Stupid SUV's

No, "unaware" and "heavily involved" are two different things.

You were heavily involved in the incidents you're aware of.

You were unaware of the rest.

You're young and stupid, you still think you're invincible. You're not and there are situations you cannot exert any meaningful control over.

Livestock and wildlife along the rode is one of those situations. I worry for your safety..and the safety of others... given your idiotic sense of infallibility on the road.

Incidentally, evasive action is impossible on a narrow road if there is oncoming traffic.
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No, "unaware" and "heavily involved" are two different things.

You were heavily involved in the incidents you're aware of.

You were unaware of the rest.

You're young and stupid, you still think you're invincible. You're not and there are situations you cannot exert any meaningful control over.

Livestock and wildlife along the rode is one of those situations. I worry for your safety..and the safety of others... given your idiotic sense of infallibility on the road.

Incidentally, evasive action is impossible on a narrow road if there is oncoming traffic.

Um, I'm older than you m'dear. Don't worry about me. I'm flattered at your concern for my well being but of course I'm used to that by now. ;)

And yes I am unaware of incidents that have have never happened. But I tell you what, one of my F-150 encounters was on such a two-lane with a motorcycle coming the other way. The F-150 turned off to the right and then decided he wasn't turning right after all and wanted instead to be in the space where I was. We got out of that with nobody impacted except for my cracked taillight lens.

I go out there prepared for this kind of thing. So sue me.
I thought you were really young. I thought somebody told me that.

Anyway, I've driven many, many miles. I've seen a lot of cocky drivers who think they know it all do some really incredibly stupid things. The whole "I can evade anything" attitude goes with that. Those are the assholes who evade off the shoulder or evade into oncoming traffic.
It's not "luck" -- it's deliberate. I was intentionally driving a car that can maneuver out of these things, including a lot hairier escapades than that. Suffice to say some of those moves could never have been pulled off in a vehicle like the F-150 that pulled the bonehead stunt that made me take the evasive action that I'm pretty sure made me probably the only car to go through a certain general store's parking lot at 50mph. Or the other one when the motorcycle was coming the other way. The latter one did involve contact; it cracked my taillight lens.

No way in the world I want to drive a car that's incapable of that kind of action. Ever. As I said I'm an active participant in my driving. I don't sit back waiting to be hit and I find that mentality bizarre.

I dont care if you're Mario Andretti. Sometimes you cant avoid em because they do some stupid shit,like run off the the road and then right back in front of you.

That's basically what this F-150 did. Both of them.

That's the whole point -- when that does happen I want to be able to take that evasive action on a moment's notice. And I wouldn't have that capability were I in what they're driving - or in an inverted bathtub. Therefore I make sure I'm driving something that can handle it. And it works - repeatedly.

And when that happens,which it will if you drive in areas with a heavy deer population,I'd rather be in a truck.

You do what you want. I was describing what works for me based on my experience. And I live in a heavy deer population. My back yard is bordered by a federal forest. They're all around here. Sometimes if they're hanging around when I get home I chase them up the driveway (with the car) back into that forest. Once again-- I'm not a passive bystander in all of this.

So you're telling me you can dodge a deer while going 60 mph? Bullshit!
T'was Hitler wot came up with the people's car - the volks wagen. All the car anyone would ever need. All the car anyone other than the party elite would be allowed to own.

See the parallel with today's hybrid-thumping liberals?
T'was Hitler wot came up with the people's car -....

Let the record show 'twas MilliHenry who came up with the idea of Godwining a thread about cars. Like he tried to politicize a thread about gardening.
Whatever happened to those gardening troll posts Henery? They seem to have been consumed by beneficial insects. Or perhaps ... Hitler. :eek:

I dont care if you're Mario Andretti. Sometimes you cant avoid em because they do some stupid shit,like run off the the road and then right back in front of you.

That's basically what this F-150 did. Both of them.

That's the whole point -- when that does happen I want to be able to take that evasive action on a moment's notice. And I wouldn't have that capability were I in what they're driving - or in an inverted bathtub. Therefore I make sure I'm driving something that can handle it. And it works - repeatedly.

And when that happens,which it will if you drive in areas with a heavy deer population,I'd rather be in a truck.

You do what you want. I was describing what works for me based on my experience. And I live in a heavy deer population. My back yard is bordered by a federal forest. They're all around here. Sometimes if they're hanging around when I get home I chase them up the driveway (with the car) back into that forest. Once again-- I'm not a passive bystander in all of this.

So you're telling me you can dodge a deer while going 60 mph? Bullshit!

What I'm telling you that I can make my own judgments and decisions.
And I wasn't talking to you anyway.

This just in: what I drive and how I do it ain't your business. Once again, you worry about your own world and I'll manage mine. Take your fascist control freak fantasies elsewhere. I got this.

Happy motoring.
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T'was Hitler wot came up with the people's car -....

