Subtitle: The Questions Americans are Asking Barack Obama

cook, do laundry, collect trash, things like that

btw, peter, by your definition of mercenary, blackwater isnt one

So Blackwater was employed to peal potatoes and clean the toilets? Then they didn't need guns did they...
So Blackwater was employed to peal potatoes and clean the toilets? Then they didn't need guns did they...
again, you are confusing the facts
the blackwater people with the guns were NOT hired by the military
i can see you are a media koolaid drinker
I don't believe the views that I have expressed are hidden in the shadows. As for the other crap, can it, man. You sound like a lunitic and a fool. Anything done to Bush and the rest of this criminal admin will be done through the open laws of the land.

Sure they will, Congress already found NO evidence, Ohh and Congress can not do a damn thing to him once he is out of Office. What you rejects want is a kangaroo Court of your buddies to reinterpret and redesign the responses. It is illegal and dispecable. But nothing is beneath you lot.
Really? Yet you demand we go after a former president to get even cause one of yours got impeached? Go ahead, go fucking for it, find out just what will happen.

Couldn't get him while he was in office, why just wait till we get a new Democratic Congress and President so we can cook the books and get him later. You support the destruction of the American system of Government and our sense of Justice, whats right and wrong.

Just remember moron, open that can and see what happens when the shoe is on the other foot.

Gore, with the backing of the Press and democrats tried to stage a coup in 2000 and you all were fine with it. You people have no shame and no sense of right from wrong. Push till you find out just how far the silent majority will let you pervert our country.

Open war will settle a few problems quite nicely. You back stabbing bastards won't get to hide in the shadows and keep from paying for your crap then.

Working yourself up for something big, there, RGS?

Have you heard word one about the Obama administration planning on going after George Bush II?

You haven't, have you?

So where's this rancor and concern for this happening coming from?

It's coming from your imagination, that's where.

Calm down.

We have bigger fish to fry right now to chasing down the crimes of the Bush cabal.

Cleaning up the mess they're leaving behind will be more than enough to keep the O team busy for the next four years.
Working yourself up for something big, there, RGS?

Have you heard word one about the Obama administration planning on going after George Bush II?

You haven't, have you?

So where's this rancor and concern for this happening coming from?

It's coming from your imagination, that's where.

Calm down.

We have bigger fish to fry right now to chasing down the crimes of the Bush cabal.

Cleaning up the mess they're leaving behind will be more than enough to keep the O team busy for the next four years.
bush had nothing to do with IL politics
The only question I have for Hussein, the professed Christian... is: "Do Muslim's go to hell?"

Anyone think THAT'S go a chance of being ASKED... setting aside the absolute certainty that it wouldn't be answered; this despite the answer being such an absolute certainty.
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Tell that to the innocent Iraqis they killed.

ROFLMNAO... Yes, all the dead Iraqis are innocent...

Have ya ever noticed that? All those IED and VBIEDs, ambushes, kidnappins and beheadings... and no Iraqi has ever been described by these imbeciles as anything beyond the purest essence of innocense.
ROFLMNAO... Yes, all the dead Iraqis are innocent...

Have ya ever noticed that? All those IED and VBIEDs, ambushes, kidnappins and beheadings... and no Iraqi has ever been described by these imbeciles as anything beyond the purest essence of innocense.

More bogus bullshit.

I was talking about the 17 innocent Iraqis that the people from Blackwater killed.
The five Blackwater security guards indicted in the deaths of unarmed civilians in Baghdad last year were operating in the area in defiance of U.S. government orders and opened fire with automatic weapons and rocket-propelled grenade launchers, killing some people as they tried to surrender or flee, according to a Justice Department investigation made public Monday.

The government's case against the five men was laid out in court documents unsealed by a federal judge. A sixth Blackwater guard, Jeremy P. Ridgeway, has provided information to authorities about the Sept. 16, 2007, shootings at crowded Nisoor Square.

At least 17 Iraqis were killed and 20 others injured in the incident, which severely damaged relations between the U.S. and Iraq and led to calls for more scrutiny of Blackwater Worldwide and other contractors providing security in the destabilized country.

Federal authorities said Ridgeway had cooperated with prosecutors and the FBI -- which conducted one of the most complicated overseas investigations in its history -- as part of his agreement to plead guilty to lesser charges. Assistant Atty. Gen. Patrick Rowan would not comment at a news conference Monday on whether Ridgeway would testify against his former Blackwater colleagues.

The other guards have said they were defending themselves after being fired upon by suspected insurgents. But Ridgeway, who as the turret gunner in the last vehicle had a panoramic view, has provided information that strongly indicates the shootings were unprovoked, authorities said.

U.S. details case against Blackwater guards - Los Angeles Times
Mmmm....gonna have to disagree with you there. I have a friend who works as a mercenary in Iraq.

I have a friend who is an ex FBI agent. He called me the other night. He is going to Iraq after Christmas. He is going to investigate the civilian contractors.

He was sitting at his desk in the Green Zone last time and got shot in the leg.

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