Successful right wingers should consider themselves lucky


VIP Member
Jun 9, 2012
There’s a certain poster on this board who seems to enjoy spending his fabulous retirement chiding others about their ‘little lives’. And because he made a bunch of money with Microsoft in the early days, he feels entitled to do it. Problem is, he was lucky.

Bill Gates didn’t know the company would explode so there’s no way in hell he could have. Gates was the lucky guy who was in the right place at the right time for a profound paradigm shift. And it didn’t hurt that he was an unscrupulous weasel either. This other guy was along for the ride.

He’ll rightfully claim that he worked hard during that time. Big deal. A lot of people work hard. I work hard. I’ve had years worth of 60, 70, 80+ hour work weeks and while I’m comfortable, I’m not all that comfortable. My brother-in-law has worked for four separate start-ups, two of which went public and it wasn’t enough to elevate him out of the middle class.

Of course, looking back, I’m sure he thinks his success was preordained and ALL due to his amazing talent and hard work. I never cease to be amazed at the brass balls that right wingers who’ve ‘made it’ display to the rest of the world.

Awaiting your hate...
Yes, we all should count our blessings! We also need to work hard and educate ourselves so that we are able to make the best of the opportunities come our way. Luck does have a lot to do with being successful. However fortitude and perseverance does also. Many successful people experienced many failures before they finally became successful.
There’s a certain poster on this board who seems to enjoy spending his fabulous retirement chiding others about their ‘little lives’. And because he made a bunch of money with Microsoft in the early days, he feels entitled to do it. Problem is, he was lucky.

Bill Gates didn’t know the company would explode so there’s no way in hell he could have. Gates was the lucky guy who was in the right place at the right time for a profound paradigm shift. And it didn’t hurt that he was an unscrupulous weasel either. This other guy was along for the ride.

He’ll rightfully claim that he worked hard during that time. Big deal. A lot of people work hard. I work hard. I’ve had years worth of 60, 70, 80+ hour work weeks and while I’m comfortable, I’m not all that comfortable. My brother-in-law has worked for four separate start-ups, two of which went public and it wasn’t enough to elevate him out of the middle class.

Of course, looking back, I’m sure he thinks his success was preordained and ALL due to his amazing talent and hard work. I never cease to be amazed at the brass balls that right wingers who’ve ‘made it’ display to the rest of the world.

Awaiting your hate...
Yeah, he didnt build that. Somewhere he had a teacher or mentor. His employees went to work on roads someoene else paid for. He was protected by the military that someone else volunteered for. Sing it for us, Lizzie.

Back in the real world, people who are successful worked hard for it. I've seen it over and over. I never met one successful person who didnt work his ass off. If you worked your ass off and werent successful maybe it's because you're stupid?

Pretending that successful people "didn't earn that" takes the sting out of a person's own failures, I reckon.

Undeniable fact of life, MOST people would not make the trade required to be extremely successful.

Most would never want to work that hard.
Undeniable fact of life, MOST people would not make the trade required to be extremely successful.

Most would never want to work that hard.
There’s a certain poster on this board who seems to enjoy spending his fabulous retirement chiding others about their ‘little lives’. And because he made a bunch of money with Microsoft in the early days, he feels entitled to do it. Problem is, he was lucky.

Bill Gates didn’t know the company would explode so there’s no way in hell he could have. Gates was the lucky guy who was in the right place at the right time for a profound paradigm shift. And it didn’t hurt that he was an unscrupulous weasel either. This other guy was along for the ride.

He’ll rightfully claim that he worked hard during that time. Big deal. A lot of people work hard. I work hard. I’ve had years worth of 60, 70, 80+ hour work weeks and while I’m comfortable, I’m not all that comfortable. My brother-in-law has worked for four separate start-ups, two of which went public and it wasn’t enough to elevate him out of the middle class.

Of course, looking back, I’m sure he thinks his success was preordained and ALL due to his amazing talent and hard work. I never cease to be amazed at the brass balls that right wingers who’ve ‘made it’ display to the rest of the world.

Awaiting your hate...
Yeah, he didnt build that. Somewhere he had a teacher or mentor. His employees went to work on roads someoene else paid for. He was protected by the military that someone else volunteered for. Sing it for us, Lizzie.

Back in the real world, people who are successful worked hard for it. I've seen it over and over. I never met one successful person who didnt work his ass off. If you worked your ass off and werent successful maybe it's because you're stupid?

Yes, hard work is necessary but not sufficient. And no rich person would have what they have without the hard work of others either.
What I find amusing is that people who work hard and make the effort to succeed and who accomplish it are trashed while people who make no effort are proclaimed victims of a unjust society. The only true failure is failure to try this nation can and does offer everyone equal opportunity to succeed but it can't promise equal results if you feel there is another country you could do better in go for it.
What I find amusing is that people who work hard and make the effort to succeed and who accomplish it are trashed while people who make no effort are proclaimed victims of a unjust society. The only true failure is failure to try this nation can and does offer everyone equal opportunity to succeed but it can't promise equal results if you feel there is another country you could do better in go for it.

