Students, teachers invite Satanists to football game to protest praying coach

I disagree. Fear is never wonderful, and I'd encourage you to overcome it.

A Re-re-re-concession? (You should understand that once you fail to sustain your position, thus yielding to the standing points, therein conceding... you are NOT required to continue to do so, post after inane post.)

All right, if you won't pick the era, I will. ... So, Tudor England. I'll be generous and let you tell the class what you believe happened between Christians in the British Isles in that era before I present what I know. ...


I say it here and it comes out ^ THERE ^.

You can NOT make this crap up.
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I disagree. Fear is never wonderful, and I'd encourage you to overcome it.

A Re-re-re-concession? (You should understand that once you fail to sustain your position, thus yielding to the standing points, therein conceding... you are NOT required to continue to do so, post after inane post.)

All right, if you won't pick the era, I will. ... So, Tudor England. I'll be generous and let you tell the class what you believe happened between Christians in the British Isles in that era before I present what I know. ...


I say it here and it comes out ^ THERE ^.

You can NOT make this crap up.
Nor do you need to, given the actuality. Okay, here we go:

KS3 > The Reformation > For Reference > Short Overview - (Old version) | History of Parliament Online

Feel free to refute any or all of the information on that page.
I disagree. Fear is never wonderful, and I'd encourage you to overcome it.

A Re-re-re-concession? (You should understand that once you fail to sustain your position, thus yielding to the standing points, therein conceding... you are NOT required to continue to do so, post after inane post.)

All right, if you won't pick the era, I will. ... So, Tudor England. I'll be generous and let you tell the class what you believe happened between Christians in the British Isles in that era before I present what I know. ...


I say it here and it comes out ^ THERE ^.

You can NOT make this crap up.
Nor do you need to, given the actuality. Okay, here we go:

KS3 > The Reformation > For Reference > Short Overview - (Old version) | History of Parliament Online

Feel free to refute any or all of the information on that page.

Holy CRAP! Someone alert Gilligan! We've got a contender for its record Seven straight concessions to the same standing point.

I guess I will never tire of Leftists who lack sufficient objectivity to realize when they've lost a debate. I absolutely LOVE IT!

Your Re-re-re-re-concession is Duly Noted and Summarily Accepted.
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Not surprisingly, you can't refute any of the bloody history of your religion (and Tudor England's only one example). But at least you made a valiant effort.

What era would you like to explore next?

Not surprisingly, you can't refute any of the bloody history of your religion (and Tudor England's only one example). But at least you made a valiant effort.

What era would you like to explore next?

OUTSTANDING! (How cool is it when hackers out themselves when they get HYSTERICAL?)

Your Re-re-re-re-re-concession is duly noted and summarily accepted

Your argument was predicted and refuted before you even opened it. ROFL! It's a cliche ... advanced by the children and fools who adhere to or otherwise promote: EVIL.
I disagree. Fear is never wonderful, and I'd encourage you to overcome it.

A Re-re-re-concession? (You should understand that once you fail to sustain your position, thus yielding to the standing points, therein conceding... you are NOT required to continue to do so, post after inane post.)

All right, if you won't pick the era, I will. ... So, Tudor England. I'll be generous and let you tell the class what you believe happened between Christians in the British Isles in that era before I present what I know. ...


I say it here and it comes out ^ THERE ^.

You can NOT make this crap up.
Nor do you need to, given the actuality. Okay, here we go:

KS3 > The Reformation > For Reference > Short Overview - (Old version) | History of Parliament Online

Feel free to refute any or all of the information on that page.

Holy CRAP! Someone alert Gilligan! We've got a contender for its record Seven straight concessions to the same standing point.

Not surprisingly, you can't refute any of the bloody history of your religion (and Tudor England's only one example). But at least you made a valiant effort.

What era would you like to explore next?


Your Re-re-re-re-re-concession is duly noted and summarily accepted

Your argument was predicted and refuted before you even opened it. ROFL! It's a cliche ... advanced by the children and fools who adhere to or otherwise promote: EVIL.
Then it should be easy to refute it. Why do you hesitate?
Again Reader, you have an Ideological Leftist... coming to lament 'murder of innocents by Christians'... who cites TUDOR, ENGLAND as it's reference of such... despite the Ideological Left having murdered 150 million innocents ... between 35 and 65 YEARS AGO.

