Strange but accurate predictor of whether someone supports Donald Rump

History repeats itself. The job of every true patriot is to make sure it doesn't happen here.

"our wish is that responsible folk should once more be brought together so that every class and every individual should be given that authority over those below and that responsibility towards those above which are essential if one is to build up the life of a community"
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech at Stuttgart (Feb. 15, 1933)

Only an imbecile believes there's any resemblance between HItler and Trump. However, never underestimate the liberal talent for going lower than anyone has ever gone before.

They are the same on most issues. That's a fact.

Religious demagoguery
Need a bigger military
Pro-domestic spying
Calls for stronger police presence
Regressive tax plan
Trade protectionist

There is a word to describe people who hold that collection of ideas. The word is "Fascist"

And one important one you left out --- Appeal to fantasies of past national glory..

History repeats itself. The job of every true patriot is to make sure it doesn't happen here.

"our wish is that responsible folk should once more be brought together so that every class and every individual should be given that authority over those below and that responsibility towards those above which are essential if one is to build up the life of a community"
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech at Stuttgart (Feb. 15, 1933)

Only an imbecile believes there's any resemblance between HItler and Trump. However, never underestimate the liberal talent for going lower than anyone has ever gone before.

They are the same on most issues. That's a fact.

Religious demagoguery
Need a bigger military
Pro-domestic spying
Calls for stronger police presence
Regressive tax plan
Trade protectionist

There is a word to describe people who hold that collection of ideas. The word is "Fascist"

And one important one you left out --- Appeal to fantasies of past national glory..


yes, but it would be hard to fit "It is imperative for us to instill in the German Volk a confidence based upon its history and our beliefs in order to be able to carry out the great political tasks facing us." onto the front of a hat.
Actually to anyone paying attention -- not "strange" at all. It would be strange if it were not true.

>> One of the reasons that Donald Trump has flummoxed pollsters and political analysts is that his supporters seem to have nothing in common. He appeals to evangelical and secular voters, conservative and moderate Republicans, independents and even some Democrats. Many of his supporters are white and don't have a college degree, but he also does well with some highly educated voters, too.

What's bringing all these different people together, new research shows, is a shared type of personality — a personality that in many ways has nothing to do with politics. Indeed, it turns out that your views on raising children better predict whether you support Trump than just about anything else about you.

.... Psychologists use these questions to identify people who are disposed to favor hierarchy, loyalty and strong leadership — those who picked the second trait in each set — what experts call "authoritarianism." That many of Trump's supporters share this trait helps explain the success of his unconventional candidacy and suggests that his rivals will have a hard time winning over his adherents.

When it comes to politics, authoritarians tend to prefer clarity and unity to ambiguity and difference. They're amenable to restricting the rights of foreigners, members of a political party in the minority and anyone whose culture or lifestyle deviates from their own community's.

"For authoritarians, things are black and white," MacWilliams said. "Authoritarians obey."

While some scholars have argued that authoritarianism is associated with conservatism, there are certainly authoritarians in both parties.

.. That Trump's support is based partly on personality rather than policy helps explain why his supporters are so enthusiastic about some of his most widely mocked ideas — such as banning all Muslims from entering the country, a proposal that his opponent Jeb Bush called "unhinged."

"This is in people's guts, not their brains," said Marc Hetherington, a political scientist and an expert on authoritarianism at Vanderbilt University. "This is much more primal." << --- Link

Rumpettes are Passive Authoritarians looking for a Daddy figure. And in other news, water is wet.

Ah! Apparently liberals are Authoritarian. Not surprised at all really.

"Liberal" is the polar opposite of "Authoritarian". Authoritarian means hierarchy; Liberal means that's out the window.

I'd explain further but that's prolly all your tiny brain can handle at once. If even that.

Todays' liberal is an authoritarian, dolt!

Bullshit, and impossible. They're opposites.
.. you dumbass.

You must have missed Melissa Click's little outburst at the University of Missouri huh? That was not bull dukie, far from impossible and in no way opposite. Times and definitions have certainly changed since your time in the swamp, Pogo!
Actually to anyone paying attention -- not "strange" at all. It would be strange if it were not true.

>> One of the reasons that Donald Trump has flummoxed pollsters and political analysts is that his supporters seem to have nothing in common. He appeals to evangelical and secular voters, conservative and moderate Republicans, independents and even some Democrats. Many of his supporters are white and don't have a college degree, but he also does well with some highly educated voters, too.

What's bringing all these different people together, new research shows, is a shared type of personality — a personality that in many ways has nothing to do with politics. Indeed, it turns out that your views on raising children better predict whether you support Trump than just about anything else about you.

