Study: FOX Republicans: The most uninformed

This study is done by the Brookings Institute, a highly respected think tank.


You don't like the results because they don't favor your position, but if they did, you'd be saying how accurate the results were. Hypocrites.

It is a survey, not a study, it doesn't conclude that Republican FOXNews are the most uninformed, that is what the op-ed guy is concluding based on his bias. Did you read the article? It came to conclusions of Democrats and Republicans on their news choices, and on immigration.

How you guys come up with the rest is total bias. So take your BS about hypocrisy and stuff it. I tire of the willful ignorance of some on the left.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

I read the article but I also read the entire study itself. I posted a link to it.

I read the article, it was not a study, like you claimed, it did not prove FOX Republican were uninformed, you FAIL. I find you although new, trying to be deceitful and were already caught in a lie and being a troll.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
I am not a left-winger. I am an independent. This is endemic of a larger issue with you rabid right-wingers. Anyone who challenges Republican talking points are relegated to "stinking liberals" and "left-wingers"

No way I could be left winger. I love guns and hate taxes. Try educating yourself and stop watching FOX news.

idiot; lots of left-wingers hate taxes; but they still support OTHERS having to pay more while they try to hide their own money; this includes much of the Hollywood crowd

as for loving guns of course many people identified with the Left love guns. how many were found face-down on the streets of liberal-run cities this morning?

Yet, other than acting like a complete child and calling me an idiot, you have contributed nothing constructive to this conversation. I am willing to bet that I am IQ points beyond your small mind. Instead of intelligently and civilly challenging my post you degrade yourself to the role of a schoolyard bully and buffoon.

you are wrongfully assuming the stupidity you're posting is deserved of a response that is anything but ridicule

you're wrong

why don't you go cry?
He's a left winger, so he's just plain stupid.

I am not a left-winger. I am an independent. This is endemic of a larger issue with you rabid right-wingers. Anyone who challenges Republican talking points are relegated to "stinking liberals" and "left-wingers"

No way I could be left winger. I love guns and hate taxes. Try educating yourself and stop watching FOX news.

Oh great another "independent" with lots of liberal views that puts them on the left. So as a "independant" you voted for Obama (twice), Kerry, Gore and Clinton(twice).

Lol! You nuts crack me up, liberal independents.

Being an independent, did you neg Old School for his Megan Kelly comment? Did you consider his comment an adult type comment?

You also slant left on the lie and deceit on the thread.

BTW, the left hates taxes on themselves, they like it on others, like the rich.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

Actually, I voted for Bush 1 in '92 (was too young to vote in '88 but I would have if I could). He was the last of the common sense republicans. He had the wisdom to stay out of Baghdad in Desert Storm and he realized that we had to pay for the war so he increased taxes to pay for it even though it was unpopular. This is characteristic of a wise leader. I am also a fan of Eisenhower.

I voted for Obama in '08 because who the fuck wanted that lunatic Palin a heartbeat from the Presidency? Had McCain picked a more sensible VP I may have voted for him because I was concerned that even though Obama seemed to have good intentions, he was not going to be prepared for the political melee that was to follow. I like McCain but even he has been caught up in the recent tidal wave of right-wing extremism. I voted for Obama in 2012 because I saw him as the lesser of two evils.

Obama is a disappointment to me for several reasons. Here is a video that best describes my disappointment. I agree with this woman on all points:
[ame=]Why I'm burning my last bridge with Obama - YouTube[/ame]

To best describe my political platform, I am for allowing logic and reason dictate policy. That all manners of governing and legislation be done in a secular manner. I want to see core infrastructure changes like cleaning up the bureaucracy by eliminating overlapping services and modernizing record keeping. I want to see the deficit reduced in a responsible manner and this is a good starting point. We need to clean up the house before move forward on anything meaningful. I also want to see serious tax reform. Possibly a flat tax but first we need to cut out the fat including earmarks, term limits and no longer paying congressional member their salaries after they have left office. It should be up to the President whether or not they get raises.

I am for serious welfare reform (in essence I believe that it should be run like boot camp. State-assisted lives should be state-managed but this is another thread).