Meaning that IT is an adherent to the ideas that produced the single greatest manifestation of what IT defines as EVIL! Even while it denies that IT is evil, despite it promoting the human concentration upon her own profoundly immoral and malevolent behavior, embodying or associated with the forces of the devil, intending to harm while being extremely unpleasant; OKA: EVIL.
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Then it should be easy to refute it. Why do you hesitate?


How many martyrs have died for your faith.


It's a TIE! Seven Concessions to the same standing points... IN A ROW!

Your Re-re-re-re-re-re-re-concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Well, if ya add those killed by Islam, to those killed by Leftists... its in their neighborhood of 215 million.

But in fairness... only 65 million were murdered by Muslims, and those over 1200 years. Leftists, such as yourself... murdered 150 million, over a 30 year period, in the 20th century.
Again Reader, you have an Ideological Leftist... coming to lament 'murder of innocents by Christians... who cites TUDOR, ENGLAND as it's reference of such... despite the Ideological Left having murdered 150 million innocents ... between 35 and 65 YEARS AGO.

Meaning that IT is an adherent to the ideas that produced the single greatest manifestation of what IT defines as EVIL! Even while it denies that IT is evil, despite it promoting the human concentration upon her own profoundly immoral and malevolent behavior, embodying or associated with the forces of the devil, intending to harm while being extremely unpleasant; OKA: EVIL.

That's easily the most inventive non-answer to the topic of religion I've read in a long time, but it doesn't belong in this thread.

I'd have thought you'd at least take a shot at Mary Tudor, her being Catholic and all. You're from one of those offshoots that hates Catholics, aren't you?

Maybe one of your co-religionists can bail you out here, since you're clearly out of your depth.

Anyone want to give Keys some backup here?
The Satanic Temple of Seattle was invited to protest coach Joe Kennedy’s controversial ritual of praying on the 50-yard line after games.

bout a dozen members of the Satanic Temple of Seattle, most dressed in hooded black robes and some masked, left Bremerton High School shortly after their arrival at a varsity-football game Thursday night. They came in response to the controversy surrounding coach Joe Kennedy, who was placed on leave this week for praying on the field after games but attended the game in the stands.

Students swarmed the fence where the Satanists stood outside. The group climbed the fence, shook it, held up crosses, threw liquid, and chanted “Jesus.” Some yelled at the Satanists to go away.

A few of the half-dozen students and teachers who invited the Satanists to attend the game in the spirit of free expression were allowed outside the fence, where they spoke with members of the atheist and agnostic group and thanked them for coming.

Temple spokeswoman Lilith Starr said the group was invited to protest Kennedy’s ritual of kneeling on the 50-yard line after games and praying. “We want equality for everyone,” she said. “If one group is allowed to pray, everyone should be.”


‘Jesus’ chants greet Satanists at Bremerton football game

Just in case you needed another reason to hate liberals more today than you did yesterday.
Funny how some guy praying is a major threat to so many.

Because it is. Good and evil are taking sides in this world now, there are no fence sitters.
Again Reader, you have an Ideological Leftist... coming to lament 'murder of innocents by Christians... who cites TUDOR, ENGLAND as it's reference of such... despite the Ideological Left having murdered 150 million innocents ... between 35 and 65 YEARS AGO.

Meaning that IT is an adherent to the ideas that produced the single greatest manifestation of what IT defines as EVIL! Even while it denies that IT is evil, despite it promoting the human concentration upon her own profoundly immoral and malevolent behavior, embodying or associated with the forces of the devil, intending to harm while being extremely unpleasant; OKA: EVIL.

That's easily the most inventive non-answer to the topic of religion I've read in a long time, but it doesn't belong in this thread.

I'd have thought you'd at least take a shot at Mary Tudor, her being Catholic and all. You're from one of those offshoots that hates Catholics, aren't you?

Maybe one of your co-religionists can bail you out here, since you're clearly out of your depth.

Anyone want to give Keys some backup here?


Your Re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-concession is duly noted and summarily accepted!

It doesn't GET any more pitiful that THAT! At least it shouldn't. But... the Left is an abyss of profound foolishness... which is of course the consequence of its degenerative Relativism.

My guess is the above cited creature could go for hours conceding, potentially... into infinity.
Funny how some guy praying is a major threat to so many.

Because it is. Good and evil are taking sides in this world now, there are no fence sitters.

LOL! Right?

