Students at West Texas school district feel safe with staff who carry concealed weapons

I would have no problem with a student who has had the proper training and criminal background checks, carrying. Most everyone who carries on a daily basis has a safe, modern weapon with a secure holster. You strap it on in the morning and it just sits in the holster like it's not even there. It's like your wallet or watch, after awhile, you're not even aware of it.

Students are not supposed to have power over life and death at school. Which is, in the end, what a gun is; a killing machine. Besides that, as far as I know, you have to be 18 to legally possess and wear one, so that would put high school seniors in an awkward position over their younger peers.

Students are American citizens, aren't they? Are you saying they don't have the same right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit if happiness"?

You're wrong: There is no age limit to the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution. Just because you're 18 years old, doesn't mean that you should be denied the right to preserve and defend your own life.

A teens brain is not fully developed ,. the part of the brain that gives the young ones consequences.
This is why kids feel invincible.

You don't give a hormonal kid a gun..

What is wrong with you?

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

Wasn't that long ago kids had guns in their pickup windows. They were not shooting up schools.
Yes we also had a rifle club in highschool..
When did we start selling guns that can kill so many in minutes?

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

Semi-automatics have been around since 1885

HUH? A better poster would read, "Republicans want to allow teachers to have the means to defend themselves against a school shooter. Democrats do not."

FYI, Republicans are the ones who have fought for merit pay for teachers so that good teachers can get properly compensated, The teachers' unions, on the other hand, have doggedly opposed merit pay--just as they have opposed every other measure that would introduce a level of accountability and performance-based reward in public schools.
Outstanding! Every time I see one of those "No Weapons or Firearms" signs posted somewhere, it makes me think how they might as well put up a sign reading "Robbers and Murderers Welcome Here."

Our concealed carry law allows businesses to post that no firearms are allowed on the premise. I always ignore the signs because the penalty is only a simple trespassing ticket if they find out I'm carrying, and I refused to leave.

Unfortunately, I don't carry on school property or in a post office. The federal gun-free school zone law hasn't been over-ridden by the state here, so I have to pull over within 1,000 feet of the school property, unload my weapon, and place it in the trunk. Even off-duty law-enforcement officers have to do that. This is rather stupid, as it increases the possibility of an accidental discharge when you have to load or unload a firearm.

Except regular students should not be bringing guns to school, so the "no firearms" signs make sense.

I would have no problem with a student who has had the proper training and criminal background checks, carrying. Most everyone who carries on a daily basis has a safe, modern weapon with a secure holster. You strap it on in the morning and it just sits in the holster like it's not even there. It's like your wallet or watch, after awhile, you're not even aware of it.

Students are not supposed to have power over life and death at school. Which is, in the end, what a gun is; a killing machine. Besides that, as far as I know, you have to be 18 to legally possess and wear one, so that would put high school seniors in an awkward position over their younger peers.

Students should NOT be carrying because federal law says you cannot purchase a handgun under the age of 21. That rules out most students.

What about long guns and assault weapons?

HUH? A better poster would read, "Republicans want to allow teachers to have the means to defend themselves against a school shooter. Democrats do not."

FYI, Republicans are the ones who have fought for merit pay for teachers so that good teachers can get properly compensated, The teachers' unions, on the other hand, have doggedly opposed merit pay--just as they have opposed every other measure that would introduce a level of accountability and performance-based reward in public schools.

A better poster would read: Ban all guns except handguns, hunting rifles, and shotguns.
Do you have any idea how crazy you sound? This guy followed no laws. He bought a hand gun illegally from someone. He lied on his application for the ar. He walked onto a gun free zone with guns, which is against the law. He murdered 17 people, and shot many more. Each of those acts were illegal. He broke numerous laws on the books, yet you want to say more laws would have stopped him.
The authorities also failed. No law that isn’t already on the books, would have prevented this, unless you consider the failures by the fbi and local authorities. Take away legal guns, the criminals and crazies will still get them, at their local drug hang out, no problem.
You don't find mass shootings in a courthouse.

Actually, there have been numerous shootings in courthouses. Try using google before you make a total fool of yourself.
You just made a fool of yourself. Learn to read. I never said shootings. I said mass shootings.

There is no way around it. Democrats want gun control because they want only thugs and gang bangers armed. Why? Because thugs and gang bangers are most likely to be black or hispanic killing white people and that is the goal.

Do you have any idea how crazy you sound?

