Student Debt Forgiveness knocked down

Then we have imbeciles like this:

If she didn’t want to carry student debt any longer, she could have bought a $900,000 home and paid off the balance. Instead she’s complaining that the working class, most of whom cannot afford to buy ANY home, should effectively pay it off for her.
True...the days of free or low cost tuitions are over......these folks are just mad they were born at the wrong time...get over it...

"When people involved in the fight to cancel student debt demand free college education they are not calling for a new, radical idea. Countless numbers of lawmakers, for example, got their educations at free colleges that they now say are out of reach to the nation’s students."

It is fun to see how the folks who benefitted from all of that free and low cost college education turned out to be the same folks to help get us to where we are right now......but as I said, college education and education in general is overrated anyway.
College is hit or miss and I'll explain why:
It's always through the perspective of the teacher and often depending on thr course subject, they can't focus on the curriculum that helps the student in the real world or prepared future trends, thus many stray into their own interest which is never that of the student.
At the still young age, we are not yet interested thus focused to learn certain things like we might enjoy in our matured years. Often the info is regurgitated just for the exam then flushed out the memory to make way for the next uninteresting subject not yet embraced by our interest, thus not often instilled in our memory.
And lastly, when it comes down to studies, anyone outside of college can pick up the same course books and buckle down to read and learn it without college distractions and pressure.
How many of us actually asked the teacher questions in college, whereby we really needed a teacher?
I only remember 1 teacher who taught me more than the book would have.
Made the Business and sales course simple with real world applications and success in sales when implemented.
Fairness? You mean denying a student the ability to declare bankruptcy on a loan, like Donald Trump did 6 times, and the banks those students owe the loans to that were bailed out 4 times to the tune of trillions of dollars?

That’s fairness to you?

What bank is it you work for again?

Quick question. If 50% of students declare bankruptcy and the banks get stiffed for hundreds of millions of dollars what happens to future students who need to borrow money for college?
Did the so-called “predators” force people to take out loans, or did they sign the contracts voluntarily?
Maybe I can stop paying the predatory grocery store for the food I consume.

This Democrats laments that she still has $200k in student debt and the SCOTUS ruling is unfair to her?-

Maybe the honorable senator should have paid off her student loan before she bought a $1.14 million dollar home? (You can't make this stuff up.)

College is hit or miss and I'll explain why:
It's always through the perspective of the teacher and often depending on thr course subject, they can't focus on the curriculum that helps the student in the real world or prepared future trends, thus many stray into their own interest which is never that of the student.
At the still young age, we are not yet interested thus focused to learn certain things like we might enjoy in our matured years. Often the info is regurgitated just for the exam then flushed out the memory to make way for the next uninteresting subject not yet embraced by our interest, thus not often instilled in our memory.
And lastly, when it comes down to studies, anyone outside of college can pick up the same course books and buckle down to read and learn it without college distractions and pressure.
How many of us actually asked the teacher questions in college, whereby we really needed a teacher?
I only remember 1 teacher who taught me more than the book would have.
Made the Business and sales course simple with real world applications and success in sales when implemented.

So let's be honest what a college degree is.

It shows an employer that you can start a major project and see it through to the end. That's about it.

Which is why a Harvard is more valuable than a UIC which is more valuable than a University of Phoenix.
doesn't diminish the appeal.
The fact so many young people voted for Bernie should be telling.
What's telling is how gullible Dems / Marxists are. Just tell them the government will give them free stuff and watch the Lemmings jump off the cliff.
Naw, encountering members of your Deranged Cult in college gave me a lasting impression.

Never trust any religion that calls everyone else "Gentiles".
Okay, let’s call you genitals then. What an idiot and religious bigot.
You guys are having a bad week, huh. Want me to make you an appointment to see a therapist

Even Amy Coney Barrett called out Missouri. The pai tiff in the case, didn’t want any part of. The piece of shit attorney general went injury shopping in order to bring the case. There was no injury to any one.

you people are pathetic. Here’s some therapy advice for you

Shoot yourself
nobody "won" on the debt ceiling.

maybe he will get to Trumps pre covid job numbers.

he caused the fucking inflation to begin with

covid been over for a while now

and yes....people should pay their own fucking debts. I know thats a foreign concept to morons.

