Strange but accurate predictor of whether someone supports Donald Rump

Go ahead.....won't matter.......sorta like a mosquito-bite...........

Name calling! calling.

Just call me 'Boss' for now on, yer 'Boss'..............:laugh:.

Would this be counted as someone who wants to be in control of other people...boss?

I'm good at herding cats, so I can easily supervise you.

I heard they give that job to retards who can't get work anywhere else.

Drumpf is hiring idiots and foreigners.

Where did I say that?
Its RWNJs who say that, you know.

And, its "half" and "run".
Not "halve" and "ran".

And, here's that comma you lost.


Actually to anyone paying attention -- not "strange" at all. It would be strange if it were not true.

>> One of the reasons that Donald Trump has flummoxed pollsters and political analysts is that his supporters seem to have nothing in common. He appeals to evangelical and secular voters, conservative and moderate Republicans, independents and even some Democrats. Many of his supporters are white and don't have a college degree, but he also does well with some highly educated voters, too.

What's bringing all these different people together, new research shows, is a shared type of personality — a personality that in many ways has nothing to do with politics. Indeed, it turns out that your views on raising children better predict whether you support Trump than just about anything else about you.

.... Psychologists use these questions to identify people who are disposed to favor hierarchy, loyalty and strong leadership — those who picked the second trait in each set — what experts call "authoritarianism." That many of Trump's supporters share this trait helps explain the success of his unconventional candidacy and suggests that his rivals will have a hard time winning over his adherents.

When it comes to politics, authoritarians tend to prefer clarity and unity to ambiguity and difference. They're amenable to restricting the rights of foreigners, members of a political party in the minority and anyone whose culture or lifestyle deviates from their own community's.

"For authoritarians, things are black and white," MacWilliams said. "Authoritarians obey."

While some scholars have argued that authoritarianism is associated with conservatism, there are certainly authoritarians in both parties.

.. That Trump's support is based partly on personality rather than policy helps explain why his supporters are so enthusiastic about some of his most widely mocked ideas — such as banning all Muslims from entering the country, a proposal that his opponent Jeb Bush called "unhinged."

"This is in people's guts, not their brains," said Marc Hetherington, a political scientist and an expert on authoritarianism at Vanderbilt University. "This is much more primal." << --- Link

Rumpettes are Passive Authoritarians looking for a Daddy figure. And in other news, water is wet.

So how did they determine whether someone was "authoritarian?" Why, simple, they just checked to see whether they support the leftwing agenda. If they are against Obama care and against open borders, then they are obviously authoritarian racists.

Who do you think you're kidding with this shit? Leftwing academics have come out with one bogus study after another supposedly proving that conservatives are mentally deranged, and they're all obvious horseshit that only fools like you think are credible.
'"For authoritarians, things are black and white," MacWilliams said. "Authoritarians obey."'


This is not only typical of most Trump supporters, but of conservatives for the most part.

Authoritarians not only obey, they also feel justified to compel others to conform, that their intolerance is warranted, and to subject those who disagree to verbal abuse, personal attacks, and in some cases threats of violence.

Trump indeed seeks to exploit the very worst in people.

Living under the Obama regime has brought out the worst in people... It is like their has been some underbelly of authoritarianism that just exist beneath the surface in this country...

Yeah, the guy who backed down from Cliven Bundy. Total authoritarian.
History repeats itself. The job of every true patriot is to make sure it doesn't happen here.

"our wish is that responsible folk should once more be brought together so that every class and every individual should be given that authority over those below and that responsibility towards those above which are essential if one is to build up the life of a community"
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech at Stuttgart (Feb. 15, 1933)

Only an imbecile believes there's any resemblance between HItler and Trump. However, never underestimate the liberal talent for going lower than anyone has ever gone before.

Where did I say that?
Its RWNJs who say that, you know.

And, its "half" and "run".
Not "halve" and "ran".

And, here's that comma you lost.



I see you have a BS in lies.
"They're responding to dynamism, to force, to movement, to smiling, to facial expressions that convey authority," he said. Trump "does it with more force. He does it with more energy. Energy is contagious."​

What Herr Drumpf's favorite author called "the authority of personality"

That's just another one of your sleazy despicable slanders.
Authoritarianism is a form of government characterized by strong central power and limited political freedoms.
Authoritarianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Trumpers like authority figures.

interesting question as to why Trump gets the support he does, but the O.P. is, as usual, full of shit. It is another load of liberal propaganda along the usual lines--if you don't agree with us liberals, you are a rube, a dumb-ass, or bat-shit crazy.[/QUOTE]

The op is not full of shit.
'"For authoritarians, things are black and white," MacWilliams said. "Authoritarians obey."'


This is not only typical of most Trump supporters, but of conservatives for the most part.

Authoritarians not only obey, they also feel justified to compel others to conform, that their intolerance is warranted, and to subject those who disagree to verbal abuse, personal attacks, and in some cases threats of violence.

Trump indeed seeks to exploit the very worst in people.

Living under the Obama regime has brought out the worst in people... It is like their has been some underbelly of authoritarianism that just exist beneath the surface in this country...

Yeah, the guy who backed down from Cliven Bundy. Total authoritarian.

How does that prove he's not authoritarian? Are you saying that only slaughtering dozens of women and children would indicate an authoritarian personality?

