Student sues to wear Mexican and American flag sash at high school graduation

Seymour Flops

Guess what? She wore the sash during graduation anyway and luckily no students were reported harmed by the incident! :disbelief:

Western Slope senior sports sash at graduation ceremony, despite school policy

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After more than a month of dispute, and a court decision that went against her, Naomi Peña Villasano crossed the stage at her high school graduation ceremony on Saturday with a fist-bump from the principal, applause from her family and a controversial sash honoring her Mexican-American heritage around her neck.

“I was nervous. I'm not gonna lie, I was super nervous about, what everyone's reaction would be, but just like my senior quote, ‘Always stand up for what you believe in,’ I feel like that just overpowers everything,” Peña Villasano said after the Grand Valley High School graduation ceremony.

Garfield County School District 16 staff made no attempt to halt the proceedings, even though the sash violated a policy that’s been front of mind for more than a month now.
Awesome! Don't come crying to me when next year a student wears a t-shirt citing statistics on IQ in Jamaica.
she's 100% American, and 100% Mexican?

How did she graduate with math skills like that?
She says that she's a 200 percenter.

She will marry an Anglo husband and the only thing Mexican about her will be a monthly trip to Casa ole.
I understand averages. Do you? 😄 I'll put my IQ up against yours. Going by your debating skills you seem to be over compensating for your lack of individual ability. 😄
STFU, commie douche suckass. Verily I say unto thee: Fuck You,

What if she wanted to wear a Confederate sash? Apparently the 1st Amendment only works one way.

Want to see people get really confused?

Have one student sue to wear a Russian flag. And another at the same school sue to wear a Ukraine flag.

Then we can just sit back with popcorn and watch as people gather on both sides and scream at each other why they should be allowed to wear what they want, yet the other side should not be allowed to wear what they want.
I guess you would have no issue with someone wearing a Confederate Battle Flag ?
I have no problem with you clowns outing yourselves as bigots. It's hilarious that you think the counter to a young woman celebrating her Mexican heritage is for you to celebrate a bunch of mutant slavers in an effort to own the Libs. Do it and see how that works out for you you Bingos. 😄

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