Sue gets a GOP get out of hell card to play with vote for witness....LOLOL

Back to "Russia, Russia, Russia!", how incredibly sad.
When they take over this country, lets then talk, cause its a comin, comrad
SO incredibly sad..........This one appears to be stuck on stupid.

Probably a white leftist pretending to be an angry dysfunctional black. :D Lol!
Leave it to Honky to challenge anything that don't reekkkk of stupid, clueless and or ignorant like
SO very stupid, SO extremely sad..........
I will say this until I'm blue in the fuckin face...anything that supports Trump that insults me, automatically your rendered a non fuckin factor, understand? So save your insults for somebody that gives a damn, I don't!!
When they take over this country, lets then talk, cause its a comin, comrad
SO incredibly sad..........This one appears to be stuck on stupid.

Probably a white leftist pretending to be an angry dysfunctional black. :D Lol!
You NEVER know. Some have postulated that IM2, probably THE most racist poster on this site, is actually white.
Listen, the days of white skin being hailed as supreme is over, so call me late for dinner, payday or a party, but the ultimate insult is to be called white.....don't make me gag

You're white and nerdy. Lol!
Thems fightin words, don't make me get a wet noodle and smack you around...LOLOLOLO
When they take over this country, lets then talk, cause its a comin, comrad
SO incredibly sad..........This one appears to be stuck on stupid.

Probably a white leftist pretending to be an angry dysfunctional black. :D Lol!
Leave it to Honky to challenge anything that don't reekkkk of stupid, clueless and or ignorant like
SO very stupid, SO extremely sad..........
I will say this until I'm blue in the fuckin face...anything that supports Trump that insults me, automatically your rendered a non fuckin factor, understand? So save your insults for somebody that gives a damn, I don't!!
Here comes the profanity again, SO pathetic and SO sad.............
SO incredibly sad..........This one appears to be stuck on stupid.

Probably a white leftist pretending to be an angry dysfunctional black. :D Lol!
You NEVER know. Some have postulated that IM2, probably THE most racist poster on this site, is actually white.
Listen, the days of white skin being hailed as supreme is over, so call me late for dinner, payday or a party, but the ultimate insult is to be called white.....don't make me gag

You're white and nerdy. Lol!
Thems fightin words, don't make me get a wet noodle and smack you around...LOLOLOLO

Ohh. You are the wet noodle. A white wet noodle.
When they take over this country, lets then talk, cause its a comin, comrad
SO incredibly sad..........This one appears to be stuck on stupid.

Probably a white leftist pretending to be an angry dysfunctional black. :D Lol!
Leave it to Honky to challenge anything that don't reekkkk of stupid, clueless and or ignorant like
SO very stupid, SO extremely sad..........
I will say this until I'm blue in the fuckin face...anything that supports Trump that insults me, automatically your rendered a non fuckin factor, understand? So save your insults for somebody that gives a damn, I don't!!

Is Obamacare Hurting African Americans?
Probably a white leftist pretending to be an angry dysfunctional black. :D Lol!
You NEVER know. Some have postulated that IM2, probably THE most racist poster on this site, is actually white.
Listen, the days of white skin being hailed as supreme is over, so call me late for dinner, payday or a party, but the ultimate insult is to be called white.....don't make me gag

You're white and nerdy. Lol!
Thems fightin words, don't make me get a wet noodle and smack you around...LOLOLOLO

Ohh. You are the wet noodle. A white wet noodle.
I DON'T think this one is going to give up on this thread. It's probably because NO ONE has responded to her other thread she started after this one. It's just hilarious how she drones on with her nonsense!
There are a lot of brain dead blacks out here, happy to have a 12 buck an hour jobssssss, but somebody got to support ww, eh?

Last week, Wal-Mart, the country’s largest private employer of Blacks, announced it will be cutting health insurance for about 30,000 part-time employees and increasing premiums for other employees. In Arkansas, Blue Cross Blue Shield will be dropping about 4,000 Medicare customers due to “government regulations.”

