Strict Gun Control is coming in 2017

Of course Trump isn't conservative, he's a moderate at best, but that's irrelevant....

The presidency was was no longer worth winning with the now we have a chance to win again....Ford, Bush, Dole, Bush, McShame, Romney....never again....that is over.....

You're right. Never again will you see a Republican presidency in one hell of a long time and by the time it does happen so much damage will have been done to this country it will irreparable. Just because you guys couldn't get a candidate that matched your purity test you stomped your feet like a bunch of little children and now you're going to get hit with every fear you people have been shaking in your boots about for years: gun control, job killing environmental regulations, etc.

Nice job, retards.

As for who will vote Trump, lets wait and see, el Trumpo has a bigger following than you, or liberals and the GOP, think.....

No, he doesn't. He's going to be get annihilated and Hillary Clinton is going to be calling the shots for at least the next four years. The courts will be leaning far to the left for probably the next 20.

Pat yourselves on the back, Trump tards. You've done a great service for your country.

At least you're admitting it now.

It's cute the way you blame the disaster on rank-and-file Republicans when you are actively campaigning to help Hillary get elected.
After Clinton wins the election and the Dems take the senate (two things I am strongly against), she will replace Scalia with a gun control far leftist. The SCOTUS will have a 5-4 majority. No swing vote is necessary. All previous rulings, aka Heller, will get no merit.

The first attack will come from a liberal state like OR, WA or maybe IL. Conceal carry will come under attack, lengthy background check, assault weapon ban, limits on ammo, expensive gun ownership cards (aka German style, because gun ownership is not for the poor) and no buy lists. Some I could agree with and some I don't but I see this eventually being aspects of gun control regulations after the election.

(1) Assault weapon ban. The definition of an assault weapon will be expanded.

(2) Federal, expensive and strict conceal carry permit. To be a conceal carry holder one is going to have to shell out a ton of money, meet strict and highly burdensome criteria and the vast majority of people will be denied. Elitist will get it, but not the peasants.

(3) Federal gun registry and federal background check. Every gun owner will need to be on the federal registry and obtain a federal issued gun ownership card. All guns purchased will be linked to your name and stored in a fed database. It will be very expensive to obtain. The background check will be rigorous and very burdensome. Most people will fail.

(4) Limits on ammo type. They will dumb down the legal ammo one can purchase.

(5) Gun limits. They will limit the number of guns a person can own to 3-5.

(6) End to gun shows, guns purchased over the Internet and guns purchased or given to by individual. If you want to sell your gun it will need to be to a Federally registered and monitored gun store. If you want to buy a gun, it will need to be at a federally registered gun shop.

(7) 1 month or greater waiting period. The Fed will need to conduct a thorough background check on every sale. The Fed will get overwhelmed with volume so the gun owner will suffer.

(8) No buy lists: 1. No Fly and Terrorist watch list: Sounds great in theory, if you are a terrorist we don't want you to have guns. However expect this list to grow exponentially. It won't be flooded with Muslims terrorist or black gangsters, but rather will white people. How does one get on it? Will there be due process of person who is on it by accident? Ripe for abuse. 2. Mental Ill list: again sounds great. We don't want the mentally ill to have guns. Same issue how does one get out on it and will there be due process to challenge it. 3. Domestic abuse and divorce list: If one gets charged with domestic abuse then on the list. If one is going through a divorce then on the list. What about false accusations? So. Many divorcees and yet so few kill their spouse.

(9) High penalties for breaking these laws. See minimum sentences to rise for all gun control infractions.

(10) Lastly, confiscation. If you have what is classified as an assault rifle, you must give up. If you get denied a license or your license is expired, you must turn in your guns. Every gun over the 3-5 mark must be given back. If you are going through a divorce, you must give up your guns while going through the divorce. And if you are on one of the no buy lists, you must give up your guns.

Folks that is why this election is crucial l Hilliary and the liberals must be stopped.

