Strange but accurate predictor of whether someone supports Donald Rump

Actually to anyone paying attention -- not "strange" at all. It would be strange if it were not true.

>> One of the reasons that Donald Trump has flummoxed pollsters and political analysts is that his supporters seem to have nothing in common. He appeals to evangelical and secular voters, conservative and moderate Republicans, independents and even some Democrats. Many of his supporters are white and don't have a college degree, but he also does well with some highly educated voters, too.

What's bringing all these different people together, new research shows, is a shared type of personality — a personality that in many ways has nothing to do with politics. Indeed, it turns out that your views on raising children better predict whether you support Trump than just about anything else about you.

.... Psychologists use these questions to identify people who are disposed to favor hierarchy, loyalty and strong leadership — those who picked the second trait in each set — what experts call "authoritarianism." That many of Trump's supporters share this trait helps explain the success of his unconventional candidacy and suggests that his rivals will have a hard time winning over his adherents.

When it comes to politics, authoritarians tend to prefer clarity and unity to ambiguity and difference. They're amenable to restricting the rights of foreigners, members of a political party in the minority and anyone whose culture or lifestyle deviates from their own community's.

"For authoritarians, things are black and white," MacWilliams said. "Authoritarians obey."

While some scholars have argued that authoritarianism is associated with conservatism, there are certainly authoritarians in both parties.

.. That Trump's support is based partly on personality rather than policy helps explain why his supporters are so enthusiastic about some of his most widely mocked ideas — such as banning all Muslims from entering the country, a proposal that his opponent Jeb Bush called "unhinged."

"This is in people's guts, not their brains," said Marc Hetherington, a political scientist and an expert on authoritarianism at Vanderbilt University. "This is much more primal." << --- Link

Rumpettes are Passive Authoritarians looking for a Daddy figure. And in other news, water is wet.
Yawn! I support Trump because he is a strong leader which EVERY population wants and needs,Trump defends the interests of the PEOPLE and not CORPORATIONS but continue trying to pigeonhole people its hilarious.

let's be real; the explanation for your support is in your signature line.
Actually to anyone paying attention -- not "strange" at all. It would be strange if it were not true.

>> One of the reasons that Donald Trump has flummoxed pollsters and political analysts is that his supporters seem to have nothing in common. He appeals to evangelical and secular voters, conservative and moderate Republicans, independents and even some Democrats. Many of his supporters are white and don't have a college degree, but he also does well with some highly educated voters, too.

What's bringing all these different people together, new research shows, is a shared type of personality — a personality that in many ways has nothing to do with politics. Indeed, it turns out that your views on raising children better predict whether you support Trump than just about anything else about you.

.... Psychologists use these questions to identify people who are disposed to favor hierarchy, loyalty and strong leadership — those who picked the second trait in each set — what experts call "authoritarianism." That many of Trump's supporters share this trait helps explain the success of his unconventional candidacy and suggests that his rivals will have a hard time winning over his adherents.

When it comes to politics, authoritarians tend to prefer clarity and unity to ambiguity and difference. They're amenable to restricting the rights of foreigners, members of a political party in the minority and anyone whose culture or lifestyle deviates from their own community's.

"For authoritarians, things are black and white," MacWilliams said. "Authoritarians obey."

While some scholars have argued that authoritarianism is associated with conservatism, there are certainly authoritarians in both parties.

.. That Trump's support is based partly on personality rather than policy helps explain why his supporters are so enthusiastic about some of his most widely mocked ideas — such as banning all Muslims from entering the country, a proposal that his opponent Jeb Bush called "unhinged."

"This is in people's guts, not their brains," said Marc Hetherington, a political scientist and an expert on authoritarianism at Vanderbilt University. "This is much more primal." << --- Link

Rumpettes are Passive Authoritarians looking for a Daddy figure. And in other news, water is wet.
Yawn! I support Trump because he is a strong leader which EVERY population wants and needs,Trump defends the interests of the PEOPLE and not CORPORATIONS but continue trying to pigeonhole people its hilarious.

Yanno, smarter minds than ours tried to figure out how Hitler got people behind him too. Which brings up the old adage, "those who ignore history are condemned to repeat it".
Hitler put the people first and made their country great again. If Trump is another leader like Hitler I welcome it with open arms.Democracy is a joke and doesn't work worth a shit.
Actually to anyone paying attention -- not "strange" at all. It would be strange if it were not true.

>> One of the reasons that Donald Trump has flummoxed pollsters and political analysts is that his supporters seem to have nothing in common. He appeals to evangelical and secular voters, conservative and moderate Republicans, independents and even some Democrats. Many of his supporters are white and don't have a college degree, but he also does well with some highly educated voters, too.

What's bringing all these different people together, new research shows, is a shared type of personality — a personality that in many ways has nothing to do with politics. Indeed, it turns out that your views on raising children better predict whether you support Trump than just about anything else about you.

