Store opens in NYC and the police go in and REFUSE to shut him down

There is a master plan in effect here that boggles the mind but this is no matter because this situation has proven that Americans will believe whatever they see and hear on TV.

somewhere in the bowels of the pentagon...>>>>



F U Andy Chomo you gonna shoot him dead because the police are mocking you
People dying over this shit and these fucking retards are opening their businesses. Dont those fucking fools know all thats going to do is extend the stay inside rule?
Crowded Walmart, A Ok.
Small retail with minimal customers, Biblical plague.

Settle down, Francis.
Walmart sells things that are necessary for day to day living.

This guy sells expensive suits to upper class customers. Of course he isnā€™t going to be punished. We donā€™t have consequences for the wealthy segment of society.
He also has no other source of income to pay his rent you little prick

He should have an emergency fund like the rest of us. Not my fault heā€™s irresponsible.
Not my fault 0.1% of the population dies from this
Why am I being punished as if it is my fault?

Donā€™t act like a child. This isnā€™t punishment.
You rendered an admonition and so did I

You perceive this as punishment. Thatā€™s incorrect. We are doing this to protect our fellow Americans.

You protecting the people who are down to the option of pulling their own teeth? Declaring bankruptcy for their business and losing their home because the biz loan was collateralized with the house?

You protecting all the folks who haven't been able to get CHEMO or PACE MAKERS for the past almost 3 months??? Or afraid to call 911 with heart or stroke symptoms because they don't want to die of COVID there?

You protecting the retirees watching their entire nest egg melt down? The kids who want to Graduate from college and GET a job but are in limbo? Or their prospects for FINDING ONE even if they do?

Such arrogance and righteousness. Too bad you're not actually an angel or prophet or someone who could honest HIDE behind those things... It's pretty blatantly political.. Either because you THINK all this suffering from lock down might WIN you an election or because you just LOVE IT (like AOC does) when the economy tanks and the world is "greener"...,

Let's set aside truth from fiction. Pacemakers, chemo and tooth extractions are still going on. They're called essential services. Someone with heart or stroke symptoms is more likely to get care for those maladies if our hospitals aren't overrun by COVID patients as they did in other places where the virus was spread uninhibited BEFORE social distancing measures.

Retirees shouldn't have their nest eggs in stocks, they should be in bonds so that they don't melt down. Everyone knows this. Kids graduating from college will get jobs eventually.

Business owners collateralizing debt with their personal property is stupid and that's not my fault. Emergencies happen. Unexpected things happen. If they're on such precarious grounds that an emergency results in their lives being ruined, then they shouldn't have been in such a tenuous position in the first place. And that's not withstanding the nearly trillion dollars of tax money raining down from government for small business owners to make ends meet, money which I will have to be shelling out to cover for decades to come. If a small business owner can't get a PPP loan, then tell the Trump administration to pull their heads out of their ass and get it done.

I think that if we do this right, tens of thousands of people will survive this who would otherwise not. Sorry if that offends you. Saving lives shouldn't be political, but that's what you've decided to do.

F U Andy Chomo you gonna shoot him dead because the police are mocking you
People dying over this shit and these fucking retards are opening their businesses. Dont those fucking fools know all thats going to do is extend the stay inside rule?
Crowded Walmart, A Ok.
Small retail with minimal customers, Biblical plague.

Settle down, Francis.
Walmart sells things that are necessary for day to day living.

This guy sells expensive suits to upper class customers. Of course he isnā€™t going to be punished. We donā€™t have consequences for the wealthy segment of society.
/ā€”ā€”-/ Walmart is banned from NYC, but not elsewhere in the state. Target and Costco that sell food and clothes, have NYC stores and are allowed to be open. These idiotic restrictions are forcing small businesses into bankruptcy, according to NY Lib rag Newsday.
Walmart sells things that are necessary for day to day living.
Most of it from China.
Still have a far greater chance of getting the virus there than at a small shop.

If that small shop sells essentials like Walmart, then itll be open too.
Looking sharp and professional IS essential for many folks.
Walmart and big box retail are assuring that herd immunity is moving along.

No, itā€™s not.
You keep pretending it's under control.
All Iā€™m saying is that selling pocket squares does not constitute an essential service no matter what the dandies tell you.
/ā€”ā€”-/ Funny how Libs who love to hate Walmart now defend it. BTW, is Walmart allowed to sell non essentials too? If the tailor puts in a snack rack and soda machine, can he then open?

F U Andy Chomo you gonna shoot him dead because the police are mocking you
People dying over this shit and these fucking retards are opening their businesses. Dont those fucking fools know all thats going to do is extend the stay inside rule?
Crowded Walmart, A Ok.
Small retail with minimal customers, Biblical plague.

