Sue gets a GOP get out of hell card to play with vote for witness....LOLOL

African American voters will be hard-pressed to justify casting their ballots for a Democrat next year. In just under three years, we’ve made incredible progress thanks to President Trump’s common-sense policies.

Despite the socialist Democrats’ ongoing campaign to obstruct Donald Trump’s economic agenda, the president has kept his core promise to our community. By eliminating job-killing regulations and cutting taxes for the middle class, he has given millions of African Americans a chance to thrive in a strong and growing economy.

Since Donald Trump’s inauguration, the U.S. economy has created a whopping 1,017,000 new jobs for African Americans, including many right here in Ohio. Today, the national black unemployment rate is at an all-time low of 5.5 percent. Unemployment for black women is even lower, at just 4.4 percent. More importantly, the overall black-white employment gap is smaller than it has ever been. It is great to see so many African American men and women back in the workforce — more than ever before, in fact.

Trump helping black communities thrive - Delaware Gazette
Firts of all, I nor anybody should believe anything coming from a conservative venue nor the white house, so anything you say concerning that.....not
This one is beyond help. Quite sad.

Hell, if they are happy with the status quo, I guess they are going to stick with it! They can keep bitching, the dem party can keep treating them as victims of "republican policy." The dumb are going to be dumb.
She just started ANOTHER anti-Republican, anti-Trump thread. What a loon!
The thread is actually urging the Dems to take over the Senate again! But the inference to "corrupt" Republicans is in the title of her thread.

Notice how it skedaddled when I posted all the good things Trump has been doing for the black community? ;)
Yep. The brainwashed Democratic blacks in our country don't WANT to admit how good he HAS been to the black community. They just shut out the truth and stick to their plantation thinking.

Sure, some of them do, but the article I quoted in this thread is written by a very intelligent black man who sees through the democratic lies and does not want to go back to the democratic plantation.


I don't know if this triggered person who started this thread is actually an African American. Might be, might not be. Might be a white leftist or even a Mexican. Lol!
I hate that you don't think I'm white, BUT I KNOW FOR A FUCKIN FACT YOU CONSERVATIVE ASS HO'S HERE ARE PURE CLEAR DOWN TO THE WHITE MEAT, WHITE. Cause if its dumb, numb to facts and support Trump, gotta be.

So, what has the democrat or independent done to help the black community, close the wage/employment gap and lift black people out of poverty?
African American voters will be hard-pressed to justify casting their ballots for a Democrat next year. In just under three years, we’ve made incredible progress thanks to President Trump’s common-sense policies.

Despite the socialist Democrats’ ongoing campaign to obstruct Donald Trump’s economic agenda, the president has kept his core promise to our community. By eliminating job-killing regulations and cutting taxes for the middle class, he has given millions of African Americans a chance to thrive in a strong and growing economy.

Since Donald Trump’s inauguration, the U.S. economy has created a whopping 1,017,000 new jobs for African Americans, including many right here in Ohio. Today, the national black unemployment rate is at an all-time low of 5.5 percent. Unemployment for black women is even lower, at just 4.4 percent. More importantly, the overall black-white employment gap is smaller than it has ever been. It is great to see so many African American men and women back in the workforce — more than ever before, in fact.

Trump helping black communities thrive - Delaware Gazette
Firts of all, I nor anybody should believe anything coming from a conservative venue nor the white house, so anything you say concerning that.....not

So . . . since you are back, you can answer the question. What have the democrats or the independents done to help the black community, to close the wage/unemployment gap, to help lift black people out of poverty? Hmm?
President Obama enacted the fair wage act to help women, which Trump dismantled. He made it so salaried people get paid OT wages, which Trump dismantled, he gave us ACA, which lowered my premiums, which Trump is trying to destroy, he regained our support and allegence with our allies, which Trump has destroyed, he kept Putin at bay with Ukraine, which Trump has distroyed, and had he the support of the GOP lead senate, he could have done much more.
African American voters will be hard-pressed to justify casting their ballots for a Democrat next year. In just under three years, we’ve made incredible progress thanks to President Trump’s common-sense policies.