HUH? A better poster would read, "Republicans want to allow teachers to have the means to defend themselves against a school shooter. Democrats do not."

FYI, Republicans are the ones who have fought for merit pay for teachers so that good teachers can get properly compensated, The teachers' unions, on the other hand, have doggedly opposed merit pay--just as they have opposed every other measure that would introduce a level of accountability and performance-based reward in public schools.

A better poster would read: Ban all guns except handguns, hunting rifles, and shotguns.
AR-15s are used for hunting all the time, nimrod.

Last edited:
So much for the douchebags who claim having teachers carrying concealed weapons would lead to carnage:

Students at West Texas school district feel safe with staff who carry concealed weapons


CLAUDE, TX (KFDA) - Claude Independent School District has several staff members that carry concealed weapons on school grounds.

A sign in front of Claude ISD campuses shows that the district has multiple staff members who carry concealed weapons.
Parents who have children at the school say they feel very safe and comfortable knowing their staff are armed and ready to protect them if they have to.

"It makes me feel really, really safe that we have staff on hand if anything happened," said mother of a Claude ISD student Sarah Hughes.
"It brings me peace of mind."

Since at least 2016, the district has had staff members who carry concealed weapons.

In case of an active shooter, Claude ISD Superintendent Brock Cartwright, says they feel they can keep the school safe.

"Mainly if we can locate the person and try to keep us safe at the same time," said Cartwright.
"When the DPS and officials get here, we back off."

Staff members who carry are required to practice at a shooting range once a month.
They also train with the Armstrong County Sheriff's Office and the Department of Public Safety.

Parents say they feel very safe sending their kids to school with this type of preparedness.

"I don't know who carries, but I do know that if they've taken that dedication, they're going to do everything in their power to keep our kids safe, even if they're in harm's way," said Hughes.
"So what can you ask for more than that?"

Students say they feel safer on campus knowing their staff is armed, and despite the tragedy in Florida, they have no nerves coming to school.

every school should be so equipped
And yet, these mass shooters are usually white men.

Any idea on the numbers on blacks killing people, Timmy? Recently in Chicago an 11 year old girl making Smores wirh her friends caught one in the forehead during a gang shootout. Where is the outrage? Your precious media isn't telling you the real story

There is outrage . But righty freaks refuse to act on the gun problem in our country .

Need I remind you that the most liberal President this country ever had, didn't do shit about it? In fact, more inner-city minorities were shot and murdered during Obama's administration, than ever before.

Quit blaming people who want the right to protect themselves and start owning up to the fact that you people have caused a real problem in this country.
Stop talking out of your ass..
Trump and the GOP rolled back the gun laws Obama had in place.
There is a protest planned in March ..These kids are standing up to you crazy ass control freaks who drink NRA Koolaide.

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

The kiddies protest will accomplish nothing and you leftist assholes should be ashamed of yourselves for pawning them

The "kiddies" as you call them are speaking out, and rightly so; they know who and what is to blame for the heinous acts committed with regularity at schools, concerts, churches, movie theaters and malls. The shooter as well as the guns used in so many grief creating events, are the instruments of violence: murder; mayhem; terror and fear.

The gun is the instrument quickly defended by the NRA, it's supporters, Trump and too many Republican Pols. High school students will soon be voters and all across America this grass roots movement is moving through the classrooms, lunchrooms and kitchen tables!
Any idea on the numbers on blacks killing people, Timmy? Recently in Chicago an 11 year old girl making Smores wirh her friends caught one in the forehead during a gang shootout. Where is the outrage? Your precious media isn't telling you the real story

There is outrage . But righty freaks refuse to act on the gun problem in our country .

Need I remind you that the most liberal President this country ever had, didn't do shit about it? In fact, more inner-city minorities were shot and murdered during Obama's administration, than ever before.

Quit blaming people who want the right to protect themselves and start owning up to the fact that you people have caused a real problem in this country.
Stop talking out of your ass..
Trump and the GOP rolled back the gun laws Obama had in place.
There is a protest planned in March ..These kids are standing up to you crazy ass control freaks who drink NRA Koolaide.

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

The kiddies protest will accomplish nothing and you leftist assholes should be ashamed of yourselves for pawning them

The "kiddies" as you call them are speaking out, and rightly so; they know who and what is to blame for the heinous acts committed with regularity at schools, concerts, churches, movie theaters and malls. The shooter as well as the guns used in so many grief creating events, are the instruments of violence: murder; mayhem; terror and fear.

