Students, teachers invite Satanists to football game to protest praying coach

The Satanic Temple of Seattle was invited to protest coach Joe Kennedy’s controversial ritual of praying on the 50-yard line after games.

bout a dozen members of the Satanic Temple of Seattle, most dressed in hooded black robes and some masked, left Bremerton High School shortly after their arrival at a varsity-football game Thursday night. They came in response to the controversy surrounding coach Joe Kennedy, who was placed on leave this week for praying on the field after games but attended the game in the stands.

Students swarmed the fence where the Satanists stood outside. The group climbed the fence, shook it, held up crosses, threw liquid, and chanted “Jesus.” Some yelled at the Satanists to go away.

A few of the half-dozen students and teachers who invited the Satanists to attend the game in the spirit of free expression were allowed outside the fence, where they spoke with members of the atheist and agnostic group and thanked them for coming.

Temple spokeswoman Lilith Starr said the group was invited to protest Kennedy’s ritual of kneeling on the 50-yard line after games and praying. “We want equality for everyone,” she said. “If one group is allowed to pray, everyone should be.”


‘Jesus’ chants greet Satanists at Bremerton football game

Just in case you needed another reason to hate liberals more today than you did yesterday.

Such is the nature of Evil.
The Satanic Temple of Seattle was invited to protest coach Joe Kennedy’s controversial ritual of praying on the 50-yard line after games.

bout a dozen members of the Satanic Temple of Seattle, most dressed in hooded black robes and some masked, left Bremerton High School shortly after their arrival at a varsity-football game Thursday night. They came in response to the controversy surrounding coach Joe Kennedy, who was placed on leave this week for praying on the field after games but attended the game in the stands.

Students swarmed the fence where the Satanists stood outside. The group climbed the fence, shook it, held up crosses, threw liquid, and chanted “Jesus.” Some yelled at the Satanists to go away.

A few of the half-dozen students and teachers who invited the Satanists to attend the game in the spirit of free expression were allowed outside the fence, where they spoke with members of the atheist and agnostic group and thanked them for coming.

Temple spokeswoman Lilith Starr said the group was invited to protest Kennedy’s ritual of kneeling on the 50-yard line after games and praying. “We want equality for everyone,” she said. “If one group is allowed to pray, everyone should be.”


‘Jesus’ chants greet Satanists at Bremerton football game

Just in case you needed another reason to hate liberals more today than you did yesterday.

I like her message.

Jesus wouldn't. Matthew 6:5


You can NOT hide the idiots.

For the Left... Christ, who died on the cross for his bearing of God's law, would NOT appreciate another standing up for God's law.

LOL! You've clearly given this a LOT of thought!
The Satanic Temple of Seattle was invited to protest coach Joe Kennedy’s controversial ritual of praying on the 50-yard line after games.

bout a dozen members of the Satanic Temple of Seattle, most dressed in hooded black robes and some masked, left Bremerton High School shortly after their arrival at a varsity-football game Thursday night. They came in response to the controversy surrounding coach Joe Kennedy, who was placed on leave this week for praying on the field after games but attended the game in the stands.

Students swarmed the fence where the Satanists stood outside. The group climbed the fence, shook it, held up crosses, threw liquid, and chanted “Jesus.” Some yelled at the Satanists to go away.

A few of the half-dozen students and teachers who invited the Satanists to attend the game in the spirit of free expression were allowed outside the fence, where they spoke with members of the atheist and agnostic group and thanked them for coming.

Temple spokeswoman Lilith Starr said the group was invited to protest Kennedy’s ritual of kneeling on the 50-yard line after games and praying. “We want equality for everyone,” she said. “If one group is allowed to pray, everyone should be.”


‘Jesus’ chants greet Satanists at Bremerton football game

Just in case you needed another reason to hate liberals more today than you did yesterday.
good on them. They have as much right to pray as the thumpers.
good on them. They have as much right to pray as the thumpers.

No... Actually they do not.

As there is no right to promote the injury of another. What's more there is not even the potential for such a right.

And praying to darkness and death, is an act wherein the individual is concentrating themselves toward the destruction of others; so, as noted above, there is no potential for a right to so.

See how that works?
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Based on what? ... .

Based upon the laws of nature. Your choice to defend the public celebration of profoundly immoral and malevolent behavior which associates the individual with the forces of the devil, OKA: EVIL... embodying such toward the goal of being harmful, tending toward the harm of others, aside from simply being extremely unpleasant; which, of course, is not to mention that such is exceedingly foolish.
Christ wouldn't appreciate another standing up for God's law? Really?

Then what were the disciples doing? How are you supposed to spread the Good News if you yourself aren't standing up for God's law?
Based on what? ... .

Based upon the laws of nature. Your choice to defend the public celebration of profoundly immoral and malevolent behavior which associates the individual with the forces of the devil, OKA: EVIL... embodying such toward the goal of being harmful, tending toward the harm of others, aside from simply being extremely unpleasant; which, of course, is not to mention that such is exceedingly foolish.