NRA gun nuts are the greatest threat to my future gun rights. Even NRA members are getting fed up...

The NRA’s internal revolt over Philando Castile
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We've already won with Trump....the GOP has been decimated....

Without a person like Trump to grab the pendulum and stop it, we could never get a conservative in again......

And thanks to Trump you never will. First of all, Trump isn't a conservative. Second, you've alienated every single group in this country except white men and you barely have a majority of them. So yeah, you're right. You guys did decimate the GOP and you'll be lucky to ever win the presidency again any time in the next generation.

Why do you think women are alienated?
Of course Trump isn't conservative, he's a moderate at best, but that's irrelevant....

The presidency was was no longer worth winning with the now we have a chance to win again....Ford, Bush, Dole, Bush, McShame, Romney....never again....that is over.....

You're right. Never again will you see a Republican presidency in one hell of a long time and by the time it does happen so much damage will have been done to this country it will irreparable. Just because you guys couldn't get a candidate that matched your purity test you stomped your feet like a bunch of little children and now you're going to get hit with every fear you people have been shaking in your boots about for years: gun control, job killing environmental regulations, etc.

Nice job, retards.

As for who will vote Trump, lets wait and see, el Trumpo has a bigger following than you, or liberals and the GOP, think.....

No, he doesn't. He's going to be get annihilated and Hillary Clinton is going to be calling the shots for at least the next four years. The courts will be leaning far to the left for probably the next 20.

Pat yourselves on the back, Trump tards. You've done a great service for your country.

So, which of the candidates met the so-called "purity" test? You sure talk like you are in your own little world.
You are assuming several things...

1). That Hillary can dodge the firestorm and possible perjury charges...

2). That the American people aren't waking up to the terrorist threat, and the fact that the Dimocraps want to import more of the bastards... After all, even the LGB community is arming up after Orlando...

3). View attachment 80972

You are assuming several things

1- that Trump will be able to win over the Parasitic Hordes which constitute close to 50% of the electorate

2- the war profiteers , are part of the parasitic hordes , they are a powerful lobby and support Hillary the warhawk


What Trump needs is for the 47 + percent to be so sick of Mrs. Tuzla that they don't vote at all. I predict much apathy. But then again Mrs. Tuzla is opening the candy box and passing out goodies.
After Clinton wins the election and the Dems take the senate (two things I am strongly against), she will replace Scalia with a gun control far leftist. The SCOTUS will have a 5-4 majority. No swing vote is necessary. All previous rulings, aka Heller, will get no merit.

The first attack will come from a liberal state like OR, WA or maybe IL. Conceal carry will come under attack, lengthy background check, assault weapon ban, limits on ammo, expensive gun ownership cards (aka German style, because gun ownership is not for the poor) and no buy lists. Some I could agree with and some I don't but I see this eventually being aspects of gun control regulations after the election.

(1) Assault weapon ban. The definition of an assault weapon will be expanded.

(2) Federal, expensive and strict conceal carry permit. To be a conceal carry holder one is going to have to shell out a ton of money, meet strict and highly burdensome criteria and the vast majority of people will be denied. Elitist will get it, but not the peasants.

(3) Federal gun registry and federal background check. Every gun owner will need to be on the federal registry and obtain a federal issued gun ownership card. All guns purchased will be linked to your name and stored in a fed database. It will be very expensive to obtain. The background check will be rigorous and very burdensome. Most people will fail.

(4) Limits on ammo type. They will dumb down the legal ammo one can purchase.

(5) Gun limits. They will limit the number of guns a person can own to 3-5.

(6) End to gun shows, guns purchased over the Internet and guns purchased or given to by individual. If you want to sell your gun it will need to be to a Federally registered and monitored gun store. If you want to buy a gun, it will need to be at a federally registered gun shop.

(7) 1 month or greater waiting period. The Fed will need to conduct a thorough background check on every sale. The Fed will get overwhelmed with volume so the gun owner will suffer.

