Zone1 Study Shows How Whites Discriminate Based on Skin Tone And Black Features

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A common mainstream narrative In America is that race doesn't matter, and no amount of people care about your race and skin color. This study disproves that, that skin color and race is a marked basis for which white people discriminate against. It's time to rethink the popular notion that race has no basis in society and outcomes, to address the very real divisions underlying society, and create a more equitable America.

"The present study examines whether facial features (lip thickness, nose width) have effects on Whites' affective reactions to Black targets, above and beyond the well-documented skin tone effect by experimentally crossing variation in facial features and skin tone. The results showed that both skin tone and facial features independently affected how negatively, as opposed to posi-tively, Whites felt toward Blacks using both implicit and explicit measures. The findings that Whites reacted more negatively toward Blacks with darker skin tone and more prototypical facial features than toward Blacks with lighter skin tone and less prototypical facial features on the explicit measure may indicate that Whites are unaware of the negative effects that Blacks' phenotypes can have on their racial attitudes. The pre-sent study demonstrated that subtle facial features, in addition to salient skin tone, also play an important role when predicting Whites' feelings about Blacks. One implication is that it is important to raise people's awareness about the effects that Blacks' phenotypes can have on their attitudes."

I wish people wouldn't bastardize science this easily. And I mean the RESEARCHERS in this case. As well as political activists that pick these mutant lab creations up and just WHINE about it like it was carved on stone tablets.

I'll bet if you go into that "study" and find out HOW THEY MEASURED people's reactions to facial pictures --- you'd get the SAME kind of reaction to beautiful and nasty WITHIN the same groups. And in the case of media stars or male/female models - the "needles on the meters" of HOW they measured reaction -- would HARDLY MOVE between races. Whatcha wanna bet on that?
Not for me and I didn't pay for anything. Click on some stuff.
I'm more concerned with controlling actions over thoughts. As I said before, you have to get tough on racism; implement the death penalty for hate speech; Invest trillions into racial discrimination audits, and come down hard on perps; get the kids woke at a young age with compulsory racial training(this is more for plausible deniability than anything. In other words, you can't feign ignorance later if you do something racist, which is an excuse a lot of white liberals give when racism happens); hate speech laws, etc. It applies to everyone, not just blacks or Asians.
So if someone says “blacks talk too loud,” that is grounds to kill him?
I wish people wouldn't bastardize science this easily. And I mean the RESEARCHERS in this case. As well as political activists that pick these mutant lab creations up and just WHINE about it like it was carved on stone tablets.

I'll bet if you go into that "study" and find out HOW THEY MEASURED people's reactions to facial pictures --- you'd get the SAME kind of reaction to beautiful and nasty WITHIN the same groups. And in the case of media stars or male/female models - the "needles on the meters" of HOW they measured reaction -- would HARDLY MOVE between races. Whatcha wanna bet on that?
I doubt it.
Nope, you are criticizing something that both whites AND blacks do, but want to restrict the discussion to just whites. Why are you using skin tone to determine whom to criticize, and whom not, when both are guilty of the same thing?
Not restricting anything. Black people in our communities talk about colorism all the time. In the white community, no such conversation is had, in fact, the opposite is true, and any such mention of possible racism is silenced and woke dissent is canceled. But you're still deflecting. When Trump vehemently insisted that we call terror attacks by muslims "Radical Islamic terror", did you probe into it like you're doing now. Did you accuse him of being a bigot for trying to specifically call out only Muslims who do terror? No you did not. When a black man BUSTS a white person up side the head walking through the subway, what do people say? "Oh, the usual suspects". "BLM at it again". Framing this issue around a specific group is no new precedent, you are only objecting because it is your own ingroup.
Not for me and I didn't pay for anything. Click on some stuff.
I'm more concerned with controlling actions over thoughts. As I said before, you have to get tough on racism; implement the death penalty for hate speech; Invest trillions into racial discrimination audits, and come down hard on perps; get the kids woke at a young age with compulsory racial training(this is more for plausible deniability than anything. In other words, you can't feign ignorance later if you do something racist, which is an excuse a lot of white liberals give when racism happens); hate speech laws, etc. It applies to everyone, not just blacks or Asians.
But, would that be for Black racists too, or, "other than Black"?
Not restricting anything. Black people in our communities talk about colorism all the time. In the white community, no such conversation is had, in fact, the opposite is true, and any such mention of possible racism is silenced and woke dissent is canceled. But you're still deflecting. When Trump vehemently insisted that we call terror attacks by muslims "Radical Islamic terror", did you probe into it like you're doing now. Did you accuse him of being a bigot for trying to specifically call out only Muslims who do terror? No you did not. When a black man BUSTS a white person up side the head walking through the subway, what do people say? "Oh, the usual suspects". "BLM at it again". Framing this issue around a specific group is no new precedent, you are only objecting because it is your own ingroup.
You are flailing because both whites and blacks are guilty of the same thing, and you only want to criticize whites.