Settle down, Francis.
Walmart sells things that are necessary for day to day living.

This guy sells expensive suits to upper class customers. Of course he isnā€™t going to be punished. We donā€™t have consequences for the wealthy segment of society.
/ā€”ā€”-/ Walmart is banned from NYC, but not elsewhere in the state. Target and Costco that sell food and clothes, have NYC stores and are allowed to be open. These idiotic restrictions are forcing small businesses into bankruptcy, according to NY Lib rag Newsday.

People come out of bankruptcy. They donā€™t come back from death due to communicable disease.

Why yā€™all care more about money than lives?

F U Andy Chomo you gonna shoot him dead because the police are mocking you
People dying over this shit and these fucking retards are opening their businesses. Dont those fucking fools know all thats going to do is extend the stay inside rule?
Crowded Walmart, A Ok.
Small retail with minimal customers, Biblical plague.

Settle down, Francis.
Walmart sells things that are necessary for day to day living.

This guy sells expensive suits to upper class customers. Of course he isnā€™t going to be punished. We donā€™t have consequences for the wealthy segment of society.
/ā€”ā€”-/ Walmart is banned from NYC, but not elsewhere in the state. Target and Costco that sell food and clothes, have NYC stores and are allowed to be open. These idiotic restrictions are forcing small businesses into bankruptcy, according to NY Lib rag Newsday.

People come out of bankruptcy. They donā€™t come back from death due to communicable disease.

Why yā€™all care more about money than lives?
/ā€”ā€”ā€”/ Youā€™re right of course. So in an abundance of caution, we need to shut down American for 4 months every flu season until bureaucrats tell us itā€™s safe. BTW, do you drive? I ask because 40,000 die every year from auto accidents. Isnā€™t it best to get rid of your car, because you donā€™t come back from a fatal accident while driving to the grocery store for Fruit Loops.

F U Andy Chomo you gonna shoot him dead because the police are mocking you
People dying over this shit and these fucking retards are opening their businesses. Dont those fucking fools know all thats going to do is extend the stay inside rule?
Crowded Walmart, A Ok.
Small retail with minimal customers, Biblical plague.

Settle down, Francis.
Walmart sells things that are necessary for day to day living.

This guy sells expensive suits to upper class customers. Of course he isnā€™t going to be punished. We donā€™t have consequences for the wealthy segment of society.
/ā€”ā€”-/ Walmart is banned from NYC, but not elsewhere in the state. Target and Costco that sell food and clothes, have NYC stores and are allowed to be open. These idiotic restrictions are forcing small businesses into bankruptcy, according to NY Lib rag Newsday.

People come out of bankruptcy. They donā€™t come back from death due to communicable disease.

Why yā€™all care more about money than lives?
/ā€”ā€”ā€”/ Youā€™re right of course. So in an abundance of caution, we need to shut down American for 4 months every flu season until bureaucrats tell us itā€™s safe. BTW, do you drive? I ask because 40,000 die every year from auto accidents. Isnā€™t it best to get rid of your car, because you donā€™t come back from a fatal accident while driving to the grocery store for Fruit Loops.

Really donā€™t. We have influenza treatment. Vaccines. Tests. And because of that, influenza deaths are lower in a year than COVID has been in a few weeks even WITH extreme measures to combat the spread.

So as you can see, theyre not even close to being comparable.

F U Andy Chomo you gonna shoot him dead because the police are mocking you
People dying over this shit and these fucking retards are opening their businesses. Dont those fucking fools know all thats going to do is extend the stay inside rule?
Crowded Walmart, A Ok.
Small retail with minimal customers, Biblical plague.

Settle down, Francis.
Walmart sells things that are necessary for day to day living.

This guy sells expensive suits to upper class customers. Of course he isnā€™t going to be punished. We donā€™t have consequences for the wealthy segment of society.
/ā€”ā€”-/ Walmart is banned from NYC, but not elsewhere in the state. Target and Costco that sell food and clothes, have NYC stores and are allowed to be open. These idiotic restrictions are forcing small businesses into bankruptcy, according to NY Lib rag Newsday.

People come out of bankruptcy. They donā€™t come back from death due to communicable disease.

Why yā€™all care more about money than lives?
/ā€”ā€”ā€”/ Youā€™re right of course. So in an abundance of caution, we need to shut down American for 4 months every flu season until bureaucrats tell us itā€™s safe. BTW, do you drive? I ask because 40,000 die every year from auto accidents. Isnā€™t it best to get rid of your car, because you donā€™t come back from a fatal accident while driving to the grocery store for Fruit Loops.