Keep telling yourself that. Biden rolled McCarthy.
It was a political play for support by Biden of course, and nothing else.

But it would have been quite effective!

However, the right biased Scotus has still made it effective in that the political right gets to be responsible for killing it.

Such is the dysfunctional American system!

The court isn’t right biased.
Even Amy Coney Barrett called out Missouri. The pai tiff in the case, didn’t want any part of. The piece of shit attorney general went injury shopping in order to bring the case. There was no injury to any one.

you people are pathetic. Here’s some therapy advice for you

Shoot yourself

RvW gone forever.
AA gone!
6-3 against student loan payoffs. Heroes Act Biden tried to use is a big NO. Yay!

Interesting take on how this decision may affect the 2024 election.

“And so it's going to be a huge contrast going into the 2024 elections. I can already see the ads being written and I think it's something that Democrats are definitely going to be underscoring.”

Cardona’s views echoed the comments of Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-N.Y.), who during an appearance on CNN earlier in the day said he believes the Supreme Court’s latest rulings will “haunt” the GOP.

“The excesses of the Supreme Court is going to backfire. The Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe versus Wade reduced what was supposed to be a red wave in the 2022 election cycle to nothing more than then a red trickle,” Torres said.

“So not only is the Supreme Court's decision, bad law, it's also bad politics and it's going to come back to haunt the Republican Party.”

Keep telling yourself that. Biden rolled McCarthy.
you completely misunderstood my statement. not surprising since it takes someone with an intelligence level above navel lint to understand simple things.
Interesting take on how this decision may affect the 2024 election.

“And so it's going to be a huge contrast going into the 2024 elections. I can already see the ads being written and I think it's something that Democrats are definitely going to be underscoring.”

Cardona’s views echoed the comments of Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-N.Y.), who during an appearance on CNN earlier in the day said he believes the Supreme Court’s latest rulings will “haunt” the GOP.

“The excesses of the Supreme Court is going to backfire. The Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe versus Wade reduced what was supposed to be a red wave in the 2022 election cycle to nothing more than then a red trickle,” Torres said.

“So not only is the Supreme Court's decision, bad law, it's also bad politics and it's going to come back to haunt the Republican Party.”

1. Most Americans, including most Dems, are opposed to Affirmation Action in the first place.

2. Among registered voters, the polls are split on Biden's student loan plan. Among those with college debt, to no one's surprise, it's got 83% approval. Here's what polling says about Biden's now-scuttled student loan plan

3. Pretty much all of America is over the gay bullies that purposely go into Christian businesses to make them "bake that cake". So that's a non-starter.

4. None of the above issues then are Roe v. Wade. And you still have CPAP President "God Save the Queen" Biden running in '24....supposedly
We do not live in a monarchy. The Founding Fathers set up a system of government where Congress, not the president, authorizes expenditures. How in the world three Justices could disagree with that concept is anybody's guess. Biden (or his handlers) must have known that he didn't have the authority to sell the Brooklyn Bridge and millions of Americans were sold a bill of goods.
The three justices are typical leftists who think what they FEEL is fair overrides the Constitution. That they are on the Court is a travesty.
As soon as the program was announced colleges upped tuition and salaries, making these loans necessary. Students were left with no choice. The colleges also lowered entry requirements to enroll more students, taking full advantage of the windfall coming their way.
And you can quadruple that if the leftists ever force taxpayers to cover tuition for public college. They will jack up the cost and admit everyone who can fog a mirror.
I agree the issue is complex. I’d be more in favor of making junior colleges free.

I think the younger generation is getting screwed over. They need something. My $0.02.
Under two circumstances:

1. The government sets the tuition rate.
2. The student maintains a 2.5 GPA.

Without these two requirements, we’d have have every dummy who can’t do 8th grade math or write a simple sentence descend on community colleges, and the CCs would charge a fortune knowing the government would pay the tuition. It would be like a two-year extension of the Baltimore public school system.

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