Zone1 Study Shows How Whites Discriminate Based on Skin Tone And Black Features

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What does that mean, though? Slavery was once totally constitutional.
You would have to repeal the first amendment, so are you willing to go down that road?

Again, Hate Speech Laws should be unconstitutional and you would have those laws used against you.

Do you truly believe what you wrote wouldn’t get you in trouble and you can’t just make laws for one race or are you in favor of Jim Crow Laws but ones that are used against White Society only?
I don't understand the question.

And no "they" don't commit a disproportionate amount of crime.

Also, you are contradicting yourself. It isn't black crime; CRIME IS CRIME. Specifically compartmentalizing black crime from others, is racism and unfair. All crimes matter. (your logic) You basicallly just undermined your own argument that it is wrong for me to specifically talk about white biases, when you now are specifically talking about black criminals, even going as far as to implicate that all balcks should have black guilt for the crime that other balcks do.
So we shouldn’t compartmentalize negative behavior when it’s committed disproportionately by blacks, such as murder and rape and theft, and yet focus like a laser beam on how awful whites are and tnat they should be killed if they complain blacks are too loud?

I’m just pointing out the double standards that result from your racism against whites.
Wow, accusing people of judging while you judge everyone…

First off your comments are always about killing Whites that you deem racist and you have been attacked for this many times, so you do not ever write about other groups and their bigotry and racism…

Next, you can not eliminate racism seeing it is Human Nature and you can eradicate all the White people in the World and you still will be treated as a sub-Human by Asians and Hispanics, so what will you do about them seeing they truly outnumber you.

In the States, Canada and Europe it is true there are White Majorities but the States will be Hispanic Majority shortly, so Whites will be the minority and what will you do when Hispanics do not comply to your wish of how you want society to deal with racism?

All people have bigoted and racist views and you ain’t no different from the racist bigots that grace this forum that spew their hatred for Blacks.

Personally I believe you get mistreated because of who you are and not as much for your skin color but do not get me wrong I believe many Whites prefer not to have you around and prefer Whites only but I know Asians, Hispanics and Blacks that are just like that, so when you have an entire World like that eradication of racism ain’t happening…
Nah, I rarely talk about "killing whites". Citations needed.

You can't eliminate homicide by having homicide laws. Eliminate homicide laws, then?

No one said only white people are racist. But in my country, they are the majority, so......

So the people in this study got mistreated because of "who they are", even though that is impossible because they never met those people? Nah, it's race my man. Behavior and racism are not mutually exclusive.
This is what Tom is saying, in a nutshell:

1) Let’s not compartmentalize violent crime by race. (After all, blacks commit more of it, per capita, so shhhh…..)

2) Let’s kill a white who says blacks talk too loud.
Nah, I rarely talk about "killing whites". Citations needed.

You can't eliminate homicide by having homicide laws. Eliminate homicide laws, then?

No one said only white people are racist. But in my country, they are the majority, so......

So the people in this study got mistreated because of "who they are", even though that is impossible because they never met those people? Nah, it's race my man. Behavior and racism are not mutually exclusive.
You can look at your own search history about wanting to Genocide White Society and you only blathering about Whites being racist in your world.

Fact is you would be subjected to the laws you want passed and you would be killed because you are no better than the racist that write about Blacks and how they are sub-Human…
You would have to repeal the first amendment, so are you willing to go down that road?

Again, Hate Speech Laws should be unconstitutional and you would have those laws used against you.

Do you truly believe what you wrote wouldn’t get you in trouble and you can’t just make laws for one race or are you in favor of Jim Crow Laws but ones that are used against White Society only?
Why would you? There are already hate speech laws. You have the anti asian bill, and you can be arrested for merely being racist to asians in public. The first can and should be amended, just like whatever law permitted slavery.

No one said it was for one race.
You can look at your own search history about wanting to Genocide White Society and you only blathering about Whites being racist in your world.

Fact is you would be subjected to the laws you want passed and you would be killed because you are no better than the racist that write about Blacks and how they are sub-Human…
I never said that.
This is what Tom is saying, in a nutshell:

1) Let’s not compartmentalize violent crime by race. (After all, blacks commit more of it, per capita, so shhhh…..)

2) Let’s kill a white who says blacks talk too loud.

Also You: Black Crime.
Why would you? There are already hate speech laws. You have the anti asian bill, and you can be arrested for merely being racist to asians in public. The first can and should be amended, just like whatever law permitted slavery.

No one said it was for one race.
Your thread is about White people and your entire history on this board is about your hate for White Society, so let be factual you hate White people.

Next, it was illegal to protest World War I and Germans were arrested and we had Jim Crow laws that were unconstitutional, so let me explain this clearly Hate Speech Laws will be struck down and should be because if you get your wish, well enjoy being punished…

Finally, you will never Amend the Constitution at this point and seeing Democrats will fall in November, well you can just forget about any Amendment and also you lack the States to ratify it!
Your thread is about White people and your entire history on this board is about your hate for White Society, so let be factual you hate White people.

Next, it was illegal to protest World War I and Germans were arrested and we had Jim Crow laws that were unconstitutional, so let me explain this clearly Hate Speech Laws will be struck down and should be because if you get your wish, well enjoy being punished…

Finally, you will never Amend the Constitution at this point and seeing Democrats will fall in November, well you can just forget about any Amendment and also you lack the States to ratify it!
I hate racism not whites. If I hate white people that much, why are most of my girlfriends white?
The Asina Hate bill has yet to be struck down. The hate speech laws in UK have yet to be struck down.

You already said that whites would be a minority, and I expect that the more diverse the courts get, they will be open to these such laws. Nothing is holding rights in place except the will of people.
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