Really donā€™t. We have influenza treatment. Vaccines. Tests. And because of that, influenza deaths are lower in a year than COVID has been in a few weeks even WITH extreme measures to combat the spread.

So as you can see, theyre not even close to being comparable.
/ā€”ā€”/ The CDC calls your out on your BS. Preliminary In-Season 2019-2020 Flu Burden Estimates

F U Andy Chomo you gonna shoot him dead because the police are mocking you
People dying over this shit and these fucking retards are opening their businesses. Dont those fucking fools know all thats going to do is extend the stay inside rule?
Crowded Walmart, A Ok.
Small retail with minimal customers, Biblical plague.

Settle down, Francis.
Walmart sells things that are necessary for day to day living.

This guy sells expensive suits to upper class customers. Of course he isnā€™t going to be punished. We donā€™t have consequences for the wealthy segment of society.
/ā€”ā€”-/ Walmart is banned from NYC, but not elsewhere in the state. Target and Costco that sell food and clothes, have NYC stores and are allowed to be open. These idiotic restrictions are forcing small businesses into bankruptcy, according to NY Lib rag Newsday.

People come out of bankruptcy. They donā€™t come back from death due to communicable disease.

Why yā€™all care more about money than lives?
/ā€”ā€”ā€”/ Youā€™re right of course. So in an abundance of caution, we need to shut down American for 4 months every flu season until bureaucrats tell us itā€™s safe. BTW, do you drive? I ask because 40,000 die every year from auto accidents. Isnā€™t it best to get rid of your car, because you donā€™t come back from a fatal accident while driving to the grocery store for Fruit Loops.

Really donā€™t. We have influenza treatment. Vaccines. Tests. And because of that, influenza deaths are lower in a year than COVID has been in a few weeks even WITH extreme measures to combat the spread.

So as you can see, theyre not even close to being comparable.
/ā€”ā€”/ The CDC calls your out on your BS. Preliminary In-Season 2019-2020 Flu Burden Estimates

Not really average annual deaths from influenza is about 40k. Thatā€™s in an entire year.

Weā€™ve had that in 1 month even AFTER shutting down the country.

The officials at the CDC have been trying to correct this misleading comparison for months. Seems yā€™all havenā€™t gotten the message.

F U Andy Chomo you gonna shoot him dead because the police are mocking you
People dying over this shit and these fucking retards are opening their businesses. Dont those fucking fools know all thats going to do is extend the stay inside rule?
Crowded Walmart, A Ok.
Small retail with minimal customers, Biblical plague.

Settle down, Francis.
Walmart sells things that are necessary for day to day living.

This guy sells expensive suits to upper class customers. Of course he isnā€™t going to be punished. We donā€™t have consequences for the wealthy segment of society.
/ā€”ā€”-/ Walmart is banned from NYC, but not elsewhere in the state. Target and Costco that sell food and clothes, have NYC stores and are allowed to be open. These idiotic restrictions are forcing small businesses into bankruptcy, according to NY Lib rag Newsday.

People come out of bankruptcy. They donā€™t come back from death due to communicable disease.

Why yā€™all care more about money than lives?
/ā€”ā€”ā€”/ Youā€™re right of course. So in an abundance of caution, we need to shut down American for 4 months every flu season until bureaucrats tell us itā€™s safe. BTW, do you drive? I ask because 40,000 die every year from auto accidents. Isnā€™t it best to get rid of your car, because you donā€™t come back from a fatal accident while driving to the grocery store for Fruit Loops.

Really donā€™t. We have influenza treatment. Vaccines. Tests. And because of that, influenza deaths are lower in a year than COVID has been in a few weeks even WITH extreme measures to combat the spread.

So as you can see, theyre not even close to being comparable.
/ā€”ā€”/ The CDC calls your out on your BS. Preliminary In-Season 2019-2020 Flu Burden Estimates

Not really average annual deaths from influenza is about 40k. Thatā€™s in an entire year.

Weā€™ve had that in 1 month even AFTER shutting down the country.

The officials at the CDC have been trying to correct this misleading comparison for months. Seems yā€™all havenā€™t gotten the message.

There is no pandemic as hospitals are laying off doctors and nurses for lack of patients

What does the CDC say about that

F U Andy Chomo you gonna shoot him dead because the police are mocking you
People dying over this shit and these fucking retards are opening their businesses. Dont those fucking fools know all thats going to do is extend the stay inside rule?
Crowded Walmart, A Ok.
Small retail with minimal customers, Biblical plague.

Settle down, Francis.
Walmart sells things that are necessary for day to day living.

