trillion spent on giving people a hand up in order that they help themselves and the only result we have is a demand for more hand outs.

Near me, the black city schools get the most per child funding and have the worst standardized test results. ONLY an idiot liberal would conclude more money will make things better.

The liberals with their fallacious narrative that all peeps are equal and no child should be left behind b.s. are the reason for the collapse of our public schools...once the best in the world.

We have wasted billions and billions of dollars trying to force integration on people and trying to force it to still does not work and will never work...just creates more social chaos.

The majority of inner city blacks are unemployed and unemployable...much of it due to their lengthy rap sheets...even before they get out of high school

The only positive thing that can be done at all to improve the miserable situation in our public schools is to place the black kids( that cannot achieve in a academic setting) into shop classes where they can be taught some actual job skills...thus removing them from the classrooms where they disrupt the teacher and in many cases have physically assaulted teachers...driving the better teachers out of public education.
The media has folks so coinfused they (way too many) do not even know what the problem is when it comes to the mess the BLM constantly tries to create in the name of social is a farce, it is a blatant attempt to get stuff whilst pretending you are fighting for justice...if anyone should be fighting the police it is white folks not black...more whites are discriminated against and killed by the police than blacks. has been said--time and is the media who enables this b.s. by constantly pursuing the fallacious narrative of black victimhood....anyone who watches the local news aka...the black crime report...knows who the real perps are...anyone who knows the real crime stats knows that the black minority comitts over half of all violent crimes in America.

Sheriff David Clarke: ‘Stop trying to fix the police, Fix the ghetto’

“People have to find a more socially acceptable way to deal with their frustration, their anger and resentment,” Sheriff Clarke said, adding the “war on police” mentality was a “political construct” that had been implemented by the left for a political end....Sheriff David Clarke

Blame the media, because it's not the politicians' fault, as they never want to be to blame and have tons of cash to tell you it ain't their fault.

It's not the voters fault either, they elect the politicians and don't want to appear stupid for continually electing the same crap time and time again.

So, who's left to be blamed? Yeah, the media, blame the media.
The liberals with their fallacious narrative that all peeps are equal and no child should be left behind b.s. are the reason for the collapse of our public schools...once the best in the world.

We have wasted billions and billions of dollars trying to force integration on people and trying to force it to still does not work and will never work...just creates more social chaos.

The majority of inner city blacks are unemployed and unemployable...much of it due to their lengthy rap sheets...even before they get out of high school

The only positive thing that can be done at all to improve the miserable situation in our public schools is to place the black kids( that cannot achieve in a academic setting) into shop classes where they can be taught some actual job skills...thus removing them from the classrooms where they disrupt the teacher and in many cases have physically assaulted teachers...driving the better teachers out of public education.

yes, and the false promise that everyone can get a college degree and live the high life. America is short of thousands of welders, yet blacks aspire to getting that poly sci degree so they can be activists.

about 1 in 15 black men are currently in jail, close to 1 in 3 will be in jail at some time in their lifetime, about 40% don't graduate high school, but hey I am sure more liberal government is the answer
You're right ;) The ghetto needs more education funding, jobs and a better chance to lift its self upwards.

What a typical democrat loser answer, always more government money will solve anything. They already get more per child than most, already have received 100s of billions in welfare and housing, if something was going to happen it would have by now.

Exactly. If I'm going to invest in something, I want to know that previous investments in the same thing have produced a result. $22 trillion spent on giving people a hand up in order that they help themselves and the only result we have is a demand for more hand outs.

Near me, the black city schools get the most per child funding and have the worst standardized test results. ONLY an idiot liberal would conclude more money will make things better.

The liberals with their fallacious narrative that all peeps are equal and no child should be left behind b.s. are the reason for the collapse of our public schools...once the best in the world.

We have wasted billions and billions of dollars trying to force integration on people and trying to force it to still does not work and will never work...just creates more social chaos.