Let the record show 'twas MilliHenry who came up with the idea of Godwining a thread about cars. Like he tried to politicize a thread about gardening.
Whatever happened to those gardening troll posts Henery? They seem to have been consumed by beneficial insects. Or perhaps ... Hitler. :eek:

That's basically what this F-150 did. Both of them.

That's the whole point -- when that does happen I want to be able to take that evasive action on a moment's notice. And I wouldn't have that capability were I in what they're driving - or in an inverted bathtub. Therefore I make sure I'm driving something that can handle it. And it works - repeatedly.

You do what you want. I was describing what works for me based on my experience. And I live in a heavy deer population. My back yard is bordered by a federal forest. They're all around here. Sometimes if they're hanging around when I get home I chase them up the driveway (with the car) back into that forest. Once again-- I'm not a passive bystander in all of this.

So you're telling me you can dodge a deer while going 60 mph? Bullshit!

What I'm telling you that I can make my own judgments and decisions.
And I wasn't talking to you anyway.

This just in: what I drive and how I do it ain't your business. Once again, you worry about your own world and I'll manage mine. Take your fascist control freak fantasies elsewhere. I got this.

Happy motoring.

You senile old bat. Nobody is telling you how to drive or what to drive. We're just telling you that your commentary leaves us to believe you drive like an idiot.

Which you are free to do!

And in case you forgot, the title of this thread is about forcing US to drive retardo cars. Not the other way around. And you are the one who said that the only reason people drive suvs is because they were told to by someone in Detroit.

You're wrong.

You dumb OLD fart!
T'was Hitler wot came up with the people's car -....

Let the record show 'twas MilliHenry who came up with the idea of Godwining a thread about cars. Like he tried to politicize a thread about gardening.
Whatever happened to those gardening troll posts Henery? They seem to have been consumed by beneficial insects. Or perhaps ... Hitler. :eek:

So you're telling me you can dodge a deer while going 60 mph? Bullshit!

What I'm telling you that I can make my own judgments and decisions.
And I wasn't talking to you anyway.

This just in: what I drive and how I do it ain't your business. Once again, you worry about your own world and I'll manage mine. Take your fascist control freak fantasies elsewhere. I got this.

Happy motoring.

You senile old bat.


I seem to have aged decades in the space of a couple of hours :ack-1:

And to think I gave up smoking back in the '80s. Ya can't win. :crybaby:

Nobody is telling you how to drive or what to drive. We're just telling you that your commentary leaves us to believe you drive like an idiot.

Which you are free to do!

Thank you, that was like pulling teeth. Troll-boy here has been nipping at everything I post, gainsaying, even making shit up. Even you didn't do that. Clearly he wants control of my steering wheel. Nobody, but nobody, gets that. But for all of my idiotic driving in everything from econoboxes to large trucks over a million and a half miles, nobody has ever been hurt, not even slightly. I think I'll stay with what works.

Remember, I'm a lot older since this morning. Matter o' fact I'm pretty sure I invented the wheel.

And in case you forgot, the title of this thread is about forcing US to drive retardo cars. Not the other way around. And you are the one who said that the only reason people drive suvs is because they were told to by someone in Detroit.

You're wrong.

You dumb OLD fart!

No I don't see anything about "force" in the OP. I see an assessment that they're "stupid" in design. And yes I do think the reason SUVs weren't shunned like the Edsel is because of the power of advertising. It damn sure wasn't the design.

So that's what I think... which I am free to do! :eusa_dance:
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If only you were better at it.

Surely you've had enough practice, given your advanced years.
T'was Hitler wot came up with the people's car -....

Let the record show 'twas MilliHenry who came up with the idea of Godwining a thread about cars. Like he tried to politicize a thread about gardening.
Whatever happened to those gardening troll posts Henery? They seem to have been consumed by beneficial insects. Or perhaps ... Hitler. :eek:

That's basically what this F-150 did. Both of them.

That's the whole point -- when that does happen I want to be able to take that evasive action on a moment's notice. And I wouldn't have that capability were I in what they're driving - or in an inverted bathtub. Therefore I make sure I'm driving something that can handle it. And it works - repeatedly.

You do what you want. I was describing what works for me based on my experience. And I live in a heavy deer population. My back yard is bordered by a federal forest. They're all around here. Sometimes if they're hanging around when I get home I chase them up the driveway (with the car) back into that forest. Once again-- I'm not a passive bystander in all of this.

So you're telling me you can dodge a deer while going 60 mph? Bullshit!

What I'm telling you that I can make my own judgments and decisions.
And I wasn't talking to you anyway.

This just in: what I drive and how I do it ain't your business. Once again, you worry about your own world and I'll manage mine. Take your fascist control freak fantasies elsewhere. I got this.

Happy motoring.

I dont give a fuck if you ride a unicycle. Just dont tell me you can dodge a deer while driving 60 mph.Because it's not possible without wrecking in the process.
If only you were better at it.