The gun is the instrument quickly defended by the NRA, it's supporters, Trump and too many Republican Pols. High school students will soon be voters and all across America this grass roots movement is moving through the classrooms, lunchrooms and kitchen tables!

Those kids don't know shit. The are reguritating what their leftwing teachers told them. Idiots like you turned them into sitting ducks. You and your ilk are to blame. The 2nd Amendment protects our gun, nimrod. If you don't like it, then change the Constitution.

You must believe all highschool kids are as dumb and brainwashed as the ones in your video.
Any idea on the numbers on blacks killing people, Timmy? Recently in Chicago an 11 year old girl making Smores wirh her friends caught one in the forehead during a gang shootout. Where is the outrage? Your precious media isn't telling you the real story

There is outrage . But righty freaks refuse to act on the gun problem in our country .

Need I remind you that the most liberal President this country ever had, didn't do shit about it? In fact, more inner-city minorities were shot and murdered during Obama's administration, than ever before.

Quit blaming people who want the right to protect themselves and start owning up to the fact that you people have caused a real problem in this country.
Stop talking out of your ass..
Trump and the GOP rolled back the gun laws Obama had in place.
There is a protest planned in March ..These kids are standing up to you crazy ass control freaks who drink NRA Koolaide.

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

The kiddies protest will accomplish nothing and you leftist assholes should be ashamed of yourselves for pawning them

The "kiddies" as you call them are speaking out, and rightly so; they know who and what is to blame for the heinous acts committed with regularity at schools, concerts, churches, movie theaters and malls. The shooter as well as the guns used in so many grief creating events, are the instruments of violence: murder; mayhem; terror and fear.

The gun is the instrument quickly defended by the NRA, it's supporters, Trump and too many Republican Pols. High school students will soon be voters and all across America this grass roots movement is moving through the classrooms, lunchrooms and kitchen tables!

They are parroting what assholes like you tell them to
Outstanding! Every time I see one of those "No Weapons or Firearms" signs posted somewhere, it makes me think how they might as well put up a sign reading "Robbers and Murderers Welcome Here."

Our concealed carry law allows businesses to post that no firearms are allowed on the premise. I always ignore the signs because the penalty is only a simple trespassing ticket if they find out I'm carrying, and I refused to leave.

Unfortunately, I don't carry on school property or in a post office. The federal gun-free school zone law hasn't been over-ridden by the state here, so I have to pull over within 1,000 feet of the school property, unload my weapon, and place it in the trunk. Even off-duty law-enforcement officers have to do that. This is rather stupid, as it increases the possibility of an accidental discharge when you have to load or unload a firearm.

Except regular students should not be bringing guns to school, so the "no firearms" signs make sense.

I would have no problem with a student who has had the proper training and criminal background checks, carrying. Most everyone who carries on a daily basis has a safe, modern weapon with a secure holster. You strap it on in the morning and it just sits in the holster like it's not even there. It's like your wallet or watch, after awhile, you're not even aware of it.
Fantastic!!! Arm the kids. Why hasn’t anybody thought of this yet. Rosetta Stone shit dude
Outstanding! Every time I see one of those "No Weapons or Firearms" signs posted somewhere, it makes me think how they might as well put up a sign reading "Robbers and Murderers Welcome Here."

Our concealed carry law allows businesses to post that no firearms are allowed on the premise. I always ignore the signs because the penalty is only a simple trespassing ticket if they find out I'm carrying, and I refused to leave.

Unfortunately, I don't carry on school property or in a post office. The federal gun-free school zone law hasn't been over-ridden by the state here, so I have to pull over within 1,000 feet of the school property, unload my weapon, and place it in the trunk. Even off-duty law-enforcement officers have to do that. This is rather stupid, as it increases the possibility of an accidental discharge when you have to load or unload a firearm.

Except regular students should not be bringing guns to school, so the "no firearms" signs make sense.

I would have no problem with a student who has had the proper training and criminal background checks, carrying. Most everyone who carries on a daily basis has a safe, modern weapon with a secure holster. You strap it on in the morning and it just sits in the holster like it's not even there. It's like your wallet or watch, after awhile, you're not even aware of it.

Students are not supposed to have power over life and death at school. Which is, in the end, what a gun is; a killing machine. Besides that, as far as I know, you have to be 18 to legally possess and wear one, so that would put high school seniors in an awkward position over their younger peers.

Students are American citizens, aren't they? Are you saying they don't have the same right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit if happiness"?

