Students, teachers invite Satanists to football game to protest praying coach

You know, it wasn't until this thread that I realized koshergrl was Jeremiah-level crazy.

Let me guess KG, you think Michelle Remembers is a true story, right?
Yes, because it's crazy to point out that high school footbal game halftime is an inappropriate venue for Satan worshippers to stage a sit in, lol.
So you think that a racial hate group with a centuries long history of racial violence showing up at a HBCU game is an equivalent situation as a perfectly friendly group with no history of violence and no hateful tenets showing up at a public high school football game?

You'll have to explain that one.
You think Satanists are perfectly friendly and have no history of violence?
As compared to Christians? :rofl:
Isn't this where you produce a fake story to support your script?
No, it could be where I link to the history of the Fourth Crusade, or 16th Century England, or - well, pick a century and I'll present you with some facts.

We all know you have an allergic reaction to facts.

Alternatively, maybe you can regale us with your version of Christianity as all kittens and lollipops.

Which would you prefer?
I've no doubt you've an arsenal of anti Christian propaganda at your fingertips, filed next to your pro Obama propaganda. But "we all know" that you resort to fables and outright lies to make your points, so anything you post will be looked upon with the degree of seriousness it deserves...that is....none.

So you've chosen to tell us what you know about the history of your faith, then. Go ahead.

That is, if you actually know anything...
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KosherGirl (aka to me KaiserTwit) doesn't really know much other than what her dogma and own cloistered thoughts teach her.

Not her fault, she tends to stay in the dark because others said she should.
Why is anyone offended by a coach praying on the football field? That's the part I don't get.
"Students, teachers invite Satanists to football game to protest praying coach"

No one should be 'praying' at school events, Christians or 'Satanists' – this is comprehensively ridiculous.
Actually, if the coach is allowed to display his faith for all to see at the game, why can't others express their views as well?
The coach is suspended so obviously you are the hypocrite.

Doesn't change the fact that the coach REPEATEDLY did this before he was suspended.

If you want to ban the Satanists after this one incident, go ahead, but at least they were able to express themselves as well.

Let every faith and sect pray off the field/school property or none. No "church" in state run groups, schools, buildings and offices.

A thousand or so religions each having their "moment" and there would be no time for the game. Religion should be left at home or church.
The coach wasn't leading the stands in prayer, he was praying to God and representing no one but himself. And all this was done after the game.

The State preventing this is a clear violation of his 1st Amendment right to Freedom of Religion. Atheists and liberal enablers need to mind their own business. We are not going to stop praying to God and will not put up with losing our job over it.
Did you ever think you would see the day in our life time where someone was suspended just for saying a prayer at the end of a football game?

what country are we living in anymore? the schools that were there to TEACH our children have now become little COMMIE camps where the adults running them are freaking Fascist
Did you ever think you would see the day in our life time where someone was suspended just for saying a prayer at the end of a football game?

what country are we living in anymore? the schools that were there to TEACH our children have now become little COMMIE camps where the adults running them are freaking Fascist
You starting to hate them as much as I do yet? They are hypocrites. They are nothing more than cackling hyenas worthy of zero respect.
How many of you would be fine with letting all religionists pray after a football game?

So many of you got your panties in a wad over the Satanists. I can just imagine the reaction if a rabbi and an imam wanted to lead their congregants in prayer after the game.

"Prayers are for Christians. The rest of you are going to Hell anyway."

One valuable thing I've learned from this thread (no, not that a large percentage of "Christians" are self-important haters - I already knew that), is that the best way to make Koshergrl log off immediately is to ask her to provide actual information and not the frothings of her own brain. :rofl:

No doubt she'll return to this thread to tell us about the important things she's been doing because she "has a life." When she does, I hope she'll gift us with "The History of Christianity - All Lollipops and Kittens," by Koshergrl.

BTW, what's with that username anyway?
Did you ever think you would see the day in our life time where someone was suspended just for saying a prayer at the end of a football game?

what country are we living in anymore? the schools that were there to TEACH our children have now become little COMMIE camps where the adults running them are freaking Fascist
You starting to hate them as much as I do yet? They are hypocrites. They are nothing more than cackling hyenas worthy of zero respect.

Are we supposed to be impressed by your impotent rage?
Yeap. Liberals are less offended by satanic worhip than Christian prayers.

The funny thing is how these fucking hypocritical losers say how we would like it if muslim prayers were said.

As if the fucking liberals would protest that. Not only would the hypocritical losers welcome that, they would laugh.

Look at this thread with these fucking losers. Just read their bullshit. They are so pathetic.
Yeap. Liberals are less offended by satanic worhip than Christian prayers.

The funny thing is how these fucking hypocritical losers say how we would like it if muslim prayers were said.

As if the fucking liberals would protest that. Not only would the hypocritical losers welcome that, they would laugh.

Look at this thread with these fucking losers. Just read their bullshit. They are so pathetic.
Libtards are losers.
The Satanic Temple of Seattle was invited to protest coach Joe Kennedy’s controversial ritual of praying on the 50-yard line after games.

bout a dozen members of the Satanic Temple of Seattle, most dressed in hooded black robes and some masked, left Bremerton High School shortly after their arrival at a varsity-football game Thursday night. They came in response to the controversy surrounding coach Joe Kennedy, who was placed on leave this week for praying on the field after games but attended the game in the stands.