Despite the socialist Democrats’ ongoing campaign to obstruct Donald Trump’s economic agenda, the president has kept his core promise to our community. By eliminating job-killing regulations and cutting taxes for the middle class, he has given millions of African Americans a chance to thrive in a strong and growing economy.

Since Donald Trump’s inauguration, the U.S. economy has created a whopping 1,017,000 new jobs for African Americans, including many right here in Ohio. Today, the national black unemployment rate is at an all-time low of 5.5 percent. Unemployment for black women is even lower, at just 4.4 percent. More importantly, the overall black-white employment gap is smaller than it has ever been. It is great to see so many African American men and women back in the workforce — more than ever before, in fact.

Trump helping black communities thrive - Delaware Gazette
Firts of all, I nor anybody should believe anything coming from a conservative venue nor the white house, so anything you say concerning that.....not
This one is beyond help. Quite sad.
I'm beyond HELP?? This coming from white mf's who think Trump is a hero and honest??? Get the fuck outta here!!
African American voters will be hard-pressed to justify casting their ballots for a Democrat next year. In just under three years, we’ve made incredible progress thanks to President Trump’s common-sense policies.

Despite the socialist Democrats’ ongoing campaign to obstruct Donald Trump’s economic agenda, the president has kept his core promise to our community. By eliminating job-killing regulations and cutting taxes for the middle class, he has given millions of African Americans a chance to thrive in a strong and growing economy.

Since Donald Trump’s inauguration, the U.S. economy has created a whopping 1,017,000 new jobs for African Americans, including many right here in Ohio. Today, the national black unemployment rate is at an all-time low of 5.5 percent. Unemployment for black women is even lower, at just 4.4 percent. More importantly, the overall black-white employment gap is smaller than it has ever been. It is great to see so many African American men and women back in the workforce — more than ever before, in fact.

Trump helping black communities thrive - Delaware Gazette
Firts of all, I nor anybody should believe anything coming from a conservative venue nor the white house, so anything you say concerning that.....not
This one is beyond help. Quite sad.

Hell, if they are happy with the status quo, I guess they are going to stick with it! They can keep bitching, the dem party can keep treating them as victims of "republican policy." The dumb are going to be dumb.
Says a ww who supports a white racist that cages babies, lies on dime and grabs white bitches by the pussy while cheating on his pregnant wife...carry on sucker!!
There are a lot of brain dead blacks out here, happy to have a 12 buck an hour jobssssss, but somebody got to support ww, eh?
Susan Collins Says She’ll Vote For Witnesses In Trump Impeachment Trial
The Maine Republican broke from her party to support hearing from witnesses in the case against the president
Susan Collins Says She'll Vote For Witnesses In Trump Impeachment Trial | HuffPost

Realizing they have the votes to acquit our sitting criminal in the white house, the GOP has given Shaky Sue the wobbling boob, a get out of Trump hell play card.....just for her voters and to save her sorry white ass.

Its a gotdamn shame this country has now made it okay for foreigners to litterally take over our elections and give us who they want as president and white flag waving apple pie choking trash is okay with it, as long as they get to keep their Mexican wall, good paying jobs from China, better and cheaper healthcare and those huge tax cuts for the rich in thier paychecks......which by the way is still pending from the Nazi leader.

African American voters will be hard-pressed to justify casting their ballots for a Democrat next year. In just under three years, we’ve made incredible progress thanks to President Trump’s common-sense policies.

Despite the socialist Democrats’ ongoing campaign to obstruct Donald Trump’s economic agenda, the president has kept his core promise to our community. By eliminating job-killing regulations and cutting taxes for the middle class, he has given millions of African Americans a chance to thrive in a strong and growing economy.

Since Donald Trump’s inauguration, the U.S. economy has created a whopping 1,017,000 new jobs for African Americans, including many right here in Ohio. Today, the national black unemployment rate is at an all-time low of 5.5 percent. Unemployment for black women is even lower, at just 4.4 percent. More importantly, the overall black-white employment gap is smaller than it has ever been. It is great to see so many African American men and women back in the workforce — more than ever before, in fact.