Surely you've had enough practice, given your advanced years.

Eh, what's that? Nurse! I need my ear trumpet. Eye trumpet. Whatever.

I've never hurt anybody including myself. What's to be "better" at?
T'was Hitler wot came up with the people's car -....

Let the record show 'twas MilliHenry who came up with the idea of Godwining a thread about cars. Like he tried to politicize a thread about gardening.
Whatever happened to those gardening troll posts Henery? They seem to have been consumed by beneficial insects. Or perhaps ... Hitler. :eek:

So you're telling me you can dodge a deer while going 60 mph? Bullshit!

What I'm telling you that I can make my own judgments and decisions.
And I wasn't talking to you anyway.

This just in: what I drive and how I do it ain't your business. Once again, you worry about your own world and I'll manage mine. Take your fascist control freak fantasies elsewhere. I got this.

Happy motoring.

I dont give a fuck if you ride a unicycle. Just dont tell me you can dodge a deer while driving 60 mph.Because it's not possible without wrecking in the process.

Not for you, I get that.

Oh well. :dunno:

You brought in "60 mph", not me. You may not know this in downtown Peoria but roads where you go 60 mph and roads with deer strolling across them are jest not the same roads.
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It's moose we have to worry about hitting where I am, not deer. And I sure as hell don't want to be in some itty-bitty car if I hit a moose.

Mind you, I take all possible precautions NOT to hit a moose at all. But it happens, and people get killed when it happens, too.
Let the record show 'twas MilliHenry who came up with the idea of Godwining a thread about cars. Like he tried to politicize a thread about gardening.
Whatever happened to those gardening troll posts Henery? They seem to have been consumed by beneficial insects. Or perhaps ... Hitler. :eek:

What I'm telling you that I can make my own judgments and decisions.
And I wasn't talking to you anyway.

This just in: what I drive and how I do it ain't your business. Once again, you worry about your own world and I'll manage mine. Take your fascist control freak fantasies elsewhere. I got this.

Happy motoring.

I dont give a fuck if you ride a unicycle. Just dont tell me you can dodge a deer while driving 60 mph.Because it's not possible without wrecking in the process.

Not for you, I get that.

Oh well. :dunno:

You brought in "60 mph", not me. You may not know this in downtown Peoria but roads where you go 60 mph and roads with deer strolling across them are jest not the same roads.

Well I guess if you drive around at twenty mph you wont have a problem with deer...because they'll be passing you.
It's moose we have to worry about hitting where I am, not deer. And I sure as hell don't want to be in some itty-bitty car if I hit a moose.

Mind you, I take all possible precautions NOT to hit a moose at all. But it happens, and people get killed when it happens, too.

Thats like hitting a horse!! My mother and a friend were driving a VW Beetle in the mountains of BC when they came across a bull moose in the road that wouldnt move.
So they started honking the make a long story short,the moose charged and totally crushed the front of the VW. Those things are dangerous during rut.
Let the record show 'twas MilliHenry who came up with the idea of Godwining a thread about cars. Like he tried to politicize a thread about gardening.
Whatever happened to those gardening troll posts Henery? They seem to have been consumed by beneficial insects. Or perhaps ... Hitler. :eek:

What I'm telling you that I can make my own judgments and decisions.
And I wasn't talking to you anyway.

This just in: what I drive and how I do it ain't your business. Once again, you worry about your own world and I'll manage mine. Take your fascist control freak fantasies elsewhere. I got this.

Happy motoring.

I dont give a fuck if you ride a unicycle. Just dont tell me you can dodge a deer while driving 60 mph.Because it's not possible without wrecking in the process.

Not for you, I get that.

Oh well. :dunno:

You brought in "60 mph", not me. You may not know this in downtown Peoria but roads where you go 60 mph and roads with deer strolling across them are jest not the same roads.

Don't get out of the city much, do you? Offhand, I saw several deer on a road with a 60+MPH traffic speed while crossing Indiana. (IIRC, the speed limit varied between 50 and 65.)
I dont give a fuck if you ride a unicycle. Just dont tell me you can dodge a deer while driving 60 mph.Because it's not possible without wrecking in the process.

Not for you, I get that.

Oh well. :dunno:

You brought in "60 mph", not me. You may not know this in downtown Peoria but roads where you go 60 mph and roads with deer strolling across them are jest not the same roads.

Don't get out of the city much, do you? Offhand, I saw several deer on a road with a 60+MPH traffic speed while crossing Indiana. (IIRC, the speed limit varied between 50 and 65.)

Uh -- I'm not IN Indiana dood. Why would I drive for Indiana unless I'm in it? I drive according to where I am. And around here, "deer" and "60 mph traffic" simply do not coexist. Moreover, I never even brought up "60 mph". What you're looking at is a troll who's been making shit up through the whole thread. That's HIS strawman -- not mine. So cut the bullshit.

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