.... Psychologists use these questions to identify people who are disposed to favor hierarchy, loyalty and strong leadership — those who picked the second trait in each set — what experts call "authoritarianism." That many of Trump's supporters share this trait helps explain the success of his unconventional candidacy and suggests that his rivals will have a hard time winning over his adherents.

When it comes to politics, authoritarians tend to prefer clarity and unity to ambiguity and difference. They're amenable to restricting the rights of foreigners, members of a political party in the minority and anyone whose culture or lifestyle deviates from their own community's.

"For authoritarians, things are black and white," MacWilliams said. "Authoritarians obey."

While some scholars have argued that authoritarianism is associated with conservatism, there are certainly authoritarians in both parties.

.. That Trump's support is based partly on personality rather than policy helps explain why his supporters are so enthusiastic about some of his most widely mocked ideas — such as banning all Muslims from entering the country, a proposal that his opponent Jeb Bush called "unhinged."

"This is in people's guts, not their brains," said Marc Hetherington, a political scientist and an expert on authoritarianism at Vanderbilt University. "This is much more primal." << --- Link

Rumpettes are Passive Authoritarians looking for a Daddy figure. And in other news, water is wet.
Yawn! I support Trump because he is a strong leader which EVERY population wants and needs,Trump defends the interests of the PEOPLE and not CORPORATIONS but continue trying to pigeonhole people its hilarious.

let's be real; the explanation for your support is in your signature line.
Which quote?
Hitler put the people first and made their country great again. If Trump is another leader like Hitler I welcome it with open arms.Democracy is a joke and doesn't work worth a shit.

Actually, his actions left Germany a pile of rubble. ^Just more evidence that every racist is mentally handicapped.
It is the authoritarian attitude of Trump that frightens Americans who understand what our Republic is supposed to be about.

However, . . . if he can be rupture the way things are for career politicians would be good for the every day worker.

Jake da' Rake doesn't consider the everyday worker as the average American..........neither does the Democrap Party! And Blacks!?............dat's a whole nether story................
You are not an average American, simply a far right rube. Which is your story. Trump does not care about working Americans. He hires foreigners because they work more cheaply.

Just like I thought........fake Jake cannot relate to average working Americans and goes as far as accusing a guy who is gonna build a wall hiring the guys that he's gonna keep out. Jake is the definition of nutso!
Link, Pothead?

You truly are a moron.

You are no more "liberal" than Stalin. You are a leftist, and leftism is virtually always authoritarian, as are you - whether it is supporting "safe places" to keep the hated whites out of, or forcing bakers to labor against their will - you are an authoritarian.

But again, there is nothing even remotely liberal about you.
'"For authoritarians, things are black and white," MacWilliams said. "Authoritarians obey."'


This is not only typical of most Trump supporters, but of conservatives for the most part.

Authoritarians not only obey, they also feel justified to compel others to conform, that their intolerance is warranted, and to subject those who disagree to verbal abuse, personal attacks, and in some cases threats of violence.

Trump indeed seeks to exploit the very worst in people.
Link, Pothead?

You truly are a moron.

You are no more "liberal" than Stalin. You are a leftist, and leftism is virtually always authoritarian, as are you - whether it is supporting "safe places" to keep the hated whites out of, or forcing bakers to labor against their will - you are an authoritarian.

But again, there is nothing even remotely liberal about you.

So --------------------------------------------------------------------- no link.

What a surprise. I thought for sure this ti.............. zzzzzzzzzzzzz

And just in case I wake up ......

supporting "safe places" to keep the hated whites out of, or forcing bakers to labor against their will

Links for these, too.

Actually to anyone paying attention -- not "strange" at all. It would be strange if it were not true.

>> One of the reasons that Donald Trump has flummoxed pollsters and political analysts is that his supporters seem to have nothing in common. He appeals to evangelical and secular voters, conservative and moderate Republicans, independents and even some Democrats. Many of his supporters are white and don't have a college degree, but he also does well with some highly educated voters, too.

What's bringing all these different people together, new research shows, is a shared type of personality — a personality that in many ways has nothing to do with politics. Indeed, it turns out that your views on raising children better predict whether you support Trump than just about anything else about you.

.... Psychologists use these questions to identify people who are disposed to favor hierarchy, loyalty and strong leadership — those who picked the second trait in each set — what experts call "authoritarianism." That many of Trump's supporters share this trait helps explain the success of his unconventional candidacy and suggests that his rivals will have a hard time winning over his adherents.

When it comes to politics, authoritarians tend to prefer clarity and unity to ambiguity and difference. They're amenable to restricting the rights of foreigners, members of a political party in the minority and anyone whose culture or lifestyle deviates from their own community's.

"For authoritarians, things are black and white," MacWilliams said. "Authoritarians obey."