Students swarmed the fence where the Satanists stood outside. The group climbed the fence, shook it, held up crosses, threw liquid, and chanted “Jesus.” Some yelled at the Satanists to go away.

A few of the half-dozen students and teachers who invited the Satanists to attend the game in the spirit of free expression were allowed outside the fence, where they spoke with members of the atheist and agnostic group and thanked them for coming.

Temple spokeswoman Lilith Starr said the group was invited to protest Kennedy’s ritual of kneeling on the 50-yard line after games and praying. “We want equality for everyone,” she said. “If one group is allowed to pray, everyone should be.”


‘Jesus’ chants greet Satanists at Bremerton football game

Just in case you needed another reason to hate liberals more today than you did yesterday.

I like her message.
Actually, if the coach is allowed to display his faith for all to see at the game, why can't others express their views as well?
The coach is suspended so obviously you are the hypocrite.

Doesn't change the fact that the coach REPEATEDLY did this before he was suspended.

If you want to ban the Satanists after this one incident, go ahead, but at least they were able to express themselves as well.

Let every faith and sect pray off the field/school property or none. No "church" in state run groups, schools, buildings and offices.

A thousand or so religions each having their "moment" and there would be no time for the game. Religion should be left at home or church.
The coach wasn't leading the stands in prayer, he was praying to God and representing no one but himself. And all this was done after the game.

The State preventing this is a clear violation of his 1st Amendment right to Freedom of Religion. Atheists and liberal enablers need to mind their own business. We are not going to stop praying to God and will not put up with losing our job over it.
If you're going to pray, then do it as Jesus taught, which was not in public.
The Satanic Temple of Seattle was invited to protest coach Joe Kennedy’s controversial ritual of praying on the 50-yard line after games.

bout a dozen members of the Satanic Temple of Seattle, most dressed in hooded black robes and some masked, left Bremerton High School shortly after their arrival at a varsity-football game Thursday night. They came in response to the controversy surrounding coach Joe Kennedy, who was placed on leave this week for praying on the field after games but attended the game in the stands.

Students swarmed the fence where the Satanists stood outside. The group climbed the fence, shook it, held up crosses, threw liquid, and chanted “Jesus.” Some yelled at the Satanists to go away.

A few of the half-dozen students and teachers who invited the Satanists to attend the game in the spirit of free expression were allowed outside the fence, where they spoke with members of the atheist and agnostic group and thanked them for coming.

Temple spokeswoman Lilith Starr said the group was invited to protest Kennedy’s ritual of kneeling on the 50-yard line after games and praying. “We want equality for everyone,” she said. “If one group is allowed to pray, everyone should be.”


‘Jesus’ chants greet Satanists at Bremerton football game

Just in case you needed another reason to hate liberals more today than you did yesterday.

I like her message.

Jesus wouldn't. Matthew 6:5
Actually, if the coach is allowed to display his faith for all to see at the game, why can't others express their views as well?
The coach is suspended so obviously you are the hypocrite.

Doesn't change the fact that the coach REPEATEDLY did this before he was suspended.

If you want to ban the Satanists after this one incident, go ahead, but at least they were able to express themselves as well.

Let every faith and sect pray off the field/school property or none. No "church" in state run groups, schools, buildings and offices.

A thousand or so religions each having their "moment" and there would be no time for the game. Religion should be left at home or church.
The coach wasn't leading the stands in prayer, he was praying to God and representing no one but himself. And all this was done after the game.

The State preventing this is a clear violation of his 1st Amendment right to Freedom of Religion. Atheists and liberal enablers need to mind their own business. We are not going to stop praying to God and will not put up with losing our job over it.
If you're going to pray, then do it as Jesus taught, which was not in public.
Stop using someone you don't believe in to back up your retardism. Idiot.
Did you ever think you would see the day in our life time where someone was suspended just for saying a prayer at the end of a football game?

what country are we living in anymore? the schools that were there to TEACH our children have now become little COMMIE camps where the adults running them are freaking Fascist
You starting to hate them as much as I do yet? They are hypocrites. They are nothing more than cackling hyenas worthy of zero respect.
We love to see how your represent your religion...
The coach is suspended so obviously you are the hypocrite.

Doesn't change the fact that the coach REPEATEDLY did this before he was suspended.

If you want to ban the Satanists after this one incident, go ahead, but at least they were able to express themselves as well.

Let every faith and sect pray off the field/school property or none. No "church" in state run groups, schools, buildings and offices.

A thousand or so religions each having their "moment" and there would be no time for the game. Religion should be left at home or church.
The coach wasn't leading the stands in prayer, he was praying to God and representing no one but himself. And all this was done after the game.

The State preventing this is a clear violation of his 1st Amendment right to Freedom of Religion. Atheists and liberal enablers need to mind their own business. We are not going to stop praying to God and will not put up with losing our job over it.
If you're going to pray, then do it as Jesus taught, which was not in public.
Stop using someone you don't believe in to back up your retardism. Idiot.
A Christian who ignores the clear teachings of Jesus isn't a Christian, dumbass.

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