Struggling Lewiston Maine and the invasion of culture that refuses to assimilate

I stopped by the Ethiopian market/bar yesterday to pick up a carryout that I had been promising myself for months (kitfo!). Yellow flowers were strewn all over the floors. I felt to be careful where I stepped, but the owner explained to me that it was the Ethiopian New Year and the flowers were part of the celebration, as they are the first flowers of spring in Ethiopia. While I waited for my order, I watched people dancing enthusiastically on Ethiopian TV, dressed in traditional Ethiopian white embroidered gear. I wish I could have gotten up and danced with them. How much do you want people to "assimilate" and how? If this market weren't here, I wouldn't know a thing about it.
I’m making Ethiopian food as we speaking I can even make the bread.. you don’t know the definition of assimilating.
Then what do you mean by "assimilating"? What is an immigrant supposed to do to "assimilate"? What have some people NOT done?
BTW: I am impressed if you can make injera. Teff? Yumm. I've got my mouth full.
----------------------- for the most part 'aliens' and imported third worlders do not assimilate and don't want to . If they wanted to assimilate they would know English before they got to the USA and that just one example Lysis . 'mexicans' for example . many of them think that' mexico' still owns part of the USA and are even taught that in their 'mexican' schools Lysis .

"Mexicans" were here long before your ass was. Spanish was spoken before English was in many parts of the southwest.
Again, try defining for the rest of us what "assimilate" means.
------------------------------------ Mexicans couldn't hang and they couldn't improve what they were trying to conquer a inhabit . As proof , see the 'zhithole' that they have in ' mexico' and most of the rest of South America and further down . [ as a side comment I partialy blame 'catholics' ] Anyway go ahead and compare mexico to the USA or any other Western Nation Lysis .
I stopped by the Ethiopian market/bar yesterday to pick up a carryout that I had been promising myself for months (kitfo!). Yellow flowers were strewn all over the floors. I felt to be careful where I stepped, but the owner explained to me that it was the Ethiopian New Year and the flowers were part of the celebration, as they are the first flowers of spring in Ethiopia. While I waited for my order, I watched people dancing enthusiastically on Ethiopian TV, dressed in traditional Ethiopian white embroidered gear. I wish I could have gotten up and danced with them. How much do you want people to "assimilate" and how? If this market weren't here, I wouldn't know a thing about it.
I’m making Ethiopian food as we speaking I can even make the bread.. you don’t know the definition of assimilating.
Then what do you mean by "assimilating"? What is an immigrant supposed to do to "assimilate"? What have some people NOT done?
BTW: I am impressed if you can make injera. Teff? Yumm. I've got my mouth full.
----------------------- for the most part 'aliens' and imported third worlders do not assimilate and don't want to . If they wanted to assimilate they would know English before they got to the USA and that just one example Lysis . 'mexicans' for example . many of them think that' mexico' still owns part of the USA and are even taught that in their 'mexican' schools Lysis .

"Mexicans" were here long before your ass was. Spanish was spoken before English was in many parts of the southwest.
Again, try defining for the rest of us what "assimilate" means.
------------------------------------ Mexicans couldn't hang and they couldn't improve what they were trying to conquer a inhabit . As proof , see the 'zhithole' that they have in ' mexico' and most of the rest of South America and further down . [ as a side comment I partialy blame 'catholics' ] Anyway go ahead and compare mexico to the USA or any other Western Nation Lysis .

"Trying to conquer"? They already owned it. They let European folks in as a courtesy. They didn't have to.
There is no such thing as an "American" culture other than immigrants coming in who dive into our stew pot. There is no such thing as an American who represents "American culture" or an "American culture" at all.
You are insane if you don’t think honky-tonk cowboy boots baseball Boston accent southern accent surfing Boston baked beans are not all part of American culture and we can go on for days and days and days listing American culture .. deal with it we built this
--------------------------------------- best Western medical , best military , USA is the strongest by far , USA has the most productive Agriculture , most reasonably priced food to feed the world , best organization which makes the USA the leader or Boss of the world . And much more , USA is the best in the world . As further proof , see the hoards of beggars invading and trying to get into the USA every day and it never stops Lysis .
There is no such thing as an "American" culture other than immigrants coming in who dive into our stew pot. There is no such thing as an American who represents "American culture" or an "American culture" at all.
When statement such as those you make here are THAT utterly stupid and ignorant, they cross the line into parody.

