Story about Biden and 14 year old girl debunked by ABC News

Nothing that comes from fake news we will believe.


I only believe what President Trump says.



ABC News is fake news just like CNN.
Nothing that comes from fake news we will believe.

ABC News is fake news just like CNN.

Of course it is!

They are total scum.

Oooh, look, a leftist defending fake news by posting a fake tweet.

Where? Where?
Post #6, you moron.

Gotta learn the art of reading Davey. You see, post 6 is mine. And that's how I know it isn't about "fake news" at all. It's about Lenny and Squiggy. Uh, I mean Skye. Doesn't even REFER TO any news, fake or otherwise. It's about slamming shut one's eyes and ears like a bank vault for the sake of holding one's position in Duh Bubble -------- which is exactly what those posters pledged to do. It's about intentional ignorance.

See, I didn't even read the article in the OP, or whatever "story" preceded it. I didn't need to because I watch reactions. And there they are, aren't they. No way around it. The Cult of Ignorance will always earn my contempt. Count on it.
Fake news
Nothing that comes from fake news we will believe. NOTHING
I only believe what President Trump says. Period.
My goodness. Chill down the spine. Shades of history. Not funny.
Amazing, Donald has been caught telling over 18,000 falsehoods and brainwashed tea bagger trumpoholics are still in denial and enraptured by him. He is like a God to many of his flock.
Update: ABC News reporter deletes and apologizes for tweet reporting the 26 year old woman's claim in light of the information debunking it:

What does this have to do with my post?
Nothing that comes from fake news we will believe.


I only believe what President Trump says.



ABC News is fake news just like CNN.
Nothing that comes from fake news we will believe.

ABC News is fake news just like CNN.

Of course it is!

They are total scum.

Oooh, look, a leftist defending fake news by posting a fake tweet.

Where? Where?
Post #6, you moron.

Gotta learn the art of reading Davey. You see, post 6 is mine. And that's how I know it isn't about "fake news" at all. It's about Lenny and Squiggy. Uh, I mean Skye. Doesn't even REFER TO any news, fake or otherwise. It's about slamming shut one's eyes and ears like a bank vault for the sake of holding one's position in Duh Bubble -------- which is exactly what those posters pledged to do. It's about intentional ignorance.

See, I didn't even read the article in the OP, or whatever "story" preceded it. I didn't need to because I watch reactions. And there they are, aren't they. No way around it. The Cult of Ignorance will always earn my contempt. Count on it.
You posted a fake tweet. You can run away from that simple fact all you like, but it alters nothing.
I love how the left posts wholesome pictures of a father loving his daughter as some kind of twisted shit. I suppose most of them were raised by sad little queers and that kind of wholesomeness is fucking kryptonite to them. Sad.

Far more credibility if they weren't obviously staged/posed pictures.
"Contemporaneous local news reporting shows Biden may have been out of commish for the "remainder of the week," according to his then-spox."

You shitstains can't even read your own fake news. He obviously wasn't "out of commish" for the "remainder of the week" or they would have offered proof of it. Soooooo.... he may have been sexually assaulting a minor.

It's actually more proof that he DID do it. You're not doing your Dear Leaders any favors.

If I was a trump supporter I would shut up.

Donald Trump Nearly Casually Remarks About Incest with daughter Ivanka

Those were all adults there.

Plugs sexually assaulted a 14-year old minor.

That comparison and apology for Pedo Joe makes you a sick, twisted fuck.


Fake picture.

The net is being flooded with photoshopped images and edited videos of Joe Biden. Plenty of them shows up here on USMB. i found one here that wasn't even photoshopped, rather, it was an enlarged photo allegedly showing Biden kissing a baby, but, it wasn't even Biden. It looked somewhat like him, however, a Google photo search led to a video and photo on Mexican President Andre Manuel Lopez Obrador's Facebook page proving the photo was of Obrador, not Biden.

Trumptards have ZERO integrity and would sell our country out to Russia to get their God another term.

Nothing that comes from fake news we will believe.


I only believe what President Trump says.



ABC News is fake news just like CNN.
Nothing that comes from fake news we will believe.

ABC News is fake news just like CNN.

Of course it is!

They are total scum.

Oooh, look, a leftist defending fake news by posting a fake tweet.

Where? Where?
Post #6, you moron.

Gotta learn the art of reading Davey. You see, post 6 is mine. And that's how I know it isn't about "fake news" at all. It's about Lenny and Squiggy. Uh, I mean Skye. Doesn't even REFER TO any news, fake or otherwise. It's about slamming shut one's eyes and ears like a bank vault for the sake of holding one's position in Duh Bubble -------- which is exactly what those posters pledged to do. It's about intentional ignorance.

See, I didn't even read the article in the OP, or whatever "story" preceded it. I didn't need to because I watch reactions. And there they are, aren't they. No way around it. The Cult of Ignorance will always earn my contempt. Count on it.
You posted a fake tweet. You can run away from that simple fact all you like, but it alters nothing.

