Strange but accurate predictor of whether someone supports Donald Rump

You must have missed Melissa Click's little outburst at the University of Missouri huh? That was not bull dukie, far from impossible and in no way opposite. Times and definitions have certainly changed since your time in the swamp, Pogo!

I have no idea who that is or what you're babbling about.

But I do know what the fuck Liberalism is.

Take a quick look at post #32 on page #4 to refresh your lame memory Prog!

Post 32 isn't on page 4. Doesn't matter anyway; I know what the fuck Liberalism is, and you don't. That's all there is to it.

And learn how to spell.

Oh my, garbage in, garbage out! You poor lame soul. The original Pogo would certainly be distressed by you're POGO side Remember when he said, "we have met the enemy and he is us"?

A quote only the lamest illiterati of the art invoke, being ignorant of the body of work and thinking in their abject self-absorbtitance that citing the trite will somehow impress the Kelly cognoscenti. :lame2:

Clearly you have no points to make, even given several chances. Onto the Ignore scrapheap you go. Next.

My heart is broken. My point is made however. Simply review your sputtering, clownish writ. You are such a disappointment. I thought I was being ignored. Was I wrong?
I have no idea who that is or what you're babbling about.

But I do know what the fuck Liberalism is.

Take a quick look at post #32 on page #4 to refresh your lame memory Prog!

Post 32 isn't on page 4. Doesn't matter anyway; I know what the fuck Liberalism is, and you don't. That's all there is to it.

And learn how to spell.

Oh my, garbage in, garbage out! You poor lame soul. The original Pogo would certainly be distressed by you're POGO side Remember when he said, "we have met the enemy and he is us"?

A quote only the lamest illiterati of the art invoke, being ignorant of the body of work and thinking in their abject self-absorbtitance that citing the trite will somehow impress the Kelly cognoscenti. :lame2:

Clearly you have no points to make, even given several chances. Onto the Ignore scrapheap you go. Next.

My heart is broken. My point is made however. Simply review your sputtering, clownish writ. You are such a disappointment. I thought I was being ignored. Was I wrong?

Please Pogo, go to MEDIA and then to "Melissa Clarke Is Toast". Take the poll if you will, and feel free to comment. I have to think that most consider this woman as a Liberal, Progressive, Assassin, which refutes your personal definition of a liberal. Thus, have the limits of your definition of a Liberal been changed. And please, limit your response to non ugly profanities. Profanities are an indication of a lack of ability to communicate with a normal level of civility. As the liberal community are fond of implying, when not involved in character assassination, we must play nice and conforming. I rest my case.
Actually to anyone paying attention -- not "strange" at all. It would be strange if it were not true.

>> One of the reasons that Donald Trump has flummoxed pollsters and political analysts is that his supporters seem to have nothing in common. He appeals to evangelical and secular voters, conservative and moderate Republicans, independents and even some Democrats. Many of his supporters are white and don't have a college degree, but he also does well with some highly educated voters, too.

What's bringing all these different people together, new research shows, is a shared type of personality — a personality that in many ways has nothing to do with politics. Indeed, it turns out that your views on raising children better predict whether you support Trump than just about anything else about you.

.... Psychologists use these questions to identify people who are disposed to favor hierarchy, loyalty and strong leadership — those who picked the second trait in each set — what experts call "authoritarianism." That many of Trump's supporters share this trait helps explain the success of his unconventional candidacy and suggests that his rivals will have a hard time winning over his adherents.

When it comes to politics, authoritarians tend to prefer clarity and unity to ambiguity and difference. They're amenable to restricting the rights of foreigners, members of a political party in the minority and anyone whose culture or lifestyle deviates from their own community's.

"For authoritarians, things are black and white," MacWilliams said. "Authoritarians obey."

While some scholars have argued that authoritarianism is associated with conservatism, there are certainly authoritarians in both parties.

.. That Trump's support is based partly on personality rather than policy helps explain why his supporters are so enthusiastic about some of his most widely mocked ideas — such as banning all Muslims from entering the country, a proposal that his opponent Jeb Bush called "unhinged."

"This is in people's guts, not their brains," said Marc Hetherington, a political scientist and an expert on authoritarianism at Vanderbilt University. "This is much more primal." << --- Link

Rumpettes are Passive Authoritarians looking for a Daddy figure. And in other news, water is wet.

You know when the libtards are losing their minds ...when they drag out the psychiatirc couch to understand why everyone isout of step but them.
Actually to anyone paying attention -- not "strange" at all. It would be strange if it were not true.

>> One of the reasons that Donald Trump has flummoxed pollsters and political analysts is that his supporters seem to have nothing in common. He appeals to evangelical and secular voters, conservative and moderate Republicans, independents and even some Democrats. Many of his supporters are white and don't have a college degree, but he also does well with some highly educated voters, too.

