Stormy Daniels issues statement that she didn't have an affair with Trump...

Those are just words written by, what I assume is a person who doesn't like Trump. Forgive me if I'm skeptical. I need more proof.

Dont go out of your way though, because even if you found proof, i could not possibly care less about who Trump fucks. I assume he fucks a lot of different women.

So, if he doesn't "prove" it to you, you don't believe it - but if he does, you don't care?

Why would you care one way, but not the other?
I'm just stating a fact. I don't believe this particular story. Not now that she denied it, which isn't in her best interests.


Of course it's in her best interests to deny it - if she didn't deny it, Trump would sue her for a large pile of money.

That's how NDAs work.

But stop trying to deflect - why have you posted so many posts in this thread trying to convince us that this story is fake, if you don't care if it's true?
NDAs can't force people to make statements. It would be in her best interests to not say anything at all in order to keep her name in water cooler discussions.


I'd bet that Michael Cohen wrote that statement, and put it in front of her to sign it.
Right after he got back from Prague.

You mean a whore would not lie for $130,000?
YOU invoked her name as someone to believe.

Naw, I never said that I believed that old skank. I just pointed out that at one point, she denied having sex with Clinton, and you guys INSISTED she had until Ken Starr got her in a room with a bunch of scary looking federal agents and a threat of going to jail.

Now, what are the inconsistencies, besides "I think...."

Been over this a bunch of times.

1) She couldn't tell you the date this happened.
2) She couldn't tell you the room number.
3) There was no record of Clinton or Brodderick staying at the hotel in question.
4) Her husband didn't remember her coming home with a swollen lip.
5) She signed TWO affadavits denying the incident.
6) She continued to work for the Clinton campaign for governor months after this incident happened, and even attended Clinton events.

So in a word... no jury would have found her credible and even Ken Starr got mealy-mouthed on her veracity (but still included her statement in his report, because when you are smearing shit, go for broke.)
Then why did Trump pay her 130 grand? Out of the kindness of his heart?

Like I said before. Politician's affairs do not bother me. It's their personal life. Trump's cheating is between him and Melania.

But it bothers me how the right is so family oriented and claim to be people of faith. Yet they defend and excuse things like adultery.

It's hypocrisy.

Wrong wrong wrong... She admitted on Jimmy Kimmel that letter is fake!

koshergrl where you at? You got duped! Oh I love this shit when people put their reputation on the line and get totally owned the same day they do it straight from the horse's mouth.


Where ya at koshergrl ?

Do you feel stupid?

There is a better chance of Trump telling the truth, than koshergrl showing up again in this thread.
Let's say I take her word for it.

Why did Trump pay her $130,000, then?
Tiny little problem!
There is NO PROOF Trump 'paid' Daniels anything.
It's all the usual tabloid LIB bullshit.

Man. That’s awesome.

Give him a break, o'le Danny isn't exactly the sharpest marble. Or maybe he can't afford a tv?

Isn't it a little early to be 'loaded' already?
"Sharpest marble"?
Didn't you mean: "sharpest marble on the tree"?
You are an embarrassment to yourself pal.
Let's say I take her word for it.

Why did Trump pay her $130,000, then?
Tiny little problem!
There is NO PROOF Trump 'paid' Daniels anything.
It's all the usual tabloid LIB bullshit.

Man. That’s awesome.

Give him a break, o'le Danny isn't exactly the sharpest marble. Or maybe he can't afford a tv?

Isn't it a little early to be 'loaded' already?
"Sharpest marble"?
Didn't you mean: "sharpest marble on the tree"?
You are an embarrassment to yourself pal.

Nope, I meant exactly what I said. You'd get it if your family tree had a fork in it.

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