This is the exact opposite of what the Affordable Care Act (ACA) promised.

Blacks are 55 percent more likely to be without health insurance than Whites. The ACA was sold as the solution to our crippling healthcare system. The ACA was supposed to give more Americans access to affordable, quality health insurance, and reduce the growing healthcare spending in the U.S.
Walmart is losing business to Amazon, like welcome to America, eh? But here's the deal, Wallyworld, is a multi billion dollar venue and can afford healthcare for all its employees, so if what you say is true, typical big business whining about losing mega profits and wants the TRump nuts to help keep them mega rich....girl stop drinking the Big biz koolaide.
You NEVER know. Some have postulated that IM2, probably THE most racist poster on this site, is actually white.
Listen, the days of white skin being hailed as supreme is over, so call me late for dinner, payday or a party, but the ultimate insult is to be called white.....don't make me gag

You're white and nerdy. Lol!
Thems fightin words, don't make me get a wet noodle and smack you around...LOLOLOLO

Ohh. You are the wet noodle. A white wet noodle.
I DON'T think this one is going to give up on this thread. It's probably because NO ONE has responded to her other thread she started after this one. It's just hilarious how she drones on with her nonsense!
And why are you and the other loser here? Pot meet fuckin kettle you stupid white fuck head!! LOLOLO and just for the record, achive me if you like.....I make this site worthy!!
SO incredibly sad..........This one appears to be stuck on stupid.

Probably a white leftist pretending to be an angry dysfunctional black. :D Lol!
Leave it to Honky to challenge anything that don't reekkkk of stupid, clueless and or ignorant like
SO very stupid, SO extremely sad..........
I will say this until I'm blue in the fuckin face...anything that supports Trump that insults me, automatically your rendered a non fuckin factor, understand? So save your insults for somebody that gives a damn, I don't!!

Is Obamacare Hurting African Americans?
Hey white trash affordable healthcare has always been an issue among blacks,,,,,long before remind me of what you white fucks have done about it lately? Oh, I know, you haven't done sht cause you don't care and its
Listen, the days of white skin being hailed as supreme is over, so call me late for dinner, payday or a party, but the ultimate insult is to be called white.....don't make me gag

You're white and nerdy. Lol!
Thems fightin words, don't make me get a wet noodle and smack you around...LOLOLOLO

Ohh. You are the wet noodle. A white wet noodle.
I DON'T think this one is going to give up on this thread. It's probably because NO ONE has responded to her other thread she started after this one. It's just hilarious how she drones on with her nonsense!
And why are you and the other loser here? Pot meet fuckin kettle you stupid white fuck head!! LOLOLO and just for the record, achive me if you like.....I make this site worthy!!
And the profanity continues and she misspells the word "archive". Just incredibly stupid and incredibly sad.........
SO incredibly sad..........This one appears to be stuck on stupid.

Probably a white leftist pretending to be an angry dysfunctional black. :D Lol!
You NEVER know. Some have postulated that IM2, probably THE most racist poster on this site, is actually white.
Listen, the days of white skin being hailed as supreme is over, so call me late for dinner, payday or a party, but the ultimate insult is to be called white.....don't make me gag

You're white and nerdy. Lol!
Thems fightin words, don't make me get a wet noodle and smack you around...LOLOLOLO

This result persists after we control for the state of the economy, the demographics of workers, and control for other factors (such as technological change) that might contribute to elevated levels of involuntary part-time work. We believe this provides strong evidence that the ACA penalties have caused a shift to IPT employment. The empirical analysis indicates that the ACA employer mandate had a quantitatively important impact on IPT employment. Our estimates suggest that about 700,000 workers without a college degree are engaged in IPT employment because of the ACA and that nearly one third of IPT employment in 2015 is due to the ACA mandate. While these estimated effects are relatively large as a share of IPT employment, they are modest in comparison to the findings of Dillender, Heinrich, and Houseman (2016b).
Probably a white leftist pretending to be an angry dysfunctional black. :D Lol!
Leave it to Honky to challenge anything that don't reekkkk of stupid, clueless and or ignorant like
SO very stupid, SO extremely sad..........
I will say this until I'm blue in the fuckin face...anything that supports Trump that insults me, automatically your rendered a non fuckin factor, understand? So save your insults for somebody that gives a damn, I don't!!