My main problem with today's political landscape is that it is mostly based on propaganda and concentrating on nonsensical social issues which have no impact on our core problems. I am seriously concerned with corporate ownership of our House and Senate. Corruption is rampant though all manner of government from local all the way to federal. A Princeton study recently rated us an oligarchy. This is scary shit.

Hate me if you want. I support your right to do so. Disagree with me and debate me civilly on these issues, you just may change my mind. I just demand that we use the best information we can get and maybe.....just maybe.....we can find at least SOME common ground to lay the foundation for ideas that will have positive impact on our society. So long as people insist on giving in to propaganda, lies, distortion and spin from both sides, we're fucked. All of us. Sadly, these days most of the irresponsible rhetoric comes from the right and maybe that will change in the future but that is the current state of affairs we are in today. This is nothing short of fact.
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idiot; lots of left-wingers hate taxes; but they still support OTHERS having to pay more while they try to hide their own money; this includes much of the Hollywood crowd

as for loving guns of course many people identified with the Left love guns. how many were found face-down on the streets of liberal-run cities this morning?

Yet, other than acting like a complete child and calling me an idiot, you have contributed nothing constructive to this conversation. I am willing to bet that I am IQ points beyond your small mind. Instead of intelligently and civilly challenging my post you degrade yourself to the role of a schoolyard bully and buffoon.

you are wrongfully assuming the stupidity you're posting is deserved of a response that is anything but ridicule

you're wrong

why don't you go cry?

lol, here's the jedi and his high high IQ
I am not a left-winger. I am an independent. This is endemic of a larger issue with you rabid right-wingers. Anyone who challenges Republican talking points are relegated to "stinking liberals" and "left-wingers"

No way I could be left winger. I love guns and hate taxes. Try educating yourself and stop watching FOX news.

idiot; lots of left-wingers hate taxes; but they still support OTHERS having to pay more while they try to hide their own money; this includes much of the Hollywood crowd

as for loving guns of course many people identified with the Left love guns. how many were found face-down on the streets of liberal-run cities this morning?

Yet, other than acting like a complete child and calling me an idiot, you have contributed nothing constructive to this conversation. I am willing to bet that I am IQ points beyond your small mind. Instead of intelligently and civilly challenging my post you degrade yourself to the role of a schoolyard bully and buffoon.

you are wrongfully assuming the stupidity you're posting is deserved of a response that is anything but ridicule

you're wrong

why don't you go cry?

who told you "IQ points" makes one right about anything?
as if people cant have an agenda. there are lots of "smart" idiots with no common sense; and a rabid agenda that leaves them shallow despite being otherwise intelligent. again why don't you go cry?
Something new recently popped up on U-Verse. "One America News", or OAN. In the evenings, they go into full-blown ODS mode, breathlessly repeating every faux-scandal you also see here.

Yep, dumber even than FOX. I checked it out. Washington Times affiliated. That is, OAN is the Moonie News channel. The conservatives here might want to check it out, so they'll always be up to date on the latest crazy.
Yet, other than acting like a complete child and calling me an idiot, you have contributed nothing constructive to this conversation. I am willing to bet that I am IQ points beyond your small mind. Instead of intelligently and civilly challenging my post you degrade yourself to the role of a schoolyard bully and buffoon.

you are wrongfully assuming the stupidity you're posting is deserved of a response that is anything but ridicule

you're wrong

why don't you go cry?

lol, here's the jedi and his high high IQ

Wow, Stephanie, you a really are a child.

Here's a binky for you:

idiot; lots of left-wingers hate taxes; but they still support OTHERS having to pay more while they try to hide their own money; this includes much of the Hollywood crowd

as for loving guns of course many people identified with the Left love guns. how many were found face-down on the streets of liberal-run cities this morning?

Yet, other than acting like a complete child and calling me an idiot, you have contributed nothing constructive to this conversation. I am willing to bet that I am IQ points beyond your small mind. Instead of intelligently and civilly challenging my post you degrade yourself to the role of a schoolyard bully and buffoon.

you are wrongfully assuming the stupidity you're posting is deserved of a response that is anything but ridicule

you're wrong

why don't you go cry?

who told you "IQ points" makes one right about anything?
as if people cant have an agenda. there are lots of "smart" idiots with no common sense; and a rabid agenda that leaves them shallow despite being otherwise intelligent. again why don't you go cry?