The majority of inner city blacks are unemployed and unemployable...much of it due to their lengthy rap sheets...even before they get out of high school

The only positive thing that can be done at all to improve the miserable situation in our public schools is to place the black kids( that cannot achieve in a academic setting) into shop classes where they can be taught some actual job skills...thus removing them from the classrooms where they disrupt the teacher and in many cases have physically assaulted teachers...driving the better teachers out of public education.

In many cases, although not all, when a child is behind, he/she isn't left behind but chooses to be behind. There is a difference between those that have a harder time but truly want to learn and those that have no interest in learning. With the former, whatever needs to be done should be done. For the latter, no so much. If they don't want to learn, stay the hell away from where those that do want to learn are trying instead of occupying space while disrupting the learners.
The liberals with their fallacious narrative that all peeps are equal and no child should be left behind b.s. are the reason for the collapse of our public schools...once the best in the world.

We have wasted billions and billions of dollars trying to force integration on people and trying to force it to still does not work and will never work...just creates more social chaos.

The majority of inner city blacks are unemployed and unemployable...much of it due to their lengthy rap sheets...even before they get out of high school

The only positive thing that can be done at all to improve the miserable situation in our public schools is to place the black kids( that cannot achieve in a academic setting) into shop classes where they can be taught some actual job skills...thus removing them from the classrooms where they disrupt the teacher and in many cases have physically assaulted teachers...driving the better teachers out of public education.

yes, and the false promise that everyone can get a college degree and live the high life. America is short of thousands of welders, yet blacks aspire to getting that poly sci degree so they can be activists.

about 1 in 15 black men are currently in jail, close to 1 in 3 will be in jail at some time in their lifetime, about 40% don't graduate high school, but hey I am sure more liberal government is the answer

The Liberal excuse when what they do doesn't work is to always claim not enough money was put into it.

Give me 50 people that have an honest desire to learn and I'll teach them anything within my knowledge base and do so without breaking the bank. However, give me 10 that could care less about learning and I couldn't teach them to breathe.
The media has folks so coinfused they (way too many) do not even know what the problem is when it comes to the mess the BLM constantly tries to create in the name of social is a farce, it is a blatant attempt to get stuff whilst pretending you are fighting for justice...if anyone should be fighting the police it is white folks not black...more whites are discriminated against and killed by the police than blacks. has been said--time and is the media who enables this b.s. by constantly pursuing the fallacious narrative of black victimhood....anyone who watches the local news aka...the black crime report...knows who the real perps are...anyone who knows the real crime stats knows that the black minority comitts over half of all violent crimes in America.

Sheriff David Clarke: ‘Stop trying to fix the police, Fix the ghetto’

“People have to find a more socially acceptable way to deal with their frustration, their anger and resentment,” Sheriff Clarke said, adding the “war on police” mentality was a “political construct” that had been implemented by the left for a political end....Sheriff David Clarke

Yes, ghetto trash is a problem the police cannot solve. So now that you've identified the problem, how do you propose to fix it?
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The media has folks so coinfused they (way too many) do not even know what the problem is when it comes to the mess the BLM constantly tries to create in the name of social is a farce, it is a blatant attempt to get stuff whilst pretending you are fighting for justice...if anyone should be fighting the police it is white folks not black...more whites are discriminated against and killed by the police than blacks. has been said--time and is the media who enables this b.s. by constantly pursuing the fallacious narrative of black victimhood....anyone who watches the local news aka...the black crime report...knows who the real perps are...anyone who knows the real crime stats knows that the black minority comitts over half of all violent crimes in America.

Sheriff David Clarke: ‘Stop trying to fix the police, Fix the ghetto’

“People have to find a more socially acceptable way to deal with their frustration, their anger and resentment,” Sheriff Clarke said, adding the “war on police” mentality was a “political construct” that had been implemented by the left for a political end....Sheriff David Clarke

Yes, ghetto trash is a problem the police cannot solve. So now that you've identified the problem, how do you propose to fix it?