Is Obamacare Hurting African Americans?
Hey white trash affordable healthcare has always been an issue among blacks,,,,,long before remind me of what you white fucks have done about it lately? Oh, I know, you haven't done sht cause you don't care and its

Is Obamacare Hurting African Americans?

Why it is that 41 million Americans are still uninsured and opted to pay the penalty instead of sign-up for the Affordable Care Act? Where are the options that will drastically decrease the number of uninsured Americans? Where is affordable health care?

Poor or wealthy, we all are affected by Americans without health insurance.

Besides President Bush’s plan, several conservatives presented healthcare bills in 2007, such as the Ten Steps, Transform Health Care in America Act, Every American Insured Health Act, and the Healthy Americans Act. These bills proposed keeping young adults under the age of 26 on their parents’ healthcare plan and reducing the ability of insurance companies to deny coverage to those with pre-existing conditions. Not to mention, these proposals had Republican and Democratic co-sponsors.

Last November, Bowie State University, one of the oldest historically black colleges and universities in America, announced they were cancelling a school-wide health care plan for students. Their reason—the ACA. In order to comply with the ACA’s regulations, the price per student each semester would jump from $50 to $900. You read right. And, that would mean $1800 per student each year. Where is the support President Obama and the White House promised
HBCUs? Why are our students lacking the healthcare they need and deserve?

President Obama also said, “What happens is, you don’t have health insurance, you go to the emergency room.” He touted the ACA as a way to decrease emergency room visits, and in turn provide cost savings. Instead, according to USA Today, hospitals across the nation are experiencing an increase in Medicaid patients using emergency rooms. Sadly, increased use of ERs could prevent timely care to the people who need it most due to longer wait times and processing.

Conservatives have presented alternatives such as opening borders to increase competition and allow markets to push down prices, health savings accounts, and improving the affordability of insurance for low-income individuals. These are viable options that should be discussed in Congress and in our communities.
Probably a white leftist pretending to be an angry dysfunctional black. :D Lol!
Leave it to Honky to challenge anything that don't reekkkk of stupid, clueless and or ignorant like
SO very stupid, SO extremely sad..........
I will say this until I'm blue in the fuckin face...anything that supports Trump that insults me, automatically your rendered a non fuckin factor, understand? So save your insults for somebody that gives a damn, I don't!!

Is Obamacare Hurting African Americans?
Hey white trash affordable healthcare has always been an issue among blacks,,,,,long before remind me of what you white fucks have done about it lately? Oh, I know, you haven't done sht cause you don't care and its

God, you are so illiterate and so dumb and a perfect symptom of what is wrong with America today.
Probably a white leftist pretending to be an angry dysfunctional black. :D Lol!
You NEVER know. Some have postulated that IM2, probably THE most racist poster on this site, is actually white.
Listen, the days of white skin being hailed as supreme is over, so call me late for dinner, payday or a party, but the ultimate insult is to be called white.....don't make me gag

You're white and nerdy. Lol!
Thems fightin words, don't make me get a wet noodle and smack you around...LOLOLOLO

This result persists after we control for the state of the economy, the demographics of workers, and control for other factors (such as technological change) that might contribute to elevated levels of involuntary part-time work. We believe this provides strong evidence that the ACA penalties have caused a shift to IPT employment. The empirical analysis indicates that the ACA employer mandate had a quantitatively important impact on IPT employment. Our estimates suggest that about 700,000 workers without a college degree are engaged in IPT employment because of the ACA and that nearly one third of IPT employment in 2015 is due to the ACA mandate. While these estimated effects are relatively large as a share of IPT employment, they are modest in comparison to the findings of Dillender, Heinrich, and Houseman (2016b).
I believe it's time to stop responding to this one. She's just incredibly brainwashed beyond ANY help. Please join with me and DON'T respond to her anymore. She'll be stuck with responding to herself on this dreadful series of posts. I'm done with this thread.
You NEVER know. Some have postulated that IM2, probably THE most racist poster on this site, is actually white.
Listen, the days of white skin being hailed as supreme is over, so call me late for dinner, payday or a party, but the ultimate insult is to be called white.....don't make me gag

