Study finds IRS suppression of Tea Party swung 2012 election

Liberal gerrymandering.

...Stan Veuger notes, at the same time that the IRS began coming down hard on these groups. He argues in a article that this most likely had a major impact in the 2012 election.
Someone opining that something was in his opinion "most likely" is not the "result of" a study: it is someone's opinion and nothing more.:rolleyes:


So what are your thoughts on Scientific opinion on Anthropogenic Global Warming?

Scientific opinion on climate change - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This guy never lied. He knew about climate change.

It's called the weather. My weather is so easy to predict. 10 months of winter. 2 months of bad skating.

...Stan Veuger notes, at the same time that the IRS began coming down hard on these groups. He argues in a article that this most likely had a major impact in the 2012 election.
Someone opining that something was in his opinion "most likely" is not the "result of" a study: it is someone's opinion and nothing more.:rolleyes:


So what are your thoughts on Scientific opinion on Anthropogenic Global Warming?

Scientific opinion on climate change - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You don't understand the difference between one person's opinion based on extremely limited, vague information and the opinions of thousands of scientists based on generations of scientific study and accumulation of data? Tsk, tsk. Better put that thinking cap back on. You are not quite there yet.
Well, let's be honest, why else would Obama do this (other than to swing the election) ?
the 'republican' irs head did it, wonder what his motive was....?

how many tea party groups were denied tax exempt status because they were 'political', do ya know?
The IRS Obama's allies help swing the election

A new study by the American Enterprise Institute -- "Do Political Protests Matter? Evidence From The Tea Party Movement" -- finds that the movement boosted Republican turnout by three to six million votes in the 2010 election. This effect was blunted in the 2012 election, though, because growth in the movement stalled.


I thought what swung the election was that you guys nominated a Weird Mormon Robot that said stuff like -

"I can't have illegals here, I'm running for office"
"I like to be able to fire people"
"47% don't pay taxes, so they wont vote for me!"
"It's awesome that these Chinese Babes are living 120 to a bathroom making money for me!"
"Corporations are people, too, my friend!"

You know, shit like that that told working people this guy wasn't his friend.

But, no, no, some Teabagger couldn't get a fradulant tax exemption. That's the ticket. Yeah.
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The perfect excuse for losers has been born. It was't the media. It was the IRS. Whine whine whine.

Of coarse you would say that
who would ever admit they won because of having the refs in their picket and cheated

Compelling argument! So well stated. I sure hope no liberals challenge you here. You are awesome! You can make them look foolish!
People like you helped Romney loose....Stick with your Obama love fake

I worked for and voted Romney. I opposed the far right stupidity with every step of the campaign.

You have lost your hold on the party and are in danger losing your place in it.

We are tired of the far right's political gonorrhea that almost infected us permanently.

and all the while you pandered to the libs and made excuses for Obama..not much help really

I worked and voted for Romney, fought the far right, and look forward to Christie as the party candidate and your continuing lack of power.
I worked for and voted Romney. I opposed the far right stupidity with every step of the campaign.

You have lost your hold on the party and are in danger losing your place in it.

We are tired of the far right's political gonorrhea that almost infected us permanently.

and all the while you pandered to the libs and made excuses for Obama..not much help really

I worked and voted for Romney, fought the far right, and look forward to Christie as the party candidate and your continuing lack of power.

You worked for Romney and loved on Obama..You're a joke.. Romney wasn't my first choice, but i went door to to door for him, because it was either him or Obama.
and all the while you pandered to the libs and made excuses for Obama..not much help really

I worked and voted for Romney, fought the far right, and look forward to Christie as the party candidate and your continuing lack of power.

You worked for Romney and loved on Obama..You're a joke.. Romney wasn't my first choice, but i went door to to door for him, because it was either him or Obama.

Good for you. I worked hard for Romney and my ass off against the TPM. Helped to get the TeaP congresscritter defeated in the primaries and the mainstream GOP elected in the fall.

Only neo-cons come close to the TeaPs as being the political gonorrhea in the GOP.
The IRS Obama's allies help swing the election

A new study by the American Enterprise Institute -- "Do Political Protests Matter? Evidence From The Tea Party Movement" -- finds that the movement boosted Republican turnout by three to six million votes in the 2010 election. This effect was blunted in the 2012 election, though, because growth in the movement stalled.

That slowdown happened, co-author and AEI economist Stan Veuger notes, at the same time that the IRS began coming down hard on these groups. He argues in a article that this most likely had a major impact in the 2012 election.

"The founders, members, and donors of new Tea Party groups found themselves incapable of exercising their constitutional rights, and the Tea Party's impact was muted in the 2012 election cycle," Veuger said.

he added: "The data show that, had the Tea Party groups continued to grow at the pace seen in 2009 and 2010, and had their effect on the 2012 vote been similar to that seen in 2010, they would have brought the Republican Party as many as 5 to 8.5 million votes compared to Obama's victory margin of 5 million."

Study finds IRS suppression of Tea Party swung 2012 election |

What a bunch of BS?

What constitutional rights were Tea Party groups incapable of using?

They could all vote and spout their stupidity to their heart's content.

Their constitutional rights were not suppressed.
The IRS Obama's allies help swing the election

A new study by the American Enterprise Institute -- "Do Political Protests Matter? Evidence From The Tea Party Movement" -- finds that the movement boosted Republican turnout by three to six million votes in the 2010 election. This effect was blunted in the 2012 election, though, because growth in the movement stalled.

That slowdown happened, co-author and AEI economist Stan Veuger notes, at the same time that the IRS began coming down hard on these groups. He argues in a article that this most likely had a major impact in the 2012 election.

"The founders, members, and donors of new Tea Party groups found themselves incapable of exercising their constitutional rights, and the Tea Party's impact was muted in the 2012 election cycle," Veuger said.

he added: "The data show that, had the Tea Party groups continued to grow at the pace seen in 2009 and 2010, and had their effect on the 2012 vote been similar to that seen in 2010, they would have brought the Republican Party as many as 5 to 8.5 million votes compared to Obama's victory margin of 5 million."

Study finds IRS suppression of Tea Party swung 2012 election |

What a bunch of BS?

What constitutional rights were Tea Party groups incapable of using?

They could all vote and spout their stupidity to their heart's content.

Their constitutional rights were not suppressed.

They were targeted by the IRS while the unions and other tax exempt groups where getting out the vote for Obama
The perfect excuse for losers has been born. It was't the media. It was the IRS. Whine whine whine.

It took a village....only this time.. of very nefarious people, wearing masks instead of hoods.
The Tea Party's political activities were hindered because the IRS was too heavily scrutinizing their tax exemption applications,

exemptions that hinged on the Tea Party groups not being political??

LOL, good one.

Labor unions get out the vote for the Dems...They are tax except for the most part

Why are you trying to hijack your own thread?
Correlation without causation.

No tax-exempt status = voter suppression?

Sorry, I'm not really buying it.
Perhaps you can point out where it said "Voter suppression?"

You see, if we managed to keep a few thousand Democrat organizations from spending money on political advertisement, you'd be screaming from the mountain tops.

The whole point being, the IRS deliberately targeted conservative organizations because they know and understand that getting the message out is nearly 90 percent of an election.

Why do you think that the media softballs democrats and hangs republicans?

I am not surprised at this finding. What I will also not be surprised at is the left here at the USMB denying and defending the practice as along as it is their side.

It is also why they try so hard to change the subject with this, the NSA, Benghazi, Fast and Furious and a host of other scandals.

Of course, to the left, they are desperate to call them anything but scandals.

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