Students hold bleed in to demand free menstrual products


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Students hold 'bleed-in' to demand free menstrual products
  • University of Florida students held a "bleed-in" demonstration Tuesday, going around campus with fake blood on their pants to protest the lack of free menstrual products.

Can we really stop thinking leftist feminist don't have a mental illness. they hate Trump , and America bank on it.
A few years ago they were doing a free bleeding, then there was an issue where it was cool to pee your pants this is society breaking down ............... you all ain't seen nothing yet but then there are some who don't see a g.d thing.
How much does a package of tampons cost? Millennials are a vulgar bunch.
Am glad when the radical feminists stage these bizarro protests. .... :thup:

Because it exposes how utterly detached from reality they are, and makes normal women shun them and their idiotic antics. .... :cool:
LOL who raised these morons? Oh wait....

Lol, I would really like to see it when the real world hits them. They gonna have a Shit in, lol.
Holy fuck did anyone read the OPs link?

Today I held a little protest for free menstrual protects...And I say menstrual not feminine because menstruation should not be gendered. Some men get periods." Tweet This
Students hold 'bleed-in' to demand free menstrual products
  • University of Florida students held a "bleed-in" demonstration Tuesday, going around campus with fake blood on their pants to protest the lack of free menstrual products.

Can we really stop thinking leftist feminist don't have a mental illness. they hate Trump , and America bank on it.
A few years ago they were doing a free bleeding, then there was an issue where it was cool to pee your pants this is society breaking down ............... you all ain't seen nothing yet but then there are some who don't see a g.d thing.
Good God! Are there greater depths that these entitiled snowflakes could possibly sink to?
Holy fuck did anyone read the OPs link?

Today I held a little protest for free menstrual protects...And I say menstrual not feminine because menstruation should not be gendered. Some men get periods." Tweet This
Ah yep, you are a winner for realizing who far mentally challenged the left has gone to...

We now have ,
Transgender - Men with boobs, girls with beards. Bruce Jenner, Bradley Manning, Chasity Bono.
Transracial - Rachael Dolezal, Elizabeth Warren.
Transanimal - uk man thinks he is a goat
Transage - 'Trans-Age' Child Rapist Claims He's a 9-Year-Old Boy Stuck In a Man's Body

The insanity of the left, knows no bounds, and it is going to be worse like a cancer, that will have to be cut out of society till there are no lunatic liberals left in the world...
Holy fuck did anyone read the OPs link?

Today I held a little protest for free menstrual protects...And I say menstrual not feminine because menstruation should not be gendered. Some men get periods." Tweet This

In case you missed it LOL

Tampon Dispensers in Men's Bathrooms at School
So liberals want to be actual shitstains until they get free toilet tissue to go with their free tampons, rubbers, birth control pills and their ObamaPhones?

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