(8) No buy lists: 1. No Fly and Terrorist watch list: Sounds great in theory, if you are a terrorist we don't want you to have guns. However expect this list to grow exponentially. It won't be flooded with Muslims terrorist or black gangsters, but rather will white people. How does one get on it? Will there be due process of person who is on it by accident? Ripe for abuse. 2. Mental Ill list: again sounds great. We don't want the mentally ill to have guns. Same issue how does one get out on it and will there be due process to challenge it. 3. Domestic abuse and divorce list: If one gets charged with domestic abuse then on the list. If one is going through a divorce then on the list. What about false accusations? So. Many divorcees and yet so few kill their spouse.

(9) High penalties for breaking these laws. See minimum sentences to rise for all gun control infractions.

(10) Lastly, confiscation. If you have what is classified as an assault rifle, you must give up. If you get denied a license or your license is expired, you must turn in your guns. Every gun over the 3-5 mark must be given back. If you are going through a divorce, you must give up your guns while going through the divorce. And if you are on one of the no buy lists, you must give up your guns.

Folks that is why this election is crucial l Hilliary and the liberals must be stopped.

NRA gun nuts are the greatest threat to my future gun rights. Even NRA members are getting fed up...

The NRA’s internal revolt over Philando Castile

So anyone who opposes abridging the 2nd Amendment is a threat to the 2nd Amendment?

This is what passes for logic among leftwing douche bags.
The OP is acting like Chicken Little. Nothing nearly as extreme as he presents will happen, but yes, there will probably be some restrictions implemented and you can thank Trump backers for that because he is the only reason why Republicans are going to lose this election

You can tell that to President Trump if you ever see him in your town.....
The best thing for the Republicans to do, the single, very best thing, as soon as Dump loses the election they need to invite Judge Garland to the Hill and confirm him. No hearings, just fucking do it.

Nothing I've read about the guy makes him a bad choice and I'd be willing to bet he's far more moderate than anyone Clinton would nominate...

if trump loses obama will pull garland's nomination....he will put forth bill ayers and his wife to take the next two spots......
After Clinton wins the election and the Dems take the senate (two things I am strongly against), she will replace Scalia with a gun control far leftist. The SCOTUS will have a 5-4 majority. No swing vote is necessary. All previous rulings, aka Heller, will get no merit.

The first attack will come from a liberal state like OR, WA or maybe IL. Conceal carry will come under attack, lengthy background check, assault weapon ban, limits on ammo, expensive gun ownership cards (aka German style, because gun ownership is not for the poor) and no buy lists. Some I could agree with and some I don't but I see this eventually being aspects of gun control regulations after the election.

(1) Assault weapon ban. The definition of an assault weapon will be expanded.

(2) Federal, expensive and strict conceal carry permit. To be a conceal carry holder one is going to have to shell out a ton of money, meet strict and highly burdensome criteria and the vast majority of people will be denied. Elitist will get it, but not the peasants.

(3) Federal gun registry and federal background check. Every gun owner will need to be on the federal registry and obtain a federal issued gun ownership card. All guns purchased will be linked to your name and stored in a fed database. It will be very expensive to obtain. The background check will be rigorous and very burdensome. Most people will fail.

(4) Limits on ammo type. They will dumb down the legal ammo one can purchase.

(5) Gun limits. They will limit the number of guns a person can own to 3-5.

(6) End to gun shows, guns purchased over the Internet and guns purchased or given to by individual. If you want to sell your gun it will need to be to a Federally registered and monitored gun store. If you want to buy a gun, it will need to be at a federally registered gun shop.

(7) 1 month or greater waiting period. The Fed will need to conduct a thorough background check on every sale. The Fed will get overwhelmed with volume so the gun owner will suffer.