Once AGAIN Widdle Davey, that's all about context. Read the post it IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWED.

I don't need to "run away from" jack shit. The fake tweet is intentional and directly inspired by the post quoted. I went out to another tab and created that fake tweet. All by myself. Deliberately.


Biden's campaign did not immediately provide comment on the allegations, but Fox News obtained a letter on Sunday from the vice president of the First State Gridiron Dinner indicating that Biden did not attend the 2008 event. His personal schedule for May 3, 2008 reportedly showed that an aide went in his place.
I love how the left posts wholesome pictures of a father loving his daughter as some kind of twisted shit. I suppose most of them were raised by sad little queers and that kind of wholesomeness is fucking kryptonite to them. Sad.

By all means essplain to the class how "the left" can post pictures. Or post anything.

What, is there some kind of collective button they all have to press simultaneously? Do they have like a giant sized thingy they all click together at their daily kaffeeklatch in Dubuque? "one... two... three.... POST" :dunno:

Where are these pictures anyway? In your tiny little head?

Are "the left" or "the right" aware that some of us are even --- horrors ---- posting as individuals? Or is that beyond their intellect?
The entire claim is bunk since Biden wasn’t even at the event.
Nothing that comes from fake news we will believe. NOTHING
I only believe what President Trump says. Period.
My goodness. Chill down the spine. Shades of history. Not funny.
Amazing, Donald has been caught telling over 18,000 falsehoods and brainwashed tea bagger trumpoholics are still in denial and enraptured by him. He is like a God to many of his flock.
Update: ABC News reporter deletes and apologizes for tweet reporting the 26 year old woman's claim in light of the information debunking it:

So it will be out tomorrow. Evidence ABC DOES vet its information, like all the other MSM. Which is completely lost on the audience here, but at least we're aware of it. I think there was mention in the Inquistr article of an official letter from the Gridiron folks saying they checked and Biden wasn't there. You have to buy a ticket. They would know if he was there or not. So it shouldn't be too long.....
Of course, Murry could come back with "Ooops I meant 2009" or something.
Nothing that comes from fake news we will believe. NOTHING
I only believe what President Trump says. Period.
My goodness. Chill down the spine. Shades of history. Not funny.
Amazing, Donald has been caught telling over 18,000 falsehoods and brainwashed tea bagger trumpoholics are still in denial and enraptured by him. He is like a God to many of his flock.
Update: ABC News reporter deletes and apologizes for tweet reporting the 26 year old woman's claim in light of the information debunking it:

So it will be out tomorrow. Evidence ABC DOES vet its information, like all the other MSM. Which is completely lost on the audience here, but at least we're aware of it. I think there was mention in the Inquistr article of an official letter from the Gridiron folks saying they checked and Biden wasn't there. You have to buy a ticket. They would know if he was there or not. So it shouldn't be too long.....
Of course, Murry could come back with "Ooops I meant 2009" or something.

read this informative article!
please God, let the Dems keep Biden for the election...

They have no choice. If they ditch Biden... Bernie will be the last man standing.

The Establishment Dem would rather catch Wuhan Virus than legitimize Bernie...but they need Bernie's supporters to vote for their candidate.

So they can't ditch Biden and replace him with Bernie or the Establishment Dem will revolt and they can't ditch Biden and replace him with someone who is not Bernie or the Bernie supporters will revolt. Rock, meet hard place.

So they'll continue to cover themselves in shit while attempting to polish the turd that Biden campaign has become.
The DNC has other ideas, like a third candidate. They would much prefer Andrew Cuomo. Hillary is also jumping up and down screaming. It's not just between the old man muppets.
A grown woman said that when she was 14 Biden said nice breasts at a dinner party.
But Biden was recovering from surgery, not at a dinner, ABC News reports.
They're just throwing shit and see what sticks..

There will be dozens, possibly hundreds of these attacks in the months to come. Everything the RWNJs can come up with alone plus what ever the Russian think tanks send them.

They will all be fake. On the tiny chance that there is a real one it will be lost in the noise of all the fake news.

Wanna wager what will be next since they've failed at sexual abuse and the whole Ukraine thing?

Emboldened by the apparent success of 2016, with all the "Hillary has Parkinson's" and "protesters brought in on buses" and "Three million Amish mobilize to vote for Rump" and "Hillary fails to show up at rally, replaced by hologram" fake stories generated as fast as Moskva could Make 'em, because clearly, as a cursory glance at this board itself shows, Bubblers don't bother to vet fake headlines as long as it feeds their implanted fantasies. And as they say a lie gets around the world before the truth gets its pants on.

Right in this very thread two of those Bubblers immediately and proudly professed they would deliberately shut out anything that didn't massage the Bubble. It's mass self-delusion gone wild. Of course now that this particular bubble has been discredited they run away and hide rather than face the popping of it. Cowards.

That's why Tweeter and Fecesbook are such cesspools --- literally anybody can post anything and the recipients are too stupid to filter the noise. And the noisemakers know that. Gullible's Travels.

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