Trump helping black communities thrive - Delaware Gazette
Firts of all, I nor anybody should believe anything coming from a conservative venue nor the white house, so anything you say concerning that.....not

So . . . since you are back, you can answer the question. What have the democrats or the independents done to help the black community, to close the wage/unemployment gap, to help lift black people out of poverty? Hmm?
President Obama enacted the fair wage act to help women, which Trump dismantled. He made it so salaried people get paid OT wages, which Trump dismantled, he gave us ACA, which lowered my premiums, which Trump is trying to destroy, he regained our support and allegence with our allies, which Trump has destroyed, he kept Putin at bay with Ukraine, which Trump has distroyed, and had he the support of the GOP lead senate, he could have done much more.

You are listening to democrats again!

The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 requires that full time employees whose jobs do not primarily involve executive, administrative or professional duties are paid at least 1.5 times their regular rate of pay if they work more than 40 hours in a week. Subject to certain exemptions, the standard also applies to every employee regardless of role who earns a salary below a certain threshold.

Today’s rule is the first successful update to the overtime regulations since 2004—when Facebook was launching and the economy as a whole looked pretty different. The department’s new rule will raise the current salary threshold of $23,660 a year by 50% as of 2020. After Jan. 1, 2020, all nonexempt employees who earn less than $35,568 a year will be entitled to time-and-a-half overtime pay, regardless of their duties.


Photo: iStock/Getty Images
The main beneficiaries of this higher overtime salary threshold will be people who did not go to college, rural Americans and older workers. Nearly 60% of workers over 25 who do not have a bachelor’s degree earn less than $35,000 a year, according to the Census Bureau. Similarly, a disproportionate percentage of rural workers and employees over 65 earn less than $35,000.

Opinion | More Overtime Pay May Be Coming Your Way
There are a lot of brain dead blacks out here, happy to have a 12 buck an hour jobssssss, but somebody got to support ww, eh?

Last week, Wal-Mart, the country’s largest private employer of Blacks, announced it will be cutting health insurance for about 30,000 part-time employees and increasing premiums for other employees. In Arkansas, Blue Cross Blue Shield will be dropping about 4,000 Medicare customers due to “government regulations.”

This is the exact opposite of what the Affordable Care Act (ACA) promised.

Blacks are 55 percent more likely to be without health insurance than Whites. The ACA was sold as the solution to our crippling healthcare system. The ACA was supposed to give more Americans access to affordable, quality health insurance, and reduce the growing healthcare spending in the U.S.
African American voters will be hard-pressed to justify casting their ballots for a Democrat next year. In just under three years, we’ve made incredible progress thanks to President Trump’s common-sense policies.

Despite the socialist Democrats’ ongoing campaign to obstruct Donald Trump’s economic agenda, the president has kept his core promise to our community. By eliminating job-killing regulations and cutting taxes for the middle class, he has given millions of African Americans a chance to thrive in a strong and growing economy.

Since Donald Trump’s inauguration, the U.S. economy has created a whopping 1,017,000 new jobs for African Americans, including many right here in Ohio. Today, the national black unemployment rate is at an all-time low of 5.5 percent. Unemployment for black women is even lower, at just 4.4 percent. More importantly, the overall black-white employment gap is smaller than it has ever been. It is great to see so many African American men and women back in the workforce — more than ever before, in fact.

Trump helping black communities thrive - Delaware Gazette
Firts of all, I nor anybody should believe anything coming from a conservative venue nor the white house, so anything you say concerning that.....not
This one is beyond help. Quite sad.

Hell, if they are happy with the status quo, I guess they are going to stick with it! They can keep bitching, the dem party can keep treating them as victims of "republican policy." The dumb are going to be dumb.
Says a ww who supports a white racist that cages babies, lies on dime and grabs white bitches by the pussy while cheating on his pregnant wife...carry on sucker!!

