Student Debt Forgiveness knocked down

In 20 years (probably less) the same folks applauding it will call it racist or some "plot". There will be fewer minorities in college thanks to the(se) (gee we never hear this from the right any more)
If they are unable to qualify, that there are fewer minorities, that would be the fault of the minority, would it not?

You're boarding a non-stop flight to Italy. You see a black woman in the pilot seat and a Hispanic woman in the co-pilot seat. Do you want to be sure that they have their jobs because they are the best available or that they got those jobs because of the color of their skin?

How about your oncologist?
Really, how long ago was that?

Heck, as stated earlier, I Paid off my college with min wage jobs and a National Guard Scholarship.

You just can't do that today, college is too expensive. It's easy to pay off a college loan when college costs as much as a car. A lot harder when it costs as much as a house.
What college did you go to? That's mostly your problem. The reality is, you signed a contract and you must pay. Congress can write new laws to help out with the cost of education. The problem with that is it gives the universities the reason to raise tuition and all other costs because the government is putting money into it. Every time the government puts money into anything, inflation follows.
Yea, more people are bankrupted by medical bills.......which is why if less people had access to healthcare in the first place, they wouldn't be having high medical bills in the first place...
Wrong Mr. Poindexter.

As I said, the “Harvard” study you loosely cite is bogus. Ms. Elizabeth Warren, the radical “shadow” head of the unneeded Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, wrote it.

The study provided an absurdly broad definition of "medical bankruptcy" including any filer who reported uncontrolled gambling, drug or alcohol addiction, or the birth or adoption of a child.

Further… the authors classified a bankruptcy as having a "major medical cause" if the individual had accumulated more than $1,000 in out-of-pocket medical expenses (uncovered by insurance) over the course of two years prior to filing-regardless of income, and even if the debtor did not cite illness or injury among the reasons for bankruptcy.

Thus, a major medical cause would be a debtor with $1,001 in uncovered medical expenses and $500,000 in other debt, which would constitute a "medical bankruptcy" in their study.

You really need to do your own research!
Fairness? You mean denying a student the ability to declare bankruptcy on a loan, like Donald Trump did 6 times, and the banks those students owe the loans to that were bailed out 4 times to the tune of trillions of dollars?

That’s fairness to you?

What bank is it you work for again?
make those payments boy ! a degree in gay studies aint cheap ... or profitable !:auiqs.jpg:
Yes. We need fewer Republicans and more free stuff from the politburo in the White House.

Life's good when everything is free from the government.

The Europeans think so..

Don't hold your breath.
I won't... but things don't get better for you guys. Especially when you alienate so many key constituencies to appease your base.
The tax payers are on the hook when a deadbeat like Donald Trump declared bankruptcy 6 times.

The tax payers are on the hook when the banks are bailed out for trillions 4 times.

How do you figure?

Trump's debts weren't to the government at all, and they weren't personal debts either.
I've paid off three mortgages so far. I did it with a lot of work. You should try it.

I've paid off two. (Four if you count home equity loans.) what's your point?

A house is a necessity, and you'll have to pay just as much for rent as a mortgage.

What college did you go to? That's mostly your problem. The reality is, you signed a contract and you must pay. Congress can write new laws to help out with the cost of education. The problem with that is it gives the universities the reason to raise tuition and all other costs because the government is putting money into it. Every time the government puts money into anything, inflation follows.

Actually, you are confused, but it's all that Mormon Brainwashing, so I'm not surprised.

Tuition has gone up because DEMAND for college has gone up. When I graduated from college in 1985, only 19% of the adult population had degrees. Today that number is closer to 35%. That's why Colleges can charge a lot more. Because a lot of companies won't consider you without a college degree.


Now, I was part of a purchasing team in 2008 that let go three buyers. I had a bachelor's degree that had nothing to do with Purchasing. I had no problem finding a new gig within a month. Another fellow had about equivalent experience, and only some college. It took him six months to find a job. Another lady, had more experience, but no college at all. She still hadn't had a job two years later. Not sure what happened after that.
I've paid off two. (Four if you count home equity loans.) what's your point?

A house is a necessity, and you'll have to pay just as much for rent as a mortgage.

Actually, you are confused, but it's all that Mormon Brainwashing, so I'm not surprised.

Tuition has gone up because DEMAND for college has gone up. When I graduated from college in 1985, only 19% of the adult population had degrees. Today that number is closer to 35%. That's why Colleges can charge a lot more. Because a lot of companies won't consider you without a college degree.


Now, I was part of a purchasing team in 2008 that let go three buyers. I had a bachelor's degree that had nothing to do with Purchasing. I had no problem finding a new gig within a month. Another fellow had about equivalent experience, and only some college. It took him six months to find a job. Another lady, had more experience, but no college at all. She still hadn't had a job two years later. Not sure what happened after that.
The chart is inversely proportional to what those degrees are worth in the real world.
Why doesn't Biden pay off everyone's Drug Debts instead? Money owed to drug pushers is one of the main causes of gun violence in this country. Skipping out on the money you owe is a good way to get one's ass assassinated.

Libs have been whining about the amount of street violence out there, this kind of loan forgiveness would reduce violence by eliminating the cause.
Okay, Chatbot.

Socialism is coming, because your side has made Capitalism a shit sandwich.
You have no one to blame but yourselves.
That's all very melodramatic, Chatbot. Your cheap threats are funny.

Your side, the side of Socialism / Marxism has an undeniable record of losing.

Really, Chatbot. Put your Che Guevara tee shirt back in the sock drawer.
Winning on the Debt Ceiling.

Winning on new jobs numbers

Winning as inflation shrinks.

Winning on COVID Relief.

Nice to see you assholes wanting to have students saddled huge debt.

nobody "won" on the debt ceiling.

maybe he will get to Trumps pre covid job numbers.

he caused the fucking inflation to begin with

covid been over for a while now

and yes....people should pay their own fucking debts. I know thats a foreign concept to morons.
Not sure there can be common ground. Why do I have to pay for someone's college debt?
I pay taxes already for our public schools and have no children, I've done it for years.
Now, students sign an agreement to pay back a loan and then we, the tax payers, are on the hook
again? No, I don't think so, nobody forced them to sign the documents.
Do you understand the benefits a 'country' provides to you, because everyone's needs are taken care of. Do you take advantage of and benefit from the labour of others.

You've mentioned having to pay school taxes and you have no children. Were you suggesting that you shouldn't.

If we can't find common ground then can we at least find a starting point for discussion. And can it be in good spirit?

I can take it or leave it. I'm only donating my efforts for those who are interested.
I've paid off two. (Four if you count home equity loans.) what's your point?

A house is a necessity, and you'll have to pay just as much for rent as a mortgage.

Actually, you are confused, but it's all that Mormon Brainwashing, so I'm not surprised.

Tuition has gone up because DEMAND for college has gone up. When I graduated from college in 1985, only 19% of the adult population had degrees. Today that number is closer to 35%. That's why Colleges can charge a lot more. Because a lot of companies won't consider you without a college degree.


Now, I was part of a purchasing team in 2008 that let go three buyers. I had a bachelor's degree that had nothing to do with Purchasing. I had no problem finding a new gig within a month. Another fellow had about equivalent experience, and only some college. It took him six months to find a job. Another lady, had more experience, but no college at all. She still hadn't had a job two years later. Not sure what happened after that.
So what’s your point? You went to college to get more religious bigotry. I’m for paying the loans back. What’s your point?

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