Zone1 Study Shows How Whites Discriminate Based on Skin Tone And Black Features

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I don't have to jump through your hoops, Tom.
Everybody in this thread already know it.
The only one in denial is you, and as intelligent as you are, I know you're just playing the part.
That word has lost all meaning then. What you mean to say is "I hate that you're exposing white racism, so you are racist".
That word has lost all meaning then. What you mean to say is "I hate that you're exposing white racism, so you are racist".
No, what is being said is you have a history on this board just focusing on White Society while demanding execution of Whites that you deem as racist…

Also let me state that you have made it clear you believe all Whites are racist and you want to execute all racists, so tell us again how you do not support Genocide against white society?

Finally, Whites are not the only group that judges someone by their skin color or facial features, so as you focus on one group my life is simple and I accept all humans are bigoted and racist…
That word has lost all meaning then. What you mean to say is "I hate that you're exposing white racism, so you are racist".
You're saying that, Tom, not me.
I don't think anyone on this thread is in denial of there being white racism.
But, you with your high intelligence should understand what IS being said, and not skirt around the obvious.
No, what is being said is you have a history on this board just focusing on White Society while demanding execution of Whites that you deem as racist…

Also let me state that you have made it clear you believe all Whites are racist and you want to execute all racists, so tell us again how you do not support Genocide against white society?

Finally, Whites are not the only group that judges someone by their skin color or facial features, so as you focus on one group my life is simple and I accept all humans are bigoted and racist…
Which isn't racist. And I never said anything about only killing whites, no matter how many times you say it. But Ya boi meister can effectively "execute" anyone who says something he deems as racist or ill willed. Why can't I have the same authority? I gotta have my arc, mane. You feel me?
Which isn't racist. And I never said anything about only killing whites, no matter how many times you say it. But Ya boi meister can effectively "execute" anyone who says something he deems as racist or ill willed. Why can't I have the same authority? I gotta have my arc, mane. You feel me?

You have said it in the past and you know it, so you can keep up the lie or you can admit you did it…

The fact is you have an issue with White Society which isn’t my problem because you are in the minority and have no authority to do anything you wish.

In your own thread you stated racism should be dealt with by execution and you have stated you believe all white people are racist, so remember you ain’t fooling anyone and if you ain’t fooling me then you are doing a poor job.

In the end racism and preference to be with your own race is natural and you can’t change that but alas you will argue until you get those laws that will be used against you…
When right-wing whites start talking about colorism they are generally disingenuous.

In a society where whiteness has carried privilege, why would light-skinned blacks or Hispanics who look white be disliked? Why would the same people believe they are better than those who are darker? Right-wing whites want to discount the holistic damage caused by racism to make simplistic conclusions in order to defend their racism.

Go study internalized racism and the colorism issue becomes crystal clear.

Blacks fought for integration, so the claim of natural segregation is bs.
A common mainstream narrative In America is that race doesn't matter, and no amount of people care about your race and skin color. This study disproves that, that skin color and race is a marked basis for which white people discriminate against. It's time to rethink the popular notion that race has no basis in society and outcomes, to address the very real divisions underlying society, and create a more equitable America.

"The present study examines whether facial features (lip thickness, nose width) have effects on Whites' affective reactions to Black targets, above and beyond the well-documented skin tone effect by experimentally crossing variation in facial features and skin tone. The results showed that both skin tone and facial features independently affected how negatively, as opposed to posi-tively, Whites felt toward Blacks using both implicit and explicit measures. The findings that Whites reacted more negatively toward Blacks with darker skin tone and more prototypical facial features than toward Blacks with lighter skin tone and less prototypical facial features on the explicit measure may indicate that Whites are unaware of the negative effects that Blacks' phenotypes can have on their racial attitudes. The pre-sent study demonstrated that subtle facial features, in addition to salient skin tone, also play an important role when predicting Whites' feelings about Blacks. One implication is that it is important to raise people's awareness about the effects that Blacks' phenotypes can have on their attitudes."