What's bringing all these different people together, new research shows, is a shared type of personality — a personality that in many ways has nothing to do with politics. Indeed, it turns out that your views on raising children better predict whether you support Trump than just about anything else about you.

.... Psychologists use these questions to identify people who are disposed to favor hierarchy, loyalty and strong leadership — those who picked the second trait in each set — what experts call "authoritarianism." That many of Trump's supporters share this trait helps explain the success of his unconventional candidacy and suggests that his rivals will have a hard time winning over his adherents.

When it comes to politics, authoritarians tend to prefer clarity and unity to ambiguity and difference. They're amenable to restricting the rights of foreigners, members of a political party in the minority and anyone whose culture or lifestyle deviates from their own community's.

"For authoritarians, things are black and white," MacWilliams said. "Authoritarians obey."

While some scholars have argued that authoritarianism is associated with conservatism, there are certainly authoritarians in both parties.

.. That Trump's support is based partly on personality rather than policy helps explain why his supporters are so enthusiastic about some of his most widely mocked ideas — such as banning all Muslims from entering the country, a proposal that his opponent Jeb Bush called "unhinged."

"This is in people's guts, not their brains," said Marc Hetherington, a political scientist and an expert on authoritarianism at Vanderbilt University. "This is much more primal." << --- Link

Rumpettes are Passive Authoritarians looking for a Daddy figure. And in other news, water is wet.

You know when the libtards are losing their minds ...when they drag out the psychiatirc couch to understand why everyone isout of step but them.

True. Only an insane person would disagree with the liberal agenda. Only the mentally ill wouldn't want their country flooded by cheap foreign labor.
Post 32 isn't on page 4. Doesn't matter anyway; I know what the fuck Liberalism is, and you don't. That's all there is to it.

And learn how to spell.

IF you know what liberalism is, then you know damned well that you are not a liberal and have NOTHING in common with liberalism.

You are a Pol Pot level demagogue and leftist.

Paine would slap you, but Ho would embrace you as comrade.
So you only disagree it was the Jews that pushed war....mmk.

I don't "disagree," I am sane and educated. I don't disagree that Superman flew around the sun so fast that he turned back time. I simply disregard fantasy that has no basis in fact or reality.

Well International Jewry declared war on Germany in 1933,so in that sense yes they WERE part of the problem and they declared an economic war and they got their ass kicked and only "won" by drawing in England and The USA and MILLIONS of healthy white men dying for their war just like they do today with Iraq and Afghanistan etc. Easiest way to destroy a race is to kill THOUSANDS and MILLIONS of the most healthy in their prime males so they will never breed with females of their own race and produce more white babies.

I'm sorry that your life is so pathetic that you need a scapegoat to blame your troubles on. I'm sorry that you lack the mental health needed to get an education and join rational society.

What's funny is that there is utterly no difference between your insane and idiotic shit, and that spewed by Pogo. Replace "Jew" with "white" and you would be putting up a typical Pogo post.

The insane and pathetic blame their woes on some sinister other. You hate Jews because you need someone to blame, lest you are forced to admit that failure of your life is your own doing.
such as banning all Muslims from entering the country, a proposal that his opponent Jeb Bush called "unhinged."
When did he say that?
It amazes me how much people will try to make the status quo look better than other forms of lunacy.
People want Washington to focus on americans instead of foreigners and special interests.
such as banning all Muslims from entering the country, a proposal that his opponent Jeb Bush called "unhinged."
When did he say that?

It's from the article of course so your question is to that, but the word "unhinged" is actually a link that goes right to it.

I know, it's hard to believe a Bush got one right. Stopped clock law.
Take a quick look at post #32 on page #4 to refresh your lame memory Prog!

Post 32 isn't on page 4. Doesn't matter anyway; I know what the fuck Liberalism is, and you don't. That's all there is to it.

And learn how to spell.

Oh my, garbage in, garbage out! You poor lame soul. The original Pogo would certainly be distressed by you're POGO side Remember when he said, "we have met the enemy and he is us"?

A quote only the lamest illiterati of the art invoke, being ignorant of the body of work and thinking in their abject self-absorbtitance that citing the trite will somehow impress the Kelly cognoscenti. :lame2:

Clearly you have no points to make, even given several chances. Onto the Ignore scrapheap you go. Next.

My heart is broken. My point is made however. Simply review your sputtering, clownish writ. You are such a disappointment. I thought I was being ignored. Was I wrong?

Please Pogo, go to MEDIA and then to "Melissa Clarke Is Toast". Take the poll if you will, and feel free to comment. I have to think that most consider this woman as a Liberal, Progressive, Assassin, which refutes your personal definition of a liberal. Thus, have the limits of your definition of a Liberal been changed. And please, limit your response to non ugly profanities. Profanities are an indication of a lack of ability to communicate with a normal level of civility. As the liberal community are fond of implying, when not involved in character assassination, we must play nice and conforming. I rest my case.

