Student Debt Forgiveness knocked down

THrow enough republicans out of office next time, you'll be amazed how much they come to love it.
Yes. We need fewer Republicans and more free stuff from the politburo in the White House.

Life's good when everything is free from the government.
This is one of countless payments I've made...

Student Name: ********** H**********
Account Number: xxx1541
Term: 2021 Spring
Payment Method: xxxxxxxxxxxx4054
Amount: $6,168.00
Description: [ Student Account Payment ]
Confirmation Number: 20210101000202
Authorization Code: 611001

Bite me.
That's a good value at $6k so I assume that is an in-state public school?
So Biden did something knowing full well it was unconstitutional? That’s a violation of his Oath and yet another reason for impeachment.
Don't know that I'd label it as a high crime or misdemeanor.
That's a good value at $6k so I assume that is an in-state public school?
It's one of countless payments at a major university. I paid for two years of community college, then 2+ years at a university. That's all you need to know about it.

But if people can't afford the college of their dreams, then they should go to a school they can better afford.

Not everyone gets to go to Harvard or the party school of their choice, and good educations can be found all over.

And there are small tax credits everyone can get for up to four years. After four years, they are income based.
Really, how long ago was that?
What difference does that make?

My daughter and her husband both are paying off their loans in their 20s and 30s, bought a home and are starting a family.

Heck, as stated earlier, I Paid off my college with min wage jobs and a National Guard Scholarship.

You just can't do that today, college is too expensive. It's easy to pay off a college loan when college costs as much as a car. A lot harder when it costs as much as a house.
Don't go to a school that costs as much as a house if you can't afford it. Get a degree that will pay you salary that enables you to repay your loan. Problem solved.
Or more pragmatically-

If young people are spending their 20's and 30's paying off college loans, they aren't buying homes and starting families.

Our society isn't sustainable if we don't have sufficient replacements for the people retiring now.

Enlightened self-interest..
Wow! With that view, where and when will it end? :eusa_whistle:
Maybe they better have a 'Plan B' lined up, if they don't want to
pay for a loan. 2 Year college, perhaps, trade school.
The guilt is not going to be placed on me. There are always
alternatives...but common sense should be used.
It's one of countless payments at a major university. I paid for two years of community college, then 2+ years at a university. That's all you need to know about it.

But if people can't afford the college of their dreams, then they should go to a school they can better afford.

Not everyone gets to go to Harvard or the party school of their choice, and good educations can be found all over.

And there are small tax credits everyone can get for up to four years. After four years, they are income based.
Tax payers paid for a big portion of your kid’s education and you footed a portion. Thank everyone you pass for paying into your kids education when you go out for your fast food tonight.
Fairness? You mean denying a student the ability to declare bankruptcy on a loan, like Donald Trump did 6 times, and the banks those students owe the loans to that were bailed out 4 times to the tune of trillions of dollars?

That’s fairness to you?

What bank is it you work for again?
Fairness? You mean denying a student the ability to declare bankruptcy on a loan, like Donald Trump did 6 times, and the banks those students owe the loans to that were bailed out 4 times to the tune of trillions of dollars?

That’s fairness to you?

What bank is it you work for again?
Why are you claiming "fairness?" This has nothing to do with fairness. It has to do with the Constitution where the Congress has the only right to make laws concerning this issue. The Executive can delay the repayment but only for a time. The Executive cannot right the laws. End of story.
So, did Trump declare bankruptcy on student loans? No. Apples and oranges. Congress has not written a law allowing bankruptcy for student loans. In fact, it's just the opposite. Nancy Pelosi said in 2021 that the President cannot forgive student loans. Only Congress can. Guess you forgot that ultra liberal saying that. Pelosi says Biden doesn't have power to cancel student debt
6-3 against student loan payoffs. Heroes Act Biden tried to use is a big NO. Yay!

Agree, yay! So all those middle income kids might have to delay buying that Mazerati or postpone their world tour vacation for awhile, but at least those who saved and scrimped and did without to get their kids through college and/or pay off their own college debts won't be saddled with the debts of mostly affluent college students who now want instant gratification.
Agree, yay! So all those middle income kids might have to delay buying that Mazerati or postpone their world tour vacation for awhile, but at least those who saved and scrimped and did without to get their kids through college and/or pay off their own college debts won't be saddled with the debts of mostly affluent college students who now want instant gratification.
Yup. They were using the extra money to go out to dinner and fancy travel. Now these high earners won’t be able to force car mechanics and secretaries to subsidize their vacations and steak dinners.
Would be nice if the loans weren't predatory.
Did the so-called “predators” force people to take out loans, or did they sign the contracts voluntarily?
Maybe I can stop paying the predatory grocery store for the food I consume.
Really, how long ago was that?

Heck, as stated earlier, I Paid off my college with min wage jobs and a National Guard Scholarship.

You just can't do that today, college is too expensive. It's easy to pay off a college loan when college costs as much as a car. A lot harder when it costs as much as a house.

I've paid off three mortgages so far. I did it with a lot of work. You should try it.

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