Would you consider wholesale slaughter of innocent people to be immoral and malevolent?
Would you consider wholesale slaughter of innocent people to be immoral and malevolent?

All human behavior which seeks to strip the innocent of their God-given rights, is evil. No question.

That is how we know that the cults of Islam and the Ideological Left, as demonstrated by it's Planned Parenthood sub-cult are evil; thus a demonstration of non-innocent human life; very similar, in fact, to the degenerates that God himself stripped of their lives, throughout the old testament.
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Based on what? ... .

Based upon the laws of nature. Your choice to defend the public celebration of profoundly immoral and malevolent behavior which associates the individual with the forces of the devil, OKA: EVIL... embodying such toward the goal of being harmful, tending toward the harm of others, aside from simply being extremely unpleasant; which, of course, is not to mention that such is exceedingly foolish.

Would you consider wholesale slaughter of innocent people to be immoral and malevolent?

All human behavior which seeks to strip the innocent of their God-given rights, is evil. No question.

Okay, let's talk about the history of Christianity. Where would you like to begin?
Based on what? ... .

Based upon the laws of nature. Your choice to defend the public celebration of profoundly immoral and malevolent behavior which associates the individual with the forces of the devil, OKA: EVIL... embodying such toward the goal of being harmful, tending toward the harm of others, aside from simply being extremely unpleasant; which, of course, is not to mention that such is exceedingly foolish.

Would you consider wholesale slaughter of innocent people to be immoral and malevolent?

All human behavior which seeks to strip the innocent of their God-given rights, is evil. No question.

Okay, let's talk about the history of Christianity. Where would you like to begin?

ROFL! Great concession.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Based on what? ... .

Based upon the laws of nature. Your choice to defend the public celebration of profoundly immoral and malevolent behavior which associates the individual with the forces of the devil, OKA: EVIL... embodying such toward the goal of being harmful, tending toward the harm of others, aside from simply being extremely unpleasant; which, of course, is not to mention that such is exceedingly foolish.

Would you consider wholesale slaughter of innocent people to be immoral and malevolent?

All human behavior which seeks to strip the innocent of their God-given rights, is evil. No question.

Okay, let's talk about the history of Christianity. Where would you like to begin?

ROFL! Great concession.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
You're conceding already? Is that because you know nothing at all of the history of your faith, or because you know too much you'd like to pretend never happened?

That's two of you now who've run away from it. That says it all.
Those are some pretty sweet ass goat horns. lol

I want the black robe. Then when people knock on my door uninvited I can answer it with the Satanic robe on.
You're conceding already? ... .

HEY! A RE-CONCESSION? And so SOON! How nice...

Your Re-Concession is duly noted and summarily accepted

Reader, do you see how easy how easy this is?

Remember, the key to defeating Leftists in debate rests in two fundamental components:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to SPEAK!
You're conceding already? ... .

HEY! A RE-CONCESSION? And so SOON! How nice...

Not really. I'd much rather you answered the question. Want me to pick the era or will you?

WHAT? A RE-re-Concession? Well... that's just wonderful!

Your Re-re-concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(Reader, what the demon wants to 'discuss' is the litany of examples of individuals who claimed to be Christians, but performed acts of evil. It's very much akin to the Left electing a Muslim-Marxist, claiming that such is an American, when in truth, the individual is no more an American than was Joe Stalin, or Mao Zedong.

Who... as an aside, being Leftists who acquired supreme political power... murdered 125 million innocent people, during peacetime, over a 30 year period in the mid 20th Century.

This being second only to Islam who only managed to murder 65 million innocent people, over the 1200 years of its obsessive conquest to acquire supreme political power.

Absent disease... there is no living organism on earth that even comes close to the threat that Left-think represents to humanity.

Now... it should be noted that Left-think, is the means by which evil is advanced, politically. So it should NOT come as a shock to anyone that Leftists are so consistently found worshipping or otherwise focusing upon evil... in all of it's degenerative facets.)
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You're conceding already? ... .

HEY! A RE-CONCESSION? And so SOON! How nice...

Not really. I'd much rather you answered the question. Want me to pick the era or will you?

WHAT? A RE-re-Concession? Well... that's just wonderful!

I disagree. Fear is never wonderful, and I'd encourage you to overcome it.

All right, if you won't pick the era, I will. (A cautionary note: If you intend to respond with :lalala: that will be seen as a concession. If you intend to reply with a lot of empty invective, that will not be viewed as refutation. Refutations contain facts. Obviously that puts your side at a disadvantage, but remember, I gave you numerous chances to set the terms here and you've repeatedly refused.)

So, Tudor England. I'll be generous and let you tell the class what you believe happened between Christians in the British Isles in that era before I present what I know.

IOW, you get to go first. Ready? Have at it!

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