Stupid things Republicans believe - Public Policy Polling


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
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They gave away much privacy and freedom over their phantom fears after 9/11. Still have not learned that their leaders count on them to be easily frightened.
62% of Republicans believe Obama is trying to take everyone guns away.

44% of Republicans believe Obama is trying to figure out a way to stay in office past 2017.

42% of Republicans believe Sharia Law is making its way into our court system.

Do I really need to say that there is zero evidence of any of these conspiracy theories?

There was zero evidence you couldn't keep your insurance plan and your doctor if you wanted.

What you think you see on the surface and what is the truth isn't the same with Obama.
62% of Republicans believe Obama is trying to take everyone guns away.

44% of Republicans believe Obama is trying to figure out a way to stay in office past 2017.

42% of Republicans believe Sharia Law is making its way into our court system.

Conspiracy Theories Round Two: Republicans More Likely To Subscribe to Government Conspiracy Theories - Public Policy Polling

Do I really need to say that there is zero evidence of any of these conspiracy theories?

Do you suppose that you leftists are immune to stupid ideas?

The greatest and most harmful lefty delusion is that everyone is equal - not just equal in th eyes of the law but inherienly, genetically equal. Of equal character and equal ability.

If A has a job, lives in a nice home, looks after his wife and children, pays his taxes and keeps the laws while B has never worked, lives in a slum in the spells between his time in prison this must be, in the leftist mind, because there is a FAULT IN THE SYSTEM. That A is somehow 'better' than B is an idea that cannot be tolerated.

So the leftists first recourse is to take assets away from A and then to embark on ever more bizarre social engineering projects. Somewhere at the end of their magic rainbow is the blissful land where everyone is EQUAL.

Socialists have attempted to impose equality times without number and always failed. But that won't stop people like you Billy, blind to the realities of human differences, inventing ever more absurd political programmes.
62% of Republicans believe Obama is trying to take everyone guns away.

44% of Republicans believe Obama is trying to figure out a way to stay in office past 2017.

42% of Republicans believe Sharia Law is making its way into our court system.

Conspiracy Theories Round Two: Republicans More Likely To Subscribe to Government Conspiracy Theories - Public Policy Polling

Do I really need to say that there is zero evidence of any of these conspiracy theories?

Do you suppose that you leftists are immune to stupid ideas?

The greatest and most harmful lefty delusion is that everyone is equal - not just equal in th eyes of the law but inherienly, genetically equal. Of equal character and equal ability.

If A has a job, lives in a nice home, looks after his wife and children, pays his taxes and keeps the laws while B has never worked, lives in a slum in the spells between his time in prison this must be, in the leftist mind, because there is a FAULT IN THE SYSTEM. That A is somehow 'better' than B is an idea that cannot be tolerated.

So the leftists first recourse is to take assets away from A and then to embark on ever more bizarre social engineering projects. Somewhere at the end of their magic rainbow is the blissful land where everyone is EQUAL.

Socialists have attempted to impose equality times without number and always failed. But that won't stop people like you Billy, blind to the realities of human differences, inventing ever more absurd political programmes.

Please tell me more about how the country would be better off with less equality, be sure to actually name the people who deserve less consideration than you.

Only during this administration. During the last one, I'm sure it was liberals that were more likely to believe conspiracy theories.

A small few believed Bush was responsible for 9/11, sure, but I'm guessing that was about it.

Democrats and Republicans differ on conspiracy theory beliefs

Seems like the only thing that is different is what they believe to be a conspiracy.
62% of Republicans believe Obama is trying to take everyone guns away.

44% of Republicans believe Obama is trying to figure out a way to stay in office past 2017.

42% of Republicans believe Sharia Law is making its way into our court system.

Conspiracy Theories Round Two: Republicans More Likely To Subscribe to Government Conspiracy Theories - Public Policy Polling

Do I really need to say that there is zero evidence of any of these conspiracy theories?

Do you suppose that you leftists are immune to stupid ideas?

The greatest and most harmful lefty delusion is that everyone is equal - not just equal in th eyes of the law but inherienly, genetically equal. Of equal character and equal ability.

If A has a job, lives in a nice home, looks after his wife and children, pays his taxes and keeps the laws while B has never worked, lives in a slum in the spells between his time in prison this must be, in the leftist mind, because there is a FAULT IN THE SYSTEM. That A is somehow 'better' than B is an idea that cannot be tolerated.

So the leftists first recourse is to take assets away from A and then to embark on ever more bizarre social engineering projects. Somewhere at the end of their magic rainbow is the blissful land where everyone is EQUAL.

Socialists have attempted to impose equality times without number and always failed. But that won't stop people like you Billy, blind to the realities of human differences, inventing ever more absurd political programmes.

Where do people like you come up with this stupid shit?

Hey, to lend you a little credibility, link to the information you used to make your claim about how "leftists" feel about this equality issue.