You don't see them getting all exorcised over Unicorns! And that's because they KNOW that Unicorns do not exist... just as they KNOW that God DOES exist. And THAT is what pisses them off.

They KNOW God Exists... and because of that, they KNOW THEY'RE NOT GOD! Thus they don't get to set the rules, and as a result they're required to live under, thus are subordinate to: GOD rules.
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The Satanic Temple of Seattle was invited to protest coach Joe Kennedy’s controversial ritual of praying on the 50-yard line after games.

bout a dozen members of the Satanic Temple of Seattle, most dressed in hooded black robes and some masked, left Bremerton High School shortly after their arrival at a varsity-football game Thursday night. They came in response to the controversy surrounding coach Joe Kennedy, who was placed on leave this week for praying on the field after games but attended the game in the stands.

Students swarmed the fence where the Satanists stood outside. The group climbed the fence, shook it, held up crosses, threw liquid, and chanted “Jesus.” Some yelled at the Satanists to go away.

A few of the half-dozen students and teachers who invited the Satanists to attend the game in the spirit of free expression were allowed outside the fence, where they spoke with members of the atheist and agnostic group and thanked them for coming.

Temple spokeswoman Lilith Starr said the group was invited to protest Kennedy’s ritual of kneeling on the 50-yard line after games and praying. “We want equality for everyone,” she said. “If one group is allowed to pray, everyone should be.”


‘Jesus’ chants greet Satanists at Bremerton football game

Just in case you needed another reason to hate liberals more today than you did yesterday.
Funny how some guy praying is a major threat to so many.

Because it is. Good and evil are taking sides in this world now, there are no fence sitters.

Well, then, you'd better pray harder. You might also try helping Keys defend the view that Christianity never harmed anyone.

Two thousand years of history, all a lie? Who knew? I hope you'll guide us through what really happened, because Keys doesn't seem to be able to.
The Satanic Temple of Seattle was invited to protest coach Joe Kennedy’s controversial ritual of praying on the 50-yard line after games.

bout a dozen members of the Satanic Temple of Seattle, most dressed in hooded black robes and some masked, left Bremerton High School shortly after their arrival at a varsity-football game Thursday night. They came in response to the controversy surrounding coach Joe Kennedy, who was placed on leave this week for praying on the field after games but attended the game in the stands.

Students swarmed the fence where the Satanists stood outside. The group climbed the fence, shook it, held up crosses, threw liquid, and chanted “Jesus.” Some yelled at the Satanists to go away.

A few of the half-dozen students and teachers who invited the Satanists to attend the game in the spirit of free expression were allowed outside the fence, where they spoke with members of the atheist and agnostic group and thanked them for coming.

Temple spokeswoman Lilith Starr said the group was invited to protest Kennedy’s ritual of kneeling on the 50-yard line after games and praying. “We want equality for everyone,” she said. “If one group is allowed to pray, everyone should be.”


‘Jesus’ chants greet Satanists at Bremerton football game

Just in case you needed another reason to hate liberals more today than you did yesterday.
Funny how some guy praying is a major threat to so many.

Because it is. Good and evil are taking sides in this world now, there are no fence sitters.

Well, then, you'd better pray harder. You might also try helping Keys defend the view that Christianity never harmed anyone.

Keys never said 'Christianity never harmed anyone'. Keys said, it is wrong for a human being to murder.

Which means that it is wrong for one human to take the life of an innocent human.

But if it will help, I'll happily state that the teachings of Christ, has never harmed so much as a single innocent human being.

This by comparison to the Teachings of the Godless adherents of the Ideological Left, OKA: The means by which Evil is advanced Politically... having murdered HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF INNOCENT HUMAN BEINGS.

And this NOT over 1200 years... Not many centuries ago... but within the last 60 years... and NOT in WARS, between sovereign states... but in a 30 year period of PEACE!
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I find interesting that the left never concern the,selves with the 160 million murdered by their own Godless Communist governments in the 20th century.
Keys never said 'Christianity never harmed anyone'.

But when confronted with the fact that Christians have killed other Christians for centuries, Keys devolved to empty invective and refused to address the issue.

Keys said, it is wrong for a human being to murder.

Which means that it is wrong for one human to take the life of an innocent human.

But if it will help, I'll happily state that the teachings of Christ, has never harmed so much as a single innocent human being.

Only the actions of some of his followers. Do you deny that?

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