This guy sells expensive suits to upper class customers. Of course he isnā€™t going to be punished. We donā€™t have consequences for the wealthy segment of society.
/ā€”ā€”-/ Walmart is banned from NYC, but not elsewhere in the state. Target and Costco that sell food and clothes, have NYC stores and are allowed to be open. These idiotic restrictions are forcing small businesses into bankruptcy, according to NY Lib rag Newsday.

People come out of bankruptcy. They donā€™t come back from death due to communicable disease.

Why yā€™all care more about money than lives?
/ā€”ā€”ā€”/ Youā€™re right of course. So in an abundance of caution, we need to shut down American for 4 months every flu season until bureaucrats tell us itā€™s safe. BTW, do you drive? I ask because 40,000 die every year from auto accidents. Isnā€™t it best to get rid of your car, because you donā€™t come back from a fatal accident while driving to the grocery store for Fruit Loops.

Really donā€™t. We have influenza treatment. Vaccines. Tests. And because of that, influenza deaths are lower in a year than COVID has been in a few weeks even WITH extreme measures to combat the spread.

So as you can see, theyre not even close to being comparable.
/ā€”ā€”/ The CDC calls your out on your BS. Preliminary In-Season 2019-2020 Flu Burden Estimates

Not really average annual deaths from influenza is about 40k. Thatā€™s in an entire year.

Weā€™ve had that in 1 month even AFTER shutting down the country.

The officials at the CDC have been trying to correct this misleading comparison for months. Seems yā€™all havenā€™t gotten the message.

There is no pandemic as hospitals are laying off doctors and nurses for lack of patients

What does the CDC say about that
The CDC says you donā€™t understand what a pandemic is if you think there is no pandemic.
Let's set aside truth from fiction. Pacemakers, chemo and tooth extractions are still going on. They're called essential services.

Dont need to read any farther because you have no fucking CLUE what''s going on.. EVERYTHING I said is true.. The ADA RECOMMENDED that dental offices close and they MOSTLY ALL did.. NO ONE is getting even EMERGENCY dental work.. The "line" that 911 uses is that if your face is not EXPLODING from infection - then THEY CANNOT help you... There are HUNDREDS of links on links on this from ALL around the country.,.

Similarly, I READ the guidelines for cardiovascular procedures -- and verified it with EMPTY radiology labs and the layoffs in hospitals all around the country.. Pacemakers were considered "non-essential" as were "balloon agioplasties" if the patient is NOT IN CRITICAL CONDITION...

You should NOT EVEN BE advocating positions on "opening up" if you're COMPLETELY naive about what the state of the country really is.. You can get better chronic care in Nairobi right now than anywhere in America.. The hospitals are EMPTY AND DYING.. My daughter is at Vanderbilt Med and its virtually empty. People are AFRAID to call 911 because they dont wantt to GO to the hospital..

Go research this and FIX your damn ignorance... I'm not gonna walk ya thru it...
Let's set aside truth from fiction. Pacemakers, chemo and tooth extractions are still going on. They're called essential services.

Dont need to read any farther because you have no fucking CLUE what''s going on.. EVERYTHING I said is true.. The ADA RECOMMENDED that dental offices close and they MOSTLY ALL did.. NO ONE is getting even EMERGENCY dental work.. The "line" that 911 uses is that if your face is not EXPLODING from infection - then THEY CANNOT help you... There are HUNDREDS of links on links on this from ALL around the country.,.

Similarly, I READ the guidelines for cardiovascular procedures -- and verified it with EMPTY radiology labs and the layoffs in hospitals all around the country.. Pacemakers were considered "non-essential" as were "balloon agioplasties" if the patient is NOT IN CRITICAL CONDITION...

You should NOT EVEN BE advocating positions on "opening up" if you're COMPLETELY naive about what the state of the country really is.. You can get better chronic care in Nairobi right now than anywhere in America.. The hospitals are EMPTY AND DYING.. My daughter is at Vanderbilt Med and its virtually empty. People are AFRAID to call 911 because they dont wantt to GO to the hospital..

Go research this and FIX your damn ignorance... I'm not gonna walk ya thru it...
Oh I see. You say these procedures arenā€™t being done.
Except when they are.

Angiography, tooth extraction, pacemaker placements are all necessary under some circumstances and being done. Under other circumstances they are not urgent and not done.

Congrats on your daughter. Iā€™m at a hospital nearly every day. Everything I said is true. We donā€™t need your pointless hyperbole making this worse.
No amount of links will cure a sick mind
No amount of links will cure a sick mind

Dental emergencies including tooth extractions are occurring in hospital settings.
No amount of links will cure a sick mind

Dental emergencies including tooth extractions are occurring in hospital settings.
People have a God given right to tooth cleanings that reduce extractions


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