And about your "equal" thoughts. You do know that it is the Repubs that believe we are all equal. Why every day I hear about how we should all pay "equal" percentages in taxes.

Nothing says "equal" in a Repubs mind like the idea of "equal" taxes.

Only during this administration. During the last one, I'm sure it was liberals that were more likely to believe conspiracy theories.

A small few believed Bush was responsible for 9/11, sure, but I'm guessing that was about it.

The Quiet Dictatorship

Daily Kos: Salt Lake City protests Bush with Mayor

Remember when leftists were concerned with spying on Americans? Yeah that was ancient history.
Only during this administration. During the last one, I'm sure it was liberals that were more likely to believe conspiracy theories.

A small few believed Bush was responsible for 9/11, sure, but I'm guessing that was about it.

Democrats and Republicans differ on conspiracy theory beliefs

Seems like the only thing that is different is what they believe to be a conspiracy.

Well granted, but all of those conspiracies have history and a following. The ones i posted dont measure up.
No mention of global warming or Obama being born in Kenya in this list?

Conservatives live in a bubble where they deny anything that would require them to step outside their comfort zone.
62% of Republicans believe Obama is trying to take everyone guns away.

44% of Republicans believe Obama is trying to figure out a way to stay in office past 2017.

42% of Republicans believe Sharia Law is making its way into our court system.

Conspiracy Theories Round Two: Republicans More Likely To Subscribe to Government Conspiracy Theories - Public Policy Polling

Do I really need to say that there is zero evidence of any of these conspiracy theories?

Do you suppose that you leftists are immune to stupid ideas?

The greatest and most harmful lefty delusion is that everyone is equal - not just equal in th eyes of the law but inherienly, genetically equal. Of equal character and equal ability.

Equal in the eyes of the law, yes; the rest is Bull-Luny.

If A has a job, lives in a nice home, looks after his wife and children, pays his taxes and keeps the laws while B has never worked, lives in a slum in the spells between his time in prison this must be, in the leftist mind, because there is a FAULT IN THE SYSTEM. That A is somehow 'better' than B is an idea that cannot be tolerated.

"Better" is a value judgment; that they are not of equal ability may or may not be true.

So the leftists first recourse is to take assets away from A and then to embark on ever more bizarre social engineering projects. Somewhere at the end of their magic rainbow is the blissful land where everyone is EQUAL.

More Bull Luny.

Socialists have attempted to impose equality times without number and always failed. But that won't stop people like you Billy, blind to the realities of human differences, inventing ever more absurd political programmes.

Which is your favorite Kool-Ade? Sour grape I suppose.
If you think those are stupid, then you haven't been paying attention. I could come up with things Republicans and Democrats believe that are are alot dumber.
62% of Republicans believe Obama is trying to take everyone guns away.

44% of Republicans believe Obama is trying to figure out a way to stay in office past 2017.

42% of Republicans believe Sharia Law is making its way into our court system.

Conspiracy Theories Round Two: Republicans More Likely To Subscribe to Government Conspiracy Theories - Public Policy Polling

Do I really need to say that there is zero evidence of any of these conspiracy theories?

Let me take this opportunity to argue the conservative conspirator view on the lack of evidence.

The lack of evidence only proves how insidious and how complete the conspiracy is.

Tune in to your local AM radio station where a highly paid conservative radio host (like Glenn Beck, for example) will regale you (confuse you, is more likely) with stories of conspiracies going back decades (or longer) even though he'll have no evidence to substantiate any of them.

Then later on, he'll have on a guest who's written a book about the conspiracy. Who know, it might even be Jerome Corsi since he's just written a new book about how the CIA killed JFK. If you don't catch the interview then, you might just be able to hear it on Coast to Coast with George Noory at a later date in between the segments about alien abductions and astral projections or remote viewing (my personal favorite).

But whatEVER you do, don't listen to those elites who went to school to get advanced degrees in various disciplines because they're probably liberals, and they just want to confuse conservatives who are more comfortable making important decisions based on what the Bible says and their own opinions they've formed on the subject based on what they've read on World Net Daily.

But no matter what, I have one piece of advice for you: BUY GOLD!
32% of Democrats, think that George W. Bush had prior knowledge of 9/11, the so-called "truther" belief.

Nearly 30% of NJ GOP Voters Believe Obama Could Be the AntiChrist | HULIQ

How do you know they are wrong?

Well for one thing the MSM publication NewsWeek's Editor thinks Obama is well here in his own words...
I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Evan Thomas on Hardball, Newsweek?s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ?Sort of God? | NewsBusters
Is that a LIE???
A credible and effective conspiracy requires intelligence, leadership, and comprehensive secrecy. None of which is readily available in liberal la la land.

The big lie, which liberals firmly believe in, does not require a conspiracy. It just requires a large number of dumbass people, who can be easily convinced that they are smarter than everyone else. They can prove their superiority by regurgitating the lie at every opportunity. Anyone who does not accept their "truth" are just too damn dumb to understand.

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