I can't help but wonder if you are really a right winger, instead, and trying to portray lefties as childish, ignorant and stupid in order to tar them.
I stopped by the Ethiopian market/bar yesterday to pick up a carryout that I had been promising myself for months (kitfo!). Yellow flowers were strewn all over the floors. I felt to be careful where I stepped, but the owner explained to me that it was the Ethiopian New Year and the flowers were part of the celebration, as they are the first flowers of spring in Ethiopia. While I waited for my order, I watched people dancing enthusiastically on Ethiopian TV, dressed in traditional Ethiopian white embroidered gear. I wish I could have gotten up and danced with them. How much do you want people to "assimilate" and how? If this market weren't here, I wouldn't know a thing about it.
I’m making Ethiopian food as we speaking I can even make the bread.. you don’t know the definition of assimilating.
Then what do you mean by "assimilating"? What is an immigrant supposed to do to "assimilate"? What have some people NOT done?
BTW: I am impressed if you can make injera. Teff? Yumm. I've got my mouth full.
To assimilate you respect the natives the whites, ..... l

There it is. Every racist douche eventually shows his true colors.
How is that racist
I stopped by the Ethiopian market/bar yesterday to pick up a carryout that I had been promising myself for months (kitfo!). Yellow flowers were strewn all over the floors. I felt to be careful where I stepped, but the owner explained to me that it was the Ethiopian New Year and the flowers were part of the celebration, as they are the first flowers of spring in Ethiopia. While I waited for my order, I watched people dancing enthusiastically on Ethiopian TV, dressed in traditional Ethiopian white embroidered gear. I wish I could have gotten up and danced with them. How much do you want people to "assimilate" and how? If this market weren't here, I wouldn't know a thing about it.
I’m making Ethiopian food as we speaking I can even make the bread.. you don’t know the definition of assimilating.
Then what do you mean by "assimilating"? What is an immigrant supposed to do to "assimilate"? What have some people NOT done?
BTW: I am impressed if you can make injera. Teff? Yumm. I've got my mouth full.
----------------------- for the most part 'aliens' and imported third worlders do not assimilate and don't want to . .... .

That is simply untrue. That’s throw empty Bud Light cans at the TV nonsense.
Very true

Wrong. I know precisely what I’m talking about, and you are merely speaking out of fear, frustration, and bigotry.
I stopped by the Ethiopian market/bar yesterday to pick up a carryout that I had been promising myself for months (kitfo!). Yellow flowers were strewn all over the floors. I felt to be careful where I stepped, but the owner explained to me that it was the Ethiopian New Year and the flowers were part of the celebration, as they are the first flowers of spring in Ethiopia. While I waited for my order, I watched people dancing enthusiastically on Ethiopian TV, dressed in traditional Ethiopian white embroidered gear. I wish I could have gotten up and danced with them. How much do you want people to "assimilate" and how? If this market weren't here, I wouldn't know a thing about it.
I’m making Ethiopian food as we speaking I can even make the bread.. you don’t know the definition of assimilating.
Then what do you mean by "assimilating"? What is an immigrant supposed to do to "assimilate"? What have some people NOT done?
BTW: I am impressed if you can make injera. Teff? Yumm. I've got my mouth full.
To assimilate you respect the natives the whites, ..... l

There it is. Every racist douche eventually shows his true colors.
How is that racist

I’m making Ethiopian food as we speaking I can even make the bread.. you don’t know the definition of assimilating.
Then what do you mean by "assimilating"? What is an immigrant supposed to do to "assimilate"? What have some people NOT done?
BTW: I am impressed if you can make injera. Teff? Yumm. I've got my mouth full.
----------------------- for the most part 'aliens' and imported third worlders do not assimilate and don't want to . .... .

That is simply untrue. That’s throw empty Bud Light cans at the TV nonsense.
Very true

Wrong. I know precisely what I’m talking about, and you are merely speaking out of fear, frustration, and bigotry.
You are destroying the kids future if you are not telling them to assimilate daily, they will have to one day
Then what do you mean by "assimilating"? What is an immigrant supposed to do to "assimilate"? What have some people NOT done?
BTW: I am impressed if you can make injera. Teff? Yumm. I've got my mouth full.
----------------------- for the most part 'aliens' and imported third worlders do not assimilate and don't want to . .... .

That is simply untrue. That’s throw empty Bud Light cans at the TV nonsense.
Very true

Wrong. I know precisely what I’m talking about, and you are merely speaking out of fear, frustration, and bigotry.
You are destroying the kids future if you are not telling them to assimilate daily, they will have to one day
----------------------------------- I don't know that they will ever have to fit in or assimilate . They'll just TAKE OVER as is happening in Western Europe Jits .
----------------------- for the most part 'aliens' and imported third worlders do not assimilate and don't want to . .... .