You're white and nerdy. Lol!
Thems fightin words, don't make me get a wet noodle and smack you around...LOLOLOLO

This result persists after we control for the state of the economy, the demographics of workers, and control for other factors (such as technological change) that might contribute to elevated levels of involuntary part-time work. We believe this provides strong evidence that the ACA penalties have caused a shift to IPT employment. The empirical analysis indicates that the ACA employer mandate had a quantitatively important impact on IPT employment. Our estimates suggest that about 700,000 workers without a college degree are engaged in IPT employment because of the ACA and that nearly one third of IPT employment in 2015 is due to the ACA mandate. While these estimated effects are relatively large as a share of IPT employment, they are modest in comparison to the findings of Dillender, Heinrich, and Houseman (2016b).
I believe it's time to stop responding to this one. She's just incredibly brainwashed beyond ANY help. Please join with me and DON'T respond to her anymore. She'll be stuck with responding to herself on this dreadful series of posts. I'm done with this thread.

Me too. It's past my bedtime! Lol! Have a good rest of your night!
Susan Collins Says She’ll Vote For Witnesses In Trump Impeachment Trial
The Maine Republican broke from her party to support hearing from witnesses in the case against the president
Susan Collins Says She'll Vote For Witnesses In Trump Impeachment Trial | HuffPost

Realizing they have the votes to acquit our sitting criminal in the white house, the GOP has given Shaky Sue the wobbling boob, a get out of Trump hell play card.....just for her voters and to save her sorry white ass.

Its a gotdamn shame this country has now made it okay for foreigners to litterally take over our elections and give us who they want as president and white flag waving apple pie choking trash is okay with it, as long as they get to keep their Mexican wall, good paying jobs from China, better and cheaper healthcare and those huge tax cuts for the rich in thier paychecks......which by the way is still pending from the Nazi leader.

You really hate America. Damn shame.
Correction. I am a 10 year Navy veteran, a tax paying citizen, community participator who hates down to the white meat, poor white trash cans that support evil...shoot me, will ya!! lololololo
So you hate white Hillary for giving Russia 20% of America's uranium resources, but not black Barack who gave Russia 6 of Alaska's Aleutian Islands, which are known to have a trillion dollars' worth of oil and gas between them.

Okay. you just hate white people, then, is that what you're saying?
If what you say is true, that adds up to 26%, now compare that to 100% of our elections now being ran by foreigners, 100% of our moral standing around the world completely gone and 100% of whites in this country dead from the neck up....some trade off, eh?
I frankly do not care what people around the world think of us, because every day an American gives his life for others somewhere. You read too many political talking points. Australia ordered flags flown at half mast to let their families and our country know of their high regards for the firefighrer's service in helping them contain some of those heinous fires.
Susan Collins Says She’ll Vote For Witnesses In Trump Impeachment Trial
The Maine Republican broke from her party to support hearing from witnesses in the case against the president
Susan Collins Says She'll Vote For Witnesses In Trump Impeachment Trial | HuffPost

Realizing they have the votes to acquit our sitting criminal in the white house, the GOP has given Shaky Sue the wobbling boob, a get out of Trump hell play card.....just for her voters and to save her sorry white ass.

Its a gotdamn shame this country has now made it okay for foreigners to litterally take over our elections and give us who they want as president and white flag waving apple pie choking trash is okay with it, as long as they get to keep their Mexican wall, good paying jobs from China, better and cheaper healthcare and those huge tax cuts for the rich in thier paychecks......which by the way is still pending from the Nazi leader.