Also, the fact that you think a white should be killed if he says “blacks talk too loud” tells me you‘re unreasonable, and full of hostility toward another race, and I’m not going to waste any more time.
I just said that.
So you believe killing Whites you deemed racist is a logical response to racism?

What about Hispanics or Asians that commit racism?

As for seeing someone and judging them based on their skin color, well I know for a fact that Whites do it but I also have had people comment about me being white and use my skin color to judge me, so should they also face the same punishment?
Why should a white person have the right to spread social, physical, mental, and economic death on my black child? ANy such person engaging in racism like that is the real hostile one; it shouldn't be tolerated.
Why should a black person have the right to do the same? You’re acting as if blacks do no wrong, and the truth is they commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime, and BLM instigated a riotous rampage that lasted for months. It shouldn’t be tolerated.
Not for me and I didn't pay for anything. Click on some stuff.
I'm more concerned with controlling actions over thoughts. As I said before, you have to get tough on racism; implement the death penalty for hate speech; Invest trillions into racial discrimination audits, and come down hard on perps; get the kids woke at a young age with compulsory racial training(this is more for plausible deniability than anything. In other words, you can't feign ignorance later if you do something racist, which is an excuse a lot of white liberals give when racism happens); hate speech laws, etc. It applies to everyone, not just blacks or Asians.
Hate speech laws should be unconstitutional and would be turned against you.
What is the proper response to having a cancerous mass in your body? The first thing you do is REMOVE the cancer so it doesn't spread and corrupt more tissues and organs. Otherwise, death is imminent.

It applies to any racist. The fact that you ask that question demonstrates that you are judging me because I am black. You assume that because I am black, that I would tolerate racism of blacks.
The fact that you are comparing whites to cancer shows who the racist is here.
It applies to any racist. The fact that you ask that question demonstrates that you are judging me because I am black. You assume that because I am black, that I would tolerate racism of blacks.
Well, now that you brought up the subject.....Tom, you seem to fit the model of a black racist, and we have plenty of evidence
on this board that would back up my premise. It's your words that show who and what you are, my friend. Becareful of what you wish for.
Why should a black person have the right to do the same? You’re acting as if blacks do no wrong, and the truth is they commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime, and BLM instigated a riotous rampage that lasted for months. It shouldn’t be tolerated.
I don't understand the question.

And no "they" don't commit a disproportionate amount of crime.

Also, you are contradicting yourself. It isn't black crime; CRIME IS CRIME. Specifically compartmentalizing black crime from others, is racism and unfair. All crimes matter. (your logic) You basicallly just undermined your own argument that it is wrong for me to specifically talk about white biases, when you now are specifically talking about black criminals, even going as far as to implicate that all balcks should have black guilt for the crime that other balcks do.
Well, now that you brought up the subject.....Tom, you seem to fit the model of a black racist, and we have plenty of evidence
on this board that would back up my premise. It's your words that show who and what you are, my friend. Becareful of what you wish for.
Well, now that you brought up the subject.....Tom, you seem to fit the model of a black racist, and we have plenty of evidence
on this board that would back up my premise. It's your words that show who and what you are, my friend. Becareful of what you wish for.
There's no evidence of that.
I don't understand the question.

And no "they" don't commit a disproportionate amount of crime.

Also, you are contradicting yourself. It isn't black crime; CRIME IS CRIME. Specifically compartmentalizing black crime from others, is racism and unfair. All crimes matter. (your logic) You basicallly just undermined your own argument that it is wrong for me to specifically talk about white biases, when you now are specifically talking about black criminals, even going as far as to implicate that all balcks should have black guilt for the crime that other balcks do.
"And no "they" don't commit a disproportionate amount of crime."
Please Google and peruse the latest Uniform Crime Report at your leisure. Pay particular attention to 'crime by race', specifically violent crime.
What is the proper response to having a cancerous mass in your body? The first thing you do is REMOVE the cancer so it doesn't spread and corrupt more tissues and organs. Otherwise, death is imminent.

It applies to any racist. The fact that you ask that question demonstrates that you are judging me because I am black. You assume that because I am black, that I would tolerate racism of blacks.
Wow, accusing people of judging while you judge everyone…

First off your comments are always about killing Whites that you deem racist and you have been attacked for this many times, so you do not ever write about other groups and their bigotry and racism…

Next, you can not eliminate racism seeing it is Human Nature and you can eradicate all the White people in the World and you still will be treated as a sub-Human by Asians and Hispanics, so what will you do about them seeing they truly outnumber you.

In the States, Canada and Europe it is true there are White Majorities but the States will be Hispanic Majority shortly, so Whites will be the minority and what will you do when Hispanics do not comply to your wish of how you want society to deal with racism?

All people have bigoted and racist views and you ain’t no different from the racist bigots that grace this forum that spew their hatred for Blacks.

Personally I believe you get mistreated because of who you are and not as much for your skin color but do not get me wrong I believe many Whites prefer not to have you around and prefer Whites only but I know Asians, Hispanics and Blacks that are just like that, so when you have an entire World like that eradication of racism ain’t happening…
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