Store owner murders innocent black kid

The “victim” was a thief who was armed with an illegal firearm

Thankfully he never got a chance to use it that we know of
You assume he’s a thief.

It’s pretty easy to see why some people get the impression that black lives don’t matter.
Maybe not, but they won't be "ending well" for anyone else, either. The Left that wails and moans about the scourge of gun violence would cheerfully accept multiples of the deaths that occur yearly IF it were gun owners being killed as they defended their right to keep and bear. That's why I don't give a damn what the Left thinks about MY RIGHTS.
This murderer is a 2nd Amendment Saint in your eyes then.
Black people should be disarmed, yes. White people should be required to train and carry. So should Asians and Indians. They need protection from the hordes of feral racist black animals the Democratic Party has created and now encourage to rob and kill.
. Figures, you dumb fucking racist.
The 14 year old was armed, and the store owner is Asian. Guess who has been assaulting Asians repeatedly for years now? Black racists cause this sort of escalation and reaction. The guy should pay a fine for littering and be let go.
reportedly armed and what was he armed with.

Shooting a person in the back is not a justifiable self defense use of force and this guy wasn't even sure if the kid had actually stolen anything as the article says "he thought" the kid stole some water

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