That is simply untrue. That’s throw empty Bud Light cans at the TV nonsense.
Very true

Wrong. I know precisely what I’m talking about, and you are merely speaking out of fear, frustration, and bigotry.
You are destroying the kids future if you are not telling them to assimilate daily, they will have to one day
----------------------------------- I don't know that they will ever have to fit in or assimilate . They'll just TAKE OVER as is happening in Western Europe Jits .
They are to stupid to take over.. and as soon as the culture spreads to white towns shit will hit the fan like the 1970’s on steroids
AScan be seen by me [by me at least] Aliens and imported are being catered to by USA Gov and State Gov . See all he Sanctuary States and locations located through out the USA Jits .
So majority of Americans are pretty similar, we have generations buried here fought for America..

Do we have the right to ask people from 3rd world countries why they do 3rd world shit , not speak English? Why do you wear a scarf on your head?
Why does your apartment smell? Why do you tear up the grass from your yard? Why do you keep customs that don’t work well here?

And will they not be offend and cause conflict? Is it will why would you want your kid in your class to go through that?
Then what do you mean by "assimilating"? What is an immigrant supposed to do to "assimilate"? What have some people NOT done?
BTW: I am impressed if you can make injera. Teff? Yumm. I've got my mouth full.
----------------------- for the most part 'aliens' and imported third worlders do not assimilate and don't want to . .... .

That is simply untrue. That’s throw empty Bud Light cans at the TV nonsense.
Very true

Wrong. I know precisely what I’m talking about, and you are merely speaking out of fear, frustration, and bigotry.
You are destroying the kids future if you are not telling them to assimilate daily, they will have to one day

They are assimilating, as I've told you a hundred times, you moron.
----------------------- for the most part 'aliens' and imported third worlders do not assimilate and don't want to . .... .

That is simply untrue. That’s throw empty Bud Light cans at the TV nonsense.
Very true

Wrong. I know precisely what I’m talking about, and you are merely speaking out of fear, frustration, and bigotry.
You are destroying the kids future if you are not telling them to assimilate daily, they will have to one day
----------------------------------- I don't know that they will ever have to fit in or assimilate . They'll just TAKE OVER as is happening in Western Europe Jits .

If you understood America you would not say such stupid things.

Do we have the right to ask people from 3rd world countries why they do 3rd world shit , not speak English? Why do you wear a scarf on your head?
Why does your apartment smell? Why do you tear up the grass from your yard? Why do you keep customs that don’t work well here?........

Exactly what the Know Nothings said about immigrants in the 1800s, the descendants of whom are many of those saying the same stupid shit today.
So majority of Americans are pretty similar, we have generations buried here fought for America..

Do we have the right to ask people from 3rd world countries why they do 3rd world shit , not speak English? Why do you wear a scarf on your head?
Why does your apartment smell? Why do you tear up the grass from your yard? Why do you keep customs that don’t work well here?

And will they not be offend and cause conflict? Is it will why would you want your kid in your class to go through that?
-------------------------- thank you but ask those things and you are likely to be sued and maybe arrested Jits .
and gotta remember that todays invaders are mostly nonwestern and non Christian so they see things from a nonwestern point of view . [see 'sharia lovers 'talib and 'ilham ohar' and their supporters and voters that would like to see 'sharia' law in the USA rather than American Law ] In yesteryears most imports were Western and from Western nations with Christian background so they made for good imported people to the USA [if there is such a thing as a good imported person into the USA ] Jits .
and gotta remember that todays invaders are mostly nonwestern and non Christian so they see things from a nonwestern point of view . [see 'sharia lovers 'talib and 'ilham ohar' and their supporters and voters that would like to see 'sharia' law in the USA rather than American Law ] In yesteryears most imports were Western and from Western nations with Christian background so they made for good imported people to the USA [if there is such a thing as a good imported person into the USA ] Jits .

What on earth do you think you're talking about? Are you going on about immigration in Europe now?
heck , they try to shoot a person dead for putting on a 'mohamad' cartoon contest in Texas USA as can be seen a few years ago Jits .
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and then regarding 'euro' immigration , who want to import a Gun Hater like some that are from 'europe' . 'england' or 'wales' but who post on this board and also hate Guns Jits ??

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