Stormy Daniels issues statement that she didn't have an affair with Trump...


The President talks about the economy, illegal immigration, the infrastructure, national security and more, and the Democrats talk about Stormy Daniels.
I challenge you to show one democrats talking about this bitch, just one!!! Stop equating the fucked up fake news media as democrats...they're nothing but ratings hungry you what else is new about a white bitch with her draws down??? Duh!!
Democrats on this board can't stop talking about Stormy Daniels, except for when they are talking about race or the Mueller witch hunt. It's because the Democrats have no national agenda so all they can do is to talk about the President.
Get the fuck outta here....two threads about some white bitch, does not a movement make. Now if you want to talk obsession....does Hillary ring a bell?
The President talks about the economy, illegal immigration, the infrastructure, national security and more, and the Democrats talk about Stormy Daniels.
I challenge you to show one democrats talking about this bitch, just one!!! Stop equating the fucked up fake news media as democrats...they're nothing but ratings hungry you what else is new about a white bitch with her draws down??? Duh!!
Democrats on this board can't stop talking about Stormy Daniels, except for when they are talking about race or the Mueller witch hunt. It's because the Democrats have no national agenda so all they can do is to talk about the President.
Get the fuck outta here....two threads about some white bitch, does not a movement make. Now if you want to talk obsession....does Hillary ring a bell?
Hillary nay have had many obsessions, but this is the first time I have heard she was obsessed with Stormy Daniels. It's not surprising, though, since she clearly had nothing to talk about during the election campaign but how much she disliked Trump.
Wow..........................when conservatives desperately want to believe something, they will throw up ANYTHING to try to prove their point.


It's funny as hell when their false flag gets shot down in less than 24 hours.

I so could not resist

View attachment 184162

Stormy Daniels, real name Stephanie Gregory Clifford, was arrested July 25th, 2009 and released on a $1000.00 bond.

Get this, she was going to run for the US Senate in 2009 against Republican David Vitter, and Her campaign slogan was 'SCREWING PEOPLE HONESTLY'.

No joke.

Steve Milne News
Can't complain about women who are willing to bear true witness.

Women of faith, gotta love them.

I so could not resist

View attachment 184162

Stormy Daniels, real name Stephanie Gregory Clifford, was arrested July 25th, 2009 and released on a $1000.00 bond.

Get this, she was going to run for the US Senate in 2009 against Republican David Vitter, and Her campaign slogan was 'SCREWING PEOPLE HONESTLY'.

No joke.

Steve Milne News
Can't complain about women who are willing to bear true witness.

Women of faith, gotta love them.


I so could not resist

View attachment 184162

Stormy Daniels, real name Stephanie Gregory Clifford, was arrested July 25th, 2009 and released on a $1000.00 bond.

Get this, she was going to run for the US Senate in 2009 against Republican David Vitter, and Her campaign slogan was 'SCREWING PEOPLE HONESTLY'.

No joke.

Steve Milne News
Can't complain about women who are willing to bear true witness.

Women of faith, gotta love them.
For those females.. Were Asprin's involved between the knees?
So he had sex with a woman who has sex for a living, almost a decade ago, and we are supposed to be glued to our tv sets over it?
So he had sex with a woman who has sex for a living, almost a decade ago, and we are supposed to be glued to our tv sets over it?
Well, there are pictures, so it is easier for Trump critics to understand this issue than the economy or foreign policy, etc.
Only Libs loons get caught up in the feelings oriented witch hunt of sexuality
The queers and lesbians want to condemn heterosexual sexuality, the cuckolds are pouting their outrage, and the always offendeds are of course offended. Meanwhile the movers and shaker men who run most of the world laugh again at yet another witch hunt "bring him down" fantasy effort
What can we expect, she's a porn actress, which means if she sells her body for money, then LYING in order to get even more $$$ would surely be easier for her.

Let's be realistic here, just go on any porn website (which I go to only for the articles) and type "stormy daniels" in the search bar and you will see hundreds of films showing her fucking blacks, whites, and any number of well endowed men. To be honest she's much uglier on film than she is in pictures.

And this is the left's "credible witness" to Trump's "wrongdoings" and a symbol of the left's Me Too bowel movement. A fucking sleazebag whore working in an industry that denigrates and demeans women. This is how pathetic and desperate the left and the crooked media have gotten.

Ya gotta love it!
It's like how low and desperate can the Fake News go on caring to pay a porn star. Who's clearly just trying to get payed bragging how she had sex with Trump.
It's like how low and desperate can the Fake News go on caring to pay a porn star. Who's clearly just trying to get payed bragging how she had sex with Trump.
The Me Too left is even paying for her legal fees and all the violations she has committed on her contract.

The Left doesn't care about immigrants, gay or women's rights, they just want to divide the country along racial, gender, and ethnic, and economic lines in order to garner more votes. They are literally enemies of the state.
What can we expect, she's a porn actress, which means if she sells her body for money, then LYING in order to get even more $$$ would surely be easier for her.

Let's be realistic here, just go on any porn website (which I go to only for the articles) and type "stormy daniels" in the search bar and you will see hundreds of films showing her fucking blacks, whites, and any number of well endowed men. To be honest she's much uglier on film than she is in pictures.

And this is the left's "credible witness" to Trump's "wrongdoings" and a symbol of the left's Me Too bowel movement. A fucking sleazebag whore working in an industry that denigrates and demeans women. This is how pathetic and desperate the left and the crooked media have gotten.

Ya gotta love it!

Two women have come forward now- both were paid off to keep quiet about their affairs with Trump while he was married.

I know to the Trumpsters- anyone who says anything they don't like is a liar- but Trump's friends sure were willing to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep these women quiet.

Why does a billionaire need others to pay off his sexual partners?
It's like how low and desperate can the Fake News go on caring to pay a porn star. Who's clearly just trying to get payed bragging how she had sex with Trump.
The Me Too left is even paying for her legal fees and all the violations she has committed on her contract.

Easy way to expose that this is just for the perverts who hate Trump cause he's straight. There are more important matters.

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