I have explained how to fix it many times....but it cannot be accomplished as long as political correctness rules.
The media has folks so coinfused they (way too many) do not even know what the problem is when it comes to the mess the BLM constantly tries to create in the name of social is a farce, it is a blatant attempt to get stuff whilst pretending you are fighting for justice...if anyone should be fighting the police it is white folks not black...more whites are discriminated against and killed by the police than blacks. has been said--time and is the media who enables this b.s. by constantly pursuing the fallacious narrative of black victimhood....anyone who watches the local news aka...the black crime report...knows who the real perps are...anyone who knows the real crime stats knows that the black minority comitts over half of all violent crimes in America.

Sheriff David Clarke: ‘Stop trying to fix the police, Fix the ghetto’

“People have to find a more socially acceptable way to deal with their frustration, their anger and resentment,” Sheriff Clarke said, adding the “war on police” mentality was a “political construct” that had been implemented by the left for a political end....Sheriff David Clarke

Blame the media, because it's not the politicians' fault, as they never want to be to blame and have tons of cash to tell you it ain't their fault.

It's not the voters fault either, they elect the politicians and don't want to appear stupid for continually electing the same crap time and time again.

So, who's left to be blamed? Yeah, the media, blame the media.

The media is a major player in this farce known as political correctness along with the liberals, the public schools and holllywood aka dumbing down the population to accept the fallacy of political correcetness...aka that all peoples are equal, that all children are compent to absorb a academic education, that anyone can be anything they want to be and that even trayvon could have been an astronaut if not gunned down by a evil white waycist....look pal-- people are not dealing with reality and you are a prime example of it.
The media has folks so coinfused they (way too many) do not even know what the problem is when it comes to the mess the BLM constantly tries to create in the name of social is a farce, it is a blatant attempt to get stuff whilst pretending you are fighting for justice...if anyone should be fighting the police it is white folks not black...more whites are discriminated against and killed by the police than blacks. has been said--time and is the media who enables this b.s. by constantly pursuing the fallacious narrative of black victimhood....anyone who watches the local news aka...the black crime report...knows who the real perps are...anyone who knows the real crime stats knows that the black minority comitts over half of all violent crimes in America.

Sheriff David Clarke: ‘Stop trying to fix the police, Fix the ghetto’

“People have to find a more socially acceptable way to deal with their frustration, their anger and resentment,” Sheriff Clarke said, adding the “war on police” mentality was a “political construct” that had been implemented by the left for a political end....Sheriff David Clarke

Yes, ghetto trash is a problem the police cannot solve. So now that you've identified the problem, how do you propose to fix it?

I have explained how to fix it many times....but it cannot be accomplished as long as political correctness rules.

Go ahead and lay it on us?
The ghettos are the result of an internal problem. You can't fix it with external means. It's been proven over and over. The only ones that can fix the ghettos are the ones living there. Government has dumped untold sums of money into building projects only to have them turn into decreped ruins. I don't see gates surrounding them, they can leave and make a life elsewhere.

I disagree....Negroes have a huge,huge problem....they are different...and I do not mean just their skin color. Race goes much deeper than skin color.

Negroes simply are not capable of many things...amongst them self government, competing economically and intellectualy with any other race, etc.etc. and so on and so forth....yet they are told and in fact have been brainwashed into believing that they are equal to all other races...utter b.s. but that is what the public schools, the mass media and hollywood have indoctrinated into them...............................and then...........................when they see they cannot even get a job...........that their own kind will kill them at the drop of a hat and in fact are doing that....they suddenly have an epiphany--- ahhhhhh it must be dat evil what man keeping me down.

Do i need explain what happens then?

