Student sues to wear Mexican and American flag sash at high school graduation

I love that she lost her case but wore the sash anyway. She really is a good Democrat to think that the rules just don't apply to her. I don't know why she bothered with the court case though . . .
I love that she lost her case but wore the sash anyway. She really is a good Democrat to think that the rules just don't apply to her. I don't know why she bothered with the court case though . . .
She wanted acceptance, but the refusal of it didn't break or stop her. Let that be a lesson to the rest of you cuck whites on how servile to civility we minorities will be. That's for you whites. That's not for us. 😄
I have no problem with you clowns outing yourselves as bigots. It's hilarious that you think the counter to a young woman celebrating her Mexican heritage is for you to celebrate a bunch of mutant slavers in an effort to own the Libs. Do it and see how that works out for you you Bingos. 😄
No moron I asked a legitimate question that has nothing to do with racism. It's about setting a precedent. Let one person wear a flag you have to let all of them do the same no matter if what they are wearing offends someone. You can't pick and choose your support for freedom of speech.
No moron I asked a legitimate question that has nothing to do with racism. It's about setting a precedent. Let one person wear a flag you have to let all of them do the same no matter if what they are wearing offends someone. You can't pick and choose your support for freedom of speech.
Who gives a shit if some Bingo wants to out themselves as a mutant Confederate idolater? Let them! 😄
She wanted acceptance, but the refusal of it didn't break or stop her. Let that be a lesson to the rest of you cuck whites on how servile to civility we minorities will be. That's for you whites. That's not for us. 😄

Must be why y'all are so successful..
That big government conservatives support the state violating the right to free expression comes as no surprise, of course.

And this case also has the element of rightwing bigotry and hate, approving of the state violating the free expression rights of Peña Villasano for no other reason than her heritage.
That big government conservatives support the state violating the right to free expression comes as no surprise, of course.

And this case also has the element of rightwing bigotry and hate, approving of the state violating the free expression rights of Peña Villasano for no other reason than her heritage.

You were asked a question
But the school sets down the rules for school and how to dress for graduation. Two days ago in my area they would not let 30 students into the graduation because they did not wear the shoes set down in the dress code. Public school.
In order for the state to preempt free expression, it must have a compelling reason to do so – that conservatives might engage in hate speech is not a compelling reason.

Indeed, there is no time, place, or manner justification to preempt the student from displaying a Mexican flag.
In order for the state to preempt free expression, it must have a compelling reason to do so – that conservatives might engage in hate speech is not a compelling reason.

Indeed, there is no time, place, or manner justification to preempt the student from displaying a Mexican flag.

Or any flag.... right?
That conservatives are hateful bigots hostile to Americans of Mexican heritage is not ‘justification’ to violate the right to free expression.

That's not what I asked you, ya god-damned dumbass

You're an utterly worthless jackass totally incapable of defending your nonsense
In order for the state to preempt free expression, it must have a compelling reason to do so – that conservatives might engage in hate speech is not a compelling reason.

Indeed, there is no time, place, or manner justification to preempt the student from displaying a Mexican flag.
If the school district has a dress code for graduation then she should follow school rules.
I guess you would have no issue with someone wearing a Confederate Battle Flag ?
Why would any kid do that or even want to do it ? It would probably help the police identify future mass shooters though.
Native Americans are given dispensation on this. A small compensation for being ethnically cleansed.
Why would any kid do that or even want to do it ? It would probably help the police identify future mass shooters though.
Native Americans are given dispensation on this. A small compensation for being ethnically cleansed.
The point is to allow one, you need to approve all, it falls under free speech. I would never use graduations to make a point , when you allow free speech and not another based on race, that seems a pretty dry and cut issue.

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