Studies Say This About Progressives....

Clearly the OP shows that I am not a progressive, look at my rap sheet...

Having failed out of cosmetology school hardly proves you are not a progressive.

Since you've admitted you went to one of the most liberal schools in New York,

would you say that made you as stupid as you are,

or as smart as you think you are?
She realized how much she hates herself, thus has to take out her anger on USMB...
Since you've [Politicalchic] admitted you went to one of the most liberal schools in New York,

would you say that made you as stupid as you are,

or as smart as you think you are?
No need to be cruel about it.

The irony is too good to resist citing.

She thinks she's the smartest person in the room and she was educated in a liberal school.
5. Now....why blame Liberals/Progressives for the corruption of academia?
Here's why: they predominate in, and control, academia.

"A survey from the Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA shows a 20 percent jump in the number of professors who identify as liberal over the past twenty-five years. In 2014, for example, 60 percent of professors identified themselves as either "liberal" or "far left." In 1990, the number was 42 percent.

Matthew Woessner, an associate professor of political science and public policy at Penn State Harrisburg told The Daily Signal that this shift goes beyond that of the general public, including students.

According to a recent Gallup poll, 38 percent of Americans identify as conservative, while only 24 percent call themselves liberal.

In 2014, college professors were 30 percent more likely to identify as liberal then college freshmen. In 1990 the difference was only 16 percent." MercatorNet: All sides agree: progressive politics is strangling social sciences

Clearly, resistance to actual learning, or research, must be laid directly to Liberals/Progressives.
Just as the OP suggests.
Clearly the OP shows that I am not a progressive, look at my rap sheet...

Having failed out of cosmetology school hardly proves you are not a progressive.

Since you've admitted you went to one of the most liberal schools in New York,

would you say that made you as stupid as you are,

or as smart as you think you are?
She realized how much she hates herself, thus has to take out her anger on USMB...

You know from experience that is is ignorance that I despise...
...that's why I have to administer the beating to you on a regular basis.

They will continue until enlightenment ensues (better look that up.)
Conservatives aren't completely irrelevant yet, but they're getting there.
Ok hack. Have fun circle jerking with the hack OP.

What are you doing here?
I was commenting on the OP.

You could agree with her, or disagree with her.
I could get her hack OP to be more specific.... Her threads are usually full of ignorance and delusion, so it gets complicated..

She won't debate because she can't. I beat her so badly so many times she put me on ignore. Now I get to beat her without enduring the excruciatingly painful inanity of her responses.
When Liberals/Progressives hear the words ‘ studies show,’ or ‘experts say,’ they cease to ‘question authority.’ Hence the appellation…'Lock-Step Liberals'

But there is a dark side....a darker side...that leads from that bodes the end of Western Civilization.

1. " All sides agree: progressive politics is strangling social sciences" MercatorNet: All sides agree: progressive politics is strangling social sciences
Real advances are stymied by the strangle hold that Progressives have on academia.

2." If you thought that the progressive bias in social sciences was considered a problem only by tradition-minded folk, you might be surprised to hear the views of celebrity skeptic, Michael Shermer in Scientific American earlier this year:

A 2015 study by psychologist José Duarte, then at Arizona State University, and his colleagues in Behavioral and Brain Sciences, entitled “Political Diversity Will Improve Social Psychological Science,” found that 58 to 66 percent of social scientists are liberal and only 5 to 8 percent conservative and that there are eight Democrats for every Republican.
How does this political asymmetry corrupt social science? It begins with what subjects are studied and the descriptive language employed.

Duarte et al. find similar distortive language across the social sciences, where, for instance, certain words are used to suggest pernicious motives when confronting contradictory evidence—“deny,” “legitimize,” “rationalize,” “justify,” “defend,” “trivialize”—with conservatives as examples, as if liberals are always objective and rational." Ibid.

3. If our Liberal/Progressive/Democrat voters where bright enough, they would have caught on to the scam long go.... conservative/traditional observers have.

4. But hold on! Some Liberals not only caught on....but have the honesty to declaim it!
" As Jesse Singal puts it at New York magazine, discussing a liberal critique, Alice Dreger’s Galileo’s Middle Finger,
If activists—any activists, regardless of their political orientation or the rightness of their cause—get to decide by fiat what is and isn’t an acceptable interpretation of the world, then science is pointless, and we should just throw the whole damn thing out." Ibid.

Just as I said.....Liberals/Progressives presage the end of our civilization.

Would you be happier if there were more racialism in our teaching of the social sciences?
6. Academia hides research results that support conservative and traditional doctrines. They can do this, because Liberals/Progressives are in charge.

Why is academia so infused.....infected.....with Liberals?

"Academic feminists who received tenure, promotion, and funding, tended to be pro-abortion, pro-pornography (anti-censorship), pro-prostitution (pro-sex workers), pro-surrogacy, and anti-colonialist, anti-imperialist, and anti-American…proponents of simplistic gender-neutrality (women and men are exactly the same) or essentialist: men and women are completely different, and women are better.

They are loyal to their careers and their cliques, not to the truth. [In their writing, they] have pretended that brilliance and originality can best be conveyed in a secret, Mandarin language that absolutely no one, including themselves, can possibly understand…and this obfuscation of language has been employed to hide a considerable lack of brilliance and originality and to avoid the consequences of making oneself clear."

“The Death of Feminism,” by Phyllis Chesler

Get it? Liberals 'blacklist ' conservatives, traditionalists, etc., from making a living in academia......just as communists did in Hollywood well before the anti-communist blacklist that is claimed by Liberals; communist Dalton Trumbo bragged about doing so.

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