Anyhow....Negroes were brought over here by the white man...thus they are the white man's problem...they for the most part cannot do all that much to help themselves...they are in essence pretty much similiar to dumb animals....they do not know which way to go...they do not know whether to come in or go out...utterly clueless...a very small percentage of them do have good intelligence and those are the only ones that can help themselves but that also presents a problem....the arm chair theorticians think because a few of them can be successful that all of them can....not true.....and the same applies to all races actually --some people are destined to way you can get around that...some people in every race just do not have what it takes to succeed in life.....however regarding the negroes in particular...just more of them in that predicament....who is to blame?....well you can blame society in a general sense because it was a white society that brought them over here and separated them from their natural environment in which and to which their culture and genetical make up was acclimated...bottom line they are like fish out of water.

Thus what can be done? A simple question but there is no simple answer.....and even if the answer is provided the solution would be politically unacceptable...the politicians are hamstrung by political correctness....if one even attempts to describe even a small portion of the huge problem he is demonized immediately as a waycist and excluded from the club.

Perhaps there a few things that might be possible to accomplish if any semblance of sanity ever returns to Washington...aka...train the majority of them that are not capable of absorbing an academic education into skills they can use to get a job and support themselves.

Adequate policing of the inner cities to force the trouble makers to adhere to a very strict policy of law and order...and when they persist in their criminal and violent behavior....isolate them into work camps where they will be forced to work to pay for their own up keep....this current situation regarding the criminal justice system and negroes is completely ridiculous not even to mention does not benefits no one...just creates more black criminals of which we already are overrun with.

It is a huge,huge problem folks...and frankly I see no solution possible at this time...there will be more violence and more violence until eventually everyone will see what the real problem is...and most importantly the utter failure of political correctness...then and only then will it be possible to institute some programs that actually works......that is if the country is not completely destroyed...which is no small possibility...a country weakened and divided by racial problems cannot compete with other nations(economically nor militarily) we see this occurring already and in fact has been occurring for several decades now...thus our current weakened position on the world scene...which will get much worse...much worse to the point where we as a nation will most likely become a vassal state of a more powerful nation or nations...aka all of us reduced to servitude....except the elites.
yes, and the false promise that everyone can get a college degree and live the high life. America is short of thousands of welders, yet blacks aspire to getting that poly sci degree so they can be activists.
Back in Brooklyn of the '40s and '50s there was a public high-school named Manual Trades where courses were taught which qualified young men (I don't recall if any girls went there) to enter the various trades, Electrician, Plumber, Carpenter, etc., as competent apprentices. I knew several boys who attended that school, every one of whom became well-paid tradesmen and earned good livings. I don't remember exactly when but Manual Trades high-school was changed to John Jay high-school, the trades courses were discontinued and a standard high-school curriculum was adopted.

I think it's time to bring back trade schools.

about 1 in 15 black men are currently in jail, close to 1 in 3 will be in jail at some time in their lifetime, about 40% don't graduate high school, but hey I am sure more liberal government is the answer
I believe the main problem with ghetto youth is the critical absence of DISCIPLINE in their lives. And because the only effective means of correcting that situation would be through a system of rigidly enforced autocratic regimentation imposed from first grade through high school there is absolutely no hope of ever bringing it about within our constitutional democracy. What we are witnessing in the fundamentally undisciplined and primitive conduct of ghetto Blacks is a negative, self-defeating consequence of freedom.
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yes, and the false promise that everyone can get a college degree and live the high life. America is short of thousands of welders, yet blacks aspire to getting that poly sci degree so they can be activists.
Back in Brooklyn of the '40s and '50s there was a public high-school named Manual Trades where courses were taught which qualified young men (I don't recall if any girls went there) to enter the various trades, Electrician, Plumber, Carpenter, etc., as competent apprentices. I knew several boys who attended that school, every one of whom became well-paid tradesmen and earned good livings. I don't remember exactly when but Manual Trades high-school was changed to John Jay high-school, the trades courses were discontinued and a standard high-school curriculum was adopted.