(8) No buy lists: 1. No Fly and Terrorist watch list: Sounds great in theory, if you are a terrorist we don't want you to have guns. However expect this list to grow exponentially. It won't be flooded with Muslims terrorist or black gangsters, but rather will white people. How does one get on it? Will there be due process of person who is on it by accident? Ripe for abuse. 2. Mental Ill list: again sounds great. We don't want the mentally ill to have guns. Same issue how does one get out on it and will there be due process to challenge it. 3. Domestic abuse and divorce list: If one gets charged with domestic abuse then on the list. If one is going through a divorce then on the list. What about false accusations? So. Many divorcees and yet so few kill their spouse.

(9) High penalties for breaking these laws. See minimum sentences to rise for all gun control infractions.

(10) Lastly, confiscation. If you have what is classified as an assault rifle, you must give up. If you get denied a license or your license is expired, you must turn in your guns. Every gun over the 3-5 mark must be given back. If you are going through a divorce, you must give up your guns while going through the divorce. And if you are on one of the no buy lists, you must give up your guns.

Folks that is why this election is crucial l Hilliary and the liberals must be stopped.

NRA gun nuts are the greatest threat to my future gun rights. Even NRA members are getting fed up...

The NRA’s internal revolt over Philando Castile
Thinking Error: Hopover
After Clinton wins the election and the Dems take the senate (two things I am strongly against), she will replace Scalia with a gun control far leftist. The SCOTUS will have a 5-4 majority. No swing vote is necessary. All previous rulings, aka Heller, will get no merit.

The first attack will come from a liberal state like OR, WA or maybe IL. Conceal carry will come under attack, lengthy background check, assault weapon ban, limits on ammo, expensive gun ownership cards (aka German style, because gun ownership is not for the poor) and no buy lists. Some I could agree with and some I don't but I see this eventually being aspects of gun control regulations after the election.

(1) Assault weapon ban. The definition of an assault weapon will be expanded.

(2) Federal, expensive and strict conceal carry permit. To be a conceal carry holder one is going to have to shell out a ton of money, meet strict and highly burdensome criteria and the vast majority of people will be denied. Elitist will get it, but not the peasants.

(3) Federal gun registry and federal background check. Every gun owner will need to be on the federal registry and obtain a federal issued gun ownership card. All guns purchased will be linked to your name and stored in a fed database. It will be very expensive to obtain. The background check will be rigorous and very burdensome. Most people will fail.

(4) Limits on ammo type. They will dumb down the legal ammo one can purchase.

(5) Gun limits. They will limit the number of guns a person can own to 3-5.

(6) End to gun shows, guns purchased over the Internet and guns purchased or given to by individual. If you want to sell your gun it will need to be to a Federally registered and monitored gun store. If you want to buy a gun, it will need to be at a federally registered gun shop.

(7) 1 month or greater waiting period. The Fed will need to conduct a thorough background check on every sale. The Fed will get overwhelmed with volume so the gun owner will suffer.

(8) No buy lists: 1. No Fly and Terrorist watch list: Sounds great in theory, if you are a terrorist we don't want you to have guns. However expect this list to grow exponentially. It won't be flooded with Muslims terrorist or black gangsters, but rather will white people. How does one get on it? Will there be due process of person who is on it by accident? Ripe for abuse. 2. Mental Ill list: again sounds great. We don't want the mentally ill to have guns. Same issue how does one get out on it and will there be due process to challenge it. 3. Domestic abuse and divorce list: If one gets charged with domestic abuse then on the list. If one is going through a divorce then on the list. What about false accusations? So. Many divorcees and yet so few kill their spouse.

(9) High penalties for breaking these laws. See minimum sentences to rise for all gun control infractions.

(10) Lastly, confiscation. If you have what is classified as an assault rifle, you must give up. If you get denied a license or your license is expired, you must turn in your guns. Every gun over the 3-5 mark must be given back. If you are going through a divorce, you must give up your guns while going through the divorce. And if you are on one of the no buy lists, you must give up your guns.

