Students Celebrate "Anti-Gay Day"

...There is no 'gay agenda,' the notion is idiocy, a ridiculous, hateful contrivance of the right...
It is a convenient label for branding the combination of highly organized and loose-knit grass-roots Gay Rights Activism, which has become a tool of Oppression and Exceptionalism at the expense of the other 97% of the population - a term readily understood and broadly recognizable and easily and casually utilized by all but the Scheming Left et al.

...Seeking one's comprehensive civil rights, including the right to equal protection of the law, does not constitute an 'agenda.'
Mainstreaming and normalizing sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) is not in the best interest of The Republic nor its People.

Mainstreaming and normalizing sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) has no effect on, nor does it harm, The Republic nor its People
That is your opinion.

Vast numbers of Americans believe differently.

Including all those in recent years who have voted in State-level referendums to define marriage as a heterosexual union, not one between homosexual perverts.
No lynch list........lgbtr's instigators
News Article Archive

The original article said there were claims of a "lynch list", but that no one they could find actually saw the list.

That there was no lynch list really doesn't make having an Anti-Gay Day any better.

Of course not,,,why should facts matter......after all as hilly would say what difference does it make.......

Please. I have not said facts shouldn't matter. But the uproar is not over the lynch list, but over the holiday in general.
The uproar is fake as most of the facts dont comport with the evidence. The hate would be all lgbtrs
They ARE a collection of nasty Leftist wankers, aren't they?
...There is no 'gay agenda,' the notion is idiocy, a ridiculous, hateful contrivance of the right...
It is a convenient label for branding the combination of highly organized and loose-knit grass-roots Gay Rights Activism, which has become a tool of Oppression and Exceptionalism at the expense of the other 97% of the population - a term readily understood and broadly recognizable and easily and casually utilized by all but the Scheming Left et al.

...Seeking one's comprehensive civil rights, including the right to equal protection of the law, does not constitute an 'agenda.'
Mainstreaming and normalizing sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) is not in the best interest of The Republic nor its People.

Mainstreaming and normalizing sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) has no effect on, nor does it harm, The Republic nor its People
That is your opinion.

Vast numbers of Americans believe differently.

Including all those in recent years who have voted in State-level referendums to define marriage as a heterosexual union, not one between homosexual perverts.

And I would ask, yet again, how does having gays out of the closet harm anyone? How does gay marriage harm anyone at all?
...There is no 'gay agenda,' the notion is idiocy, a ridiculous, hateful contrivance of the right...
It is a convenient label for branding the combination of highly organized and loose-knit grass-roots Gay Rights Activism, which has become a tool of Oppression and Exceptionalism at the expense of the other 97% of the population - a term readily understood and broadly recognizable and easily and casually utilized by all but the Scheming Left et al.

...Seeking one's comprehensive civil rights, including the right to equal protection of the law, does not constitute an 'agenda.'
Mainstreaming and normalizing sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) is not in the best interest of The Republic nor its People.

Mainstreaming and normalizing sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) has no effect on, nor does it harm, The Republic nor its People
That is your opinion.

Vast numbers of Americans believe differently.

Including all those in recent years who have voted in State-level referendums to define marriage as a heterosexual union, not one between homosexual perverts.

And I would ask, yet again, how does having gays out of the closet harm anyone? How does gay marriage harm anyone at all?
The downward slide towards degeneracy and libertine behaviors and effeminacy and perversion damages society at-large rather than individuals.
...There is no 'gay agenda,' the notion is idiocy, a ridiculous, hateful contrivance of the right...
It is a convenient label for branding the combination of highly organized and loose-knit grass-roots Gay Rights Activism, which has become a tool of Oppression and Exceptionalism at the expense of the other 97% of the population - a term readily understood and broadly recognizable and easily and casually utilized by all but the Scheming Left et al.

...Seeking one's comprehensive civil rights, including the right to equal protection of the law, does not constitute an 'agenda.'
Mainstreaming and normalizing sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) is not in the best interest of The Republic nor its People.

Mainstreaming and normalizing sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) has no effect on, nor does it harm, The Republic nor its People
That is your opinion.

Vast numbers of Americans believe differently.

Including all those in recent years who have voted in State-level referendums to define marriage as a heterosexual union, not one between homosexual perverts.

And I would ask, yet again, how does having gays out of the closet harm anyone? How does gay marriage harm anyone at all?
The downward slide towards degeneracy and libertine behaviors and effeminacy and perversion damages society at-large rather than individuals.

The downward slide towards degeneracy? Like the fact that so many straights have pre-marital sex or that their marriages end in divorce 50% of the time? The slide was happening long before gays came out.

And what the hell does "effeminacy" matter? Why do we care whether guys act macho or not?
Well, let’s see what God says about homosexuality.

Romans 1:..
22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools.. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy.

Note also that Romans 1:32 points out that those who approve of such conduct are just as guilty as those who engage in it.

Lev 18:22 “You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination....

25‘For the land has become defiled, therefore I have brought its punishment upon it, so the land has spewed out its inhabitants.”
You know, most people really don't care about what queers do in their spare time. What most people do object to is the constant flaunting of homosexual behavior in the public. Faggots already have the right to get married in any state, contrary to the media hyping up gay marriage "bans" because there is no such thing. However, that isn't enough for the queers. They demand the right to flaunt their disgusting behavior anywhere, anytime they please. Gay Pride parade? That isn't enough, they want to be "represented" in every parade, even Christmas parades. They don't just want to get married, they want to adopt children, and they want the right to mutilate themselves and their children with "sex change" operations. These are the kind of things that piss people off and why you are losing support.
It is a convenient label for branding the combination of highly organized and loose-knit grass-roots Gay Rights Activism, which has become a tool of Oppression and Exceptionalism at the expense of the other 97% of the population - a term readily understood and broadly recognizable and easily and casually utilized by all but the Scheming Left et al.

Mainstreaming and normalizing sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) is not in the best interest of The Republic nor its People.

Mainstreaming and normalizing sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) has no effect on, nor does it harm, The Republic nor its People
That is your opinion.

Vast numbers of Americans believe differently.

Including all those in recent years who have voted in State-level referendums to define marriage as a heterosexual union, not one between homosexual perverts.

And I would ask, yet again, how does having gays out of the closet harm anyone? How does gay marriage harm anyone at all?
The downward slide towards degeneracy and libertine behaviors and effeminacy and perversion damages society at-large rather than individuals.

The downward slide towards degeneracy? Like the fact that so many straights have pre-marital sex or that their marriages end in divorce 50% of the time? The slide was happening long before gays came out.

And what the hell does "effeminacy" matter? Why do we care whether guys act macho or not?
Yes. The slide into degeneracy started before same sex marriage caused another slip. If we had not already accepted casual sex and devalued marriage there would be no discussion today on same sex marriage. All you are doing is proving how slippery the slippery slope is.
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The difference in the fight for women's/blacks/any minorities rights and gays is that gays were not born that way. They chose a life of disgusting sexual deviance. Let's just legalize beastiality and have people fucking their dogs in the streets.
The difference in the fight for women's/blacks/any minorities rights and gays is that gays were not born that way. They chose a life of disgusting sexual deviance. Let's just legalize beastiality and have people fucking their dogs in the streets.
That will no doubt come. That's what happened in every other country that normalized homosexuality.
The difference in the fight for women's/blacks/any minorities rights and gays is that gays were not born that way. They chose a life of disgusting sexual deviance. Let's just legalize beastiality and have people fucking their dogs in the streets.
That will no doubt come. That's what happened in every other country that normalized homosexuality.
Please no....

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