What is your point?

If the public has a bias against blacks that sounds like YOUR problem not ours

And certainly does not deserve a government remedy

So what are you after?
Which isn't racist. And I never said anything about only killing whites, no matter how many times you say it. But Ya boi meister can effectively "execute" anyone who says something he deems as racist or ill willed. Why can't I have the same authority? I gotta have my arc, mane. You feel me?

Seems, a highly intelligent person such as yourself can say what he wants, until he gets called on it, then the denial seems to come out.
What's with the flaming, Tom? I haven't executed anyone, not sure what your point is? If you want your arc and mane, start a thread
in another forum. I feel ya, brother
Seems, a highly intelligent person such as yourself can say what he wants, until he gets called on it, then the denial seems to come out.
What's with the flaming, Tom? I haven't executed anyone, not sure what your point is? If you want your arc and mane, start a thread
in another forum. I feel ya, brother
I'm not your brotha. But you're derailing. Get back on topic.
You have said it in the past and you know it, so you can keep up the lie or you can admit you did it…

The fact is you have an issue with White Society which isn’t my problem because you are in the minority and have no authority to do anything you wish.

In your own thread you stated racism should be dealt with by execution and you have stated you believe all white people are racist, so remember you ain’t fooling anyone and if you ain’t fooling me then you are doing a poor job.

In the end racism and preference to be with your own race is natural and you can’t change that but alas you will argue until you get those laws that will be used against you…
Bring receipts or don't bother. My stance is that most whites are racist. Whether explicitly or implicitly. We should give DP to people who are engaging in hate speech. That's not the same thing.

You're right, it is natural. CRT is true.

Let's get back on topic.
Let me go further because the claim of black racist is also dishonest.

Blacks have endured over 400 years of white racism. Now we get called racists for talking about that or noting that whites still have racist attitudes. Whites in the field of sociology have stated that all whites have problems with racism. That all whites are taught racism. That for racism to stop whites must recognize their bias and change it. These are not black people making these claims and as they are white, I do believe they are experts on the behavior of white people.

Many whites here declare they don't see race while simultaneously expressing extreme racist beliefs.

Now as you guys call us racists for talking about the outcome of facing over 400 years of racism, instead of being taught that whites are evil without any empirical evidence as whites have been taught about us, you need to learn how your opinion is a false equivalence.

We have endured continuing white racism. And since whites are not walking around wearing I am a racist sign, then it is foolish for whites to believe that we must simply trust and believe that no one white is a racist. Judging on the content of character means a person or group is judged based on behavior or actions. To claim that blacks are comitting the same racism as whites means that what blacks are doing comes from the same belief system. White racism is based on a belief in the superiority of whites. What you guys call black racism is the response to how we have been treated. 403 years of white racism has created mistrust of whites by blacks. Calling that black racism ignores everything whites have done and continue doing.
Not really. But you guys will try presenting what you think are reciepts because you choose to ignore how white racism has caused this response.
Although anyone can be racist, white people certainly created people like me . The best way not to have people with a victim complex, is to not make victims!

  • Thanks
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I didn't see it. Please provide screenshots. I'm asking because I know that the claim you made about a control group is false.
I don’t think his claim is false. One of the problems with the study you posted is it doesn’t spell out very well it’s control group or participant information. But, this snippet provides a clue:


At the end of that first paragraph, 3 lines up you can see “190 White participants” in addition to 14 other White participants above that line. Of course, I haven’t read every word and I wonder if there are some parts that require a jump via hypertext?
Although anyone can be racist, white people certainly created people like me . The best way not to have people with a victim complex, is to not make victims!

Tom. You’re not a victim. You simply perceive yourself that way because you firmly believe the notion that whites are racist. And you believe that notion because — well — it is kind of a racist notion. That is a clue about your own nature.
Although anyone can be racist, white people certainly created people like me . The best way not to have people with a victim complex, is to not make victims!

People look for simple answers to complex issues in order to absolve themselves.
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