Folks that is why this election is crucial l Hilliary and the liberals must be stopped.

There will be no ‘gun control’ in 2017, ‘strict’ or otherwise.

Even with Clinton as president the Senate will likely remain in the control of republicans.

And should democrats take control of the Senate, it will be a slim two seat ‘majority’ at best.

Senate republicans will have no trouble killing any proposed Federal firearm regulatory measures, as we saw with the Manchin-Toomey gun proposal in 2013:


Indeed, Manchin-Toomey was a very minor ‘regulatory’ measure that placed no new regulations of actual firearms and included a provision prohibiting registration.

If milquetoast legislation such as Manchin-Toomey couldn’t pass in a Senate controlled by democrats, nothing is going to pass, particularly if the Senate is controlled by republicans.
Of course Trump isn't conservative, he's a moderate at best, but that's irrelevant....

The presidency was was no longer worth winning with the now we have a chance to win again....Ford, Bush, Dole, Bush, McShame, Romney....never again....that is over.....

You're right. Never again will you see a Republican presidency in one hell of a long time and by the time it does happen so much damage will have been done to this country it will irreparable. Just because you guys couldn't get a candidate that matched your purity test you stomped your feet like a bunch of little children and now you're going to get hit with every fear you people have been shaking in your boots about for years: gun control, job killing environmental regulations, etc.

Nice job, retards.

As for who will vote Trump, lets wait and see, el Trumpo has a bigger following than you, or liberals and the GOP, think.....

No, he doesn't. He's going to be get annihilated and Hillary Clinton is going to be calling the shots for at least the next four years. The courts will be leaning far to the left for probably the next 20.

Pat yourselves on the back, Trump tards. You've done a great service for your country.

If the Nation can survive the likes of Nixon and Bush, it can survive anything.

The reason why it may be a long time before there’s another republican president is because the republican agenda runs contrary to the will of a majority of the American people.

Americans don’t want to go back to the republican Dark Ages of trickle-down ‘economics,’ unwarranted, illegal wars, forcing women to give birth against their will, and making it a ‘crime’ to be gay.
After Clinton wins the election and the Dems take the senate (two things I am strongly against), she will replace Scalia with a gun control far leftist. The SCOTUS will have a 5-4 majority. No swing vote is necessary. All previous rulings, aka Heller, will get no merit.

The first attack will come from a liberal state like OR, WA or maybe IL. Conceal carry will come under attack, lengthy background check, assault weapon ban, limits on ammo, expensive gun ownership cards (aka German style, because gun ownership is not for the poor) and no buy lists. Some I could agree with and some I don't but I see this eventually being aspects of gun control regulations after the election.

(1) Assault weapon ban. The definition of an assault weapon will be expanded.

(2) Federal, expensive and strict conceal carry permit. To be a conceal carry holder one is going to have to shell out a ton of money, meet strict and highly burdensome criteria and the vast majority of people will be denied. Elitist will get it, but not the peasants.

(3) Federal gun registry and federal background check. Every gun owner will need to be on the federal registry and obtain a federal issued gun ownership card. All guns purchased will be linked to your name and stored in a fed database. It will be very expensive to obtain. The background check will be rigorous and very burdensome. Most people will fail.

(4) Limits on ammo type. They will dumb down the legal ammo one can purchase.

(5) Gun limits. They will limit the number of guns a person can own to 3-5.

(6) End to gun shows, guns purchased over the Internet and guns purchased or given to by individual. If you want to sell your gun it will need to be to a Federally registered and monitored gun store. If you want to buy a gun, it will need to be at a federally registered gun shop.

(7) 1 month or greater waiting period. The Fed will need to conduct a thorough background check on every sale. The Fed will get overwhelmed with volume so the gun owner will suffer.