I think it's time to bring back trade schools.

about 1 in 15 black men are currently in jail, close to 1 in 3 will be in jail at some time in their lifetime, about 40% don't graduate high school, but hey I am sure more liberal government is the answer
I believe the main problem with ghetto youth is the critical absence of DISCIPLINE in their lives. And because the only effective means of correcting that situation would be through a system of rigidly enforced autocratic regimentation imposed from first grade through high school there is absolutely no hope of ever bringing it about within our constitutional democracy. What we are witnessing in the fundamentally undisciplined and primitive conduct of ghetto Blacks is a negative, self-defeating consequence of freedom.

Both of my parents graduated high school in the 1950s. Despite going to school about 700 miles apart, they both said that high schools at that time included a trades curriculum offering the courses you listed. Everyone took the basic 3 Rs because regardless of what you did in life, everyone needed to be able to Read, wRite, and do basic aRithmetic. After that, those pursuing a career that involved school beyond the 12th grade did coursework accordingly and the same for those doing trade. Worked well. Would still work well if the academics would stop the nonsense of thinking everyone needs to go to college to be successful.
The main problem with ghetto youth is that they believe that everything should be given to them, free. At the very least, they should have the right to take whatever they want.
The main problem with ghetto youth is that they believe that everything should be given to them, free. At the very least, they should have the right to take whatever they want.

Yes, they learn this in the public schools....this sense of 'entitlement' cuz they are indoctrinatred into believing dat all dere problems are cuz of da evil white waycist boogeyman...he da one keepin em down....thus they feel they must be compensated aka free housing, food, etc.etc. and so on and so forth and if they need sumptin dey feel day have da right to go down to da local store and take it..without the store owner sayin anything...and usually they do not...just chalk it up to the cost of doing business in a black area.
the problem can be summarized with this chart, it is not fixable, it is most likely genetic

The media has folks so coinfused they (way too many) do not even know what the problem is when it comes to the mess the BLM constantly tries to create in the name of social is a farce, it is a blatant attempt to get stuff whilst pretending you are fighting for justice...if anyone should be fighting the police it is white folks not black...more whites are discriminated against and killed by the police than blacks. has been said--time and is the media who enables this b.s. by constantly pursuing the fallacious narrative of black victimhood....anyone who watches the local news aka...the black crime report...knows who the real perps are...anyone who knows the real crime stats knows that the black minority comitts over half of all violent crimes in America.

Sheriff David Clarke: ‘Stop trying to fix the police, Fix the ghetto’

“People have to find a more socially acceptable way to deal with their frustration, their anger and resentment,” Sheriff Clarke said, adding the “war on police” mentality was a “political construct” that had been implemented by the left for a political end....Sheriff David Clarke

Blame the media, because it's not the politicians' fault, as they never want to be to blame and have tons of cash to tell you it ain't their fault.

It's not the voters fault either, they elect the politicians and don't want to appear stupid for continually electing the same crap time and time again.

So, who's left to be blamed? Yeah, the media, blame the media.

The media is a major player in this farce known as political correctness along with the liberals, the public schools and holllywood aka dumbing down the population to accept the fallacy of political correcetness...aka that all peoples are equal, that all children are compent to absorb a academic education, that anyone can be anything they want to be and that even trayvon could have been an astronaut if not gunned down by a evil white waycist....look pal-- people are not dealing with reality and you are a prime example of it.

Ah, not we're on to political correctness.

The sort of thing the right shout about it being so wrong time and again, then complain when someone says something that isn't politically correct.

The funniest was UKIP at the last British General Election who went on and on and on about political correctness. Then a school kid made an app that basically ridiculed UKIP. After that UKIP didn't say a single thing about political correctness.

What you're talking about, rather than PC, is merely people using their brains. You're annoyed that people can actually think about things, and put together a plan, even if it's not the correct one.

You want things simple, right? So simple it simply doesn't work.

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