Zone1 Study Shows How Whites Discriminate Based on Skin Tone And Black Features

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IM2, your life would be much easier if you did not assume every white person you meet is a racist.
I don't have time to go into white racist threads and denounce people. If I took them as a serious threat, I might find the time.
You have time to go into every black thread. So your just making an excuse. If you ignore white racism, you help continue it.
This entire thread is boiled out to "WaaawaaaWaaa white people don't think blacks are purty cause of trampoline lips and nostrils big enough for the Atecheson Topeka and Santa fe."
The screed in the OP is racist.
You have time to go into every black thread. So your just making an excuse. If you ignore white racism, you help continue it.
I don't go into every black thread, just a few of them. Mostly, because you're such an entertaining fellow, IM2.

That's not a compliment.
That's pretty racist.
No it isn't. Now since you decided to skip over what mac7 said to declare this as racist, you have shown the content of your character. At least 6 times more whites are attacked by another white person than anyone else. That is a fact. And if a white person here tells me to go back to Africa, they will be told to return to Europe.
No it isn't. Now since you decided to skip over what mac7 said to declare this as racist, you have shown the content of your character. At least 6 times more whites are attacked by another white person than anyone else. That is a fact. And if a white person here tells me to go back to Africa, they will be told to return to Europe.
I am a lawyer. I have no character 🤪
The screed in the OP is racist.

What is written on paper is not practiced. THAT is what we should expect. As long as whites keep practicing racism NOW while telling us we're talking about stuff that happened 150 years ago, this fight will continue. Whites have gotten special treatment, that's what we would like to see end.
It's funny what people disagree with.

Teflon Theory of History​

The Teflon Theory of American History says that anything that took place over 30 years ago is Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on the present. Or not much. Unless it was something good like the light bulb or the Declaration of Independence. Therefore those who make a big deal of the bad stuff in the past, like slavery, are Living in the Past and need to Get Over It.

For example:

Jim Crow laws were overturned by the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. Therefore according to Teflon Theory the Jim Crow period is now Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on how White Americans alive today think and act. None whatsoever. Or not much. So racism is pretty much dead.

Instead of Jim Crow’s effect slowly weakening over time like you would expect, Teflon Theory would have you suppose that it just disappeared like magic one afternoon sometime in the late 1960s.

This is how many people see the effects of white racism. A law was signed so that automatically made everybody equal. That signature automatically erased all the damage and it changed overnight the attitudes that created the policies.

Robert Jones described the reality of Americas racial situation with precision.

“From its inception, the country’s legal foundations, political architecture, and civic fabric were designed to privilege the well-being of those who declared themselves white at the expense of Native Americans, African Americans, and other people of color. Generation after generation, as the baldest tactics were challenged, white America creatively renewed and reworked this pact to protect ourselves from political disempowerment, economic uncertainty, legal jeopardy, and physical violence. When the weight of the blood spilled by over 750,000 Americans shattered outright slavery, white America picked up the shards, fashioning them into a ramshackle but effective system of sharecropping, lynching, convict leasing, segregationist Jim Crow laws, restrictive immigration policies, appeals to “states’ rights,” voter suppression, and mass incarceration.”
Then react to the numerous attacks on whites by other whites.

Or take your hate back to Europe.
I’m playing roll of poor little mistreated shoeshine boy in Selma Alabama

Thats your schtick not mine
I’m playing roll of poor little mistreated shoeshine boy in Selma Alabama

Thats your schtick not mine
No, but your white race hustlers have you believing this.
I don't understand the question.

And no "they" don't commit a disproportionate amount of crime.

Also, you are contradicting yourself. It isn't black crime; CRIME IS CRIME. Specifically compartmentalizing black crime from others, is racism and unfair. All crimes matter. (your logic) You basicallly just undermined your own argument that it is wrong for me to specifically talk about white biases, when you now are specifically talking about black criminals, even going as far as to implicate that all balcks should have black guilt for the crime that other balcks do.
yes they commit a disproportionate amount of crime. Are you blind? they make up less then 15% of the pop. and commit most of the crime.
If you aren't a racist, you can't be convinced that you are. But your posts tell the story and so is your refusal to go into white racist threads and attack the OP's .
If you aren't crazy you can't be convinced you are either.
WANNA take death? lmao. try first with almost a million babies per year,most black. You could care less about any deaths.
Wrong. You racists need to make up your mind about what lie you're going to believe about blacks.
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