I don't know (or care) who Melissa Clarke is either. It's irrelevant. You don't prove a point by citing Person X, declaring that person is Label A, and then concluding "therefore anyone I wish to classify as Label A matches Person X". Never worked that way and never will.

Liberalism is a philosophy --- not a person.

As for your trying to dictate which adjectives I might use --- well fuck the fuck that.
such as banning all Muslims from entering the country, a proposal that his opponent Jeb Bush called "unhinged."
When did he say that?

It's from the article of course so your question is to that, but the word "unhinged" is actually a link that goes right to it.

I know, it's hard to believe a Bush got one right. Stopped clock law.
I didn't know he said "all muslims". Well damn
Actually to anyone paying attention -- not "strange" at all. It would be strange if it were not true.

>> One of the reasons that Donald Trump has flummoxed pollsters and political analysts is that his supporters seem to have nothing in common. He appeals to evangelical and secular voters, conservative and moderate Republicans, independents and even some Democrats. Many of his supporters are white and don't have a college degree, but he also does well with some highly educated voters, too.

What's bringing all these different people together, new research shows, is a shared type of personality — a personality that in many ways has nothing to do with politics. Indeed, it turns out that your views on raising children better predict whether you support Trump than just about anything else about you.

.... Psychologists use these questions to identify people who are disposed to favor hierarchy, loyalty and strong leadership — those who picked the second trait in each set — what experts call "authoritarianism." That many of Trump's supporters share this trait helps explain the success of his unconventional candidacy and suggests that his rivals will have a hard time winning over his adherents.

When it comes to politics, authoritarians tend to prefer clarity and unity to ambiguity and difference. They're amenable to restricting the rights of foreigners, members of a political party in the minority and anyone whose culture or lifestyle deviates from their own community's.

"For authoritarians, things are black and white," MacWilliams said. "Authoritarians obey."

While some scholars have argued that authoritarianism is associated with conservatism, there are certainly authoritarians in both parties.

.. That Trump's support is based partly on personality rather than policy helps explain why his supporters are so enthusiastic about some of his most widely mocked ideas — such as banning all Muslims from entering the country, a proposal that his opponent Jeb Bush called "unhinged."

"This is in people's guts, not their brains," said Marc Hetherington, a political scientist and an expert on authoritarianism at Vanderbilt University. "This is much more primal." << --- Link

Rumpettes are Passive Authoritarians looking for a Daddy figure. And in other news, water is wet.

Ah! Apparently liberals are Authoritarian. Not surprised at all really.

"Liberal" is the polar opposite of "Authoritarian". Authoritarian means hierarchy; Liberal means that's out the window.

I'd explain further but that's prolly all your tiny brain can handle at once. If even that.
Anyone can claim they are liberal...
As usual, the elites' response to the ascension of someone like Trump and Sanders completely ignores the simplest, most elegant reasons of all. Quite simply, they represent the voters' absolute disgust and disdain for the existing power structure. It is the one reason the elites cannot comprehend, for in order to do so, they would have to acknowledge that their leadership is being rejected by ever increasing numbers of voters. The Republicans are a little further ahead in the process that started with Ross Perot, grew into the TEA Party, and is now manifested in Trump. Trump is not conservative, he's not even really a politician. He is independently wealthy, however, and thus does not need to knuckle under to the power structure. He's willing to fight, something Republicans traditionally do not do. Democrats, being more sheep like and under less tolerant leadership, are just starting the process with Sanders. He's a socialist, but he's willing to tackle Hillary, who is the ultimate insider party power player. He's a grumpy old man and acts like it, so he gets support from people who are simply tired of plastic, phony, lying politicians (Hillary in this case). The DNC has a balancing act to do, because they don't want it to be too obvious that Hillary is already the nominee and the people's votes don't matter.
I don't know (or care) who Melissa Clarke is either. It's irrelevant. You don't prove a point by citing Person X, declaring that person is Label A, and then concluding "therefore anyone I wish to classify as Label A matches Person X". Never worked that way and never will.

Liberalism is a philosophy --- not a person.

As for your trying to dictate which adjectives I might use --- well fuck the fuck that.

Clark is a leftist like you, who recently used violence to crush speech she opposed and silence the press.

Liberalism is indeed a philosophy, and NOT one that you follow. The foundations of liberalism are private property rights and Laissez Faire Capitalism.

You are a leftist, pure and simple.