While some scholars have argued that authoritarianism is associated with conservatism, there are certainly authoritarians in both parties.

.. That Trump's support is based partly on personality rather than policy helps explain why his supporters are so enthusiastic about some of his most widely mocked ideas — such as banning all Muslims from entering the country, a proposal that his opponent Jeb Bush called "unhinged."

"This is in people's guts, not their brains," said Marc Hetherington, a political scientist and an expert on authoritarianism at Vanderbilt University. "This is much more primal." << --- Link

Rumpettes are Passive Authoritarians looking for a Daddy figure. And in other news, water is wet.

Ah! Apparently liberals are Authoritarian. Not surprised at all really.

"Liberal" is the polar opposite of "Authoritarian". Authoritarian means hierarchy; Liberal means that's out the window.

I'd explain further but that's prolly all your tiny brain can handle at once. If even that.

Here's a clue moron:

Liberals prefer unity and they have it.
Liberals restrict their opponents.
Liberals do not tolerate any culture ir lifestyle unless they approve of it.

And from the article you posted but evidently didn't read: "..there are certainly authoritarians in both parties."

Not only did I read that --- I deliberately POSTED it. It's right there in my OP. Always was.

Learn to read.

Well then you are more ignorant than I had previously thought.
Actually to anyone paying attention -- not "strange" at all. It would be strange if it were not true.

>> One of the reasons that Donald Trump has flummoxed pollsters and political analysts is that his supporters seem to have nothing in common. He appeals to evangelical and secular voters, conservative and moderate Republicans, independents and even some Democrats. Many of his supporters are white and don't have a college degree, but he also does well with some highly educated voters, too.

What's bringing all these different people together, new research shows, is a shared type of personality — a personality that in many ways has nothing to do with politics. Indeed, it turns out that your views on raising children better predict whether you support Trump than just about anything else about you.

.... Psychologists use these questions to identify people who are disposed to favor hierarchy, loyalty and strong leadership — those who picked the second trait in each set — what experts call "authoritarianism." That many of Trump's supporters share this trait helps explain the success of his unconventional candidacy and suggests that his rivals will have a hard time winning over his adherents.

When it comes to politics, authoritarians tend to prefer clarity and unity to ambiguity and difference. They're amenable to restricting the rights of foreigners, members of a political party in the minority and anyone whose culture or lifestyle deviates from their own community's.

"For authoritarians, things are black and white," MacWilliams said. "Authoritarians obey."

While some scholars have argued that authoritarianism is associated with conservatism, there are certainly authoritarians in both parties.

.. That Trump's support is based partly on personality rather than policy helps explain why his supporters are so enthusiastic about some of his most widely mocked ideas — such as banning all Muslims from entering the country, a proposal that his opponent Jeb Bush called "unhinged."

"This is in people's guts, not their brains," said Marc Hetherington, a political scientist and an expert on authoritarianism at Vanderbilt University. "This is much more primal." << --- Link

Rumpettes are Passive Authoritarians looking for a Daddy figure. And in other news, water is wet.

Ah! Apparently liberals are Authoritarian. Not surprised at all really.

"Liberal" is the polar opposite of "Authoritarian". Authoritarian means hierarchy; Liberal means that's out the window.

I'd explain further but that's prolly all your tiny brain can handle at once. If even that.

Todays' liberal is an authoritarian, dolt!

Bullshit, and impossible. They're opposites.
.. you dumbass.

Your own OP says you are wrong, moron.
Hitler put the people first and made their country great again. If Trump is another leader like Hitler I welcome it with open arms.Democracy is a joke and doesn't work worth a shit.

Actually, his actions left Germany a pile of rubble. ^Just more evidence that every racist is mentally handicapped.
He never declared war on England...England declared war on Germany. Germany declared war on America thanks to Japan's stupid move. Hitler merely wanted land for his people to expand the Jews behind the throne PUSHED England,The US and everyone else into war with Germany. Read Hitler's own works. He NEVER wanted war with England he held England to a high level of importance and honor. He wanted a Anglo/Germanic partnership.So no his actions dragged Germany OUT of the depression and in less than 12 years took the country to the pinnacle of power and came within a few different decisions chance of controlling all of Europe and crushing jewish bolshevism. The Jew one and the world lost in that war.
He never declared war on England...England declared war on Germany. Germany declared war on America thanks to Japan's stupid move. Hitler merely wanted land for his people to expand the Jews behind the throne PUSHED England,The US and everyone else into war with Germany. Read Hitler's own works. He NEVER wanted war with England he held England to a high level of importance and honor. He wanted a Anglo/Germanic partnership.So no his actions dragged Germany OUT of the depression and in less than 12 years took the country to the pinnacle of power and came within a few different decisions chance of controlling all of Europe and crushing jewish bolshevism. The Jew one and the world lost in that war.