.... Psychologists use these questions to identify people who are disposed to favor hierarchy, loyalty and strong leadership — those who picked the second trait in each set — what experts call "authoritarianism." That many of Trump's supporters share this trait helps explain the success of his unconventional candidacy and suggests that his rivals will have a hard time winning over his adherents.

When it comes to politics, authoritarians tend to prefer clarity and unity to ambiguity and difference. They're amenable to restricting the rights of foreigners, members of a political party in the minority and anyone whose culture or lifestyle deviates from their own community's.

"For authoritarians, things are black and white," MacWilliams said. "Authoritarians obey."

While some scholars have argued that authoritarianism is associated with conservatism, there are certainly authoritarians in both parties.

.. That Trump's support is based partly on personality rather than policy helps explain why his supporters are so enthusiastic about some of his most widely mocked ideas — such as banning all Muslims from entering the country, a proposal that his opponent Jeb Bush called "unhinged."

"This is in people's guts, not their brains," said Marc Hetherington, a political scientist and an expert on authoritarianism at Vanderbilt University. "This is much more primal." << --- Link

Rumpettes are Passive Authoritarians looking for a Daddy figure. And in other news, water is wet.

Ah! Apparently liberals are Authoritarian. Not surprised at all really.

"Liberal" is the polar opposite of "Authoritarian". Authoritarian means hierarchy; Liberal means that's out the window.

I'd explain further but that's prolly all your tiny brain can handle at once. If even that.

Todays' liberal is an authoritarian, dolt!

Bullshit, and impossible. They're opposites.
.. you dumbass.

You must have missed Melissa Click's little outburst at the University of Missouri huh? That was not bull dukie, far from impossible and in no way opposite. Times and definitions have certainly changed since your time in the swamp, Pogo!

I have no idea who that is or what you're babbling about.

But I do know what the fuck Liberalism is.
It's okay that Trump supporters tend to display similar personality traits with him. There are plenty of Gung-Ho people out there and it's natural that their political hero would look and act as they wish they could.

For those of you old enough to remember Frank Burns from M*A*S*H knows the type we're talking about. These same folks were what Richard Nixon called the "Silent Majority".

Is this election (should Trump run the table) be the ultimate showdown between not only the future of the Republican Party as we know it and, how the 21st century campaign is conducted and the desprate irrelevance of the Silent Majority?

Demographics, and the failure to use them, is why we have the rise and fall of Donald Trump (R). The nation is no longer majority White, high school educated and disaffected. What happens to Trump's coat tails? What's his notion of governing? I'll wager he would prefer to rule rather than govern. Yes, Authoritarianism, but it won't cut any mustard without full throated Republican support from congress.

Without a majority, let alone a mandate landslide, Trump does' have the political chops to build a wall and have Mexico pay for it. And the demographics just don't provide a majority.

If Trump behaved as a serious choice. If he did't carry an unfavorable number that makes Sen. Joe "tail gun rat" McCarthy look like Willard Scott, he would be more effective, even with the same policies.

Do we want to erode the dignity of the Presidency with this "Reality TV" star. Trump comes off as the Love Child of P.T. Barnum and Benito Mussolini.

How can a nation as diverse politically, economically and socially ever come together to elect Frank Burns?
Last edited:
Actually to anyone paying attention -- not "strange" at all. It would be strange if it were not true.

>> One of the reasons that Donald Trump has flummoxed pollsters and political analysts is that his supporters seem to have nothing in common. He appeals to evangelical and secular voters, conservative and moderate Republicans, independents and even some Democrats. Many of his supporters are white and don't have a college degree, but he also does well with some highly educated voters, too.

What's bringing all these different people together, new research shows, is a shared type of personality — a personality that in many ways has nothing to do with politics. Indeed, it turns out that your views on raising children better predict whether you support Trump than just about anything else about you.

.... Psychologists use these questions to identify people who are disposed to favor hierarchy, loyalty and strong leadership — those who picked the second trait in each set — what experts call "authoritarianism." That many of Trump's supporters share this trait helps explain the success of his unconventional candidacy and suggests that his rivals will have a hard time winning over his adherents.

When it comes to politics, authoritarians tend to prefer clarity and unity to ambiguity and difference. They're amenable to restricting the rights of foreigners, members of a political party in the minority and anyone whose culture or lifestyle deviates from their own community's.

"For authoritarians, things are black and white," MacWilliams said. "Authoritarians obey."

While some scholars have argued that authoritarianism is associated with conservatism, there are certainly authoritarians in both parties.

.. That Trump's support is based partly on personality rather than policy helps explain why his supporters are so enthusiastic about some of his most widely mocked ideas — such as banning all Muslims from entering the country, a proposal that his opponent Jeb Bush called "unhinged."

