Student Debt Forgiveness knocked down

That he exceeded his COnstitutional power - i.e., it's unconstitutional

Okay. That's kind of debatable, because the existing law where the government took over the management of these loans DID give him that authority. But, hey, the six hacks on the Supreme Court said otherwise.

Ahhhh... remember when Conservatives were against legislating from the bench.
Or more pragmatically-

If young people are spending their 20's and 30's paying off college loans, they aren't buying homes and starting families.
??? I paid off my college loans in my 20's and 30s, bought a home and started a family. Millions of us did.
The majority are high school educated, and THEY would have been the ones stuck paying off loans for people earning twice what they are.
Even if they felt that loan forgiveness was bull shit - their taxes wouldn't go up. Many wouldn't give a damn where the money went.
This was not a sufficient reason for the many of them to flock to the Republican party if they were otherwise Democrat in 2022. I don't see that changing in 2024 and beyond.
Again, works for me.

Here's the thing. We let homeowners, businesses, etc. declare bankruptcy and weasel out of part or all of their debt. But we've made student loans immune to bankruptcy filings.

Or maybe shame Congress into solving the problem.
Or, hold people responsible for the contracts they sign. In typical Leftist / Marxist fashion, it falls on someone else to take responsibility for the decision to take on debt no one was forced to make.

Be the good Marxist and offer a substantial wage garnishment on your paycheck for someone else's debt.

There's a good fellow.
The point to consider is that black people weren't permitted to start out on the same line.

And then in my opinion as a Canadian, affirmative action had a lot to do with creating a starting line for all races.

To your comment in a 'literal' sense, that's when the black athletes moved the finish line to their advantage! And that's when the trouble started.

Yes, I know that you didn't mean it literally, but perhaps there's some common ground possible on this topic?
You’re lumping all black people together. They are not all the same, and many blacks today started AHEAD of many white people.

Consider LaTisha, a black high schooler in an affluent county, the daughter of a dentist and a teacher, both of whom were beneficiaries of Affirmative Action themselves 30 years ago. Susie has a 3.4 GPA, and despite her private SAT classes, scored no higher than 1160.

Now compare her to SunLee, whose parents immigrated here 25 years ago, with no college, and opened a Mom and Pop grocery store. SunLee has a 3.8 GPA and a 1450 SAT.

Why automatically assume that black people started off behind the other two races? Why should Latisha get into Harvard and SunLee have to go to her second choice?
No, they said the president can't do it under existing law.

Clearly, Congress can. And should.
You are right, my apologies.
However, I think the chances of Congress passing such a law are slim and it could still be deemed unconstitutional (as it should be).
Okay. That's kind of debatable, because the existing law where the government took over the management of these loans DID give him that authority. But, hey, the six hacks on the Supreme Court said otherwise.

Ahhhh... remember when Conservatives were against legislating from the bench.
Not debatable at all. All of them, Pelosi, Biden ... expressly admitted that the Heros Act did not give the President this power.
Even if they felt that loan forgiveness was bull shit - their taxes wouldn't go up. Many wouldn't give a damn where the money went.
This was not a sufficient reason for the many of them to flock to the Republican party if they were otherwise Democrat in 2022. I don't see that changing in 2024 and beyond.
It is still rewarding affluent people and giving a big shrug to the struggling lower-middle class. Democrats will not come out ahead because conservatives recognized the unfairness of it all.
You’re lumping all black people together. They are not all the same, and many blacks today started AHEAD of many white people.

Consider LaTisha, a black high schooler in an affluent county, the daughter of a dentist and a teacher, both of whom were beneficiaries of Affirmative Action themselves 30 years ago. Susie has a 3.4 GPA, and despite her private SAT classes, scored no higher than 1160.

Now compare her to SunLee, whose parents immigrated here 25 years ago, with no college, and opened a Mom and Pop grocery store. SunLee has a 3.8 GPA and a 1450 SAT.

Why automatically assume that black people started off behind the other two races? Why should Latisha get into Harvard and SunLee have to go to her second choice?
Because its Reich rhetoric
Works for me.

Certainly better than all the money spent bailing out the banks in the Aughts.

''But... but... but... but what about...''

We are here and now, aside from your need to sidestep the here and now debt and inflationary pressures brought on by the Dem / Marxist jihad on the American taxpayer.

The Dem / Marxist notion of everything is forever free because the government pays for it is nonsense.
??? I paid off my college loans in my 20's and 30s, bought a home and started a family. Millions of us did.

Really, how long ago was that?

Heck, as stated earlier, I Paid off my college with min wage jobs and a National Guard Scholarship.

You just can't do that today, college is too expensive. It's easy to pay off a college loan when college costs as much as a car. A lot harder when it costs as much as a house.
Be Nice if this thread showed up when one tries to post about it, it didn't show up at all
You didnt pay for your kids college.

This is one of countless payments I've made...

Student Name: ********** H**********
Account Number: xxx1541
Term: 2021 Spring
Payment Method: xxxxxxxxxxxx4054
Amount: $6,168.00
Description: [ Student Account Payment ]
Confirmation Number: 20210101000202
Authorization Code: 611001

Paid it all in full.

PS: Bite me. I can understand why paying your own way is foreign to Socialists like yourself though.
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