Who cares if he cheats on his wife? When are you going to realize that the democrats are LYING to you and using you for votes?
African American voters will be hard-pressed to justify casting their ballots for a Democrat next year. In just under three years, we’ve made incredible progress thanks to President Trump’s common-sense policies.

Despite the socialist Democrats’ ongoing campaign to obstruct Donald Trump’s economic agenda, the president has kept his core promise to our community. By eliminating job-killing regulations and cutting taxes for the middle class, he has given millions of African Americans a chance to thrive in a strong and growing economy.

Since Donald Trump’s inauguration, the U.S. economy has created a whopping 1,017,000 new jobs for African Americans, including many right here in Ohio. Today, the national black unemployment rate is at an all-time low of 5.5 percent. Unemployment for black women is even lower, at just 4.4 percent. More importantly, the overall black-white employment gap is smaller than it has ever been. It is great to see so many African American men and women back in the workforce — more than ever before, in fact.

Trump helping black communities thrive - Delaware Gazette
Firts of all, I nor anybody should believe anything coming from a conservative venue nor the white house, so anything you say concerning that.....not
This one is beyond help. Quite sad.

Hell, if they are happy with the status quo, I guess they are going to stick with it! They can keep bitching, the dem party can keep treating them as victims of "republican policy." The dumb are going to be dumb.
Says a ww who supports a white racist that cages babies, lies on dime and grabs white bitches by the pussy while cheating on his pregnant wife...carry on sucker!!
You ARE beyond help. Sad.
flag waving apple pie choking trash
Mexican wall
Nazi leader.

Sounds like Triggeref69 is getting all bent out of shape just like his steamed up fearless leader, Andy Schitt.

Look out for those Russians!

View attachment 303598 View attachment 303599 View attachment 303600 View attachment 303601 View attachment 303602 View attachment 303603

The Hunt For Red Biden
How many in that photo gave up top secret intel in the white house to any of those Russians? Trump did. How many completely dismantled, disavowed our entire intel community in support of a Russian dictator Putin? Trump did. How many got their wealth from Russian loans and refuse to release their taxes after 4 years of demands? Trump has. How many would rather believe a lying murdering dictator over their own countrymen? Trump will and has....Apple and oranges, ass ho's
African American voters will be hard-pressed to justify casting their ballots for a Democrat next year. In just under three years, we’ve made incredible progress thanks to President Trump’s common-sense policies.

Despite the socialist Democrats’ ongoing campaign to obstruct Donald Trump’s economic agenda, the president has kept his core promise to our community. By eliminating job-killing regulations and cutting taxes for the middle class, he has given millions of African Americans a chance to thrive in a strong and growing economy.

Since Donald Trump’s inauguration, the U.S. economy has created a whopping 1,017,000 new jobs for African Americans, including many right here in Ohio. Today, the national black unemployment rate is at an all-time low of 5.5 percent. Unemployment for black women is even lower, at just 4.4 percent. More importantly, the overall black-white employment gap is smaller than it has ever been. It is great to see so many African American men and women back in the workforce — more than ever before, in fact.

Trump helping black communities thrive - Delaware Gazette
Firts of all, I nor anybody should believe anything coming from a conservative venue nor the white house, so anything you say concerning that.....not
This one is beyond help. Quite sad.

Hell, if they are happy with the status quo, I guess they are going to stick with it! They can keep bitching, the dem party can keep treating them as victims of "republican policy." The dumb are going to be dumb.
Says a ww who supports a white racist that cages babies, lies on dime and grabs white bitches by the pussy while cheating on his pregnant wife...carry on sucker!!

Who cares if he cheats on his wife? When are you going to realize that the democrats are LYING to you and using you for votes?
Girl, lies? You really don't want touch that subject on lies, now do you? I'm gonna give you a pass bc your white stupid and scoot along and behave
There are a lot of brain dead blacks out here, happy to have a 12 buck an hour jobssssss, but somebody got to support ww, eh?

