Stupid Michael Moore

No need to apologize: Hamas are indeed the New Nazis.

The PalestiNazis, if we are to put this in a nutshell, aspire to complete what the Nazis failed to do – the destruction of the Jewish people. The time has come for us to finally take them seriously and simply believe them, that they fully intend to do what they say. As now, it is not only their words that speak for themselves, but their actions too.
By Nadav Shragai Published on 03-03-2024 .

No need to apologize: Hamas are indeed the New Nazis
Palestinian rioters burn a Star of David with Swastika in Samaria | Screenshot: Social media

"Hitler" – the preacher Massoud Rian once informed his audience – "was sent by Allah to punish the Jews for their bad behavior... and the Jews well and truly deserve their punishment." Rian delivered his inflammatory filth as part of the "enlightened" Jewish-Arab struggle against the demolition of the illegal construction site of Khan al-Ahmar, not far from the location of the fatal terrorist attack perpetrated by three PalestiNazis near the town of Ma'ale Adumim just last week. His "illuminating" words were broadcast live on Palestinian TV.

Hitler (of cursed memory) has a number of advocates among the Palestinians. And not only among Hamas. The Chairman of the Palestinian Authority (PA), Mahmoud Abbas, a renowned Holocaust denier, even at his ripe old age (and just one month prior to the October 7 massacre) never tires of explaining that "Hitler killed Jews because of their financial dealings and not because they were Jews." The former head of Palestinian Intelligence and current advisor to Mahmoud Abbas on security issues, Tawfik Tirawi, is convinced that "Hitler was not morally rotten, but was merely an adventurer."

The Palestinian media have also paid respect to the Nazi leader: the PA's official radio channel broadcast a quiz show on Hitler's life and works. The Palestinian Authority's official daily newspaper, Al-Hayat al-Jadida, published a crossword puzzle to test readers' knowledge of the process of extermination of the Jews: "Who was the head of the Gestapo and the minister of the interior of the German Reich who worked to destroy the Jews?" (The answer: Himmler). In a list of best sellers compiled by Al-Hayat al-Jadida, Hitler's infamous book "Mein Kampf" – which was recently found in pride of place alongside Mickey Mouse dolls in a children's bedroom in Gaza – was ranked in 6th place. In the town of Beit Ummar near Hebron, a Nazi party flag was proudly flown from one of the houses; swastikas can regularly be seen daubed on concrete barriers across Judea & Samaria; and Palestinians from the town of Beita, south of Nablus, set fire to a large Magen David with a swastika inside it outside the nearby Jewish settlement of Evyatar in Samaria.

Palestinian Media Watch, which documents this Palestinian fixation, has listed a number of Palestinians who have adopted Hitler as a first name: Hitler Salah, Hitler abu-Alrub, Hitler Mahmoud abu-Labdah. Zayzafona, a journal for children and youth published under the auspices of the PLO, published a story about a dream of a Palestinian girl, in which she met Hitler and talked with him, referring to him as "An eminent personality, whose contribution to mankind was the murder of the Jews."

And when these are the dreams of young girls in the Palestinian Authority, then we can hardly be surprised that only a few years later the product is young women such as Ahed Tamimi, the beloved poster girl of the West's progressive and radical left, who has unashamedly promised us: "We will slaughter you, and then you will say that what Hitler did to you was nothing than a mere joke. We will drink your blood."

Hitler and Husseini's grandchildren
The recent antisemitic movie of the Egyptian director, Mohamed Nassef, entitled "A Century and Six Years," creates an imaginary meeting between the grandsons of Hitler and his partner, the founding father of the modern Palestinian movement, the Mufti Hajj Amin Al-Husseini. Nassef's movie – just like the book titled "The End of the Jews", written by Mahmoud az-Zahar, one of the founders of Hamas (which was also recently uncovered in Gaza) – in essence legitimizes the idea of the destruction of the Jewish people and the State of Israel.

The movie's protagonist, Sheikh Hareth, meets with Hitler's grandson and implores him to continue with his grandfather's plan, so that "Palestine should be liberated and made Judenrein." This is precisely how some leaders of Arab states and Palestinians (there is considerable documentation of this) spoke in 1948 when they decided to storm the nascent State of Israel with the clear objective of wiping both the state and its Jewish residents off the map.

Readers might now be asking themselves, why should we get to know all this dirt and filthy rhetoric? The simple but genuine answer is that this is no mere rhetoric but is indeed a practical plan – these are the operational instructions.