You're wrong: There is no age limit to the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution. Just because you're 18 years old, doesn't mean that you should be denied the right to preserve and defend your own life.

Here is what Google tells me:

Minimum Age for Gun Possession: Subject to limited exceptions*, federal law prohibits the possession of a handgun or handgun ammunition by any person under the age of 18. Federal law provides no minimum age for the possession of longguns or long gun ammunition.

And states reserve the right to create their own gun laws.

Would you really want Johnny Jim Bob cleaning his shotgun right next to your daughter's head in math class? Might make it a little difficult for her to pay attention, no? I mean, that's the kind of Wild West environment you seem to be promoting, where the only rule is few vague lines of text in the constitution.

The thing is, during the actual wild west, guns were not uncommon in schools because kids could hunt dinner on the way home, and we didn't have school shootings.
There is outrage . But righty freaks refuse to act on the gun problem in our country .

Need I remind you that the most liberal President this country ever had, didn't do shit about it? In fact, more inner-city minorities were shot and murdered during Obama's administration, than ever before.

Quit blaming people who want the right to protect themselves and start owning up to the fact that you people have caused a real problem in this country.
Stop talking out of your ass..
Trump and the GOP rolled back the gun laws Obama had in place.
There is a protest planned in March ..These kids are standing up to you crazy ass control freaks who drink NRA Koolaide.

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

The kiddies protest will accomplish nothing and you leftist assholes should be ashamed of yourselves for pawning them

The "kiddies" as you call them are speaking out, and rightly so; they know who and what is to blame for the heinous acts committed with regularity at schools, concerts, churches, movie theaters and malls. The shooter as well as the guns used in so many grief creating events, are the instruments of violence: murder; mayhem; terror and fear.

The gun is the instrument quickly defended by the NRA, it's supporters, Trump and too many Republican Pols. High school students will soon be voters and all across America this grass roots movement is moving through the classrooms, lunchrooms and kitchen tables!

They are parroting what assholes like you tell them to

Why do you go out of your way to prove how truly dumb you are? I won't call you an asshole, but the more you post, the greater the likelihood you/ve suffered brain damage.
Except regular students should not be bringing guns to school, so the "no firearms" signs make sense.

I would have no problem with a student who has had the proper training and criminal background checks, carrying. Most everyone who carries on a daily basis has a safe, modern weapon with a secure holster. You strap it on in the morning and it just sits in the holster like it's not even there. It's like your wallet or watch, after awhile, you're not even aware of it.

Students are not supposed to have power over life and death at school. Which is, in the end, what a gun is; a killing machine. Besides that, as far as I know, you have to be 18 to legally possess and wear one, so that would put high school seniors in an awkward position over their younger peers.

Students are American citizens, aren't they? Are you saying they don't have the same right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit if happiness"?

You're wrong: There is no age limit to the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution. Just because you're 18 years old, doesn't mean that you should be denied the right to preserve and defend your own life.

Here is what Google tells me:

Minimum Age for Gun Possession: Subject to limited exceptions*, federal law prohibits the possession of a handgun or handgun ammunition by any person under the age of 18. Federal law provides no minimum age for the possession of longguns or long gun ammunition.

And states reserve the right to create their own gun laws.

Would you really want Johnny Jim Bob cleaning his shotgun right next to your daughter's head in math class? Might make it a little difficult for her to pay attention, no? I mean, that's the kind of Wild West environment you seem to be promoting, where the only rule is few vague lines of text in the constitution.

The thing is, during the actual wild west, guns were not uncommon in schools because kids could hunt dinner on the way home, and we didn't have school shootings.

Really? Thanks, I oft wondered what happened to Little Bo Peep's sheep

little bo peep song - Google Search
I would have no problem with a student who has had the proper training and criminal background checks, carrying. Most everyone who carries on a daily basis has a safe, modern weapon with a secure holster. You strap it on in the morning and it just sits in the holster like it's not even there. It's like your wallet or watch, after awhile, you're not even aware of it.

Students are not supposed to have power over life and death at school. Which is, in the end, what a gun is; a killing machine. Besides that, as far as I know, you have to be 18 to legally possess and wear one, so that would put high school seniors in an awkward position over their younger peers.

Students are American citizens, aren't they? Are you saying they don't have the same right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit if happiness"?

You're wrong: There is no age limit to the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution. Just because you're 18 years old, doesn't mean that you should be denied the right to preserve and defend your own life.