"This is in people's guts, not their brains," said Marc Hetherington, a political scientist and an expert on authoritarianism at Vanderbilt University. "This is much more primal." << --- Link

Rumpettes are Passive Authoritarians looking for a Daddy figure. And in other news, water is wet.

As time has gone on it has become clear he appeals to those who want to be able to tell anyone that disagrees with them to f#$k off. As noted in the article they don't do well with 'getting along'.

Unfortunately this society and government is built on compromise. And trump has already trashed huge sections of voters including hispanics, blacks, and women. And the military is starting to speak out on not wanting this Mussolini wannabe to be elected to anything.

trump will win the Gopp primary and will lose big in the general. To either of the Democrat's candidates. The Frank Burns analogy is spot on.
Actually to anyone paying attention -- not "strange" at all. It would be strange if it were not true.

>> One of the reasons that Donald Trump has flummoxed pollsters and political analysts is that his supporters seem to have nothing in common. He appeals to evangelical and secular voters, conservative and moderate Republicans, independents and even some Democrats. Many of his supporters are white and don't have a college degree, but he also does well with some highly educated voters, too.

What's bringing all these different people together, new research shows, is a shared type of personality — a personality that in many ways has nothing to do with politics. Indeed, it turns out that your views on raising children better predict whether you support Trump than just about anything else about you.

.... Psychologists use these questions to identify people who are disposed to favor hierarchy, loyalty and strong leadership — those who picked the second trait in each set — what experts call "authoritarianism." That many of Trump's supporters share this trait helps explain the success of his unconventional candidacy and suggests that his rivals will have a hard time winning over his adherents.

When it comes to politics, authoritarians tend to prefer clarity and unity to ambiguity and difference. They're amenable to restricting the rights of foreigners, members of a political party in the minority and anyone whose culture or lifestyle deviates from their own community's.

"For authoritarians, things are black and white," MacWilliams said. "Authoritarians obey."

While some scholars have argued that authoritarianism is associated with conservatism, there are certainly authoritarians in both parties.

.. That Trump's support is based partly on personality rather than policy helps explain why his supporters are so enthusiastic about some of his most widely mocked ideas — such as banning all Muslims from entering the country, a proposal that his opponent Jeb Bush called "unhinged."

"This is in people's guts, not their brains," said Marc Hetherington, a political scientist and an expert on authoritarianism at Vanderbilt University. "This is much more primal." << --- Link

Rumpettes are Passive Authoritarians looking for a Daddy figure. And in other news, water is wet.

As time has gone on it has become clear he appeals to those who want to be able to tell anyone that disagrees with them to f#$k off. As noted in the article they don't do well with 'getting along'.

Unfortunately this society and government is built on compromise. And trump has already trashed huge sections of voters including hispanics, blacks, and women. And the military is starting to speak out on not wanting this Mussolini wannabe to be elected to anything.

trump will win the Gopp primary and will lose big in the general. To either of the Democrat's candidates. The Frank Burns analogy is spot on.

I'm not sure I'm on board with the Frank Burns thing but ----- wouldn't that make Hillary the Hotlips Houlihan?
Ah! Apparently liberals are Authoritarian. Not surprised at all really.

"Liberal" is the polar opposite of "Authoritarian". Authoritarian means hierarchy; Liberal means that's out the window.

I'd explain further but that's prolly all your tiny brain can handle at once. If even that.

Todays' liberal is an authoritarian, dolt!

Bullshit, and impossible. They're opposites.
.. you dumbass.

You must have missed Melissa Click's little outburst at the University of Missouri huh? That was not bull dukie, far from impossible and in no way opposite. Times and definitions have certainly changed since your time in the swamp, Pogo!

I have no idea who that is or what you're babbling about.

But I do know what the fuck Liberalism is.

Take a quick look at post #32 on page #4 to refresh your lame memory Prog!
"Liberal" is the polar opposite of "Authoritarian". Authoritarian means hierarchy; Liberal means that's out the window.

I'd explain further but that's prolly all your tiny brain can handle at once. If even that.

Todays' liberal is an authoritarian, dolt!

Bullshit, and impossible. They're opposites.
.. you dumbass.

You must have missed Melissa Click's little outburst at the University of Missouri huh? That was not bull dukie, far from impossible and in no way opposite. Times and definitions have certainly changed since your time in the swamp, Pogo!

I have no idea who that is or what you're babbling about.

But I do know what the fuck Liberalism is.

Take a quick look at post #32 on page #4 to refresh your lame memory Prog!