What's bringing all these different people together, new research shows, is a shared type of personality — a personality that in many ways has nothing to do with politics. Indeed, it turns out that your views on raising children better predict whether you support Trump than just about anything else about you.....​


Psychologists use these questions to identify people who are disposed to favor hierarchy, loyalty and strong leadership — those who picked the second trait in each set — what experts call "authoritarianism." That many of Trump's supporters share this trait helps explain the success of his unconventional candidacy and suggests that his rivals will have a hard time winning over his adherents....When it comes to politics, authoritarians tend to prefer clarity and unity to ambiguity and difference. They're amenable to restricting the rights of foreigners, members of a political party in the minority and anyone whose culture or lifestyle deviates from their own community's...."For authoritarians, things are black and white," MacWilliams said. "Authoritarians obey."

At once the OP has posted the problem and the solution all in one post to the Trumpster phenomenon... Solution is in large bold text, in case you missed it.

Here's another hint. Note, the belief is running a hard 80-90% Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?

For extra credit: the Kim Davis issue: 80%... Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

80-90% How is it that people are missing the Golden Key that would turn 80-90% of people to their camp if they vigorously stood up for the traditional American family values?
As usual, the elites' response to the ascension of someone like Trump and Sanders completely ignores the simplest, most elegant reasons of all. Quite simply, they represent the voters' absolute disgust and disdain for the existing power structure. It is the one reason the elites cannot comprehend, for in order to do so, they would have to acknowledge that their leadership is being rejected by ever increasing numbers of voters. The Republicans are a little further ahead in the process that started with Ross Perot, grew into the TEA Party, and is now manifested in Trump. Trump is not conservative, he's not even really a politician. He is independently wealthy, however, and thus does not need to knuckle under to the power structure. He's willing to fight, something Republicans traditionally do not do. Democrats, being more sheep like and under less tolerant leadership, are just starting the process with Sanders. He's a socialist, but he's willing to tackle Hillary, who is the ultimate insider party power player. He's a grumpy old man and acts like it, so he gets support from people who are simply tired of plastic, phony, lying politicians (Hillary in this case). The DNC has a balancing act to do, because they don't want it to be too obvious that Hillary is already the nominee and the people's votes don't matter.

True. That is why voters elected Jimmy Carter......

"Those that don't learn history are condemned....", Well, you know.
As usual, the elites' response to the ascension of someone like Trump and Sanders completely ignores the simplest, most elegant reasons of all. Quite simply, they represent the voters' absolute disgust and disdain for the existing power structure.

The only way to make this observation work is to note the only thing these two have in common ---- that they CLAIM to represent the popular disgust with the oligarchy, but one of them is sincere about it and has represented that value literally all his life, while the other is a con artist that has represented the opposite value, all his life.

What the snake-oil buyer needs to get is that neither one of them is going to suddenly do a 180 and turn into their own opposite. When Sanders says he intends to take on the oligarchy, he's continuing what he's done in practice, forever. When Rump says he intends to take down the ..... whatever it is he intends to take down, he too is continuing what he's done in practice forever --- selling snake oil.

The Republicans are a little further ahead in the process that started with Ross Perot, grew into the TEA Party, and is now manifested in Trump.

Rump has nothing to do with Ross Perot other than that they're both rich. Nor with the Tea Party, which was a creation of Dick Armey, the Kochs and Fox Noise. Rump is sui generis, and a con artist opportunist who will say or claim whatever it takes to win personal attention. And he's figured out that there are enough passive-authoritarians in the population to make a dent. As long as somebody's dim enough to buy his bullshit, he's not going to say no to selling it.
As usual, the elites' response to the ascension of someone like Trump and Sanders completely ignores the simplest, most elegant reasons of all. Quite simply, they represent the voters' absolute disgust and disdain for the existing power structure.

The only way to make this observation work is to note the only thing these two have in common ---- that they CLAIM to represent the popular disgust with the oligarchy, but one of them is sincere about it and has represented that value literally all his life, while the other is a con artist that has represented the opposite value, all his life.

What the snake-oil buyer needs to get is that neither one of them is going to suddenly do a 180 and turn into their own opposite.

It is true that Sanders is an insider politician. However, he appears like an outsider because Hillary is much more so.

The Republicans are a little further ahead in the process that started with Ross Perot, grew into the TEA Party, and is now manifested in Trump.

Rump has nothing to do with Ross Perot other than that they're both rich. Nor with the Tea Party, which was a creation of Dick Armey, the Kochs and Fox Noise. Rump is sui generis, and a con artist opportunist who will say or claim whatever it takes to win personal attention. And he's figured out that there are enough passive-authoritarians in the population to make a dent. As long as somebody's dim enough to buy his bullshit, he's not going to say no to selling it.
What they have in common is they represent dissatisfaction with the status quo. Same with the TEA party. People are fed up and Trump is taking advantage of that. Like I said, democrats are just a few years behind, but they'll catch up. Even their leadership's authoritarianism can't keep the lid on it forever.

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