You are a special kind of imbecile.
THis is almost to easy...
DOes anyone remember the pledge to Obama we were all suppose to make when came into office?


Quit being an idiot.

You don't remember should watch the video. Notice Obama's seal of approval on it.

I'm not watching any wanker in a New Yawk Wankees hat. Ain't gonna happen.

And we all know there was no such "pledge we were all supposed to make". As I said, quit being an idiot.
History repeats itself. The job of every true patriot is to make sure it doesn't happen here.

"our wish is that responsible folk should once more be brought together so that every class and every individual should be given that authority over those below and that responsibility towards those above which are essential if one is to build up the life of a community"
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech at Stuttgart (Feb. 15, 1933)

Only an imbecile believes there's any resemblance between HItler and Trump. However, never underestimate the liberal talent for going lower than anyone has ever gone before.

Actually, there are some similarities but its the sheeples who followed Hitler and now Drumpf that are very close to the same.

BUT - Drumpf's followers know he shits on the little guy, they know he hires illegals and foreigners and sends his own business to Mexico and China. They know he has lied to them from the very first day.

But these are stupid people and they believe that somehow, Drumpf's money will rub off on them. They're failures in their own lives, they believe that buying lottery tickets is a viable retirement plan and they believe that if they just vote for the 1%, they'll somehow become the 1%.

Hell, maybe they even believe a Ukrainian Commie whore will find her way to their bed too.

History repeats itself. The job of every true patriot is to make sure it doesn't happen here.

"our wish is that responsible folk should once more be brought together so that every class and every individual should be given that authority over those below and that responsibility towards those above which are essential if one is to build up the life of a community"
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech at Stuttgart (Feb. 15, 1933)

Only an imbecile believes there's any resemblance between HItler and Trump. However, never underestimate the liberal talent for going lower than anyone has ever gone before.

Actually, there are some similarities but its the sheeples who followed Hitler and now Drumpf that are very close to the same.

BUT - Drumpf's followers know he shits on the little guy, they know he hires illegals and foreigners and sends his own business to Mexico and China. They know he has lied to them from the very first day.

But these are stupid people and they believe that somehow, Drumpf's money will rub off on them. They're failures in their own lives, they believe that buying lottery tickets is a viable retirement plan and they believe that if they just vote for the 1%, they'll somehow become the 1%.

Hell, maybe they even believe a Ukrainian Commie whore will find her way to their bed too.


Assuming your despicable accusations were true, how are Hillary supporters any different?
If he is not Hitler, how about
Actually to anyone paying attention -- not "strange" at all. It would be strange if it were not true.

>> One of the reasons that Donald Trump has flummoxed pollsters and political analysts is that his supporters seem to have nothing in common. He appeals to evangelical and secular voters, conservative and moderate Republicans, independents and even some Democrats. Many of his supporters are white and don't have a college degree, but he also does well with some highly educated voters, too.

What's bringing all these different people together, new research shows, is a shared type of personality — a personality that in many ways has nothing to do with politics. Indeed, it turns out that your views on raising children better predict whether you support Trump than just about anything else about you.

.... Psychologists use these questions to identify people who are disposed to favor hierarchy, loyalty and strong leadership — those who picked the second trait in each set — what experts call "authoritarianism." That many of Trump's supporters share this trait helps explain the success of his unconventional candidacy and suggests that his rivals will have a hard time winning over his adherents.

When it comes to politics, authoritarians tend to prefer clarity and unity to ambiguity and difference. They're amenable to restricting the rights of foreigners, members of a political party in the minority and anyone whose culture or lifestyle deviates from their own community's.

"For authoritarians, things are black and white," MacWilliams said. "Authoritarians obey."

While some scholars have argued that authoritarianism is associated with conservatism, there are certainly authoritarians in both parties.

.. That Trump's support is based partly on personality rather than policy helps explain why his supporters are so enthusiastic about some of his most widely mocked ideas — such as banning all Muslims from entering the country, a proposal that his opponent Jeb Bush called "unhinged."

"This is in people's guts, not their brains," said Marc Hetherington, a political scientist and an expert on authoritarianism at Vanderbilt University. "This is much more primal." << --- Link

Rumpettes are Passive Authoritarians looking for a Daddy figure. And in other news, water is wet.

Sounds like the German population in the early 1930s.

Primed for a populist movement, hating others...etc.
Liberal elitist academia might be high fiving each other over their creation of a term for Trump supporters in order to clarify the bigotry for low information lefties but you would have to write a freaking thesis on Hillary to analyze why any young woman would support a democrat who used the resources of the state of Arkansas and later the U.S. government to ruin the lives of women who were molested by her husband. Maybe you could call it "propaganda syndrome".
History repeats itself. The job of every true patriot is to make sure it doesn't happen here.

"our wish is that responsible folk should once more be brought together so that every class and every individual should be given that authority over those below and that responsibility towards those above which are essential if one is to build up the life of a community"
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech at Stuttgart (Feb. 15, 1933)

Only an imbecile believes there's any resemblance between HItler and Trump. However, never underestimate the liberal talent for going lower than anyone has ever gone before.

They are the same on most issues. That's a fact.

Religious demagoguery
Need a bigger military
Pro-domestic spying
Calls for stronger police presence
Regressive tax plan
Trade protectionist

There is a word to describe people who hold that collection of ideas. The word is "Fascist"

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