I'm all for people being successful. Where it goes south is when they adopt this arrogant attitude that everyone could be similarly successful if they'd only work harder. They completely discount the role of luck in the equation.
There’s a certain poster on this board who seems to enjoy spending his fabulous retirement chiding others about their ‘little lives’. And because he made a bunch of money with Microsoft in the early days, he feels entitled to do it. Problem is, he was lucky.

Bill Gates didn’t know the company would explode so there’s no way in hell he could have. Gates was the lucky guy who was in the right place at the right time for a profound paradigm shift. And it didn’t hurt that he was an unscrupulous weasel either. This other guy was along for the ride.

He’ll rightfully claim that he worked hard during that time. Big deal. A lot of people work hard. I work hard. I’ve had years worth of 60, 70, 80+ hour work weeks and while I’m comfortable, I’m not all that comfortable. My brother-in-law has worked for four separate start-ups, two of which went public and it wasn’t enough to elevate him out of the middle class.

Of course, looking back, I’m sure he thinks his success was preordained and ALL due to his amazing talent and hard work. I never cease to be amazed at the brass balls that right wingers who’ve ‘made it’ display to the rest of the world.

Awaiting your hate...

Bill Gates as well as Steve Jobs, each used their creative abilities to search for a need and worked towards providing a solution to meet with that demand. Those with enough ingenuity to developed a product and CREATE consumer demand (such as the iPhone, iTunes, iPad, or in the case of Bill Gates develop a computer software like Microsoft), did so starting with their own personal financial investment and risk, their employees shared in NO personal risk to establish the company on the road to success. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs invested their personal time to build their companies and sacrificed to ensure it's success at a moment when there wasn't much profit but only simply an idea to build towards, their employees didn't do that. The government didn't create those products or supplied the finances. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs used their ingenuity to develop a product that created demand that supplied the need towards further employment opportunities for others to benefit from their ideas, the government didn't do that either.

Liberals want to jump on the success of others, only when the hard work needed to initially establish the company has already been achieved. They will risk none of their own personal finances, and they won't be found when they must do the hard labor to simply follow after an uncertain idea, when the profits aren't guaranteed and the risk of losing it all is at it's peak. They will suck onto a well establish company like a blood sucking leech, through the labor of "convenience" and "comfort", when they have nothing to lose for themselves.
Life isn't fair and the merit system we have is the best on earth.

Changing it would just hurt someone.
What I find amusing is that people who work hard and make the effort to succeed and who accomplish it are trashed while people who make no effort are proclaimed victims of a unjust society. The only true failure is failure to try this nation can and does offer everyone equal opportunity to succeed but it can't promise equal results if you feel there is another country you could do better in go for it.

I'm all for people being successful. Where it goes south is when they adopt this arrogant attitude that everyone could be similarly successful if they'd only work harder. They completely discount the role of luck in the equation.

so if you made the same business choicee you would have failed? No, he just made themright choices and probably did thkngs most people dont want to do

work over 8 hours a day
sell to people most people HATE sales
learn his product and his job

lets face it, digging ditches is working hard, but its also mentally easy and alot of people opt for that instead of and this is the key......trying something that may have a large chance of failure.

most people would rather have a stable paycheck, instead of starting a business. Business are tough to run effectively and if you can, youll get rich, if not youre an employee and probably wont
There’s a certain poster on this board who seems to enjoy spending his fabulous retirement chiding others about their ‘little lives’. And because he made a bunch of money with Microsoft in the early days, he feels entitled to do it. Problem is, he was lucky.

Bill Gates didn’t know the company would explode so there’s no way in hell he could have. Gates was the lucky guy who was in the right place at the right time for a profound paradigm shift. And it didn’t hurt that he was an unscrupulous weasel either. This other guy was along for the ride.

He’ll rightfully claim that he worked hard during that time. Big deal. A lot of people work hard. I work hard. I’ve had years worth of 60, 70, 80+ hour work weeks and while I’m comfortable, I’m not all that comfortable. My brother-in-law has worked for four separate start-ups, two of which went public and it wasn’t enough to elevate him out of the middle class.

Of course, looking back, I’m sure he thinks his success was preordained and ALL due to his amazing talent and hard work. I never cease to be amazed at the brass balls that right wingers who’ve ‘made it’ display to the rest of the world.

Awaiting your hate...