Only one decent Egyptian researcher, Hussein Aboubakr Mansour, who lives in the USA, has dared to level criticism at Nassef, who won an award at the Alsharqiyah International Film Festival in Oman for the movie. "Entire societies are still bogged down in one of the worst pathological illusions ever of Europe," Mansour diagnoses (Haaretz, February 6, 2024),

At this stage readers might now be asking themselves, why should we get to know all this dirt and filthy rhetoric? The simple but genuine answer is that this is no mere rhetoric but is indeed a practical plan, these are the operational instructions. The October 7 massacre is the product of that same poisoned tree, whose roots are firmly entrenched in the soil of Palestinian hatred. It is essential for us to be familiar with them, that we should be fully aware of just who is currently sitting on the other side of the negotiating table for the release of the Israeli hostages, for a ceasefire, or a 'revitalized Palestinian Authority'. It is imperative that we know precisely with whom we are dealing here.

The PalestiNazis, if we are to put this in a nutshell, aspire to complete what the Nazis failed to do – the destruction of the Jewish people. The founder of the Palestinian movement, Hajj Amin Al-Husseini, met with Hitler in 1941 and placed himself at the service of the Nazis and their program for a "Final Solution". It is no coincidence that today, there are Palestinians who adhere to the Nazi ideology and who feed off it. There is a good reason why Hamas borrowed parts from "Mein Kampf" and integrated them in its charter.

Believe them!

The Nazis compared us to vermin. Radical Islam relates to us as "the offspring of monkeys and pigs." Both of these convey a deep sense of impurity and abomination that must be eliminated. This is no theory – it is a completely practical agenda! The time has come for us to finally take them seriously and simply believe them, that they fully intend to do what they say. As of now, it is not only their words that speak for themselves, but their actions too:

Burning Jews alive, just as the Nazis and their collaborators did to the Jews in the infamous incidents of the pogrom at the barn in the Polish village of Jedwabne and the Great Synagogue of Białystok. In the Gaza border communities, just as in the Warsaw Ghetto, the murderers used Jewish captives under threat to persuade other residents to open the doors of their homes to the terrorists. In the Gaza border communities, just as happened in the Holocaust, women were raped before being murdered, and the heads of babies were smashed before their parents, children and parents were separated from one another, and the elderly were tortured to death, and just as in the Holocaust, the murderers were instructed (in writing!) to have no mercy on their victims and to "kill anybody who might pose a threat or a distraction." This is almost exactly as the Nazis themselves wrote: "When engaging in action, it must be merciless and carried out using the severest of means." The PalestiNazis, just like the Nazis, documented and filmed everything. Even a device for dispersing cyanide, intended for mass extermination, was found in the tools of one of the terrorists who was killed in the Gaza belt communities, in a similar manner to the Nazis who engaged in mass poisoning by gas, and similar to their plans too (at least according to one source) to poison the water sources of the yishuv in pre-state Israel, towards the end of the Second World War.

It is true that what we experienced on October 7 is no second Holocaust, but the perpetrators of this terrible massacre were Nazis through and through; and so, despite many critical comments that I have received for the frequent use in my articles of phrases such as "The New Nazis" or the "PalestiNazis" – this is precisely what they are!

The New Nazis are, if you like, a modern reincarnation of the original Nazis, and their ideology and core documents, and now their actions too, along with the de facto state that they established in the Gaza Strip, which lasted for 16 years, three years longer than the period in which the Nazis ruled over Germany – all indicate that our very existence is something that they simply cannot tolerate.

Having said all that, what does after all distinguish between the PalestiNazis from Hamas, and on occasions from the PA areas too, and the original Nazis? One thing and one thing only: the original German Nazis succeeded in carrying out their "Final Solution" and destroying the majority of the Jewish people at the time. The New Nazis have tried, but failed, to do this to the State of Israel. They failed to do so during the War of Independence, the Six-Day War, the Yom Kippur War, and now in the Simchat Torah massacre. This does not stop them from constantly publicly declaring that they will continue to do so. So please listen to them, and above all – believe them.

He doesn't know when to shut up.

Moore says White Christians are Jewish people's true enemy: 'No Palestinian ran the Spanish inquisition'
Story by Alexander Hall • 10h

Didn't this asshole use up the very last of his fifteen minutes of fame, a very long time ago?

Why are we hearing of him, now?

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