(8) No buy lists: 1. No Fly and Terrorist watch list: Sounds great in theory, if you are a terrorist we don't want you to have guns. However expect this list to grow exponentially. It won't be flooded with Muslims terrorist or black gangsters, but rather will white people. How does one get on it? Will there be due process of person who is on it by accident? Ripe for abuse. 2. Mental Ill list: again sounds great. We don't want the mentally ill to have guns. Same issue how does one get out on it and will there be due process to challenge it. 3. Domestic abuse and divorce list: If one gets charged with domestic abuse then on the list. If one is going through a divorce then on the list. What about false accusations? So. Many divorcees and yet so few kill their spouse.

(9) High penalties for breaking these laws. See minimum sentences to rise for all gun control infractions.

(10) Lastly, confiscation. If you have what is classified as an assault rifle, you must give up. If you get denied a license or your license is expired, you must turn in your guns. Every gun over the 3-5 mark must be given back. If you are going through a divorce, you must give up your guns while going through the divorce. And if you are on one of the no buy lists, you must give up your guns.

Folks that is why this election is crucial l Hilliary and the liberals must be stopped.
Even if the GOP loses the Senate, unless the DEM's get a super-majority the GOP senators can still filibust any SCOTUS nomination.

I foresee no new SCOTUS justices appointed in the next 4 years.

Ginsberg will be the next to die or retire. Then there will be 7 -- and odd number again.

Problem solved.
After Clinton wins the election and the Dems take the senate (two things I am strongly against), she will replace Scalia with a gun control far leftist. The SCOTUS will have a 5-4 majority. No swing vote is necessary. All previous rulings, aka Heller, will get no merit.

The first attack will come from a liberal state like OR, WA or maybe IL. Conceal carry will come under attack, lengthy background check, assault weapon ban, limits on ammo, expensive gun ownership cards (aka German style, because gun ownership is not for the poor) and no buy lists. Some I could agree with and some I don't but I see this eventually being aspects of gun control regulations after the election.

(1) Assault weapon ban. The definition of an assault weapon will be expanded.

(2) Federal, expensive and strict conceal carry permit. To be a conceal carry holder one is going to have to shell out a ton of money, meet strict and highly burdensome criteria and the vast majority of people will be denied. Elitist will get it, but not the peasants.

(3) Federal gun registry and federal background check. Every gun owner will need to be on the federal registry and obtain a federal issued gun ownership card. All guns purchased will be linked to your name and stored in a fed database. It will be very expensive to obtain. The background check will be rigorous and very burdensome. Most people will fail.

(4) Limits on ammo type. They will dumb down the legal ammo one can purchase.

(5) Gun limits. They will limit the number of guns a person can own to 3-5.

(6) End to gun shows, guns purchased over the Internet and guns purchased or given to by individual. If you want to sell your gun it will need to be to a Federally registered and monitored gun store. If you want to buy a gun, it will need to be at a federally registered gun shop.

(7) 1 month or greater waiting period. The Fed will need to conduct a thorough background check on every sale. The Fed will get overwhelmed with volume so the gun owner will suffer.

(8) No buy lists: 1. No Fly and Terrorist watch list: Sounds great in theory, if you are a terrorist we don't want you to have guns. However expect this list to grow exponentially. It won't be flooded with Muslims terrorist or black gangsters, but rather will white people. How does one get on it? Will there be due process of person who is on it by accident? Ripe for abuse. 2. Mental Ill list: again sounds great. We don't want the mentally ill to have guns. Same issue how does one get out on it and will there be due process to challenge it. 3. Domestic abuse and divorce list: If one gets charged with domestic abuse then on the list. If one is going through a divorce then on the list. What about false accusations? So. Many divorcees and yet so few kill their spouse.

(9) High penalties for breaking these laws. See minimum sentences to rise for all gun control infractions.

(10) Lastly, confiscation. If you have what is classified as an assault rifle, you must give up. If you get denied a license or your license is expired, you must turn in your guns. Every gun over the 3-5 mark must be given back. If you are going through a divorce, you must give up your guns while going through the divorce. And if you are on one of the no buy lists, you must give up your guns.