Here is what Google tells me:

Minimum Age for Gun Possession: Subject to limited exceptions*, federal law prohibits the possession of a handgun or handgun ammunition by any person under the age of 18. Federal law provides no minimum age for the possession of longguns or long gun ammunition.

And states reserve the right to create their own gun laws.

Would you really want Johnny Jim Bob cleaning his shotgun right next to your daughter's head in math class? Might make it a little difficult for her to pay attention, no? I mean, that's the kind of Wild West environment you seem to be promoting, where the only rule is few vague lines of text in the constitution.

The thing is, during the actual wild west, guns were not uncommon in schools because kids could hunt dinner on the way home, and we didn't have school shootings.

Really? Thanks, I oft wondered what happened to Little Bo Peep's sheep

little bo peep song - Google Search

Here Wrycatcher..

Reagan had a ban on assault rifles that expired 2002..

This Timeline Shows You a Major Reason Why We are getting So Many Mass Shootings
There is outrage . But righty freaks refuse to act on the gun problem in our country .

Need I remind you that the most liberal President this country ever had, didn't do shit about it? In fact, more inner-city minorities were shot and murdered during Obama's administration, than ever before.

Quit blaming people who want the right to protect themselves and start owning up to the fact that you people have caused a real problem in this country.
Stop talking out of your ass..
Trump and the GOP rolled back the gun laws Obama had in place.
There is a protest planned in March ..These kids are standing up to you crazy ass control freaks who drink NRA Koolaide.

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

The kiddies protest will accomplish nothing and you leftist assholes should be ashamed of yourselves for pawning them

The "kiddies" as you call them are speaking out, and rightly so; they know who and what is to blame for the heinous acts committed with regularity at schools, concerts, churches, movie theaters and malls. The shooter as well as the guns used in so many grief creating events, are the instruments of violence: murder; mayhem; terror and fear.

The gun is the instrument quickly defended by the NRA, it's supporters, Trump and too many Republican Pols. High school students will soon be voters and all across America this grass roots movement is moving through the classrooms, lunchrooms and kitchen tables!

Those kids don't know shit. The are reguritating what their leftwing teachers told them. Idiots like you turned them into sitting ducks. You and your ilk are to blame. The 2nd Amendment protects our gun, nimrod. If you don't like it, then change the Constitution.

You must believe all highschool kids are as dumb and brainwashed as the ones in your video.

This post ^^^ is even stupider than your usual crap. These kids walked the walk,, some passing by the bodies of those killed and maimed, some sitting next to a school mate alive one minute and dead the next, and some vicariously, watching on the TV as terrified parents waited and wondered if they will ever see their child again.
Need I remind you that the most liberal President this country ever had, didn't do shit about it? In fact, more inner-city minorities were shot and murdered during Obama's administration, than ever before.

Quit blaming people who want the right to protect themselves and start owning up to the fact that you people have caused a real problem in this country.
Stop talking out of your ass..
Trump and the GOP rolled back the gun laws Obama had in place.
There is a protest planned in March ..These kids are standing up to you crazy ass control freaks who drink NRA Koolaide.

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

The kiddies protest will accomplish nothing and you leftist assholes should be ashamed of yourselves for pawning them

The "kiddies" as you call them are speaking out, and rightly so; they know who and what is to blame for the heinous acts committed with regularity at schools, concerts, churches, movie theaters and malls. The shooter as well as the guns used in so many grief creating events, are the instruments of violence: murder; mayhem; terror and fear.

The gun is the instrument quickly defended by the NRA, it's supporters, Trump and too many Republican Pols. High school students will soon be voters and all across America this grass roots movement is moving through the classrooms, lunchrooms and kitchen tables!

Those kids don't know shit. The are reguritating what their leftwing teachers told them. Idiots like you turned them into sitting ducks. You and your ilk are to blame. The 2nd Amendment protects our gun, nimrod. If you don't like it, then change the Constitution.

You must believe all highschool kids are as dumb and brainwashed as the ones in your video.

This post ^^^ is even stupider than your usual crap. These kids walked the walk,, some passing by the bodies of those killed and maimed, some sitting next to a school mate alive one minute and dead the next, and some vicariously, watching on the TV as terrified parents waited and wondered if they will ever see their child again.
Meaningless. They are brainwashed. They are too ignorant and naive to have anything credible to say on the subject. Emotional trauma doesn't make a person infallible, moron.

Your post is just another attempt by a snowflake to use anything other than facts and logic to make their case. It fails, as usual.

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