Zone1 Study Shows How Whites Discriminate Based on Skin Tone And Black Features

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I don’t think his claim is false. One of the problems with the study you posted is it doesn’t spell out very well it’s control group or participant information. But, this snippet provides a clue:

View attachment 659144

At the end of that first paragraph, 3 lines up you can see “190 White participants” in addition to 14 other White participants above that line. Of course, I haven’t read every word and I wonder if there are some parts that require a jump via hypertext?
He claimed that there is no control group, so it is false and your comment implicitly confirms it.
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He claimed that there is no control group, so it is false and your comment implicitly confirms it.
No. I referenced the snippet talking about the number of participants. I didn’t mention control group. At least I didn’t in terms of the snippet I shared. If there was a control group at all, the study doesn’t seem to indicate it’s existence.

Clear that up for us then. What DOES that article say about a control group? Anything at all? Nothing at all? Wouldn’t you want there to be some mention of a control group if there were one in the study? Shouldn’t there have been one?

It’s also a kind of dated study. Has it received — to your knowledge — any review or professional criticism?
That’s my post, not the one I responded to, dumbass.
Here ya go, kid:
Yes I know what it is. Because Sowell wasn't just talking about words in that post. You cut out the rest of the comment.

"Invest trillions into racial discrimination audits, and come down hard on perps;"
What constitutes “hate speech”? According to Tom, he’d like to see every white executed for saying anything that a black might find offensive. What we would be left with, if Tom’s dreams of white genocide came to pass, is that every white would address every black as if he were royalty, for fear of getting the needle.

This is the world that Tom envisions: whites will be permitted to live if and only if they treat blacks as their superiors, and bow and curtsy.
If the public has a negative view of black people you earned it

Dont blame othets for problems that black people caused themselves
If that's the case then whites can't whine about black racism or anti white anything.

Sowell places the blame correctly.
Yes I know what it is. Because Sowell wasn't just talking about words in that post. You cut out the rest of the comment.

"Invest trillions into racial discrimination audits, and come down hard on perps;"
His exact words were “death penalty for hate speech” ***Mod Edit - Zone 1 - Watch the language.***


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No. I referenced the snippet talking about the number of participants. I didn’t mention control group. At least I didn’t in terms of the snippet I shared. If there was a control group at all, the study doesn’t seem to indicate it’s existence.

Clear that up for us then. What DOES that article say about a control group? Anything at all? Nothing at all? Wouldn’t you want there to be some mention of a control group if there were one in the study? Shouldn’t there have been one?

It’s also a kind of dated study. Has it received — to your knowledge — any review or professional criticism?
Bro, you literally said that his claim that there was no control group wasn't false. It is false, and your snippet doesn't change that, but reinforces my point.

If he (or you)has any confusion, he can read the study, instead of trying to find some way to invalidate it because it doesn't meet his political agenda. You in particular argue in bad faith on every post I make, so I certainly won't be doing you any favors. Uh uh.
Recognizing that humans are different racially is not racist. What is racist is what you are doing by claiming that one skin color is more biased than another which is totally shameful. Your 'study' is garbage as well. I am not 'black' and used to live adjacent to an all black area. I could not walk the streets in that area because I would likely have been mugged like so many others by street blacks. On the other hand, blacks could walk the 'white' neighborhoods safely, we had no street people to harass them. I had black friends that lived in the black neighborhoods and those folks were decent hard working people. So, it's not skin color, that's for sure and to claim it is, is completely missing the point and I would go so far as saying it is divisive.
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Bro, you literally said that his claim that there was no control group wasn't false. It is false, and your snippet doesn't change that, but reinforces my point.

If he (or you)has any confusion, he can read the study, instead of trying to find some way to invalidate it because it doesn't meet his political agenda. You in particular argue in bad faith on every post I make, so I certainly won't be doing you any favors. Uh uh.
Bro as I must do so often with you libs, the time has come to inform you that words have meaning. If you can’t point to any mention of the existence of a control group in the very study your referencing, then it sure seems likely that it makes no reference to the existence of a control group. One would expect it to be mentioned in an academic/sort of scientific “study” of there has been one.

Accordingly, it’s not a “lie” to say there’s no control group. Even if there had been a control group, it wouldn’t have been a lie since the lack of any such reference does suggest that it didn’t exist. A “lie” is not just an incorrect statement. A lie would need to be known to be incorrect when made for it to qualify as a lie. Words do have meaning.

So, tell us all about the alleged control group, now.
Your reading comprehension blows, kid.
No, my comprehension is fine. Sowell has called for the death sentence for those practicing racism. He made that clear long before you responded. In his response to you he mentioned more than hate speech.

I don't necessarily agree with that, but I do agree that harsher penalties need to be assessed.
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No it’s not wrong. It’s correct. I can discern differences between Asians and blacks and between whites and Hispanics. That doesn’t mean I’m inferring anything about them other than recognizing their respective racial groupings.

By contrast, you make claims about people and their characteristics based on race and your own beliefs about stereotypes predicated on racial differences. That is racist.
Bro as I must do so often with you libs, the time has come to inform you that words have meaning. If you can’t point to any mention of the existence of a control group in the very study your referencing, then it sure seems likely that it makes no reference to the existence of a control group. One would expect it to be mentioned in an academic/sort of scientific “study” of there has been one.

Accordingly, it’s not a “lie” to say there’s no control group. Even if there had been a control group, it wouldn’t have been a lie since the lack of any such reference does suggest that it didn’t exist. A “lie” is not just an incorrect statement. A lie would need to be known to be incorrect when made for it to qualify as a lie. Words do have meaning.

So, tell us all about the alleged control group, now.
There is no such burden. He claimed there wasn't a control. He failed to prove his claim. I have zero burden to disprove a claim he made, that was just a poor troll attempt to stifle the findings to begin with. Feel free to read the study I provided, or you're derailing/trolling at this point.
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