Study reports that gluten-free diet increases risk of type 2 diabetes


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie
Study reports that gluten-free diet increases risk of type 2 diabetes

In response to the trend for gluten-free products, on Thursday the American Heart Association (AHA) announced research, based on 30 years of surveys, that establishes a link between gluten-free diets and a higher risk of type 2 diabetes.

To date, no scientific studies have demonstrated any health benefits that accrue from a gluten-free diet for the vast majority of people who do not suffer from Celiac disease (which affects one percent of the population in the US) or gluten intolerance.

Using data from three long-term studies that monitored 200,000 people over 30 years, researchers from the University of Harvard evaluated the impact of a gluten-free diet on the health of subjects with no medical diagnosis of gluten intolerance.

Their findings, which have now been made public by the AHA, are unequivocal. People who regularly consume gluten (an average of 5.8 to 7.1 grams per day) have a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Bread, pizza, pasta, cereal, pretzels and even muffins were among respondents' most commonly listed sources of gluten.

At the same time, the researchers noted that those who sought to avoid gluten consumed less cereal fiber, which is known to reduce the risk of diabetes...

Interesting and funny.
yes interesting--- I have a theory------sorry folks------them gluten free people (in the
absence of celiac disease) are SO DAMNED neurotic that they shoot out CORTISOL all day-------and that's why they get type II
yes interesting--- I have a theory------sorry folks------them gluten free people (in the
absence of celiac disease) are SO DAMNED neurotic that they shoot out CORTISOL all day-------and that's why they get type II

One of my good friends was deep into the gluten-free diet. I tried it a few times when we'd eat lunch together, but I never went full gluten-free. I admit that going gluten-free for a meal here and there felt good, but I never completely gave up pasta, rice, etc.
And two years from now there'll be a study that shows a high gluten diet causes cancer or heart disease.......... And that gluten free is beneficial........ :eusa_whistle:
I had an unexplained "flare up" of celiac disease in my 30's and was on a gluten free diet for over a decade. As the doctor predicted, it went into remission as mysteriously as it came. Anyway,
It is HELL trying to be on a gluten free diet if you live in the U.S. and can't stay home to cook every meal. And make your own bread and desserts and pasta. It is also expensive. Why anyone would voluntarily do it is a total mystery to me.
The point, though, is, I porked out quite a bit when I shifted over to gluten free because you consume a lot more meat and dairy to fill you up. It's amazing how not filling two slices of bologna with no bread can be.
And two years from now there'll be a study that shows a high gluten diet causes cancer or heart disease.......... :eusa_whistle:

Yeah, that's how these studies tend to go. The way I look at it, we're all meant to die someday. Even if we cured cancer, some new disease would probably come along and take us out.
Redd Foxx:

"Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing."
yes interesting--- I have a theory------sorry folks------them gluten free people (in the
absence of celiac disease) are SO DAMNED neurotic that they shoot out CORTISOL all day-------and that's why they get type II
A healthy diet of sugar rich foods will help...
And two years from now there'll be a study that shows a high gluten diet causes cancer or heart disease.......... :eusa_whistle:

MILLIONS of people do high gluten
And two years from now there'll be a study that shows a high gluten diet causes cancer or heart disease.......... :eusa_whistle:

Yeah, that's how these studies tend to go. The way I look at it, we're all meant to die someday. Even if we cured cancer, some new disease would probably come along and take us out.

That's why [ god ] invented asteroids
I never understood colon cancer till you said that..
I had an unexplained "flare up" of celiac disease in my 30's and was on a gluten free diet for over a decade. As the doctor predicted, it went into remission as mysteriously as it came. Anyway,
It is HELL trying to be on a gluten free diet if you live in the U.S. and can't stay home to cook every meal. And make your own bread and desserts and pasta. It is also expensive. Why anyone would voluntarily do it is a total mystery to me.
The point, though, is, I porked out quite a bit when I shifted over to gluten free because you consume a lot more meat and dairy to fill you up. It's amazing how not filling two slices of bologna with no bread can be.

Unless if for health reasons , there is no need to go gluten free

I feel it is a fad, like soy, which turned out to give people cancer from ingesting too many estrogen's..
Let me see how many of those medical 'OH NO! YOUR GONNA DIE" things have been shown wrong...

Salt - Debunked - Turns out your body needs this
Beef - Debunked - Turns out the proteins and fatty acids are good for us.
Pork - Debunked - Turns out the proteins and fatty acids are good for us.
Butter (real)- Debunked -Turns out the proteins and fatty acids are good for us. The hydrogenated oils they gave us for a replacement was ten times more damaging..

Just one more lie that has gone the way of real science trumping hyperbole.
And two years from now there'll be a study that shows a high gluten diet causes cancer or heart disease.......... :eusa_whistle:

Yeah, that's how these studies tend to go. The way I look at it, we're all meant to die someday. Even if we cured cancer, some new disease would probably come along and take us out.

That's why [ god ] invented asteroids
I never understood colon cancer till you said that..

that's the TINY LITTLE asteroids
And two years from now there'll be a study that shows a high gluten diet causes cancer or heart disease.......... :eusa_whistle:

Yeah, that's how these studies tend to go. The way I look at it, we're all meant to die someday. Even if we cured cancer, some new disease would probably come along and take us out.

That's why [ god ] invented asteroids
I never understood colon cancer till you said that..

that's the TINY LITTLE asteroids
I got lucky and only needed a Dupont mesh to bounce the little asteroids from penetrating..

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