Post 32 isn't on page 4. Doesn't matter anyway; I know what the fuck Liberalism is, and you don't. That's all there is to it.

And learn how to spell.
Ah! Apparently liberals are Authoritarian. Not surprised at all really.

"Liberal" is the polar opposite of "Authoritarian". Authoritarian means hierarchy; Liberal means that's out the window.

I'd explain further but that's prolly all your tiny brain can handle at once. If even that.

Todays' liberal is an authoritarian, dolt!

Bullshit, and impossible. They're opposites.
.. you dumbass.

You must have missed Melissa Click's little outburst at the University of Missouri huh? That was not bull dukie, far from impossible and in no way opposite. Times and definitions have certainly changed since your time in the swamp, Pogo!

I have no idea who that is or what you're babbling about.

But I do know what the fuck Liberalism is.

Of course you do, Prog/Lib. You probably look in the mirror daily.
Todays' liberal is an authoritarian, dolt!

Bullshit, and impossible. They're opposites.
.. you dumbass.

You must have missed Melissa Click's little outburst at the University of Missouri huh? That was not bull dukie, far from impossible and in no way opposite. Times and definitions have certainly changed since your time in the swamp, Pogo!

I have no idea who that is or what you're babbling about.

But I do know what the fuck Liberalism is.

Take a quick look at post #32 on page #4 to refresh your lame memory Prog!

Post 32 isn't on page 4. Doesn't matter anyway; I know what the fuck Liberalism is, and you don't. That's all there is to it.

And learn how to spell.

Oh my, garbage in, garbage out! You poor lame soul. The original Pogo would certainly be distressed by you're POGO side Remember when he said, "we have met the enemy and he is us"?
Wouldn't you think the left would want to duck the concept of leadership since we haven't seen any of it for eight freaking years? Nope, they double down and call on their elitist idiots in academia to create a personality profile to label innocent Americans. Remember Alinsky's "rules for radicals"? Number 12, pick a target, isolate it, polarize it and de humanize it.
It's not easy fighting the rich or fighting for the masses.

Trump killing the GOP says a lot about how even Republicans feel about republicans. Trump hasn't beat hillary or Bernie yet.

Funny you don't think billionaires like buffet or Soros could possibly care about us but billionaire trump does?
Bullshit, and impossible. They're opposites.
.. you dumbass.

You must have missed Melissa Click's little outburst at the University of Missouri huh? That was not bull dukie, far from impossible and in no way opposite. Times and definitions have certainly changed since your time in the swamp, Pogo!

I have no idea who that is or what you're babbling about.

But I do know what the fuck Liberalism is.

Take a quick look at post #32 on page #4 to refresh your lame memory Prog!

Post 32 isn't on page 4. Doesn't matter anyway; I know what the fuck Liberalism is, and you don't. That's all there is to it.

And learn how to spell.

Oh my, garbage in, garbage out! You poor lame soul. The original Pogo would certainly be distressed by you're POGO side Remember when he said, "we have met the enemy and he is us"?

A quote only the lamest illiterati of the art invoke, being ignorant of the body of work and thinking in their abject self-absorbtitance that citing the trite will somehow impress the Kelly cognoscenti. :lame2:

Clearly you have no points to make, even given several chances. Onto the Ignore scrapheap you go. Next.
Go ahead explain to us what part isn't true? Like I said try READING Hitler's own words. I know that would be EEEEVIIIILLLL and might turn you into an EVIL NATZI!

I was thinking, "gee I hate to have this devolve into a thread on Nazism," but then it dawned on me that this is a Pogo thread, really can't go down from there. :dunno:

I started reading Mein Kampf some 30 years back, but let's face it, these are the ramblings of a lunatic. I did not finish it.

What is not true in your post is that the "Jews one." First off, the Jews were not a party to the conflict, but a victim used for scapegoating, They had no army to field or state to negotiate from.

The Allies won, dependant upon the USA. Russia had men to use as cannon fodder, but absent American machine tools and steel had no way to produce armaments. The T-34 was a well designed tank, but there would have been a total of zero of them had America not propped Stalin up.

So from my perspective, which is not that of an America hater like Pogo or Agit8tr, the victory belonged to America.
So you only disagree it was the Jews that pushed war....mmk. Well International Jewry declared war on Germany in 1933,so in that sense yes they WERE part of the problem and they declared an economic war and they got their ass kicked and only "won" by drawing in England and The USA and MILLIONS of healthy white men dying for their war just like they do today with Iraq and Afghanistan etc. Easiest way to destroy a race is to kill THOUSANDS and MILLIONS of the most healthy in their prime males so they will never breed with females of their own race and produce more white babies.

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