The consequences of ACA were that companies got rid of their full time employees and hired on more part time employees to avoid paying the costs associated with ACA! :aug08_031:
Link or shut the fuck up.....girl, don't confuse me with a fox watching GOP sucker....brain not dead here!!
flag waving apple pie choking trash
Mexican wall
Nazi leader.

Sounds like Triggeref69 is getting all bent out of shape just like his steamed up fearless leader, Andy Schitt.

Look out for those Russians!

View attachment 303598 View attachment 303599 View attachment 303600 View attachment 303601 View attachment 303602 View attachment 303603

The Hunt For Red Biden
How many in that photo gave up top secret intel in the white house to any of those Russians? Trump did. How many completely dismantled, disavowed our entire intel community in support of a Russian dictator Putin? Trump did. How many got their wealth from Russian loans and refuse to release their taxes after 4 years of demands? Trump has. How many would rather believe a lying murdering dictator over their own countrymen? Trump will and has....Apple and oranges, ass ho's
View attachment 303604View attachment 303605View attachment 303606
Back to "Russia, Russia, Russia!", how incredibly sad.
flag waving apple pie choking trash
Mexican wall
Nazi leader.

Sounds like Triggeref69 is getting all bent out of shape just like his steamed up fearless leader, Andy Schitt.

Look out for those Russians!

View attachment 303598 View attachment 303599 View attachment 303600 View attachment 303601 View attachment 303602 View attachment 303603

The Hunt For Red Biden
How many in that photo gave up top secret intel in the white house to any of those Russians? Trump did. How many completely dismantled, disavowed our entire intel community in support of a Russian dictator Putin? Trump did. How many got their wealth from Russian loans and refuse to release their taxes after 4 years of demands? Trump has. How many would rather believe a lying murdering dictator over their own countrymen? Trump will and has....Apple and oranges, ass ho's
View attachment 303604View attachment 303605View attachment 303606

OMG! Fake Russian memes to counter REAL arguments. You are a fool. Keep being a dumb fool and letting the democrats take advantage of you. Keep voting to keep yourselves in poverty. :cuckoo:
African American voters will be hard-pressed to justify casting their ballots for a Democrat next year. In just under three years, we’ve made incredible progress thanks to President Trump’s common-sense policies.

Despite the socialist Democrats’ ongoing campaign to obstruct Donald Trump’s economic agenda, the president has kept his core promise to our community. By eliminating job-killing regulations and cutting taxes for the middle class, he has given millions of African Americans a chance to thrive in a strong and growing economy.

Since Donald Trump’s inauguration, the U.S. economy has created a whopping 1,017,000 new jobs for African Americans, including many right here in Ohio. Today, the national black unemployment rate is at an all-time low of 5.5 percent. Unemployment for black women is even lower, at just 4.4 percent. More importantly, the overall black-white employment gap is smaller than it has ever been. It is great to see so many African American men and women back in the workforce — more than ever before, in fact.

Trump helping black communities thrive - Delaware Gazette
Firts of all, I nor anybody should believe anything coming from a conservative venue nor the white house, so anything you say concerning that.....not
This one is beyond help. Quite sad.

Hell, if they are happy with the status quo, I guess they are going to stick with it! They can keep bitching, the dem party can keep treating them as victims of "republican policy." The dumb are going to be dumb.
Says a ww who supports a white racist that cages babies, lies on dime and grabs white bitches by the pussy while cheating on his pregnant wife...carry on sucker!!
You ARE beyond help. Sad.
No, you and ppl like you are the one's who are beyond. stop selling your souls to an economy Trump has nothing to do with.
There are a lot of brain dead blacks out here, happy to have a 12 buck an hour jobssssss, but somebody got to support ww, eh?

The consequences of ACA were that companies got rid of their full time employees and hired on more part time employees to avoid paying the costs associated with ACA! :aug08_031:
Link or shut the fuck up.....girl, don't confuse me with a fox watching GOP sucker....brain not dead here!!

You would have to have a brain in order for it be dead. That rules YOU out. :eusa_hand:

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