Really? This is the best you got? "Go cry?"

You seem to have an irrational fear of intelligence and individuality. There is a pill for that, you know.
And this is an op-ed piece from a poll, a survey, not a study. What we do know, is you are misleading in your thread title which makes you deceitful troll or you are just plain stupid.

What I find amusing is she's got more in her four sentences than you have in your entire opening op-ed piece. You do know the difference between fact and opinion?

He's a left winger, so he's just plain stupid.

I am not a left-winger. I am an independent. This is endemic of a larger issue with you rabid right-wingers. Anyone who challenges Republican talking points are relegated to "stinking liberals" and "left-wingers"

No way I could be left winger. I love guns and hate taxes. Try educating yourself and stop watching FOX news.

Dude please. Call yourself whatever you want to, your post say otherwise.
He's a left winger, so he's just plain stupid.

I am not a left-winger. I am an independent. This is endemic of a larger issue with you rabid right-wingers. Anyone who challenges Republican talking points are relegated to "stinking liberals" and "left-wingers"

No way I could be left winger. I love guns and hate taxes. Try educating yourself and stop watching FOX news.

Oh great another "independent" with lots of liberal views that puts them on the left. So as a "independant" you voted for Obama (twice), Kerry, Gore and Clinton(twice).

Lol! You nuts crack me up, liberal independents.

Being an independent, did you neg Old School for his Megan Kelly comment? Did you consider his comment an adult type comment?

You also slant left on the lie and deceit on the thread.

BTW, the left hates taxes on themselves, they like it on others, like the rich.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

The guys just not a bright bulb if you know what I mean.
And this is an op-ed piece from a poll, a survey, not a study. What we do know, is you are misleading in your thread title which makes you deceitful troll or you are just plain stupid.

What I find amusing is she's got more in her four sentences than you have in your entire opening op-ed piece. You do know the difference between fact and opinion?

He's a left winger, so he's just plain stupid.

I am not a left-winger. I am an independent. This is endemic of a larger issue with you rabid right-wingers. Anyone who challenges Republican talking points are relegated to "stinking liberals" and "left-wingers"

No way I could be left winger. I love guns and hate taxes. Try educating yourself and stop watching FOX news.

You have just proved that left wingers are not for freedom. Even though you say you're not.
Right wingers would never tell others who they should or should not watch.

That Bookings Survey is not true.
You can do any Survey and make it into the results that anyone wants to hear.
Do you see any right wing studies that say how uninformed people are who watch MSNBC?
No you don't, because right wingers believe you have the right to watch that news station.
Even though it is not doing very well in it's ratings.
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lol, the jedi is on a neg rep roll too

look out ya all:lol:

Yeah, he can't debate so he negs. Just point and laugh.

What have you constructively added to this thread? Nothing. You are not debating. You are just baiting and it is not working. You have not yet made one single concrete point for me to counter. I am still waiting.

I also clarified my position in post #44. You have failed to read that as well.
Last edited:
lol, the jedi is on a neg rep roll too

look out ya all:lol:

Yeah, he can't debate so he negs. Just point and laugh.

What have you constructive added to this thread? Nothing. You are not debating. You are just baiting and it is not working. You have not yet made one single concrete point for me to counter. I am still waiting.

Your thread and OP isn't worth anything but ridicule. Others have repeatedly shown the error in your thinking. You aren't smart enough to see it or honest enough to admit it. I'm not going to waste my time. I'll just point at you and laugh.
He's a left winger, so he's just plain stupid.

I am not a left-winger. I am an independent. This is endemic of a larger issue with you rabid right-wingers. Anyone who challenges Republican talking points are relegated to "stinking liberals" and "left-wingers"

No way I could be left winger. I love guns and hate taxes. Try educating yourself and stop watching FOX news.

You have just proved that left wingers are not for freedom. Even though you say you're not.
Right wingers would never tell others who they should or should not watch.

That Bookings Survey is not true.
You can do any Survey and make it into the results that anyone wants to hear.
Do you see any right wing studies that say how uninformed people are who watch MSNBC?
No you don't, because right wingers believe you have the right to watch that news station.
Even though it is not doing very well in it's ratings.

PROVE IT! More innuendo. Nothing of substance. More right-wing paranoia.

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