You really hate America. Damn shame.
Correction. I am a 10 year Navy veteran, a tax paying citizen, community participator who hates down to the white meat, poor white trash cans that support evil...shoot me, will ya!! lololololo

Somehow, in the deep recess of their minds, they came up with the idea that Veterans blindly follow Rumps ass. You and I both know we don't. Trying to make us follow one person is like trying to herd cats. There are some that do support Rump with their very fiber but I am not one of them. I keep seeing him steal from us on a daily basis to spend money or give tax breaks to others that didn't pay the price. I guess other Veterans see it differently but like I said, it's like herding cats.
Susan Collins Says She’ll Vote For Witnesses In Trump Impeachment Trial
The Maine Republican broke from her party to support hearing from witnesses in the case against the president
Susan Collins Says She'll Vote For Witnesses In Trump Impeachment Trial | HuffPost

Realizing they have the votes to acquit our sitting criminal in the white house, the GOP has given Shaky Sue the wobbling boob, a get out of Trump hell play card.....just for her voters and to save her sorry white ass.

Its a gotdamn shame this country has now made it okay for foreigners to litterally take over our elections and give us who they want as president and white flag waving apple pie choking trash is okay with it, as long as they get to keep their Mexican wall, good paying jobs from China, better and cheaper healthcare and those huge tax cuts for the rich in thier paychecks......which by the way is still pending from the Nazi leader.

You really hate America. Damn shame.
Correction. I am a 10 year Navy veteran, a tax paying citizen, community participator who hates down to the white meat, poor white trash cans that support evil...shoot me, will ya!! lololololo
So you hate white Hillary for giving Russia 20% of America's uranium resources, but not black Barack who gave Russia 6 of Alaska's Aleutian Islands, which are known to have a trillion dollars' worth of oil and gas between them. Oh, and Barack didn't bother to tell officials in the State of Alaska of his giveaway one of their state's oil reserve areas and their state property. I didn't know how acceptable theft was based on race. Oh, and point person Hillary received $2,000,000 at the Clinton Library Foundation from a grateful Russia, a foundation which has been closed down now, because she put all that money in her campaign coffers to pay people to lie to get her elected, lie about Trump, and buy an insurance policy to get Trump impeached and rendered unworthy in case by some small chance he won the election, which happened in spite of her shenanigans to make him look like the Russian collaborator to get him impeached and disgraced, and bought and paid for spy services of Englishman Steele, who did as told in peddling her 100% fictional story about Trump jumping on the bed with 2 prostitutes, who all peed on the bed in a Russian VIP hotel where poor, sweet Hillary had slept at some time before, the poor little victim of Orange Man Bad. And you never saw such outrage from newscasters who made hay with that little calumny to "get Trump". So you're helping, hm? lol

Okay. you just hate white people, then, is that what you're saying?

Susan Collins Says She’ll Vote For Witnesses In Trump Impeachment Trial
The Maine Republican broke from her party to support hearing from witnesses in the case against the president
Susan Collins Says She'll Vote For Witnesses In Trump Impeachment Trial | HuffPost

Realizing they have the votes to acquit our sitting criminal in the white house, the GOP has given Shaky Sue the wobbling boob, a get out of Trump hell play card.....just for her voters and to save her sorry white ass.

Its a gotdamn shame this country has now made it okay for foreigners to litterally take over our elections and give us who they want as president and white flag waving apple pie choking trash is okay with it, as long as they get to keep their Mexican wall, good paying jobs from China, better and cheaper healthcare and those huge tax cuts for the rich in thier paychecks......which by the way is still pending from the Nazi leader.

Its a gotdamn shame this country has now made it okay for foreigners to litterally take over our elections and give us who they want as president

I agree, Clinton should have gone to jail for taking Chinese campaign funds in 1996.
And the GOP contract with america house and senate handed over our economy to them the next year and?

And the GOP contract with america house and senate handed over our economy to them the next year and?

Cool story. Now explain your fevered fantasy.

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