Bill Gates as well as Steve Jobs, each used their creative abilities to search for a need and worked towards providing a solution to meet with that demand. Those with enough ingenuity to developed a product and CREATE consumer demand (such as the iPhone, iTunes, iPad, or in the case of Bill Gates develop a computer software like Microsoft), did so starting with their own personal financial investment and risk, their employees shared in NO personal risk to establish the company on the road to success. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs invested their personal time to build their companies and sacrificed to ensure it's success at a moment when there wasn't much profit but only simply an idea to build towards, their employees didn't do that. The government didn't create those products or supplied the finances. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs used their ingenuity to develop a product that created demand that supplied the need towards further employment opportunities for others to benefit from their ideas, the government didn't do that either.

Liberals want to jump on the success of others, only when the hard work needed to initially establish the company has already been achieved. They will risk none of their own personal finances, and they won't be found when they must do the hard labor to simply follow after an uncertain idea, when the profits aren't guaranteed and the risk of losing it all is at it's peak. They will suck onto a well establish company like a blood sucking leech, through the labor of "convenience" and "comfort", when they have nothing to lose for themselves.

I generally respect the founders of businesses. Bill Gates is probably an exception because I remember so vividly the blatant IP theft and legal wrangling that led to his success but he's an anomaly. I have much less respect for the type of corporate parasites that insert themselves into well established corporations and proceed to divert the lion's share of profits to themselves.

As for the guy who inspired this thread, he sounds like a bean counter at best but viewing his success in retrospect, he has adopted an attitude of arrogance that I can't abide.
There’s a certain poster on this board who seems to enjoy spending his fabulous retirement chiding others about their ‘little lives’. And because he made a bunch of money with Microsoft in the early days, he feels entitled to do it. Problem is, he was lucky.

Bill Gates didn’t know the company would explode so there’s no way in hell he could have. Gates was the lucky guy who was in the right place at the right time for a profound paradigm shift. And it didn’t hurt that he was an unscrupulous weasel either. This other guy was along for the ride.

He’ll rightfully claim that he worked hard during that time. Big deal. A lot of people work hard. I work hard. I’ve had years worth of 60, 70, 80+ hour work weeks and while I’m comfortable, I’m not all that comfortable. My brother-in-law has worked for four separate start-ups, two of which went public and it wasn’t enough to elevate him out of the middle class.

Of course, looking back, I’m sure he thinks his success was preordained and ALL due to his amazing talent and hard work. I never cease to be amazed at the brass balls that right wingers who’ve ‘made it’ display to the rest of the world.

Awaiting your hate...

Bill Gates as well as Steve Jobs, each used their creative abilities to search for a need and worked towards providing a solution to meet with that demand. Those with enough ingenuity to developed a product and CREATE consumer demand (such as the iPhone, iTunes, iPad, or in the case of Bill Gates develop a computer software like Microsoft), did so starting with their own personal financial investment and risk, their employees shared in NO personal risk to establish the company on the road to success. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs invested their personal time to build their companies and sacrificed to ensure it's success at a moment when there wasn't much profit but only simply an idea to build towards, their employees didn't do that. The government didn't create those products or supplied the finances. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs used their ingenuity to develop a product that created demand that supplied the need towards further employment opportunities for others to benefit from their ideas, the government didn't do that either.

Liberals want to jump on the success of others, only when the hard work needed to initially establish the company has already been achieved. They will risk none of their own personal finances, and they won't be found when they must do the hard labor to simply follow after an uncertain idea, when the profits aren't guaranteed and the risk of losing it all is at it's peak. They will suck onto a well establish company like a blood sucking leech, through the labor of "convenience" and "comfort", when they have nothing to lose for themselves.

I generally respect the founders of businesses. Bill Gates is probably an exception because I remember so vividly the blatant IP theft and legal wrangling that led to his success but he's an anomaly. I have much less respect for the type of corporate parasites that insert themselves into well established corporations and proceed to divert the lion's share of profits to themselves.

As for the guy who inspired this thread, he sounds like a bean counter at best but viewing his success in retrospect, he has adopted an attitude of arrogance that I can't abide.

I believe if you want to profit from a company's growing success, you absolutely need to invest in some personal risk of your own like those who initially founded it. No risk, no reward.
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Pretending that successful people "didn't earn that" takes the sting out of a person's own failures, I reckon.


Excellent summation of the attitude behind the OP. The Left is constantly seeking to convince itself the people they rob deserve to be robbed.

Pretending that successful people "didn't earn that" takes the sting out of a person's own failures, I reckon.


He doesn't seem to be a failure. And you are intentionally ignoring his point.

Pretending that successful people "didn't earn that" takes the sting out of a person's own failures, I reckon.


Excellent summation of the attitude behind the OP. The Left is constantly seeking to convince itself the people they rob deserve to be robbed.

Butt backwards. Who exactly does the "left" rob?

people with money, especially nonbackers of this president, somehow those rich escape taxes and the wrath of people like you

how about we all pay the same taxes. I still dont see why because you make more, you pay mlre, that defeats the purpose of making more

liberals dont like laws applying equally unless youre gay
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