Now that is some bizarre revisionism.

I am convinced that JOOOOOOO hatred is a manifestation of mental illness. Not that anyone had doubts you are severely mentally ill, of course.
Actually to anyone paying attention -- not "strange" at all. It would be strange if it were not true.

>> One of the reasons that Donald Trump has flummoxed pollsters and political analysts is that his supporters seem to have nothing in common. He appeals to evangelical and secular voters, conservative and moderate Republicans, independents and even some Democrats. Many of his supporters are white and don't have a college degree, but he also does well with some highly educated voters, too.

What's bringing all these different people together, new research shows, is a shared type of personality — a personality that in many ways has nothing to do with politics. Indeed, it turns out that your views on raising children better predict whether you support Trump than just about anything else about you.

.... Psychologists use these questions to identify people who are disposed to favor hierarchy, loyalty and strong leadership — those who picked the second trait in each set — what experts call "authoritarianism." That many of Trump's supporters share this trait helps explain the success of his unconventional candidacy and suggests that his rivals will have a hard time winning over his adherents.

When it comes to politics, authoritarians tend to prefer clarity and unity to ambiguity and difference. They're amenable to restricting the rights of foreigners, members of a political party in the minority and anyone whose culture or lifestyle deviates from their own community's.

"For authoritarians, things are black and white," MacWilliams said. "Authoritarians obey."

While some scholars have argued that authoritarianism is associated with conservatism, there are certainly authoritarians in both parties.

.. That Trump's support is based partly on personality rather than policy helps explain why his supporters are so enthusiastic about some of his most widely mocked ideas — such as banning all Muslims from entering the country, a proposal that his opponent Jeb Bush called "unhinged."

"This is in people's guts, not their brains," said Marc Hetherington, a political scientist and an expert on authoritarianism at Vanderbilt University. "This is much more primal." << --- Link
Rumpettes are Passive Authoritarians looking for a Daddy figure. And in other news, water is wet.

According to you authoritarians like things to be black and white. That is a pretty unrelated definition in the first place. Perhaps telling people they are wrong when they are wrong is 'authoritarian'. Well if that is the case then my teacher was pretty authoritarian because she told me I was wrong a lot. It was pretty terrible living under the rule of the classroom. I wish I had the freedom to think anything and it be true but alas that ain't the world we live in. We have true and false and if we didn't have those things then we wouldn't have people who tell the truth and people who lie.
He never declared war on England...England declared war on Germany. Germany declared war on America thanks to Japan's stupid move. Hitler merely wanted land for his people to expand the Jews behind the throne PUSHED England,The US and everyone else into war with Germany. Read Hitler's own works. He NEVER wanted war with England he held England to a high level of importance and honor. He wanted a Anglo/Germanic partnership.So no his actions dragged Germany OUT of the depression and in less than 12 years took the country to the pinnacle of power and came within a few different decisions chance of controlling all of Europe and crushing jewish bolshevism. The Jew one and the world lost in that war.

Now that is some bizarre revisionism.

I am convinced that JOOOOOOO hatred is a manifestation of mental illness. Not that anyone had doubts you are severely mentally ill, of course.
Go ahead explain to us what part isn't true? Like I said try READING Hitler's own words. I know that would be EEEEVIIIILLLL and might turn you into an EVIL NATZI!
It is impossible to think that people should be forced to buy health insurance without thinking that these same people may have some pretty submissive tendencies inside of them. WHat about ranchers who refuse to leave their land? I've been told that these people should be shot for disobedience by the left. How about labeling anyone who opposes the government as dangerous deviants or 'anti-government'? It just seems like people who are anti-government don't really have a lot of authoritarian tendencies hence the term anti-government. Anytime anyone tries to reduce the size of the government in any way and the left instantly dives in and defends excessive government shrinkage.
It is the authoritarian attitude of Trump that frightens Americans who understand what our Republic is supposed to be about.

However, . . . if he can be rupture the way things are for career politicians would be good for the every day worker.

Jake da' Rake doesn't consider the everyday worker as the average American..........neither does the Democrap Party! And Blacks!?............dat's a whole nether story................
You are not an average American, simply a far right rube. Which is your story. Trump does not care about working Americans. He hires foreigners because they work more cheaply.

" they work more cheaply" <----this has got to be grammatically wrong
'"For authoritarians, things are black and white," MacWilliams said. "Authoritarians obey."'


This is not only typical of most Trump supporters, but of conservatives for the most part.

Authoritarians not only obey, they also feel justified to compel others to conform, that their intolerance is warranted, and to subject those who disagree to verbal abuse, personal attacks, and in some cases threats of violence.

Trump indeed seeks to exploit the very worst in people.

Living under the Obama regime has brought out the worst in people... It is like their has been some underbelly of authoritarianism that just exist beneath the surface in this country...

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