Folks that is why this election is crucial l Hilliary and the liberals must be stopped.

There will be no ‘gun control’ in 2017, ‘strict’ or otherwise.

Even with Clinton as president the Senate will likely remain in the control of republicans.

And should democrats take control of the Senate, it will be a slim two seat ‘majority’ at best.

Senate republicans will have no trouble killing any proposed Federal firearm regulatory measures, as we saw with the Manchin-Toomey gun proposal in 2013:


Indeed, Manchin-Toomey was a very minor ‘regulatory’ measure that placed no new regulations of actual firearms and included a provision prohibiting registration.

If milquetoast legislation such as Manchin-Toomey couldn’t pass in a Senate controlled by democrats, nothing is going to pass, particularly if the Senate is controlled by republicans.
HIllary would need a super majority in the Senate AND a majority in the House in order to pass any Federal gun legislation.

I don't see the DEM's regaining the House however.
After Clinton wins the election and the Dems take the senate (two things I am strongly against), she will replace Scalia with a gun control far leftist. The SCOTUS will have a 5-4 majority. No swing vote is necessary. All previous rulings, aka Heller, will get no merit.

The first attack will come from a liberal state like OR, WA or maybe IL. Conceal carry will come under attack, lengthy background check, assault weapon ban, limits on ammo, expensive gun ownership cards (aka German style, because gun ownership is not for the poor) and no buy lists. Some I could agree with and some I don't but I see this eventually being aspects of gun control regulations after the election.

(1) Assault weapon ban. The definition of an assault weapon will be expanded.

(2) Federal, expensive and strict conceal carry permit. To be a conceal carry holder one is going to have to shell out a ton of money, meet strict and highly burdensome criteria and the vast majority of people will be denied. Elitist will get it, but not the peasants.

(3) Federal gun registry and federal background check. Every gun owner will need to be on the federal registry and obtain a federal issued gun ownership card. All guns purchased will be linked to your name and stored in a fed database. It will be very expensive to obtain. The background check will be rigorous and very burdensome. Most people will fail.

(4) Limits on ammo type. They will dumb down the legal ammo one can purchase.

(5) Gun limits. They will limit the number of guns a person can own to 3-5.

(6) End to gun shows, guns purchased over the Internet and guns purchased or given to by individual. If you want to sell your gun it will need to be to a Federally registered and monitored gun store. If you want to buy a gun, it will need to be at a federally registered gun shop.

(7) 1 month or greater waiting period. The Fed will need to conduct a thorough background check on every sale. The Fed will get overwhelmed with volume so the gun owner will suffer.

(8) No buy lists: 1. No Fly and Terrorist watch list: Sounds great in theory, if you are a terrorist we don't want you to have guns. However expect this list to grow exponentially. It won't be flooded with Muslims terrorist or black gangsters, but rather will white people. How does one get on it? Will there be due process of person who is on it by accident? Ripe for abuse. 2. Mental Ill list: again sounds great. We don't want the mentally ill to have guns. Same issue how does one get out on it and will there be due process to challenge it. 3. Domestic abuse and divorce list: If one gets charged with domestic abuse then on the list. If one is going through a divorce then on the list. What about false accusations? So. Many divorcees and yet so few kill their spouse.

(9) High penalties for breaking these laws. See minimum sentences to rise for all gun control infractions.

(10) Lastly, confiscation. If you have what is classified as an assault rifle, you must give up. If you get denied a license or your license is expired, you must turn in your guns. Every gun over the 3-5 mark must be given back. If you are going through a divorce, you must give up your guns while going through the divorce. And if you are on one of the no buy lists, you must give up your guns.

Folks that is why this election is crucial l Hilliary and the liberals must be stopped.

There is only one way she'd let you keep your guns.


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